What should we do here? The black elf also lost his mind. He just felt that since the other party said so, he didn't want to hurt them, but the other party didn't leave the Wuji Rainbow Bridge. What did he want to do?

Besides, there are many places and many scenery in this nether world, so why can't he go to other places? The Promise Rainbow Bridge is certainly good, and it has a lot of spiritual power and a lot of colorful light.

But they feel that they really don't want to be disturbed by others. They have lived for so long, and they don't want to change everything. They just feel that such a situation has arisen, what should they do?

The black elf didn't know how to make a decision. He was a little at a loss, and he had never been so helpless like today. After all, the strong man in front of him was too powerful.

The black elves can't change all of this, he said to Yang Xuan.

"We are relatively peaceful, and we live in this infinite rainbow bridge, and we don't need to absorb the abilities of other creatures. We think it's very good, so we only need to absorb these colorful lights here, and we can let the We've got some abilities to augment our spells...."

"We think that this is the best way to not harm other creatures and at the same time allow us to improve, but you have destroyed all of this. What do you want? If you want to get In the case of the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, it would be unnecessary for us to resist, but we can’t just do nothing.”

The black elf said this, but he felt that he had seen through all of this. If he wanted to resist Yang Xuan, it would be 0.1 to hit a stone with an egg. He really didn't have any chance, so he didn't want to live.

So he felt that doing this was really meaningless, because the opponent didn't want to attack them, otherwise he would want to attack with Yang Xuan's ability.

How could the black elves resist such pressure? They are just elves now, so when he dies, there is nothing he can do.

Chapter 1451 Extremely Angry

Later, they came to this nether world, and this place was relatively quiet, so they chose to live in this Wuji Rainbow Bridge.

After so many years, none of this has been destroyed, so the black elf doesn't want to be destroyed by Yang Xuan. The person in front of him looks really powerful, but what should he do?

How could the black elf not be worried? He just felt that such a situation would not be imaginable if it happened, even though they absorbed some colorful light here.

But for Yang Xuan, the power of the colorful rays of light was too small to have any effect at all, so they also watched these rays of light continuously drifting in the air at this moment.

And Yang Xuan stood there indifferent and nothing changed. The black elf really felt a little embarrassed at the moment. After all, he felt that if such a situation really happened, he still felt that all problems could be solved.

How to decide, he doesn't know, every place in this nether world is relatively evil, so in order to get something, everyone is going all out, wanting to make this side stronger.

Yang Xuan looked at the black elves and the others, but felt that these guys were really stubborn. They kept attacking now, knowing that they couldn't resist, and they didn't want to give up, they were still persisting.

So Yang Xuan felt that such an idea of ​​theirs made him feel a little unbelievable, how could Yang Xuan not understand it, but he just felt that if such a situation happened, he would feel that he was thinking too much in his heart.

Anyway, Yang Xuan felt that if some situations arise, he doesn't want to have too many problems. After all, since some things are in front of him, there is really no need to think too much about them.

How could he not know about this situation? He just felt that if some problems really happened, he would be able to take care of everything, so he didn't have to worry so much, and they could all be resolved.

So at this moment, he knew it in his heart and it was clear, but he felt that if some things changed, he didn't want to change too much.

I hope that all of this can be resolved satisfactorily. If there are other situations that arise, I will make another choice at that time.

After Yang Xuan thought of this, he stood on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge and looked at these black elves and said.

"You guys actually thought of being so clear, seeing it so thoroughly, and knowing this truth at the same time. Why do you still seem so stubborn at the moment, and want to resist? Do you think that your spells have to be taken back? You will definitely die, if you resist me, there is still a realistic 700 chance."

"So you know in your heart that I can't hurt you, so you dare to resist me, I've already said that I won't hurt you, and I won't take away your Infinity Rainbow Bridge, so you don't have to worry so much Now, understand the current situation, don't be so obsessed with it, take it back quickly."

"Under the premise of my anger, it's too late for you to change. Don't you understand this situation? Don't you understand such things? If you want to resist me, it's like hitting a stone with an egg, you guys I still want to do this."

