How could all this be changed, Yang Xuan understood in his heart, this reincarnation, Yang Xuan did not expect that he would come to this dark world, is this a **** of hell?

In fact, Yang Xuan understands that the souls here all look so evil, but it's enough for them not to hurt each other. Although they absorb each other's abilities, it's still okay.

Yang Xuan didn't want to do it anymore, with so many Liu Xiaozhu's seemingly helpless and weak bodies, he didn't know what to do after entering this place.

Yang Xuan was also quite sad, but how to decide in this dark hell, and it is not clear that all of this can only develop naturally at 0.1, and what will be the fate of Liu Xiaozhu.

It depends on the situation here, because Yang Xuan feels that Liu Xiaozhu in front of him has no ability, and he can't do it if he wants to resist these dangers.

But there may not be any danger here, because Liu Xiaozhu doesn't have any ability, and the soul here can't possibly want to absorb his ability.

Chapter 1516 Unbelievable

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan felt more at ease in his heart, otherwise Liu Xiaozhu would not have survived to this day, and he might not feel the same way after he came to Jiuyou Hell after his death.

So Yang Xuan knew that this place was even scarier than the Nether world just now, because it was full of souls, not like there were some ghosts or elves there.

This place is full of lonely souls and wild ghosts. Yang Xuan thinks it is really a scary place, but Yang Xuan doesn't feel afraid.

I just feel that if Liu Xiaozhu is 22 like this, what should he do? Yang Xuan also didn't want him to stay here for too long, but after he died now, he had to come to the Jiuyou Hell. This fact cannot be changed.

Liu Xiaozhu looked at Yang Xuan, still a little bit at a loss, because he didn't know how to decide what to do in front of him, if it happened, how could he not know these situations.

But if these things really changed, he didn't want any other situation to happen, so Liu Xiaozhu didn't know who Yang Xuan was.

Why did he also come to this dark place? And it's not clear where this place is, he just cries and shouts every day.

But there was no response, and no one paid attention to him. Liu Xiaozhu didn't know what to do anymore, so he hid in a corner every day and didn't dare to come out.

The hole in front of him is relatively solid, no one has found him, Liu Xiaozhu, maybe he himself is safe.

But how would he leave here one day? He just felt extremely helpless and worried.

He looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"But I still miss home, I've been here for a week, but I don't know why this place looks different, why I came here, I don't know, I don't know I don’t even remember, and I can’t remember how I got here.”

"But I remember my family. Although I only live with my father, I also miss my father. I also feel helpless, but I don't know why these things happen. Why does this place look so good? What about evil, big brother, do you know where this is? But who are you?"

After Liu Xiaozhu said this, he didn't know what to do. After all, he didn't know the identity or character of Yang Xuan in front of him. He just felt very scared in his heart.

He always felt that what should he do one day, he didn't know where he was at the moment, he felt as if his whole body was cold.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't know why it was different from before. He used to have warmth on his body, but at this moment, since he woke up, he found that his body was cold, like ice.

Liu Xiaozhu also felt that he didn't have any blood, but what was the situation that he was still alive? Liu Xiaozhu didn't know who to ask, because no one had seen anyone here.

How could Liu Xiaozhu not be worried, but he didn't know how to explain it. After all, he was so young and he didn't know what was going on.

With the appearance of Yang Xuan, can he change everything? Liu Xiaozhu also asked himself in his heart, although he looked like a child.

But he is also sensible and knows what the situation is. Is it true that he is dead as people say? .

Chapter 1517 Vigorous

But Liu Xiaozhu didn't understand, what does a person look like after death? Why did such a horrible incident happen?

Is this place the underworld? So Liu Xiaozhu didn't know.

He just kept looking at Yang Xuan with helplessness in his eyes, and didn't know what to do, so did Yang Xuan's appearance bring him some vitality? Liu Xiaozhu thought so.

Because he is really helpless, he doesn't know what to do, every day he rolls out here and feels his body is stiff.

If his body was cold and inactive so often, he would have been squatting in this corner, afraid of being discovered by others, and found that he seemed unable to move. Now that he stood up slowly, he looked up at Yang Xuan and was a little scared .

But he felt that the other party would not hurt him, Liu Xiaozhu gradually became less worried, and he didn't have any precautions, because he knew in his heart that even if the other party wanted to hurt him.

How could Liu Xiaozhu avoid it, because he had no ability or ability, he knew in his heart that all this was just his own thinking, how could Liu Xiaozhu not know about these things.

What should I do with my cold body? Why did Liu Xiaozhu appear in this place? Where is this? Liu Xiaozhu didn't know anything at all.

He wanted to know where this place was, and he didn't know that the big brother in front of him really didn't know all of this. Anyway, Liu Xiaozhu didn't know what to do now, because he was so young.

He didn't know how to deal with these problems, he wanted to find his family, but he didn't dare to move at all, it was dark, he didn't know where to go.

