There is no value to him at all, why should he do this, the black elf also feels helpless in his heart, but he doesn't know how to make a decision at this moment, they look at each other, so they don't know how to choose.

Seeing them, Yang Xuan felt that they were not talking now, but their abilities were still hovering in the air, and they still didn't stop their spells.

So Yang Xuan felt that they still didn't understand well, and they were still so stubborn, but Yang Xuan didn't want to argue with them, otherwise, if they wanted to fight against him with their abilities, how could it be possible.

So Yang Xuan knew in his heart that their abilities were too weak, he just felt that under such circumstances, they wanted to get some colorful light in this infinite rainbow bridge, Yang Xuan felt that this was also the reason.

Otherwise, they couldn't have always looked so stubborn, but Yang Xuan didn't want them to die here, and Yang Xuan didn't want to hurt them either.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Every creature in this nether world is quite special, they all entered here after they died, they chose their own place, and they chose a way of life, there is no other way.


Yang Xuan didn't want to break all the rules here at all, this is not what Yang Xuan wanted to do, so he knew what he wanted in his heart, and he also had a lot of helplessness at the moment, he said to the black elf.

"Because I think that if such a problem happens, I also hope that everything can be resolved satisfactorily. I really don't want another situation to arise. This Wuji Rainbow Bridge belongs to you, but I didn't grab it either. Your Promise Rainbow Bridge, I just came up to see if you want to get more colorful light, then it depends on your ability."

"If you can get it, that's your ability. If you can't get it, there's nothing you can do about it. Why are you so obsessed with it?" 1.

Chapter 1445 In vain

"After all, this colorful light is from the Infinity Rainbow Bridge. If you want to get it, it depends on your ability and the level of practice. I feel really helpless when you look like this. I don't want to hurt you."

"But you have been forcing me to make a move. When I want to make a move, it's too late for you to back down. As long as I stand here now, you "697" can't move me a single bit , can’t you all see this situation? I don’t know why you are so persistent at the moment.”

The black elf looked at Yang Xuan carefully, and felt that what he said was right. What they said now was really in vain. No matter what they did, the other party would not be shaken in the slightest, nor would it hurt anyone in the slightest. .

It's really like this, they have never seen this young man in front of such a powerful person, he is just a human being, since he is so powerful, they can only feel admiration.

The black elves also felt that they didn't know what to do, but how could they easily change everything in front of them? So Yang Xuan left the Promise Rainbow Bridge by himself, maybe they would lessen their defensiveness.

But the person in front of him didn't leave him, he still seemed to be standing on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, what should he do? The black elf didn't know how to make a decision.

Yang Xuan looked at them and found it really interesting, everyone in this nether world, they are all creatures, they are all souls.

They are not human at all, and even if they are some monsters, they are used here, they are no longer monsters, they all have such an identity, and there is really nothing they can do.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan had no idea in his mind, he just felt that if the situation could not be changed, it was impossible for Yang Xuan to change so much.

He felt that it really didn't make sense. As long as this situation can be handled normally, how could he not understand it? Besides, the black elves look pretty good.

But Yang Xuan felt that their appearance was really sad, so Yang Xuan did not attack them at this moment, maybe it was to protect the Wuji Rainbow Bridge...

Otherwise, how could they do this? After all, it is very beautiful to have these colorful rays of light in this infinite rainbow bridge, and once obtained, these colorful rays of light will increase his ability.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to be in such a state, and it would be impossible for them to like this place so much. Yang Xuan felt that he knew and understood such a situation, but he just felt that some problems had arisen.

Then Yang Xuan didn't want to make any other changes, and hoped that all of this would go on normally. If something else happened, let's talk about it, he said to the black elf.

"And you guys seem so stubborn, it really doesn't make sense. You just need to see clearly and think clearly and you can get 0.1. If this is really the case, can you change your state? If you can't change it Just stop your attacks as soon as possible, you can't pose a threat to me."

"Then what's the point of pestering me all the time? That's why I feel quite helpless, but the power of your black light at this moment is endless.".

Chapter 1446 Endless

"But there is really no danger to me, and it does not constitute any harm. You have all seen it, why are you still like this?"

The black elves just think that Yang Xuan said this, hoping that they can let go of everything in front of them. Could it be that they want them to leave the Promise Rainbow Bridge?

The black elves felt that they didn't want to leave the Promise Rainbow Bridge, but the other party didn't say that, but he didn't leave either. He has been standing on the Promise Rainbow Bridge at this moment. What exactly does he want to do?

Does he want to get the colorful light here? And the black elves also know that there is a steady stream of colorful light here, and there are many, if they live in this infinite rainbow bridge to the end.

Their abilities must have been improved and must have been changed, so how could the black elves not understand this situation, otherwise, they would not have chosen to live in this infinite rainbow bridge.

After all, there are many places for him to choose in this nether world, so this place is relatively free. They just absorb each other's abilities together, and whoever has the strongest ability will gain the upper hand.

If the ability is weak, it will naturally suffer, so there is no way to do this. The black elf also understands him in his heart at this moment, but he just thinks what is Yang Xuan trying to do?

