"It's just that this teacher seems to have an unexpectedly simple heart. How come he has been reincarnated so many times and is still like a child."

"A true immortal would be happy to show off his identity, he has the heart of a child."

"It's probably because I haven't had close contact with people since I was a child."

"As a true immortal, even if you reincarnate dozens or hundreds of times, if you just practice and don't care about worldly affairs."

"Then Xinxing is not a child."

Yang Xuan was stunned.

A certain possibility came to mind.


Just when Yang Xuan was thinking about this.

Suddenly, he felt a softness hit his head.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes widened.


My own fairy teacher actually reached out and patted him on the head lightly.

On his face, Yang Xuan couldn't believe it, an innocent smile like a child.

"Yang Xuan, you are my first disciple, and I will teach you with all my heart."

"From now on, I will cover you."

this moment.

Fairy Fengyu actually acted like a big brother.

No, big sister.

She also showed a honeyed and confident smile.

It means honey juice.

So Yang Xuan couldn't help stretching out his hand and wiped it for her.


The real fairy's honey saliva, I don't know if it can be sold for money.

When Fairy Fengyu felt the warmth at the corner of her mouth.

Subconsciously stuck out his tongue.

This brought more honey to Yang Xuan.

Then, two people.

A quick retracted finger.

One shut up quickly.

After a while.

Yang Xuan saw that his teacher was silent.

This was the first to speak.

"Teacher, I want to perform a true soul reincarnation today."

He made a request.


That's right!

Although he had just come out of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

But now Yang Xuan is full of energy and doesn't need to rest at all.

He disagrees with others.

He didn't die.

It was sent out by the world.

"No! You just finished one reincarnation."

"So, at least 50% of the true spirit's toughness is consumed."

"So in order to prevent your true spirit from collapsing, I will not allow you to reincarnate today."

Fairy Fengyu said very seriously.

At least, she considers herself serious.

If it wasn't for the expression, it was also because of the smug smile that had just been revealed.

It really looks like a cold fairy and a harsh teacher.

"Teacher, I am different!"

"My first reincarnation in the world did not end with death!"

"It was to elevate the world and get the recognition of the world. It was the power of the world that finally sent me out."

"So, not only did I not consume my True Spirit, but the current True Spirit is also extremely sufficient!"

Yang Xuan finished speaking.

directly in front of their own teachers.

Instantly release the power of the mind.

Chapter 60 Application for Reincarnation

Yang Xuan's powerful spiritual power directly transformed into an invisible giant hand.

He hugged Fairy Fengyu and pulled her into Yang Xuan's arms.


Fairy Fengyu should be able to resist it.

No, it is absolutely resistable.

But the power of mind Yang Xuan showed was too amazing.

As a result, Fairy Fengyu didn't resist for a while.

He was directly pulled over by Yang Xuan.


at the same time.


The forbidden door was suddenly opened.

"Dean Feng, this is today's..."

"Ah this..."

What a coincidence.

At this moment.

A woman wearing the clothes of a true disciple of the Good Fortune Academy.

At this time, the restriction on Fairy Fengyu's mansion was opened.

She holds a very technological sense.

But there is also a trace of the law of immortality, and the tablet computer contained in it came in.

When she saw the situation of Yang Xuan and Fairy Feng Yu.

His face flushed red.

The whole person was stunned.


Fairy Fengyu called out the opponent's name.

Shen Xiyun, the No. 1 person in the true biography ranking of the Faculty of Good Fortune.

"Sorry to bother you!"

Shen Xiyun was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly turned and left.

Creation Academy.

Path between buildings.

Shen Xiyun's Dao heart was in a mess.

"Oh my god! Big news!"

"Breaking news!"

"But I can't say it! Absolutely not!"

"Once something is said, Dean Feng will definitely know, it's me who said it."

As Shen Xiyun walked, the images just now filled his mind.

She doesn't know Yang Xuan.

But Yang Xuan's outstanding appearance and temperament.

Still fascinated her.

Although, like Tianting Academy, Good Fortune Academy has no shortage of talents at all.

But there is a gap between geniuses.

Some people, if they stop there and do nothing, they are the protagonists!

"Xiyun, you walk in a panic and feel a little restless. Is something wrong?"

Just as Shen Xiyun was walking.

A face that is constant in the twenties, wearing professional attire.

Holding a slender ring ruler.

But the aura was that of a fairy-level female fairy, which made Shen Xiyun stop in a hurry.

"Teacher Liu!"

After seeing the person who stopped him.

Shen Xiyun hurriedly saluted.

"Xiyun, you are number one in the true biography."

"We should know how important our xinxing is to those of us reincarnated."

Mr. Liu spoke righteously.

The ruler in his hand also began to exude a powerful aura.

Once hit, the flesh will be bruised and purple.

The point is that the clothes have to burst.

So Shen Xiyun hurriedly stopped and said loudly: "Teacher, it's not my fault!"

"Who told Dean Feng not to change the restraint when he was dating someone else, and I went to hand in the things, where they are..."

Shen Xiyun talked, talked, and imitated.

At this moment.

There happened to be a group of five students passing by.

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