He was also pondering in his heart that it really made him feel special, and the Nether King knew it too, but he just felt that if such a problem could really be changed, he didn't want too many dangers to arise.

Because the Yang Xuan in front of him is not an evil monster, the Nether King doesn't have to worry, otherwise it would be impossible to keep him in this earth evil palace.

Because the Disha Palace is the residence of the Nether King, it is impossible for the creatures here to approach, but Yang Xuan in front of him is approaching, and the Nether King thinks it doesn't matter. Since he has no intention of offending, how can the Nether King care about so much? ?

So he can just think clearly at this moment, and he won't care about this kind of thing at all. After all, such a problem has already happened, if what Yang Xuan said is true.

Then all this is really tangled, what kind of power brought him into this netherworld, and the king of netherworld can't find the answer.

Yang Xuan understood all of this, how could he not know how the creatures here live? Besides, before Yang Xuan entered this nether world, he already understood this situation.

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But he didn't expect that he would really come to this nether world. To him, how could he not be surprised? Yang Xuan was also thinking in his heart, if this happened for real, he had already passed through reincarnation. Came to this ghost world.

Yang Xuan also understood at this moment that it was impossible to change so much, so how could he not know about these situations, he also understood in his heart, he said to the Nether King.


"You creatures, I know the way you live here. Even if you don't tell me, I understand. After all, I have met some creatures. I have never hurt them. I don't think it is necessary. They themselves live here. More evil, they want to absorb my ability, which is also normal."

"But they can't achieve their goals by doing this, and I don't want to hurt them. All of this can be considered as if it didn't happen. After all, every place has its own rules. It's very fair and reasonable for you to do this. I How could I not understand these things in my heart?" 1.

Chapter 1505 Powerful Spells

The Nether King listened carefully to what Yang Xuan said, but he didn't know whether what he said was true or false, how could he tell the difference? If he really doesn't know how this appeared in this nether world.

But why does he seem to be so powerful and powerful? The Nether King has never been able to figure it out, and what Yang Xuan said doesn't seem to be lying.

What he said was so true, and the "seven eighty zero" King of the Nether sounded more logical, but if such a problem really appeared, the King of the Nether felt that it was really unbelievable.

Who on earth brought him into this nether world, and the nether king was also thinking in his heart, why Yang Xuan seemed to be entangled, and why he didn't want to come to this nether world.

Did someone really send him in? Let him just think that all this looks rather weird, it seems that he needs to ask carefully before talking about it.

After all, he felt that Yang Xuan didn't look so evil, he was just a human being, but there were no human beings in this nether world, and there were all dead creatures here.

What was Yang Xuan thinking in his heart? How could he not know what happened in front of him? After all, he came to this nether world.

Yang Xuan was also quite surprised, so what he said just now was true, but he felt that his thoughts were different, because how could he believe these things were true.

Yang Xuan came to this nether world, if he told others that he didn't know how he got here, how could others believe it? Yang Xuan didn't even believe it himself.

So these are special phenomena, Yang Xuan is just telling the truth, the Nether King doesn't believe it's his problem, Yang Xuan also thinks there's no need to care about it, it's impossible for him to explain after so many.

He knew in his heart that after all, some things just couldn't be considered with normal thinking, because some things were just so weird.

This world is different, everything can change after reincarnation, but how could the Nether King know so much, Yang Xuan also knew what he said to the Nether King.

"I just feel that if these problems really arise, it depends on what we think. Your appearance at the moment makes me feel too mysterious. Since you want to be friends with me, can I take this mask off? If If you really don't want to take it, I also don't want to force others to make it difficult..."

"What you said is right. This is your right. As friends, we don't need to care so much because of a mask. The important thing is whether this feeling is what you want."

"And now that I have become friends, I also feel very happy. You are the king here, the most powerful person here, and I feel honored to be your friend."

What Yang Xuan said was true, because he felt that the Nether King was the most powerful character here, so if Yang Xuan became friends with him, it would be 0.1.

It seems that it is easier to walk here, but Yang Xuan is not afraid of anything, he just thinks that even if there is no Nether King, then Yang Xuan doesn't have to be afraid of any living beings here.

How could Yang Xuan care so much? He just thinks that if some situation arises, he knows and understands the situation in his heart, so he doesn't have to worry so much at all.

Chapter 1506 suddenly realized

If the current matter really happens, I hope everything can be resolved smoothly. I really don't want too many risks.

If it is really possible to solve the problem, then this matter seems much simpler, so how could it be so complicated?

So Yang Xuan didn't want to complicate the situation too much, because it's better to keep things simple, this is how Yang Xuan came to this Nether World.

So at the moment, the Nether King seems to be more comfortable living in the Disha Palace. Yang Xuan didn't want to disturb him at first, but when he was blocked outside, Yang Xuan wanted to enter here to see what happened.

