But the inside looks so monotonous, and it looks like a ruin. Yang Xuan doesn't know why there is such a feeling, so he feels amazed.

He really didn't expect that there would be such a different scene in the Disha palace, how could Yang Xuan not be surprised, he just felt that this situation happened.

He also knew in his heart that he understood, and it was up to him to think about such a problem, and Yang Xuan knew that he would not worry too much at all.

But he mainly handles things well. If it is really impossible to change, then he will think of other ways, so I also understand in my heart.

Yang Xuan was checking the situation while walking, even though the Wuji Dharma Eye was opened, he didn't feel how bright the Disha Palace was, it still looked dark.

Because Yang Xuan is made of black here, I feel that I have never seen such a weird place, but now that I have come here.

Then he didn't want to change all of this easily, but he just felt that if the situation appeared, he would naturally understand it in his heart. But if such a problem really occurs, then think about other problems.

Anyway, Yang Xuan knew it in his heart, he just felt that if these issues could really be reconsidered, he would naturally feel very happy in his heart.

But I think there are some problems, if it is really re-handled, there may be other breakthroughs at that time, but if this matter is really re-planned.

He will also figure out all the problems, Yang Xuan just feels so weird all the time, he muttered in his heart as he walked.

"Since I have come here, let's go according to the habits here, but I have to find out about this Disha Palace, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time? This Disha Palace itself seems to be relatively It's special and weird, if you really can't handle it, then think about other problems'. "

"¨Anyway, if there is anything I want in this Disha Palace, let's see. As for what I want, even I don't know, so I can only take one step at a time. If you think too much, there is really nothing. It doesn't make any sense, so I think I have to think about it in the long run, but now they are all in the Disha Palace, so let's take a good look."

Yang Xuan just felt that these things always looked (Zhao Wanghao) special, which made him feel a little unbelievable, so Yang Xuan continued to move forward.

He saw a room not far ahead, and the door was closed far away, because there was only such a room in the entire Disha Palace.

Yang Xuan originally thought that the Disha palace looked huge and resplendent, so it must be very beautiful inside. After all, the outside looks so beautiful, how could it be inferior inside? .

Chapter 1493 A Strong Light

But he didn't expect such a state here, and Yang Xuan also felt that it was really too strange, which made him feel a little surprised, and made him feel a little unimaginable.

It turns out that there are really two worlds between here and the outside. Yang Xuan looked at this room, so he thought he had to go in and have a look, so when Yang Xuan pushed the room away, he felt a strong light shining out.

It made Yang Xuan feel a little unimaginable, where did this strong light come from? And every part of this Disha palace is quite special.

How could a 763 strong light suddenly appear, Yang Xuan felt a little surprised, but to him, everything was so inconceivable.

Yang Xuan slowly entered the room, he carefully looked at the situation here, he saw a black shadow through Wuji Dharma Eye, sitting there motionless.

Could it be that this is the master of this Disha palace? Yang Xuan felt that it was really weird, so he kept walking forward at the moment, so Yang Xuan would not be afraid.

How could something happen to him, after being reincarnated with his ability and entering this netherworld, he is not afraid of anything at all (ccab).

So Yang Xuan won't have so many more, since he has already entered the Earth Sha Palace, he always needs to know something, so he is also carefully watching the other party's appearance at this moment, and he can't see a back.

Even though Yang Xuan turned on the Promise Eye, he couldn't see clearly, because it was too dark here, and when the strong light came out from this person's body.

The more Yang Xuan looked at it, he felt a little terrified. If it wasn't for his ability, he would really feel scared.

When Yang Xuan was about to approach, this person slowly turned around. Yang Xuan saw that the other person was wearing a mask, and he was really the master of this earth evil palace.

Yang Xuan was not afraid either, because he looked at the mask carefully, and it was really strange. What was painted on the mask, and the pattern was quite special.

Yang Xuan couldn't tell where the pattern was, but in this Disha palace, in this terrifying world, then this person appeared, it seems that what the people at the door said was right, the owner here is really Dai this mask.