Chapter 1452 Stubbornness

After the black elves heard what Yang Xuan said, they were at a loss and didn't know what to do, so they were too anxious at this moment, and they didn't know how to decide to be together.

For them, it really cannot be changed, because they feel that Yang Xuan in front of them is really too powerful, does he really want to destroy them by saying so?

But the other party obviously didn't want to do this, what should the black elves do? Are they going to take back these black rays of light at this moment?

Otherwise, they really have no chance of living. It is really terrifying to come here and understand this situation. They have never thought about these things and never made such a decision.

Moreover, in this nether world, he has never encountered an opponent as strong as Yang Xuan. What is he doing at this Wuji Rainbow Bridge at this moment.

The black elf felt really helpless, he didn't want to get this nether world, he just stayed here and didn't leave, it really made them feel too horrible, the black elf felt that he really didn't know how to make a decision up.

So they also looked at each other and felt powerless at the moment, but they still felt that they could have a ray of anger, anyway, they didn't think so much, thought too much, it really didn't make any sense, he just felt that these situations were really more passive.

Yang Xuan looked at them and thought it was really funny. These guys seemed to be floating in the air, their black bodies were constantly swaying from side to side. On this Promise Rainbow Bridge, they seemed relatively leisurely.

But they looked very scared at the moment, so Yang Xuan could see it, but they didn't change everything after hearing what they said.

Then they are still resisting Yang Xuan, I don't know why they did this, after all Yang Xuan did not launch an attack, they did it to protect the Wuji Rainbow Bridge.

Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, after all, he came here, every place is different, and every place is somewhat evil, Yang Xuan also knew it in his heart.

In this case, sometimes these things have to be resolved, and there can't be too many situations. Sometimes the problem has changed.

Then it depends on how you decide, so Yang Xuan also understands in his heart that he doesn't want to have too many changes, and at the same time he doesn't want to change too much, he said to the black elves.

"¨So I think every creature in this netherworld looks like this, it's really unbelievable, you won't absorb my spiritual power at this moment, but since you want to resist me, drive me away , asked me to leave this Promise Rainbow Bridge, obviously I can’t do it, but I still have to do it.”.”

"You are really stubborn, I don't know what to tell you now, and don't test my patience, (Zhao's) if you continue to behave like this, I will use your spell It all fell apart."

"Let you become some waste, and all the colorful light you absorbed in this infinite rainbow bridge will disappear. I will see how you will fight against others then."

After the black elves heard what Yang Xuan said, they were a little timid in the air at this moment, but they actually felt scared when they looked at Yang Xuan at the very beginning.

Chapter 1453 Infinite Power

But they also want to launch an attack to resist Yang Xuan in front of them, and they are in danger of resisting, and at the same time protect their Wuji Rainbow Bridge, they don't want to lose the Wuji Rainbow Bridge.

Because there are many colorful rays of light in the Promise Rainbow Bridge, which are endless, they can gain many abilities by living here, and they will not be in danger.

After all, the black elves also understand that since they came to this Wuji Rainbow Bridge, they have never been to this place at all, because there are many creatures.

They would not come to this remote place, because these places are the darkest corners of this netherworld, but they did not expect that the human being in front of them would appear here.

It really made them feel a little unbelievable, so how could they not be anxious at 700 in their hearts, but they just felt that although the situation in front of them was anxious, what should they do?

How could they not be worried? I always feel a little scared and anxious at the same time, how should I decide? So they also know this situation, and they always feel a little uneasy, and they also feel a little uneasy.

How could the black elves not be afraid? Facing a strong man in front of them, they knew in their hearts that it would be too easy for the other party to destroy them.

But how should the black elves decide (ccab)? And why did all of this suddenly appear? They feel that there is no time to prepare for a master to appear.

The master in front of them turned out to be a human from the world, and it was amazing. They had lived in this nether world for so long, and such a thing had never happened before, so they felt that it was really surprising.

How should all this be decided for them? The light of the black elves hovered continuously in the air, but they never got it back. They felt that there might be no chance of getting it back, and they were waiting for the chance.