But since the Nether King thought so, it seemed that he was not angry, and Yang Xuan was quite at ease in his heart, how could he care about other things.

He just felt that if such a thing happened, he knew it in his heart, and he didn't have to worry so much at all. He had already seen all this in his mind.

So Yang Xuan also knew that this situation had to be resolved, and if he really continued to stay, he was afraid of any danger, so how could Yang Xuan not know the reason of these situations?

Besides, Yang Xuan also understands that every place is different after reincarnation, when will he be able to return to his own world.

Yang Xuan didn't know anything about it, so he understood all of this, let's talk about it after a certain decision was made, Yang Xuan really didn't want any more problems to arise.

After the Nether King heard what Yang Xuan said, he just felt that even if he didn't believe in such a situation, it would be fine, so why should he doubt it?

Even if he believed it, then Yang Xuan was still Yang Xuan, and this was still the truth, so the Nether King felt that it was not important, the important thing was that the person in front of him looked not only kind, but also quite simple.

But his ability should not be underestimated, and the Nether King knew it well, otherwise, how could he have entered the Nether World? So the Nether King felt that there was no need to worry about such a situation.

In this nether world, every creature heard his own arrangements, and the Nether King also felt that Yang Xuan came here as a living person, so don't care about such a pattern, he said to Yang Xuan.

"I'm thinking about what you said just now. After all, I'm also thinking about this situation. What if I don't believe it? So you don't have to doubt whether I believe it or not. It doesn't matter. The important thing is you This person seems so kind, there is no malice."

"I came to this nether world, and I didn't hurt my soul, and your ability is so strong 780, this is a relatively important thing, so other things are really not that important, I just think some things are really important. If it arises, I also hope that the problems mentioned can be resolved reasonably.”

"I really don't want any more problems. I just feel that if some things can really be changed, then it is also a new change. So since you are here in this netherworld, it doesn't matter what you come from. You can stay here as long as you like."

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan felt that he spoke more directly, and what he said meant that he would not have so many.

Chapter 1507 Unpredictable

So no matter what Yang Xuan's identity was or what his purpose was, the Nether King never cared so much.

So Yang Xuan also felt in his heart that if this was the case, it seemed that he would not have to worry so much, so Yang Xuan knew it in his heart.

If this is the case, the Nether King is very good at saying so, and being able to solve these problems proves that he is really good, so Yang Xuan knew it in his heart.

I just think that if such a problem arises, how could he not understand it? I feel that if it is really possible to deal with things, he doesn't want too many changes from it.

So Yang Xuan knew about these things, so how could he not know the reasons for these problems, but if there were really changes.

I also hope that all of this can be resolved reasonably. I really don’t want too many risks to arise, and everything will be fundamentally resolved.

Yang Xuan wouldn't promise so much, sometimes he felt that what the Nether King said was reasonable, and it didn't matter whether he knew how he came here with his identity.

The Nether King just thought that Yang Xuan was like this, it seems that he might not believe it, but the Nether King really didn't think too much.

He just felt that if Yang Xuan in front of him really said so, he really didn't know how he came to this Nether World, so the Nether King didn't think it mattered.

Why bother with this little detail? The important thing is Yang Xuan in front of him, what kind of person he is, and why he came here are naturally important things.

So the Nether King knew in his heart, how could he care so much, but he just felt that if these situations happened, there was really no need to worry so much, so what did Yang Xuan think in his heart.

He didn't think too much at all, because he felt that Yang Xuan still looked so kind, so he didn't look so evil.

The Nether King also felt that there was no need to think too much about such a situation, so he knew in his heart that he saw that Yang Xuan was calmer now, so he said to Yang Xuan.

"Don't look at it like that, don't worry, I didn't doubt you, if I really doubted you, how could I do this, how could I say that? Because I don't think I am that hypocritical, I I also feel that there is no need to be so hypocritical, so you can rest assured'."

"¨¨I just think that since the situation arises, I also understand in my heart that it doesn't matter whether you have this unimportant thing or not, as long as you have that ability, then all of this doesn't matter. Then you can come to this nether world to prove that you can Understand the situation here, know everything here."

"So why do I have to worry so much in my heart? It's really unnecessary. So (Zhao Qian's) I also know that there is no need to worry so much. My heart is still relatively peaceful."

When the Nether King saw Yang Xuan, he really didn't have any thoughts. Even though he was the projector here, he didn't think too much. The Nether King was quite calm in doing things.

He just felt that if some situations happened, he didn't want this kind of result at all, so how could he have so many more, the Nether King understood in his heart.

Chapter 1508 Risky

He doesn't have too many worries at all, he just feels that if the situation is stable, he also hopes that everything can be resolved reasonably.