So now he was sure that the other party was this person. Yang Xuan stood where he was and didn't get any closer, but he didn't feel scared either.

He came to this kind of world so powerful, how could he be worried, it didn't matter at all.

The person who turned around was called the Nether King, and he was the owner of the Earth Sha Palace. He didn't expect that there was really a stubborn human who insisted on breaking into the Earth Sha Palace.

After all, when Yang Xuan was outside, the Nether King had already heard it, but he didn't pay attention to it, because Yang Xuan would retreat and leave here.

But I didn't expect that he would actually have the guts to enter the Disha Palace. The Nether King lowered his voice, and said to Yang Xuan using spells to control his voice.

"Since you have the guts to enter that kind of Earth Sha Palace, why is your expression at this moment? Do you feel scared when you see me turn right? But you are quite courageous. You have always wanted to break into this Earth Sha Palace outside, but now you come from Come in from behind, since you are here, sit down."

"I also admire your courage. You are really bold, but you don't have to be frightened."

Chapter 1494

"I'm the person you want to see. I'm the master of this Disha Palace. It seems that you won't give up until you achieve your goal. I also find it a little strange to see this, but it's up to you if the situation in front of you arises." What do you think?"

"After all, if such a problem can really be solved, then how could you come here? Not everyone can come to this nether world, but you came here suddenly, what exactly do you want to do?"

After Yang Xuan heard what the other party said, he felt that the voice was magnetic at the moment, but it was not the real voice of the other party, but the voice controlled by the other party with magic.

That's why such a voice appeared. Yang Xuan also understood that this voice made people shudder, but felt that it was very empty and heroic.

But Yang Xuan understood what the other party said in his heart, he just didn't want to listen to his voice while wearing a mask, but Yang Xuan was not polite either.

He found a chair and sat down, and the other party just turned around while sitting there, without any action, Yang Xuan looked at the other party carefully.

Yang Xuan's Wuji Dharma Eye has activated its ability, but he can only see the opponent's figure clearly, but not the opponent's appearance. Yang Xuan cannot see the opponent's appearance through this mask.

After all, Yang Xuan has not reached such a level, and he can't do it, after all, he also knows the other party's true face, and if he wants to see the other party's appearance through the Promise Dharma Eye~ he can't do it at all.

So Yang Xuan is relatively quiet at the moment, he wants to see who the other party is and why he looks so powerful.

After all, Yang Xuan has already learned that there is a kind of aura, and the special horror is the aura on the opponent's body. It seems that he can even live in this earth evil palace, which cannot be underestimated.

The Nether King has been watching Yang Xuan carefully, but he feels that this young man has extraordinary courage and courage. It seems that his ability is not small.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to enter this Disha Palace. The Nether King had already heard those words outside, but he just ignored it. He wanted to see who it was who was so brave and insisted on entering this Disha Palace. palace.

He didn't listen to advice, and he was so strong and stubborn. It seemed that he was the young man in front of him. The Nether King felt that Yang Xuan was different and extraordinary.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Otherwise, he would not have the guts to come to this nether world. Now that he has come here, it proves that he is not afraid of anything at all, and he is not afraid of anything, so he can be as calm as he is at this moment.


The Nether King also understood now. Looking at Yang Xuan in front of him, he also felt that it was really unbelievable. After so many years, this Nether World had never seen such a strong person, he said to Yang Xuan again.

"So I am the master of this Earth Sha Palace, and I am also the master of this Nether World. This is also my world. I just don't want to show off my territory, so I hide in this Earth Sha Palace. Usually, after these creatures enter this Earth Sha Palace, That would be death without a doubt, but you are special."

"You are a human being who came here alive. It seems that you have a purpose or a mission, but judging by your leisurely appearance, it seems that there is nothing wrong." 1.

Chapter 1495 Arrogance

"If there is really anything that needs help, I will help you too. I just think that you are not an evil monster. If you come to me, it can't be so simple. Are you really a monster? People break into this Disha palace, is there nothing to do?"

