But they didn't know what to do, and the other party violated their domain, how could the black elf not stand up? But he also knew that everything they did was in vain.

And if you want to hurt the other party, you can't do it at all, so the black elf can see it, but he doesn't know how to make a decision.

It's just that all of this looks rather weird. A human being in front of him has entered this nether world, and it looks so powerful and powerful, which really makes them feel a little unimaginable.

687 What is this person's identity, and what exactly does he want to do here? A human being does not stay in the human world, since he came to this place of the nether world, is it also the place where human beings like them come from? It was the first time.

How could the black elf not find it strange, so the situation in front of him felt that something was wrong no matter how he looked at it, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. After all, this person was too powerful, and they couldn't do anything to resist.

What should they do? The black elf also felt that if the ability was withdrawn at this moment, would it be harmful? Will he die here?

So they don't want to die here easily. Although what they said just now seems to be indifferent, how could they want to die here?

Yang Xuan looked at the black elves and the others and felt that these guys were still thinking about the problem, and Yang Xuan also felt that they were really wasting their abilities.

Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he just felt that if such a problem really appeared, how could he not have other (ccab) concerns? Then Yang Xuan knew it well, but he felt a little powerless if these things really happened.

At the same time, I also felt a little helpless, but Yang Xuan was not afraid, they just didn't want to hurt them, otherwise, how could Yang Xuan be so entangled like this moment?

This is the state of life in this nether world. Yang Xuan didn't want to destroy their original habits. Yang Xuan just felt that everything they did was really futile. Yang Xuan said to the black elves again.

"The attack you launched at this moment has no effect on me. Are you still obsessed with it? I just want you to understand and stop thinking about other things. No matter who owns this Promise Rainbow Bridge, I will It’s impossible to **** it from you, I just want to see it, don’t you understand this at all?”

"It's really stupid. I don't know when I can't see this form clearly. If I want to do this, I can use your abilities to fight against me. It's like hitting a stone with an egg."

When the black elves saw Yang Xuan, they just felt that what Yang Xuan said was right. What they were doing at the moment was really a waste of energy. They wanted to fight against Yang Xuan, unless they were tired of life and wanted to die.

But the black elves also understand that this Yang Xuan has entered the Promise Rainbow Bridge and entered their domain, how could they not launch an attack and resistance?

Chapter 1439 Struggle to Resist

After all, the black elves also felt that a human being came here, which also made them feel a little unbelievable. How could they not be in a hurry or worried.

It's impossible for them to remain indifferent and do nothing. They did this to protect the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, so everything they did was normal.

But what does this person in front of him want? They also don't know that the opponent's ability is so powerful, and they still~ won't hurt them.

Then how could the black elf not find it strange, so he didn't know what was going on when he saw Yang Xuan, and he was a little at a loss, but he didn't dare to call it a spell easily.

Because if he withdraws the spell, he is afraid that he will not have any ability to resist. If the opponent really attacks them again, they will undoubtedly die. It is not that the black elf can't see what is in his heart-maybe he is not in a hurry.

It's just that if the current situation arises, he understands it in his heart, and he understands it even more. He feels that there is really nothing he can do when thinking about these things in his heart, but he doesn't want to waste his energy on such things.

The other party has already said so, how are they going to decide, so they looked at each other and shook their heads, not knowing how to make a decision, they didn't dare to act rashly, and they didn't dare to take back the spell.

This spell is the only way to protect them, so for them, how could they believe what Yang Xuan said, the other party is a different kind, and they have entered the Promise Rainbow Bridge.

He looks different from everyone else, everyone is a kind of creature, but as for Yang Xuan, since he is a human being, the black elf finds it strange the more he thinks about it, is it possible that no one cares about these things?

Yang Xuan just felt that these guys were too stubborn, why didn't they react at the moment? Don't you really want to change? Do they really want to fight themselves?

Yang Xuan felt that he had already told them that he was overreaching himself, why did they still look so stubborn when they hit the stone with an egg?