He really didn't want to take too many risks anymore, so the Nether King knew in his heart, but he just felt that if the situation was really stable, he didn't want to have too many changes from it.

I hope that all of these can be resolved satisfactorily, how can I hope that too many problems will arise, so he knows and understands these things in his heart.

From the way he saw it, he also felt that the young man was brave and resourceful, and his spells were powerful. He came to this nether world, and he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. Why should the king of the nether reject people thousands of miles away?

The Nether King has seen such things very thoroughly. He has seen so many things, and has so many abilities and experience. How could he not know about these situations?

The Yang Xuan in front of him didn't have any malicious intentions, and the Nether King didn't want to have any conflict with him, because the Nether King knew in his heart that Yang Xuan in front of him couldn't be so powerful.

If there is any conflict with him, there is really nothing to do, so how can you want to do this? Besides, one more enemy is not as good as one more friend.

So he also knew in his heart that he wouldn't think too much at all, he still took everything lightly, he just felt that if these problems really appeared, he didn't want any changes from them.

I just hope that all of this can be resolved normally, and I really don't want to have too many risks, so he also understands in his heart, how could he not know the importance of these situations.

If there are any problems, I hope all the problems can be resolved satisfactorily, then the Nether King said to Yang Xuan.

"Anyway, I said that we are friends, so don't be so polite. It's fate, otherwise, how could you appear here? You also know this nether world. This is a An evil place, a horrible hell, since you can come here."

"You have this ability, otherwise you would never have come here, because your ability is so good that you want to do this, it seems relatively easy."

"So I also understand in my heart that I just feel that if such a problem arises, it just makes me feel a little happy. Then how can I not be excited when a living person comes."

Yang Xuan was really at a loss, he wasn't afraid, he felt lucky to keep saying that.

Because Yang Xuan never thought that one day he would come to such a world, come to such a terrifying place, and meet a king here, how could Yang Xuan not be excited.

At this moment, he also knew in his heart that if this was the case, it seemed that there was really no need to worry so much about all this. It must be that his thinking was too complicated, so Yang Xuan also understood in his heart.

I just think that if these situations really happen, he really doesn't want any more risks, and hopes that all of this can be resolved smoothly.

How could it be possible to hope for too many problems? So he also understands that if the situation is stable, then Yang Xuan has nothing to worry about.

Chapter 1509 Dangerous

He feels that these things can really be handled, and he has nothing to gain from coming to this nether world, but he is not in a hurry, this place also looks quite special.

Yang Xuan also felt that it was impossible for him to return to his own world all at once, there must be a transition period, Yang Xuan was also clear about these things.

It's just that if the problem really happens, he also understands these principles, so he doesn't need to worry so much at all.

The Nether King looked at Yang Xuan, but he felt that he looked a little helpless. Could it be that he didn't believe what he was saying?

There is no need for him to speak, because he is powerful, and his ability is so powerful, how could he deceive others in such a way?

The Nether King felt that there was really no need for this, and there was no benefit in lying to others. Besides, he could manage some of the things here, so he didn't need to face the creatures here in this way.

So facing Yang Xuan, the Nether King, was also a state. What he said was true, but he also felt that if Yang Xuan really didn't know how he came to this Nether world.

One day he will leave here too, I'm afraid he can't know the answer, the Nether King is also thinking about this question in his heart.

It also feels that it is really mysterious. If these things happen, there is something in his heart that he may not understand, but these situations really seem to surprise him.

The Nether King also understands these things. Yang Xuan's appearance has changed this place a lot, so the Nether King just told him about the Holy Spirit here and the laws here.

He did this in the hope that Yang Xuan could understand that this is the rule in this netherworld. The king of the netherworld is living in the palace of the earth demon at the moment, and no living beings disturb him. Wang knew in his heart what he said to Yang Xuan.

"After all, these things that came here, I never cared so much about them fending for themselves, but it's enough for them not to hurt each other. If they die here by themselves, there is no way, because no matter whether it is a living spirit That's right, they are all like this, and they will die one day."

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"Coming to this nether world doesn't prove that they can live to the end forever, so I understand that it depends on their own abilities, so they all want to get some abilities."

"He wants to make some changes, and at the same time absorb the abilities of others. There is no other way. Otherwise, how could they live so long? How could I not understand these principles? I just think that if the situation arises, then See what you think."


The Nether King had already spoken so directly, he just felt that if such a situation happened, it would depend on what Yang Xuan thought.

Because he didn't have any thoughts in his heart, he just thought that Yang Xuan had come to this netherworld, he just let it be, if he wanted to live, he could stay here forever, how could the king of nether world let him leave?

The Nether King felt that the creatures here were so evil, and if they were taken in, how could he reject Yang Xuan, so he knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to do so.

Chapter 1510 It's Dark

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