Yang Xuan also squatted down at this moment, looking at Liu Xiaozhu's appearance, Yang Xuan was quite helpless in his heart, Liu Xiaozhu looked so helpless, and felt that Yang Xuan couldn't help him at all.

Because he knows in his heart that Liu Xiaozhu is no longer in this world, he has come to Jiuyou Difu, he is no longer breathing, he is already a soul.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't know all of this? He always felt a little unbelievable when these things happened, Yang Xuan said to Liu Xiaozhu.

"Little brother, don't be so scared, then you don't want to look for your family members. I see you are also very scared. It's not a problem to curl up here alone, but you should be sensible at your age. Yes, you should know something, I believe you already know it in your heart'."

"¨You have lived here for a while, so you should have heard of this place as Jiuyou Hell. This is a horrible hell. Then people will come here after they die, but I don't Knowing why you died, your family is no longer by your side."

"If they are still alive, they are in the world. If they are not alive, I'm afraid they can't be here (Zhao Qianzhao). Anyway, I just tell you clearly, because I don't want to make you confused, even though you don't look like you Big, but you are already sensible, understand everything, and understand this situation."

After Liu Xiaozhu heard what Yang Xuan said, he was a little scared at the moment, because he didn't know what Yang Xuan meant.

Then he was not sure in his heart, because this place was already the Jiuyou Hell, as Yang Xuan said just now.

Chapter 1518 Powerless

Then people will come here after they die. It seems that he is already dead. How come Liu Xiaozhu has no memory at all, he does have memories.

And he is very smart, how could he not know all this, that is, he left his home after opening his eyes, and came to this Jiuyou Difu.

Appearing in this dark hell, Liu Xiaozhu didn't know what to do, so at this moment he looked at Yang Xuan and thanked him especially, hoping that Yang Xuan could explain to him clearly.

I hope to get these answers, how to get out of here, is it true that I am not breathing, is I really dead at this moment.

Why doesn't Liu Xiaozhu know anything? He felt that he didn't know anything, so he was very confused. There was no answer, so 790 felt his mind went blank. What should he do?

Looking at the special worries in Yang Xuan's heart, he didn't know these things at all, so how could he possibly know where these problems lie? Liu Xiaozhu didn't know how to ask.

So he quietly looked at Yang Xuan's eyes full of fear, and really felt that it was too scary, so he was already dead.

Liu Xiaozhu was silently asking himself that he still didn't have an answer, after all Yang Xuan said so, it seems that this is already dead.

When Yang Xuan saw Liu Xiaozhu, he just felt that his eyes were full of fear at the moment, looking at him with complicated eyes, and Yang Xuan was helpless, because Yang Xuan couldn't bring the dead back to life.

Yang Xuan can't do this, even if he can do it, he won't do it, because he died in the last century, so after entering this Jiuyou Hell, he will be reincarnated again.

Once given a chance, their souls would all be reincarnated, so how could it be possible to go back to their previous life, and how could they be resurrected? This is simply impossible to do.

Yang Xuan also understood that Liu Xiaozhu didn't care, no matter how helpless or scared, Yang Xuan was helpless, and he knew in his heart that he had to explain it to him.

Let him know where he is at the moment, and where he is, don't worry so much, and adapt to his own environment, Yang Xuan said to (ccab) him again.

"Because you no longer exist, you are already a soul, you can just understand it in your heart, don't worry so much, don't worry, this place is not dangerous, you don't have that much ability, no one will hurt you, These souls, they can't do anything to you, so you don't have to worry so much."

"Stand up, there is no light in this place, you are just groping slowly, searching constantly, there are no rules in this place, you don't have to worry so much that there is no danger."

"But this place is a dark hell, you know in your heart, don't worry about all this, after all, if some things happen, it's not something you can handle at all, so I also understand in my heart, I just hope you can understand all this and stop being so scared."

Yang Xuan has already made it so clear that although Liu Xiaozhu is a child, he is already a teenager, growing up slowly.

He will always know all this, so Yang Xuan also understands in his heart to explain it clearly to him, so that he can understand the reason and the situation in his heart.

Chapter 1519 Accept the facts

He will be able to accept this fact, and stop thinking about going back to his family all of a sudden, and stop thinking about leaving Jiuyou Difu again.

Everything here has already existed, and it is impossible for Liu Xiaozhu to leave here, unless he leaves here after reincarnation, but it is impossible for him to return to his previous life.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that Liu Xiaozhu had to accept this fact, whether he was a child or not, he had to know where he was, so Yang Xuan said so directly, Liu Xiaozhu should understand.

Although his eyes looked trembling with fear in his eyes, the fact couldn't be changed - he was dead.

After becoming a soul at this moment, he has entered the Jiuyou Difu, and Yang Xuan also understands it, but Yang Xuan also feels strange that he has come to the Jiuyou Difu this time.

Yang Xuan also felt unable to explain why he was still in the nether world just now, and why he came here in such a short time.