And he kept urging everyone to take back this ability, but the black elves didn't dare to do so. Once the ability was taken back, they might no longer have the ability to resist. At this moment, they also understood these reasons in their hearts.

They dare not make a decision lightly, and they also feel that such a situation is really too dangerous. If something else really happens, then maybe there will be some other problem.

Yang Xuan looked at the black elves, and felt that these elves had lived here for a long time, that's why they were so worried, always afraid that he would occupy their territory.

That's why they looked so cautious, and they didn't change anything. They still maintained this attacking state. Their black light kept hovering in the air, flying towards Yang Xuan all the time, and they also resisted all of this.

It has no effect on him, so how could Yang Xuan get hurt? It's just that they don't understand why they don't understand such a situation.

Why are they still wasting their abilities? At this moment, Yang Xuan also felt quite helpless, but he also hoped that everyone could figure it out. He said to the black elves again.

"Can't you see it yourself? You still can't see it clearly, but even if you can't see it, I've already said it so directly, why are you still acting like this?"

"Hurry up and take back 697. For me, since there is no damage volume, you should stop wasting energy, so you want to get more colorful light in this Promise Rainbow Bridge, which is also normal in Promise Rainbow Bridge This is a special kind of spiritual power belonging to the Promise Rainbow Bridge, so it is the colorful light."

How could Yang Xuan not see it? The colorful light in front of them is a situation where they want to live in this infinite rainbow bridge.

Yang Xuan also understood all this, he just felt that such a situation would make him feel a little unbelievable.

Chapter 1447 Incredible

There is something in his heart that he may not understand, but he just feels that this kind of way of life is in the nether world before him, so Yang Xuan also feels that it is no surprise.

But he also understood the situation in his heart, what exactly he wanted to do, Yang Xuan also felt that he was really powerless, he didn't want to hurt these black elves, and at the same time he didn't want to come up with such a good opportunity.

Yang Xuan didn't want to get these colorful rays of light, he just wanted to appreciate every place here in this nether world, and now he has come to this infinite rainbow bridge.

But this place has been taken over by the black elves. Yang Xuan feels that they are looking so angry all the time. I am afraid that I will steal their territory, otherwise they would not be able to do so.

So Yang Xuan knew the reason in his heart, but these things seemed so simple, if he really wanted to do it.

How could they be able to resist at this moment? He had already been beaten to ashes by himself, so how could he have a chance? So Yang Xuan has long been optimistic about all this, it's just that the black elves can't see it.

After the black elf heard these words at this moment, he thought in his heart that no matter what, the Yang Xuan in front of him did not have any malicious intentions. If he really wanted to attack, these elves might not be able to resist at all.

It is impossible to wait until now, so how can they be with you in their hearts, but if these situations really happen, he understands in his heart, so he doesn't need to think too much about the problem.

So he knew it in his heart, and he didn't have any worries at all. He just felt that once such a situation happened, he would also understand these problems in his heart, understand these reasons better, and the black elf would not know what to do.

Because he felt that Yang Xuan was not a villain, he just hadn't left the Promise Rainbow Bridge at the moment, so the black elves felt scared.

They don't want to lose the Promise Rainbow Bridge, they don't want to lose this home, they have been searching for so long in this Promise Rainbow Bridge, and they have found this Promise Rainbow Bridge.

How could they give up so easily? The black elves felt that such a situation was impossible, so it depended on what Yang Xuan did. The black elves also wanted him to leave here, otherwise how could they stop at this moment.

The black elf said to Yang Xuan.

"¨Although you say that, we understand it in our hearts, but how can such a simple matter in the current situation, how can such a problem be so easy? So how can I not understand in our hearts, I just feel that if this situation is true If it happens, do we also feel scared?".

"But your appearance at this moment makes us feel at ease, but our spells don't dare to take it back easily. Once we take it back, maybe we (Wang Nuozhao) will lose this Promise Rainbow Bridge forever. For us I'm afraid I don't want to do this, after all, this Wuji Rainbow Bridge is our home."

"We have lived for so many years, how could we want to leave here? Besides, you are an outsider, and you have entered here as a human being. It is a bit weird in the first place, and this nether world hosts some dead souls. , how could it be possible for a human being like you to enter here?".

Chapter 1448

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also felt that what the black elf said was reasonable, it seemed that he did something wrong, he was an invader.

Yang Xuan felt that they were thinking too much, and Yang Xuanzi just came to the Infinity Rainbow Bridge to see the situation, to feel the power of this colorful light.

But the few of them seem really helpless, and the few of them really make me feel a little unbelievable.

Yang Xuan felt that they were too cautious, but Yang Xuan understood in his heart why they looked like this and what they thought, so how could he not understand? It's just that the black elf looks special.

Even if they are not strong enough, but at this moment in front of such a situation 697, they are relatively brave, and they will not hesitate to guard their homeland.

Yang Xuan could understand their thoughts, but he felt that since some situations were in front of them, they could not decide, but Yang Xuan didn't say so much at the moment, nor did he talk to them so much.

That's why they were so worried, they felt as if they were about to be robbed of their homeland by others, and they were so worried and scared, so Yang Xuan understood this situation.

