They all stopped and looked at Shen Xiyun.

Teacher Liu also grew his mouth.

Shen Xiyun quickly covered her mouth.


The tablet computer, which was full of sense of technology and blessed by the secret method of immortality, fell to the ground.

But Shen Xiyun didn't pick it up anymore.

There was a flash of light.

She slipped away!

"Ah this..."

Mr. Liu, who was dressed in business attire and had a cool aura, was also messed up at this time.

She glanced at the five passing classmates.

He said in a concentrated voice, "Hmph! I didn't hear anything!"

After speaking, there was a flash of light, and the person left.


But just ten minutes.

This matter has been spread throughout the Creation Academy.


Good Fortune Heavenly Palace.

The ancestor of the Feng family is practicing in closed doors.

But an urgent summons woke him up.

"Huh? Yu'er is looking for a Taoist companion?"

"Is a student, the original world has completed the SSS level assessment?"

"I also got the universal law of the myriad worlds, which gathers the power of the soul, so that those who have not achieved the primordial spirit can have part of the primordial power in advance."

"This is a good thing, no one is allowed to stop it!"

The ancestor of the Feng family passed on his decision directly.


This turmoil has calmed down on the upper level of the Good Fortune Heavenly Palace.

However, many male immortals.

In the past few days, the furniture and alchemy furnace in the cave have been replaced.

Some, also replaced the mount.

On the contrary, it has greatly promoted a wave of commercial development.


In another courtyard.

Fairy Fengyu was behind Shen Xiyun.

In an instant, the immortal power surged, and distanced himself from Yang Xuan.

Then, she coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Ahem! I was just being careless for a while, and you made another sneak attack. This time, you have won."

"If you want to reincarnate, just take my token and go to the Reincarnation Tower."

"By the way, the purity of the true spirit is very important."

"After many people reincarnate, they will mess around with each other. Maybe they will think that it doesn't matter if they are reincarnated anyway."

"However, Daomen's true biography is very taboo on this point. If you mess around once, the true spirit will be polluted once.".

Chapter 61 Rumors can be called

"So every time you come back in the future, I will check the toughness and purity of your true spirit."

"If you let me know you're messing around."

"I will erase your convenient instinct from the true spirit."

Fairy Fengyu was talking.

At the same time, he handed over his token to Yang Xuan.

"Ah this..."

Yang Xuan wanted to say something, but he didn't have time to say it.

Fairy Fengyu raised her jade hand and waved it lightly.


A fairy wind hits.

Instantly swept Yang Xuan's body, blowing him away.

Creation College, True Reincarnation Tower.


After a gust of wind hit.

Yang Xuan landed in front of the entrance gate of Reincarnation Tower in an instant.

Although he was swept over by the strong wind.

It can be landed very firmly.

"Have you heard that a big event happened in our college?"

"Didn't you read the latest college forum? It said that Dean Feng found a Taoist companion."

"I heard that that person is still from outside."

"I don't know who, so lucky."

"Hey! That's Dean Feng. Why wasn't I the one chosen? If it was me, I could let Dean Feng take maternity leave every year."

As soon as Yang Xuancai landed, he happened to hear a group of students passing by the Reincarnation Tower.

He was talking about something that seemed to be related to him.

But Yang Xuan is in a hurry to reincarnate now.

So I didn't listen carefully.

Directly chose to enter the Reincarnation Tower.

"Who is coming!"

Today, the one who is on duty at the Reincarnation Tower is one of the true disciples of the Good Fortune Academy.

The person in charge of the gate of the Reincarnation Tower is called Su Yun.

The existence of the 145th ranked disciple of the True Inheritance Academy.

Reincarnation career, the fourth rank.

He could tell at a glance that Yang Xuan's golden alchemy hadn't been completed yet.

So his face was extremely cold, as if he was owed a lot of money.

The Academy's Reincarnation Tower.

There must be a fourth-level or higher true disciple on duty every day.

Because Reincarnation Tower is very important to every place.

"I'm here to reincarnate, this is my certificate!"

Yang Xuan knew what the other party meant.

He directly took out Fairy Fengyu's token.

"Well, let me take a look, this is... hiss!"

After Su Yun saw Yang Xuan's token.

Almost fell to the ground with one buttocks.

"Dean Feng's token!"

"You are the soft meal brought back by Dean Feng!"

Su Yun took a deep breath, so that for a while, he didn't even close the door, and said such a sentence.


As soon as he finished.

Yang Xuan also gasped.

He knew instantly what had happened.

"How did you know!"

"Is it exposed so soon?"

"Damn it, it must be that girl!"

"You must tell Yu'er another day, let her be my furnace!"

"Yu'er likes me so much, she will definitely agree!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he didn't care about Su Yun's reaction.

He took back the token directly and walked towards the Reincarnation Tower.

As he walked, he felt depressed.

"That Shen Xiyun, is there a hole in his head?"

"I don't know how to keep any secrets."

"She doesn't know, if such rumors go out, will it affect the relationship between me and the teacher?"

"Even if I have unreasonable thoughts, so what, the moon is the first to be close to the water."

"I don't want to be a monk."

"However, if you disgust me, I will disgust you."

"As a teacher, Shen Xiyun must have had trouble sleeping and eating when my words reached Shen Xiyun's ears."

Yang Xuan never took revenge overnight.

Basically, revenge is reported immediately.

Don't think about it.

As long as Fairy Feng Yu doesn't come out to explain, Shen Xiyun will be in fear in the days to come.

But if Fairy Fengyu really explained to her alone.

It is estimated that Shen Xiyun had to run all night.


Inside the Reincarnation Tower.

After Yang Xuan entered the interior of the Reincarnation Tower.

As soon as he came in, another student smiled at him.

This is a work-study student.

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