Anyway, he felt that once the reincarnation was turned on, which world Yang Xuan might be brought to, but once it was turned off, Yang Xuan would return to his own world, the real world.

But when will all this end? Yang Xuan didn't know, and he didn't think about these problems, he just felt that he met Liu Xiaozhu, so this little guy looked so helpless.

Yang Xuan always wanted to explain these things to him, and let him know the environment he was in. It was just that the Jiuyou Hell, a hospital, was not in the human world at all. He had already left his family and died without breathing.

Liu Xiaozhu looked at Yang Xuan with a sigh in his eyes, and shuddered all over his body. He never thought that he was already dead.

Otherwise, why is this place so dark in front of me? Liu Xiaozhu finally understood that this was the situation, but why didn't he know how he died?

Why not? Don't you remember anything after drinking Mengpo soup? Does Liu Xiaozhu think this is a rumor? Are these real?

But he remembered his family, why didn't he remember how he left this world? Those who came to the Jiuyou Difu, Liu Xiaozhu said to Yang Xuan.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Brother, although I am very scared, I believe that what you said is true. I am really dead, otherwise I would not have appeared in this place. This dark place seems to have no light. It must be nine It’s from the Underworld, but I don’t remember anything.”

"And I don't know how I died. I just threw it here when I opened my eyes. Could it be that I really lost my memory after drinking Mengpo soup? But how can I remember my family? I feel so helpless." Help, this Jiuyou Difu is really such a place."


"It seems that people really have souls after death, and people who are alive don't know that they can only know all this after death. It seems that there is a karmic cycle in this world. No wonder people say that when you are alive, you must Do good things without leaving any regrets, and don't do evil things."

After Yang Xuan heard what Liu Xiaozhu said, he felt very sad, but Yang Xuan was really helpless in such a matter, it seemed that he couldn't change so much.

For such a situation, how could Yang Xuan not know in his heart? one.

Chapter 1520 Trembling

This Jiuyou Difu is such a place, so people will come here after they die.

Yang Xuan just felt that there was no need to worry so much, Liu Xiaozhu had already left the world, and he had already entered the Jiuyou Underworld, so Yang Xuan told him this in the hope that he would understand and stop thinking about the past.

Although he hasn't grown up yet, he also understands everything about "790". Yang Xuan also knows in his heart that Liu Xiaozhu is like this, so he is quite entangled in his heart.

Yang Xuan didn't want him to be so sad, besides, after going through such a situation in the Jiuyou Underworld, there will be a chance for everyone who will be reincarnated slowly in the future.

So Yang Xuan also understands that there is no need to worry so much, after all these things have already happened, Liu Xiaozhu is already dead, he will never see his family again, no matter how sad he is.

None of this can be changed, and it is impossible for him to actually happen, so how could Yang Xuan not be clear about these things?

Liu Xiaozhu looked at Yang Xuan's helplessness. After all, how could he know so much at such a young age, but he also knew it when he heard about Jiuyou Difu.

Since people would come here after death, Liu Xiaozhu also wondered in his heart whether he would be punished, because there were many punishments here, and he had heard adults talk about this before when he was alive.

But Liu Xiaozhu really didn't understand, and he also felt very scared. After all, facing such a situation, why might he not be worried?

He just felt that if the situation happened, Liu Xiaozhu felt a little unbelievable, how could he not understand? But if such a problem can really be reconsidered, Liu Xiaozhu has nothing to do with it.

Because he also hopes that he can grow up quickly, can he grow up in this Jiuyou underworld, how can he survive at such a young age?

Liu Xiaozhu was also really helpless. Although he didn't grow up, he knew a lot of things, and he also understood what Yang Xuan said, which proved that he was dead.

It is absolutely impossible to see his parents again, Liu Xiaozhu also understands that these things seem to be about to accept this fact, he said to Yang Xuan.

"If you do a lot of bad things while you're alive, you will be punished once you enter the Jiuyou Difu, but I'm so young, I didn't do any bad things when I was alive, so it's impossible for me to be punished, because people It's terrible to say that once you do something bad..."

"After entering here, you will suffer a lot of torture, and you will also be thrown into the oil pan and there will be a lot of torture, so it is very scary to think about it."

"But I'm so young, I shouldn't be punished like this, but I don't think so much, but I really miss my family, and I hope to be by their side."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, how could he not have any thoughts in his heart, Liu Xiaozhu is so young, so he misses his family, but 0.1 he has already passed away.

He has already entered the Jiuyou Difu, he is already dead, how can he see his family again? So Yang Xuan understood in his heart.

Even if Liu Xiaozhu is a child, there are still people younger than him, otherwise they would have died a long time ago, so Yang Xuan is sure in his heart that there is no need to think too much about all this.

Chapter 1521 Shivering

Now that they have already left this world, they should stop yearning for the life in the world, so Yang Xuan felt that Liu Xiaozhu didn't say anything.

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