After Yang Xuan heard what the Nether King said, he didn't know the name of the other party, but "Qi Liu San" was clear. It turned out that he was the master of this place, and he controlled the world, and he lived in the Disha Palace. inside.

No wonder he looks so powerful, and he looks defiant, but Yang Xuan doesn't know why he feels quite comfortable hearing him speak, after all, the other party is still polite and polite to him.

Does he also know the purpose of coming here? Yang Xuan actually doesn't know the purpose of coming here, but he has already entered this netherworld through reincarnation, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to change easily.

The Nether King just found it strange that Yang Xuan in front of him had been outside letting Zhexiang enter this Earth Sha Palace. Now that he has come to this Earth Sha Palace, is he looking for something? The Nether King felt a little unimaginable.

But the ability of the Nether King is still very powerful, no matter how much ability the person in front of him has, the Nether King will resist, but he feels that this Yang Xuan in front of him is not a villain, and the Nether King knows it in his heart.

Besides, he had already heard the name of the Nether King who was talking outside just now, and he just felt a little strange about what this human being was doing here.

So the Nether King also knew in his heart that he had to ask clearly before making a decision. He didn't know what Tu Yangxuan wanted to do, and the old Taoist side was also surprised. He really didn't expect that there would be people in this Disha Palace who would be curious.

Because the king of the nether world feels that every place is the same, after all, every place in this nether world belongs to this nether world, which is such a pity.

It's just that there is nothing strange inside that looks golden on the outside. The Nether King also thinks that Yang Xuan is more curious, so he probably did this.

The Nether King doesn't care so much at all, he just thinks that if such a situation arises, he understands in his heart, how can he worry about other things...

He didn't care so much at all, no matter what his status was, Yang Xuan felt fearless in the end, but since the other party was kind, the Nether King didn't have to worry, he said to Yang Xuan.

"But you clearly know that this Disha palace is a forbidden place, and you still want to break in. I also think you are really stubborn, but in this netherworld, not every place is like what you think, so you still have to be cautious." It's better, after all, things that seem simple are more complicated to do."

"Why don't you seem to be afraid of anything? Young people have 0.1 points of courage, but you can't just rely on your own ability and ignore everything. You have to consider some consequences. If there are really masters here, you can't resist."

"Didn't you die? You have never thought about it before, which means that your ability should not be underestimated. You don't even know how to write about fear."

The Nether King could see in his heart that Yang Xuan was really fearless.

Chapter 1496

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to break into this Earth Sha Palace and look so comfortable, and as long as he can come to this nether world, it shows that he is different.

His ability has reached a very high limit, and the Nether King knew it in his heart, but he felt that the Yang Xuan in front of him looked a little weird, but he seemed kind.

The King of Nether has already felt that the aura on his body has always been relatively smooth, and there is not much evil breath at all, or the King of Nether has no conclusion in his heart at all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to stay with Yang Xuan in this Earth Sha Palace, because the Nether King knew in his heart that if this was the case, it would be impossible for Yang Xuan to enter this Earth Sha Palace, and it doesn't matter if he came to this Nether World.

The Nether King won't care about so much, but he is absolutely not allowed to break into his own territory. The Nether King told him so, hoping that he can understand that this Disha Palace is a forbidden place, and Yang Xuan broke in suddenly up.

What on earth is he trying to do? The King of the Nether must understand, so the King of the Nether looked at him carefully, and felt that his appearance at the moment was rather weird, but did he really have nothing to say? Did Yang Xuan really come here for fun?

But if you don't have the ability, how can you enter this nether world?

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he didn't care at all, and he wouldn't say so much, he just felt that if he didn't have the guts, how could he enter this nether world alone.

But Yang Xuan felt that how could the Nether King and the others understand this matter? Was Yang Xuan forced to do nothing? If he had a choice, it would be impossible for him to come to the Nether World.

After all, reincarnation has already started, and Yang Xuan has to develop according to these things, because Yang Xuan has no chance to choose, he can only enter this nether world, so Yang Xuan feels really sad.

