Instead, he continued to wave at the gate of good fortune above the sky.

"Hmph! Yang Xuan has already entered my sect, if you want to take him away, just show us the real stuff!"

"The gate of good fortune, suppress the heavens!"

Boom! Boom!

The huge gate of good fortune.

Carrying endless breath of good luck.

It was like falling from the sky.

Slammed directly towards the crowd.

"The avatar of the gate of good fortune contains extremely strong power of good fortune."

"The Taoist Palace actually handed over the authority of the Gate of Creation to her!"

"After all, he is the pride of the Feng family. It seems that today is over."

"A genius who has not grown up is nothing once he falls on the road."

"It's just a pity, Yang Xuan possesses a technique common to all worlds."

Everyone in the Pantheon, the Mage Tower, and Lingshan.

When the avatar of the gate of good fortune is about to come completely.

They chose to leave one after another.

Only the Giant Spirit God in Heaven was taken aback.

"A method that is universal to all worlds?"

"Could it be that…"

"Damn it! Moon God hurt me, she never told was the last time I recruited's over."

What did the giant spirit **** think of.

Then his face changed instantly, and he hurriedly drove the keel sky boat away.

He knew that he was in big trouble.

But this is also the hidden danger left by him.

Fairy Feng Yu didn't stop these people from leaving.

Everyone present, although they all came to **** Yang Xuan.

But they won't really fight here.

Even if he wanted to attack Yang Xuan, he would choose at other times.

"Forget you to run fast!"

Fairy Feng Yu sneered.

She also knew that she would not be able to fight this time.

It's just a matter of determination.

After everyone leaves.

She directly hugged Yang Xuan, and escaped into the gate of good fortune.

Chapter 57 The Three Elements of the Dao Palace, Good Fortune Leads! (A chapter was missed, it has been changed!)

Fairy Feng Yu led Yang Xuan into the gate of good fortune.

next second.

The painting style changes suddenly.

Before, it was still a painting style of a technological city.

He directly became a classical fairy.

Endless palaces, floating above the sky.

In the sky, there are people flying around from time to time.

Among the clouds, occasionally there will be huge fairy mountains looming.

After Fairy Fengyu entered through the gate of good fortune, she hid the gate of good fortune.

Instead, he summoned a cloud bed.

Then, she sat cross-legged on the cloud bed.

Put Yang Xuan by his side, let Yang Xuan's head rest on his lap.

After flying so slowly for an hour.

Fairy Feng Yu suddenly gave Yang Xuan a strange look.

Then whispered: "If you wake up, get up!"

"is teacher!"

Yang Xuan opened his eyes in embarrassment, then stood up.

Although it is above the cloud bed, it is found that there is no difference between this place and the land.

There is even a gravitational force that pulls on me, preventing me from falling down.

"Your spiritual power is amazing, you just escaped my perception!"

Fairy Feng Yu didn't blame Yang Xuan for anything.

It just speeds up the flight of the cloud bed.

The cloud bed turned into a white light.

But in the blink of an eye.

He came to a huge fairy mountain.

Seen from the clouds.

It can also be found that the top of Xianshan Mountain has been dug out of a huge platform.

On the platform, it looks like a super city.

In the very center of the city, there is a huge tower that reaches the sky.

Obviously the Tower of Reincarnation.

The style of the city is the coexistence of technology and fairy tales.

Fairy Feng Yu just took Yang Xuan with her.

Fly directly towards the buildings in the center of Xianshan Mountain.

"Yang Xuan, our Taoist Palace has three branches."

"The heavenly palace of good fortune, the sea of ​​eternal life, the land of the beginning."

"At the same time, it also corresponds to the three major colleges, the College of Creation, the College of Eternal Life, and the College of Absolute Beginning."

"Among the three major factions in the Taoist Palace, Creation is the leader!"

"Because we control the gate of creation."

"Yang Xuan, I have a supernatural position in the Creation Academy."

"Even, I can directly arrange for you to become a true disciple without you having to take part in the entrance examination."

"However, you must participate in this assessment."

"You must get a good grade!"

Fairy Feng Yu said to Yang Xuan seriously.

It turned out that this time the assessment.

It is the newborn of the three major forces of Taoist Palace, Heavenly Court, and Lingshan.

Joint reincarnation into a world of newly discovered spiritual systems. "

The goal is to obtain the practice system of the new world.

Best case.

It is to establish the gate of good fortune and connect that world.

The results of the assessment world are related to a quota!

Once, reincarnated into the Great Creation World.

"Yang Xuan, as long as you become the chief freshman, you can get this opportunity."

When Fairy Fengyu said this, she used spells to isolate the surrounding space.

She obviously wanted to tell Yang Xuan something very important.

"Yang Xuan, listen carefully!"

"The Heavenly Sect of Creation is one of the highest-level worlds known so far."

"Where does the inheritance of our good fortune faction come from?"

"It can be said that we stole the inheritance of Good Fortune Sky Sect."

"But we can't replace Good Fortune Sky Sect."

"Because they are too strong, they have the existence of a lord of creation, that is a terrifying existence that can destroy the Dao Palace and the Heavenly Court by one person."

"The founder of our good luck faction was also inadvertently reincarnated into that world."

"Also, there was an accident when he was reincarnated, the true spirit was silent, and he had no memory of awakening."

"It is not until after death that the information about the creation of the great world is brought out."

When Fairy Fengyu said this, she suddenly looked sad.

Fairy Fengyu adjusted her mood.


"That person is my great ancestor."

"When the Taizu was reincarnated for the second time, the true spirit entered the Great Creation World,"

"With the help of the true spirit breath of the previous life, he deceived the defensive formation of the Tianzong of Fortune, directly stole the law of creation of the Tianzong of Fortune, and brought it back to the Dao Palace."

"However, it was discovered by Good Fortune Tianzong at the first time."

"At that time, the lord of creation descended directly across the border to incarnate, killed Taizu, and invaded our main world in reverse."

"That battle stopped the operation of the Tower of Rebirth for a year."

Followed by Fairy Feng Yu slowly.

The ancient secret appeared in Yang Xuan's ears.

A mysterious and huge world view.

Appeared in front of Yang Xuan.

Good fortune Tianzong!

The supreme sect that created the great world.

The topmost existence in that world is called the Lord of the Great Dao.

The strongest person in the Tianzong of Good Fortune is the Lord of Good Fortune.

The horror of the lord of creation is beyond their imagination.


Yang Xuan is not qualified to know these secrets.

But Fairy Fengyu didn't know what was wrong.

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