So there is no need to worry so much at all, and there is no need to worry so much. He just thinks that if such a situation occurs, he knows it in his heart, so how could he not know such a situation.

I also feel that if some problems really arise, it depends on how he decides, so there is no need to worry so much at all, so the Nether King also understands in his heart that he will not have too many worries at all.

I just feel that if the situation really happened, it would make me feel a little unbelievable. He also knows me in his heart, so how could he not know about these situations?

The Nether King looked at Yang Xuan and just felt a little strange. These young people were really different. He seemed to have no fear in his eyes, and he was not afraid of anything.

Now that he has come to the Earth Sha Palace, he is really not afraid of anything. The Nether King already knows in his heart that this young man has extraordinary courage and is a strong man at all.

Yang Xuan didn't know why the Nether King didn't speak. Maybe he was thinking about something after hearing what he said. Anyway, he didn't care after writing. Since the other party didn't speak, then he said it here.

What he feels is indifferent is just a feeling that if such a problem really happened, how could he not understand it in his heart? He felt that if this matter could really be reconsidered, he didn't want too many problems to arise from it.

I hope that all of this can be resolved smoothly. If it is really impossible to change so much, then these things can also be handled properly.

Then you can think about other issues (ccab), so no matter what happens to the Nether King, Yang Xuan thinks that he is the master here and the king here, so Yang Xuan always has to take care of it, he said to the Nether King .

"As for my purpose, I don't even know it myself, but if there are any rare treasures in this nether world, then I think it's okay for me to leave here, and you can't either Be so stingy, anyway, you don’t need these things because of your powerful spells, so I’ll take a few of them.”

"I don't think there is any loss for you. Anyway, it depends on what you think. After all, I didn't expect to meet you here. I thought these were all rumors and legends. How could there be a Nether King in this world? It turned out to be like this."

"However, your state at the moment surprised me. What do you look like? Why are you wearing this mask? Could it be that you really can't always face others? Or do you look ugly and don't want to let others Others see your ugly appearance, anyway, you look awkward wearing this mask."

The king of the nether world looks rather weird like this.

Chapter 1499 Endless

He has already appeared, why should he wear this mask? Is he really afraid to face others? Does he really look so evil? So Yang Xuan had no idea what the Nether King was thinking.

So he kept looking at the Nether King and thought what kind of face was under the mask. The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more mysterious he felt, so at the same time he felt more and more mysterious.

The more I want to know the situation behind it, so he has already told the matter straight to the point at this moment, and I can see how he did it. If he really took off the mask, Yang Xuan can be regarded as a wish. .

Because he feels that coming here is different, every life has its own ideas, the Nether King has the right to refuse, after all he manages his ID card - the whole Nether world.

If he didn't want to live there, there was nothing Yang Xuan could do, and how could Yang Xuan let himself be so rude? He was just making a request.

Let's see what the Nether King thinks. After all, Yang Xuan thinks that he is wearing this mask like this. Can he take it off? Yang Xuan didn't know in his heart, anyway, it depends on what the other party does in such a situation.

Yang Xuan was sure in his heart that it was just a proposal, after all, he also felt that it was his right to wear a mask. Yang Xuan felt that he was taking too much control, so he also felt that it was really weird.

Maybe it's because he has more things on his mind, Yang Xuan just feels that he wants to see the true face of the Nether King, so it's not a waste of time for him to come here.

After coming to this nether world, every creature is relatively mediocre. Only the nether king has endless power, and this power makes him feel shuddering, so he knows that he is a master.

But the more the situation is like this, the more expert he is, the more Yang Xuan wants to know the other party's identity and see the other party's appearance, so Yang Xuan feels particularly anxious.

So he looked at the Nether King wearing this mask, how can he communicate like this, does he really want to wear a mask in this Nether World for the rest of his life?

Hiding in this Disha palace seems like a shrinking tortoise, so Yang Xuan suddenly felt this kind of feeling, which is also a bit unbelievable, but if the situation happened today, he knew and understood these situations in his heart.