Yang Xuan thinks that these holy spirits have lived in this nether world for a long time, isn't it a little silly? Yang Xuan was so strong that he didn't want to hurt them. Could it be that they couldn't feel it? Yang Xuan also felt helpless and said to them.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"You are lucky to be alive at this moment. If you are like this again, how can you have a chance to live again? If you don't want to live, you can kill yourself. Don't dirty my hands."

"I don't have the leisure to hurt you, and you are not worthy of me, why are you unconvinced? If you are not convinced, use the spell again, use all your abilities, and see if I can be shaken. You don't need to move, just stand here, and you can directly resist your abilities."


Looking at them like this, Yang Xuan felt that he didn't know how to make a decision, but Yang Xuan had already said that he would not take it lightly.

I just feel that this kind of situation really makes me feel helpless, and Yang Xuan doesn't know why he came to this netherworld, every place looks so evil.

Yang Xuan originally wanted to leave here, but he didn't expect that he couldn't find any situation at all, because he knew in his heart that it would not be easy to leave this netherworld.

Chapter 1440

Yang Xuan came to the Netherworld through reincarnation, and it is impossible to leave here, so Yang Xuan also knows that he is also quite confused, and he doesn't know how to make a decision at this moment.

Because he understood this truth in his heart, if he wanted to leave this nether world, he could only leave here through the True Reincarnation Tower and return to "687" to his own world unless the True Reincarnation Tower was opened.

But all of this is impossible to do, because Yang Xuan just came to this nether world and it is impossible to go back immediately, he can only take one step at a time, looking at these black elves on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge.

Yang Xuan felt a little angry in his heart, but Yang Xuan didn't want to bother with them so much. They did this to protect their homeland, and this Wuji Rainbow Bridge was already a safe place for them.

Yang Xuan could understand that Yang Xuan had entered here at this moment, so they were so worried. At this moment Yang Xuan told them, why didn't they understand? Let them withdraw their spells, Yang Xuan didn't want to hurt them.

After the black elves heard what Yang Xuan said, they looked at each other and didn't know what to do. After all, they felt that this human being was spread to their territory, and they still looked so arrogant.

And it seems that the ability is so powerful, how should the black elves choose? So at this moment, they also feel that the power they launched seems endless.

But it didn't work for Yang Xuan at all, as long as the opponent stood there, he had already won, so what should they do in the Promise Rainbow Bridge? The black elves don't want to lose the Promise Rainbow Bridge.

They absorb some spiritual power in this infinite rainbow bridge, and they will get colorful light. Once they get the colorful light, they will become stronger.

But the black elf also looked at all this and felt that he really couldn't imagine it, because the other party really made them feel a little difficult to get close to, but the other party himself approached the Promise Rainbow Bridge, and he was thinking about what happened.

He doesn't want to hurt them now, so why does he still have to enter the Promise Rainbow Bridge? So this Wuji Rainbow Bridge is the place where the black elves have lived for a long time, and no living beings have come here, but Yang Xuan appeared, and the black elves said to him...

"We understood everything you said just now, but you told us to let go of all our abilities, and just like that, don't attack you anymore, but what about you, why did you pass into our territory, this Wuji Rainbow Bridge I've said it's mine and it's where we live."

"Then you suddenly broke your own strength, how do you make us trust you? And you also said just now, who has the ability to control all this, so you obviously want to provoke us? Do you want to destroy us? Otherwise, how could you say that, so we understand it in our hearts."

"If you tell us to listen to 0.1, how can you tell us to take back our mana? If we really say that at this moment, I'm afraid that the few of us will die faster, so I don't understand in my heart. I understand, I just feel that if such a situation really happens, we also feel in our hearts that we really don't know what to do.".

Chapter 1441 Constant Provocation

After Yang Xuan heard what the black elves said, he also felt that they seemed to be quite smart. They thought so because they didn't want to hurt them. How could Yang Xuan not understand.

I just feel that since the current situation arises, Yang Xuan doesn't want to make too many changes. I just think that all these things seem simple, but they are more complicated to do. The few of them live freely in this Wuji Rainbow Bridge.