But to the Nether King and the others, Yang Xuan, who seemed to be quite capable, was indeed like this. Even he himself didn't know how much his ability was, so he knew it clearly in his heart.

I just feel that if these situations really happen, then it depends on how I think about it. He doesn't care so much at all, and he doesn't think too much, he said to the Nether King.

"It turns out that you are the King of the Nether. You are really disrespectful. I never thought that one day I would be able to see the King of the Nether when I came to this Nether world. I have heard of this character before, and that is very special." Powerful, and no matter in this nether world or outside, he is a figure who calls the wind and rain."

"I didn't expect it to be you. It seems that 767 has offended me, but you asked me so many things just now. In fact, I don't know who I am. Anyway, I came to this nether world. I think it's strange. This Why the place suddenly appeared, and why I was taken to the Disha Palace, I can’t even explain it myself.”

"So this Disha Palace has appeared in front of me. I just want to take a look, because there are many places in this nether world. I have already walked through the Promise Rainbow Bridge and any dark corner. I have seen them all, and I have also met Some creatures, but these creatures want to attack me.".

Chapter 1497 Powerless

After hearing Yang Xuan's words, the Nether King pondered in his heart. It seems that this young man knows quite a lot. He has already heard the name outside.

Then he felt that he was not an ordinary person, otherwise how could he know his name? And how could it be possible to come to the nether world? Although he can't explain it at the moment.

But the Nether King also felt that if the other party didn't want to say it, the Nether King didn't want to force it, because he didn't think it mattered. His Nether World was so big, it didn't matter if there was one more person.

Moreover, the Nether King also understands that Yang Xuan is a human being, and he is not that evil. If he wants to come to this Nether World, he can do whatever he wants, but this situation makes him understand that he is still relatively kind. Break the rules here.

Now that he has come to the Disha Palace, he also finds it curious because in the entire nether world, only this Disha Palace can have light, and other places are completely dark.

How could the Nether King not know about this? He has been managing this Nether World for tens of thousands of years, and he knows everything here, so he didn't give these creatures too many constraints, and he hoped that they would be at peace with the situation.

And they don't want to kill, they can absorb some abilities from each other, it depends on who is stronger, so the Nether King knows in his heart that he does have this rule, otherwise these creatures would not be like this audacious in the extreme.

Yang Xuan looked at the Nether King quietly. He was sitting there wearing a mask, and he couldn't see anything clearly in his black clothes. He just looked at a rough outline. He was quite tall and burly, and his voice was quiet. able to judge.

The Nether King didn't reveal anything about the situation, and Yang Xuan couldn't find out about it, so he felt that such a situation always surprised him.

If it is really possible to deal with it, then maybe he will think about everything clearly, and there is no need to worry so much, so there is something in his heart that he may not understand.

The Nether King has a thorough understanding of these things, and he doesn't want any problems to arise from them. For him, he just hopes that all these things can be resolved quietly. Whether Yang Xuan can understand these things OK.

He came to this nether world, just to turn around and come to this world to see what happened? Yang Xuan didn't know so much about other things, he said to the Nether King.

"¨They wanted the ability to absorb me, but I didn't bother with them, and I already let them go, because this Nether World is such a way of life, and I knew in my heart how could I possibly want to hurt them , I just feel that if such a problem arises (Zhao Wangzhao)`."

"Then I don't want to worry about too many things in my heart. I just feel that if some problems really happen, I feel very happy in my heart. If they can't be dealt with, then think about other problems, so How could I not understand these things."

"I feel that if these conditions can be redeveloped, so I don't want to come to the netherworld at all. Am I willing to do this?".

Chapter 1498 Backfired

"But if some things happen, it's not something I want or not at all, because everything has happened normally, and there is no chance of any choice at all, so I can't explain it at all."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, the Nether King also felt that if he said that, it proved that he was still a little smart. He would not hurt his own creatures, and he did not break his own rules, which proved that he was still a real person. Very clever.

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