····Ask for flowers 0·

It's not as imagined at all, everything is relatively mediocre, anyway, Yang Xuan doesn't think so much, how could he let himself be so troubled? It really doesn't make sense.


After the King of Netherworld heard what Yang Xuan said, he laughed. He felt that the young man in front of him was really interesting, and his name was Yang Xuan. He looked ordinary, but this person was not ordinary at all. clear.

He actually wanted to take off his mask. The Nether King has been wearing this mask since he came to this Nether World. He is not that ugly. He is a normal human being. After practicing, he became the Nether King.

So his previous name has been forgotten, he just remembers his current identity, he is the king of the nether world, he is the king here, he knows it in his heart, he said to Yang Xuan.

"Little brother, I still think you are really interesting. I shouldn't break any rules by wearing this mask." One.

Chapter 1500 Not to be underestimated

The Nether King looked at Yang Xuan, but felt that if the young man in front of him was able to break into this Nether World alone, it would prove that he was powerful.

Otherwise, how could he find the passage to the Nether World, but the King of the Nether thought it was strange, there was no living person in the Nether World who entered here.

The "Seven Seven Zero" creatures who come here can only enter the nether world after they die. Since Yang Xuan appeared, the nether king always felt a little baffled.

But the Nether King will not have so many, she just thinks that Yang Xuan's request seems quite interesting, since he wants to remove the mask by himself, the Nether King thinks this request is too much, and he can't possibly agree .

Because the Nether King has been wearing this mask since he came to this Nether World, he is still relatively comfortable living in this Earth Sha palace.

But I didn't expect this human being in front of me to appear, which made everyone feel a little surprised. Since a human being has such abilities, it is to impress himself. The King of Nether knows this situation in his heart, and it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

After all, he understands such a problem in his heart, but he just thinks that the Nether King is powerful, so how could he care so much? But what is Yang Xuan's identity, the Nether King wants to know.

The more the King of Nether thought about it, the more interesting it became. The Yang Xuan in front of him actually let him hold the mask, so the mask of the King of Nether had brought him a habit.

He didn't think it was necessary to take it down, why did he show him his own face? So he felt that Yang Xuan really had some overestimates, but it wasn't that the Nether King didn't look down on him, the young man in front of him.

His ability is indeed quite strong, and the Nether King may not be aware of this, but this mask, the Nether King is impossible to take off, he has been there for so long.

How could he take off the mask? He felt that his appearance was not important, what was important was that he could live here and command everything here, the Nether King said to Yang Xuan.

"It's normal for me to wear this mask, don't say that I'm the king of the nether world, even if ordinary holy spirits like to wear this mask so much, and don't want others to look at their appearance, that's normal, why do you care so much?" How many?"

"So I'm not only not angry, but I feel that you are very natural and innocent, and being able to break into this nether world alone proves that your ability is very powerful and cannot be underestimated..."

"Let's just be friends. Now that you know who I am, and I know your name, then you also know this Nether World. No one alive has ever come here."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he suddenly seemed to understand some truths. It turned out to be this truth. The King of Nether seemed impossible to take off this mask by 0.1. Yang Xuan felt that he was in charge of a lot.

The king of the netherworld is the king here, he can lead the creatures here, he can lead the creatures here, he can do many things, but they are relatively quiet hiding in this nether world.

Yang Xuan was also surprised. It seems that the Nether King wants to be friends with him? Yang Xuan felt a little unbelievable.

Chapter 1501 Inexplicable

Yang Xuan is just a human being, and the Nether King is a king. He has come to this Nether World, and he really did not expect to encounter such a situation, but the Nether King said so, it seems that he still takes himself seriously. It can also be considered to look down on myself.

So Yang Xuan was quite happy in his heart, but he just felt that the Nether King didn't want to do this in such a situation, and Yang Xuan didn't think about it, did he never think about having a friend with such an identity?