Maybe he didn't want to ruin everything about them, not only did Yang Xuan already discover the Promise Rainbow Bridge, but also after Yang Xuan came here, he always felt that this place looked rather strange.

Then Yang Xuan also felt that every place looked weird, so is this place 22 so evil? Yang Xuan is also aware of this.

He feels that if such a problem arises, he is looking for something, to see if there is anything he wants in this place, if not, he will leave later.

It's just that the black elves seem to be more cautious, their spells are still attacking at the moment, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to be as knowledgeable as them.

Because once Yang Xuan launched an attack, they might not be able to survive. The black elves had no doubt about it, and Yang Xuan didn't want to do it right now.

So he also understands in his heart, but he just feels that if some situation arises, of course he understands all of it.

When the black elves saw Yang Xuan, they just thought that the other party spoke so beautifully. Why is he still like this now? If he really did that, why didn't he leave the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, why didn't he go down?

So the black elves also feel that there is really nothing they can do in such a situation, but if such a situation arises, how could they not understand it in their hearts, and how could they not understand it?

I just feel that if such a problem really happens, they really don't want too many situations to happen again, and I feel that such a situation always makes me feel a little weird.

The black elves also understand that they have lived in this Wuji Rainbow Bridge for so long, and no one has ever disturbed them, but since a human has come.

And it looked so powerful, the black elves and the others had already exerted their abilities to the limit at this moment, but since the other party was indifferent, there was no change, and at the same time, they would not feel afraid.

What a powerful person this opponent is, how could they not be clear in their hearts? He said to Yang Xuan.

"After all, everything is relatively quiet in this Wuji Rainbow Bridge, and we don't think too much about it. We just feel that if some situations happened before 687, how could we not know about them? Because how could we not know about these situations? Well, but this thing looks simple, but it is more complicated to do.”

"But what about you, what exactly do you want? If you don't leave this Promise Rainbow Bridge, how can you make us believe what you said? Although this Promise Rainbow Bridge is not as powerful as imagined, but there are some colorful lights. Once absorbed into If we are in our bodies, we will become stronger."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, I finally understood. It seems that they can absorb the colorful light in the Promise Rainbow Bridge, which proves that they also want to do so.

Chapter 1442 Dazzling

And if they absorb a lot of colorful light, they will become more powerful and their spells will be enhanced. No wonder they are so persistent and don't want to leave this infinite rainbow bridge.

It seems that the Promise Rainbow Bridge has such a function. It is powerful and can not only change everything, but also change your own destiny. However, Yang Xuan feels that as long as these holy spirits enter the Promise Rainbow Bridge, they will not have any problems. any chance.

So if they want to reincarnate, they have to go through another channel, but they don't have this ability and it is impossible to do so. Yang Xuan just thinks that everything is fine as long as it is normal.

But once the colorful light is obtained, it seems that their abilities will be improved to a lot of levels. No wonder they are so persistent and don't want to give up everything about themselves.

So Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, how could he not understand these things, he just felt that since such a problem was in front of him, it depends on how they choose.

The black elves and their spells cast black rays of light in the air, but they can't reach that level at the moment, after all, they haven't practiced colorful rays of light yet.

It would take a lot of time to get the colorful light, and once the light they emitted was colorful, I'm afraid his ability will reach a very high level.

The black elves think it's pretty good, but they haven't practiced to that point yet, and they have been destroyed by Yang Xuan. Does the person in front of him really want to leave here?

So this Wuji Rainbow Bridge has lived for so long and they don't want to be disturbed by others, so this place is relatively remote, but they didn't expect that a human came here, how could he not be surprised? But what's the use of being weird?

The opponent's boundless magic is so powerful that they can't resist at all, but they can't give up easily, even if they have a chance, they will resist.

So the black elf also understands in his heart that he has seen these things very thoroughly. They have been hovering in the air at this moment, and the black light has created a space in the air, and has been flying towards Yang Xuan. go.

So they can't change easily, the black elf said to Yang Xuan.