When the black elves saw Yang Xuan, they just felt that the young man was indifferent, and after hearing what everyone said, why didn't he change anything.

So these elves felt a little overwhelmed, how could they not be worried? They just feel that they have lived in this Wuji Rainbow Bridge for so long, and everything is relatively normal.

But Yang Xuan suddenly appeared and ruined all of this. What was he thinking? But at this moment, he looks as if nothing happened, as if nothing happened, but if he doesn't want to hurt everyone.

Why doesn't he leave here? What is he trying to do? So the black elves have no answer when they think about it in their hearts, and they can't figure it out, so they are even more worried.

That's why they are so anxious in their hearts, but if these situations (ccab) really appear at this moment, how could they not want other problems to arise?

But if these situations really change, they don't want too many problems to happen again. Everyone understands and understands it.

It's just that if some things really change, they also think that these problems can be dealt with normally, and there really shouldn't be too many risks.

The black elf looked at Yang Xuan, but felt that he still looked so calm at the moment and didn't want to change at all, the black elf said to him.

"Did you come here to do business? So we feel a little unimaginable, but we don't want to offend you, but since you have entered the Wuji Rainbow Bridge at this moment, how can we not feel afraid? There is a sense of crisis, Because our home seems to be taken over by others."

"If we don't launch an attack at this moment, how can we preserve the Promise Rainbow Bridge? So I hope to understand this situation, and I feel a little unimaginable in my heart, so we have discussed this issue just now , we cannot easily change."

Chapter 1449 Unshakable

"So if everyone dies together, we can't be shaken. After all, this is our home, and we have to protect our home. This Wuji Rainbow Bridge may not be of much use to you, but we care about it very much, but I I generally don't know why you came here."

Yang Xuan understood after hearing these words, they were worried about these things in their hearts.

They would rather die than leave here, they would rather resist with themselves, and they don't want to change their decision easily and don't want to take this spell back, they just tried their best.

That's why Yang Xuan also felt that he was very touched suddenly. After all, they were just some elves. They were able to fight like this. Yang Xuan felt that he admired the courage of the black elves. They were obviously not strong enough.

If he had to fight against himself, he knew in his heart that it was a dead end. The black elves were still so brave, and Yang Xuan also felt that these holy spirits living in this nether world were really stubborn.

Yang Xuan didn't know how to describe them, but at the moment these problems, Yang Xuan also felt that he didn't want to do this at first, but it was going to end like this. The colorful light in the Promise Rainbow Bridge was extremely powerful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the black elves to choose to live here, and Yang Xuan understood these principles in his heart, otherwise such a scene would not have happened.

But Yang Xuan didn't want to change so much, he just felt that everything here looked curious, otherwise he wouldn't have come to the Promise Rainbow Bridge.

The black elf didn't know what to do when he saw Yang Xuan, but he felt that he had spoken so directly, but the other party still didn't change anything, and still didn't have any ideas.

And standing on the Promise Rainbow Bridge, he looks so tall and mighty, but the black elves are not afraid, they would rather sacrifice their lives in order to protect their homeland.

They couldn't be easily shaken, and the black elves knew in their hearts that besides, they had already obtained some colorful light, even if they exhausted all their vitality.

They also have to fight against Yang Xuan to protect their homeland. This Wuji Rainbow Bridge is where they have lived for a long time, and they don't want to lose it easily.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Besides, Yang Xuan in front of him didn't have any malicious intentions, but he never left the Promise Rainbow Bridge. The black elves felt uneasy, he said to Yang Xuan again.

"Because of our identities, we are all dead souls, or some other creatures. Those who came here never entered this nether world alive, but you came here alive. How can we Maybe not surprised? So what do you want at this moment? What do you want us to do?"


"It's impossible for us to do this, because once our abilities are taken back, we are afraid of dying faster, so we have no choice but to do this under this situation."

"Then if you want us not to do this, would you just leave the Promise Rainbow Bridge? We'll be at ease in our hearts, and we can live a good life. Why should we resist you? You forced us to do all of this. Otherwise, how could such a situation happen if we live well here? How could we have such an idea?" 1.

Chapter 1450 Shivering

The black elves looked at Yang Xuan, they were very angry standing on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, after all they lived well.

In this evil world, they don't want to be disturbed by others, and they don't want to deceive others, so they really don't have any ideas.

I just thought it would be enough to get some colorful light in this direction, and they would become stronger with "Seven Zero Zero", but all of this was destroyed by Yang Xuan, and the black elf also felt quite helpless.

But what was the use of the anger in his heart? After all, he felt that his spell had already been cast, Yang Xuan was not harmed at all, and it was useless to him.

He finally understood, so he also knew this in his heart, but he just thought, what should we do in such a situation? Because the other party he didn't want to hurt them.

But at the same time, the black elves didn't want to change their decision easily. They hoped that Yang Xuan would leave here and leave the Infinity Rainbow Bridge, so they would feel at ease.

Otherwise, how could the black elves change easily? I just feel that if such a situation occurs, they will feel uneasy in their hearts. They never thought that a human being will enter here one day. This place is inherently evil.

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