Anyway, Yang Xuan didn't think it mattered, if they were friends, then Yang Xuan wouldn't have so many of them, and when he left this nether world one day, then everything here would naturally disappear, and Yang Xuan was 22, right? do not understand.

I just feel that after coming to this Disha Palace, the Nether King has lived here for so long, and he doesn't want to take off his mask. Not picked.

He has this ability and this right, Yang Xuan felt that he was really going too far, besides, Yang Xuan just wanted to see the appearance of the Nether King.

The Nether King looked at Yang Xuan's hesitant look, but he didn't answer him. The Nether King felt that it didn't matter. If he didn't answer, then they had become friends now.

Not many people like the King of Netherworld. He is also a human being. After he died, he came to this Netherworld. He has already become the king here.

He can manage everything on his own, so the Nether King never worries about other issues, all victories are subject to his arrangements, and the Nether King will not give everyone too many constraints.

As long as they don't violate the rules that are not bad, they can live here. The Earth Demon Palace is so big, they can freely choose their days, but the creatures here have such an ability, the ability to absorb each other.

However, the King of Nether would not allow the opponent to be eliminated, so at this moment he knew the rules here. Although he made it easier, the King of Nether would never tolerate the rules in exchange for them.

He just thought that Yang Xuan looked really weird, how did he come here? The Nether King will find out who the other party is after a while, the Nether King said to Yang Xuan again.

"You are a special human being, so I look at you with admiration, otherwise I don't want to be friends with you, because I have no friends in this nether world, they are all my people, don't look at them as creatures, yes Souls are all my people, I hope they can live a good life."

"However, it's normal for them to absorb some spiritual power from each other. Otherwise, every creature doesn't want to become stronger, so I'm afraid that the creatures in this nether world will all be defeated."

"I hope they can become stronger, so that they can absorb each other's spiritual power, and then they can make the one here stronger, protect themselves, and not be sucked away by the other party's spiritual power."

The Nether King said this just in the hope that Yang Xuan could understand the situation here, that's all.

He just hoped that everything here can live in peace. These forests will not cause any fluctuations, and they can absorb each other's abilities.

Chapter 1502 Absorbing Spirit Power

They will be able to make themselves stronger. In order to protect their abilities, they must practice hard to live freely in this nether world.

So the Nether King knew it in his heart, so he chose this place in the Disha Palace. This place is relatively remote. The Nether King also wanted to practice well and didn't want to be disturbed by others.

But the victory here will not come close, only Yang Xuan, who is a stranger, will come close here, otherwise, how could someone appear in this Disha palace?

The King of Nether said this only in the hope that Yang Xuan could understand these principles. It is really strange that he suddenly came to this Nether world like this.

How could this nether world be a place where he, a human being, could come? If he is alive and not dead now, it is impossible for him to appear at all.

The Nether King felt that it was really weird, how should these things be explained? The Nether King didn't know what to do, he just felt helpless if these situations happened.

But he also understands these things. If it really happened, he doesn't want too many problems to appear in a hurry, and hopes that everything can be resolved smoothly.

The Nether King has been thinking about the identity of Yang Xuan in front of him, and the other party is a human being, but his ability has already reached a very high limit, and he can even become a god.

How could the King of the Nether not know these truths? The situation in front of him really made me feel a little ghostly.

Yang Xuan is indeed not a villain, and he is not a monster. His identity always makes him feel a little mysterious. The king of the nether world is thinking about it in his heart. If this is the case, it seems that all of this is quite special.

After Yang Xuan heard what the Nether King said, he just felt that the Nether King seemed to be flattering him. At this moment, Yang Xuan felt that he had become friends, which was also a good thing.

After all, Yang Xuan can have these friends in any world he enters, but he also knows in his heart that although he has good friends, once he leaves this kind of thing.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to come back again, and he will be separated from them forever. Yang Xuan just doesn't want to leave too many regrets, and doesn't want to leave himself too much bondage.