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to choose to live on the Promise Rainbow Bridge, but we have lived here for so long, and we don't want to leave here, but you have destroyed everything here, and you made us believe what you said, it is not right at all. It's possible, we can't believe what you're saying'.."

"¨Although you seem to be very kind and have no other thoughts, but you have been on this Wuji Rainbow Bridge at the moment, and you never leave here. How can we believe what you say? So we do it as well. Forced to helplessness, we also want to protect (Wang Nuo's) ourselves, no matter what you think."

"We have to do this. After all, if someone saw someone in our field, how could we not launch an attack, and how could we not protect our family? So you can't think about it for yourself. Probably as easy as you think."

The black elf spoke so directly at this moment, he hoped that Yang Xuan could understand, how could they do this? .

Chapter 1443 Helpless

If they can't make themselves stronger, if they can't get the colorful light, how can they survive? So these elves can only do this.

After all, their ability itself is weak, and unlike those magical beasts that entered here, they can change a lot of fate, but the black elves can't.

Only through this ability can they change all this, so they also understand in their hearts that they have encountered the situation in front of them, they don't know what to do, the only thing they can do at this moment is to launch an attack to protect themselves.

Otherwise, how could they have made other decisions? It's just that if such a situation arises, it's not that they don't understand it in their hearts, nor do they not understand it.

693 I just feel that such problems seem to be relatively complicated, so they also know these reasons in their hearts, and they don’t want any more problems to arise, and they don’t want too many changes, so they also understand .

It's just that if the situation has stabilized, how could they not know the danger behind it? Everywhere in this nether world is dangerous.

But they have already come to this nether world, so they chose to come to this Wuji Rainbow Bridge. Living in this place is good, at least (ccab) there is such a good and quiet place in this nether world, and there is such a ability.

There are still many colorful rays of light waiting for them to absorb, the black elves feel very happy, but everything in front of them is broken by Yang Xuan, what should they do?

They feel powerless, after all, their abilities cannot resist Yang Xuan, but they still resist, after all, this is the only chance, if they don't resist, they will feel that they will die, so they don't understand in their hearts, how could they Could it be easy to change all this?

Yang Xuan was shocked by these words. He felt that the black elves analyzed it so well. It seems that these elves have lived here for so long, and they have already summed up their experience.

So Yang Xuan felt that it really made him feel different. If such a situation happened, he would understand it in his heart. It seems that he broke other people's lives.

Otherwise, how could they have been attacking so cautiously? Yang Xuan also understood, but he had already said that he would not hurt him. Could it be that the black elves didn't understand? So Yang Xuan felt really helpless, he said to the black elves.

"I don't care what you say or do, but what I said just now is very clear. What I said will not hurt you, don't you understand? If you attack me now, if you really mess with me If you are angry, you will not even have any chance."

"I'm afraid I'm really going to die here, unless you don't want to live anymore, so you can figure out these things yourself. I just think there are some things you need to think about clearly. No matter what the situation is, you just need to figure it out. If you don't have this ability to resist me, what is the spell in front of you?"

"Can it be any danger to me? It's impossible for you to do this if it can hurt us.".

Chapter 1444

"So I think you guys are really overthinking what you're doing, but since what's happening in front of you, I just hope you can understand when this is happening, and I don't want anything else to happen."

After the black elves heard what Yang Xuan said, they looked at each other and felt powerless. How could they not understand in such a situation? How could it be possible not to understand.

The situation in front of them is really special. What this person said made them feel shuddering, but they also wanted to protect themselves. Otherwise, how could they be like this? But they really have no other way to protect themselves.

They also hope that all this can be carried out normally. If something else happens, they don't want to have other risks, but they feel that if the thing in front of them really happens, they also feel that they really don't know. what can we do about it.

Some things always seem so complicated, so Yang Xuan suddenly appeared, what is he thinking? Since he is so powerful, he doesn't want to hurt everyone.

But he doesn't leave the Promise Rainbow Bridge, what exactly does he want to do? Does he still want to get these colorful lights? But the black elf thinks it's impossible, his ability is much stronger with the colorful light.

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