Suddenly he wanted to tell Yang Xuan everything.

Because she thinks that this is her apprentice, there should be intimacy between master and apprentice, isn't it?

"Yang Xuan, as long as you know what I'm going to say next, don't tell anyone."

"We are about to start a new round of reincarnation invasion of the Great Creation World."

PS: I made a mistake before and missed a chapter, which has been changed.

Chapter 58

Fairy Feng Yu directly disclosed a huge secret.

It is about an invasion plan of a great world.

Tell Yang Xuan.

"This time, we are going to invade the Creation Great World. We have three places in the Creation Academy, and I have already been pre-determined to be reincarnated."

"The other one is Shen Xiyun, who ranks first in the Creation Academy."

"The last quota is the quota for the chief freshman."

"This is the quota that was set a year ago. If you joined me at that time, I would naturally be able to win the last quota for you directly, but I can't do it now."

"So this time you have to try your best to become the chief. Once you can become the new chief this time, you will be able to reincarnate with me into the Great Creation World."

"This opportunity to reincarnate into the Heavenly Sect is very rare."

Fairy Fengyu continued talking.

Regarding the situation in the Creation Great World, Yang Xuan was also willing to listen.

This is a super secret that no outsider can know if they want to know.

"Yang Xuan, if you want to reincarnate in the Heavenly Sect of Good Fortune, you need to rely on the Gate of Good Fortune to work with the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower."

"Otherwise, at the moment of reincarnation, the lord of creation will find out, and then directly obliterate our true spirit and let us die completely."

"After reincarnation, our true spirit will fall into a deep sleep."

"We will use the power of the gate of good fortune to condense a second true spirit."

"That is to say, after being reincarnated in Tianzong, we will not awaken the memory of the main world from birth to death."

"Only in this way can we survive in that world."

"This is a safe reincarnation method obtained by sacrificing countless predecessors in the Tiangong."

"Also, the flow of time will also be chaotic. It is no longer there for one life, but for one day of ours."

"We don't know how to calculate the specific time ratio, because the Great World of Creation is too strong, we can't calculate it."

Fairy Fengyu came slowly.

Her words let Yang Xuan know, facing the super world.

Sometimes Reincarnation Tower is not omnipotent.

Even if it is the reincarnation of the true spirit, it may be found out by others.

The Lord of Creation is such a great existence.

He could even, in the end, counterattack the world of the reincarnated.

Such mighty power made Yang Xuan yearn for it very much.

"Thank you teacher for telling me, the students will definitely strive for it."

The opportunity is there, Yang Xuan naturally will not let it go.

He secretly thought: "Is there only one quota among the students? I will reserve this quota!"

"Well, let's go!"

"The freshman assessment will start in three days."

"This time, in our Dao Palace alone, at least a thousand people will be reincarnated into a world at the same time."

"I am afraid that Tianting and Lingshan will also choose to enter together. After all, this is a new world we discovered together."

After Fairy Fengyu said this, she ended the topic of freshman assessment.

"Yang Xuan, you have a great advantage."

"It is very important that you have obtained the universal cultivation method of all worlds from the original world."

The words of Fairy Fengyu.

A message was revealed again.

Universal cultivation method in all worlds.

As the name suggests, it is a method that can be practiced no matter which world you are reincarnated in.

"Teacher, is this also the reason why many colleges are vying for me?"

Yang Xuan understood.

And, he knows.

This common practice of all worlds does not refer to the moves in the national art.

It is the realm of spiritual manifestation that he created.

Those who can enter the Reincarnation Tower must have a true spirit.

Therefore, no matter which world you reincarnate into, you will always have a soul.

Once the mind reaches the state of manifestation.

It is equivalent to possessing a part of the supernatural powers of the primordial spirit in advance.

After you can reincarnate, you will be superior to others when you come up.

This is a rare, common method in all worlds.

Moreover, it is still possible to reincarnate in the new world after achieving the spiritual manifestation in the main world, and the power that can be possessed as soon as the true spirit is awakened.

This method!


That is.

For those under the primordial spirit, Yang Xuan's spiritual manifesting method is a god-level exercise.

This or the presence of many high-order bits is of little use.

But under the primordial spirit, it is of great help.

A force, if it gets such a skill.

There will be more talents, which is the improvement of basic education.

The value is immeasurable.

"That's right! The cultivation technique common to all worlds is extremely precious no matter where it is!"

"The Taoist Palace has given you such great convenience, and it is because of this exercise."

"You should know what to do."

Fairy Fengyu said this directly.

"I will naturally contribute this method to the sect."

Yang Xuan didn't take it seriously, the state of manifesting the sage of the mind is not only relying on boxing techniques, it can definitely be achieved through cultivation.

This requires great patience.

But these he does not consider.

He just needs to get enough benefits.

Anyway, spiritual manifestation is only a high level in the low level world.

By condensing the mind and manifesting the primordial spirit, even if the body decays, one can live at ease in the world.

You can even reincarnate and get a better physical body.

Isn't he fragrant?

Chapter 59 School of Good Fortune, I have the final say!

Fairy Feng Yu saw Yang Xuan's cooperation.

A smile appeared on his face again.

At the same time, I secretly thought about it.

After handing over the exercises that Yang Xuan sorted out later.

It must be done to help Yang Xuan get enough benefits as much as possible.

After the two of them completely arrived at the Good Fortune Academy.

Fairy Feng Yu took Yang Xuan into his mansion.

"Teacher, what is your position in the academy?"

"I didn't tell me before, now that it's all here, don't keep it a secret."

along the way.

Yang Xuan saw many people, all of them respected Fairy Fengyu.


Just a little bit of curiosity about her identity.

"I am the deputy dean of the Creation College, and the dean is one of my elders."

"He's not usually at the academy."

"So, Good Fortune Academy, I have the final say!"

Fairy Fengyu said very flatly.

But this time.

Yang Xuan could tell that her tone was not very calm.

In the plain, mixed with a little bit of joy and pride.


Fairy Feng Yu was waiting for Yang Xuan to ask on purpose.

Then, he told Yang Xuan his identity.

But what she doesn't know is.

Yang Xuan had already vaguely guessed.

But Yang Xuan guessed in his heart that his own fairy teacher.

It should be a high-level existence similar to that of a college professor.

I thought that this was guessing as high as possible.

The result was unexpected.

My own teacher turned out to be the vice president.

That's all for the vice president, the key is someone with real power.

When the dean is away, she has the final say alone.

No wonder, just to be honest.

It's okay if he doesn't take the exam.

"This teacher, you are right!"

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