Because he felt that since they were friends, if they really broke up and Yang Xuan returned to his own world, he might never meet again. Of course he knew his identity and would leave sooner or later.

Yang Xuan said to the Nether King.

"¨I am very happy when you say that, and I am also very happy that you can regard me as a friend or that we have become friends. After all, since this nether world belongs to you, I also feel very happy (Zhao Zhao) OK) Surprised, but since you don't want to take off your mask, isn't it too early for us to be friends now?".

"If a friend doesn't even know the face of the other party, and the appearance of the other party, then what kind of friend is this? I don't think there is any need to do this. Anyway, you can figure it out this time. I just think the situation If it's really stable, I don't want too many changes in the middle.".

Chapter 1503 Unpredictable

"I just think that if these things can be resolved satisfactorily, I don't want to disturb your life. After all, I came to this nether world. If you ask me why I came to this nether world, I have already said it, and I even explain it to myself. I don't know, and I don't know why."

After the Nether King heard what Yang Xuan said, he just felt that what Yang Xuan said was reasonable, but how could the Nether King not understand in this situation?

If you want to solve the matter in front of you more slowly, how can you do it? After all, the holy spirits in the nether world are relatively evil, but they didn't destroy each other, they just absorb the ability, which is stipulated by the nether king.

Otherwise, maybe what kind of ending this place 777 will turn into. There may be dangers appearing in this place every day, and the Nether King doesn't want to watch such a scene.

He has actually become the king here, so he will manage everything of his own and make some rules, so that these creatures will not hurt both sides. The King of Nether doesn't want to see such a scene happen.

How could the Nether King not know about such a thing? After all, he had already made such a decision, so the rules of the Nether World were made by him, and no creature dared to destroy them, otherwise they would (ccab) be killed by the Nether King. The king is gone.

The Nether King felt that he would not condone it, as long as there was a creature so evil that he wanted to devour him, the Nether King would never allow it.

Yang Xuan just felt that such a situation was really special, how could they not have any concerns? After all, after entering this netherworld.

Yang Xuan felt that all these things were different, thinking about these things in his heart always made him feel weird, so how could he not understand.

He just felt that if such a situation really happened, he still hoped that everything would go smoothly, and he really didn't want too many problems to arise.

So Yang Xuan also understood, but felt that if the problems really happened, he still hoped that they could be resolved satisfactorily. He really didn't want to see these problems arise again, so Yang Xuan was relatively calm in his heart.

But since some things have already happened, how could he not know the danger behind it? Yang Xuan was also pondering in his heart, whether there was any danger or not, there was no harm to him.

Yang Xuan felt that the Nether King looked good, and even though he was wearing a mask mysteriously, Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter, it was his right, and Yang Xuan didn't want to interfere so much, so Yang Xuan figured it out and thought Nothing to worry about, he said to the Nether King.

"Anyway, when I opened my eyes, I had already appeared in this nether world, so I wandered around to observe the situation here. It is really dark here, only your palace is shining golden, but After entering this nether world, it is still pitch black in the yard."

"It really made me feel a little surprised. I really don't understand why these things happened, and I can't be sure. I just thought about it in my heart. If something really happened, I wouldn't know why. Hopefully too much has changed from that."

Chapter 1504

"I hope all of this can be resolved smoothly. After all, since some things are already in front of us, how can we not understand them? Such problems always make me feel a little unimaginable, and this netherworld is an evil place. It's not that I don't understand the place."

The Nether King was a little surprised when he heard Yang Xuan's words. He didn't know how he came to this Nether World, which made him feel really unbelievable. Is it really like this?

He looked into Yang Xuan's eyes, but felt that the eyes of the other party were relatively flat, and they didn't seem to be lying. If what he said was true, then who sent him into this nether world.

The more the King of the Nether thought about it, the more mysterious he became. If such a thing really happened, how could the King of the Nether have no idea? I just feel that this situation looks really special.

If such a situation really happened, how could the Nether King not understand? He just felt that if the situation really changed like this.

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