Let's see if the other party can leave the Promise Rainbow Bridge. If he leaves, won't all this be resolved naturally? But the black elf felt that the other party didn't want to leave, and didn't want to hurt them, so what exactly did they want?

Yang Xuan looked at the black elves and they just felt that they were very scared at the moment, but why didn't they change?

Yang Xuan has never been so angry like today, but Yang Xuan has not launched an attack yet, he just thinks that they are really top-notch, these guys seem to have no brains.

The words are so direct, they don't understand, Yang Xuan said to the black elves again.

"If you don't listen to me anymore and say these abilities back, I will really be angry. The consequences will be very serious at that time. If you think about it, do it. If you don't think about it, quickly take back these abilities. I really don't want to watch it anymore, and I want to wipe you out right now."

"It's like squeezing an ant to death. It's so easy and simple. What's the point of you knowing all of this and still going against me? Are you really living enough? Don't you want to make any changes?"

"Looking at you like this, it really makes me feel very sad, and I also feel really helpless. Quickly think about how you should live.".

Chapter 1454

"If you really want to live, then do what I say, and if you don't want to live, you can figure it out."

After Yang Xuan said this, he had never been like this before. He was a little angry, but he still didn't want to attack.

Because Yang Xuan felt that after coming to this nether world, every place is in such an evil state, and every living being has such a law of life.

Yang Xuan felt that they were all used to it, how could Yang Xuan destroy all of this, but the colorful light that Yang Xuan appeared on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge in front of him was endlessly special and powerful.

Once this colorful light absorbs more abilities, it will become a very powerful spell. Yang Xuan thinks this is how it is. No wonder the black elves don't want to leave here.

Yang Xuan knew it in his heart, but he also knew that he didn't think of plundering everything here. The black elves misunderstood, but after explaining so much to them, how could they still be wronged? How could Yang Xuan not be angry in his heart?

Do these guys really have no brains, just want to die early? They have already died once and came to this nether world, do they want to die a second time?

If they die in this nether world, they will have no chance to be reincarnated the second time, and I am afraid they will be wiped out, so Yang Xuan understands all this.

Faced with such a situation, how could Yang Xuan not see it? I just wonder why the black elves are like this, when is this, why are they still wasting time here?

Do they really want to lose this Wuji Rainbow Bridge and want to die here? So Yang Xuan felt really helpless.

Yang Xuan didn't want to hurt his own life, because they were innocent and pitiful, no matter whether they were evil or not, they had lived in this netherworld for so long, and this was their home.

So it is their survival instinct in every place, so Yang Xuan feels that there is no need to bother with them so much. At this moment, Yang Xuan also knows in his heart, how could it be possible to change so much?

So he was still in a relatively relaxed mood. Although he was a little angry, Yang Xuan also told himself not to be so angry. After all, all this was beyond his control.

····Ask for flowers 0·

After the black elves heard what Yang Xuan said, they still didn't change anything at the moment, because they felt that no matter how they changed, it would be a dead end. Is the other party really so kind and willing to let them go?


The black elves felt a little unimaginable, so they looked at Yang Xuan, feeling that the other party's abilities were endless, the black elves said to Yang Xuan.

"Who are you? Even if we want to change, we want to ask you, so don't think that we seem to be stubborn, we seem to want to court death, how could we possibly want to court death? We are in this room Living freely, the Promise Rainbow Bridge in front of us is one of our homes.”

"We don't want to lose our homeland, that's why we've been like this. Otherwise, how could we be in this state, but I know that what you said is true."

"If you want to destroy us too, it will be too easy, we will be powerless to resist." 1.

Chapter 1455 Powerless to Resist

How could the black elves not be afraid? Facing such a strong man in front of them, they felt really uneasy, what should they do? Who is Yang Xuan in front of him?

Why did he break into this nether world alone? It's really terrible, because this nether world is full of dead souls, so how can there be living people.

This is really unimaginable to his "703". The situation in front of them really happened. They think it is too scary. After all, this Yang Xuan is so powerful, and the spells on him are boundless.

It's not something they can resist at all, but the black elves are still fighting hard. They don't want to change their decision easily, because they know all this in their hearts.

Once they changed, they would have no chance to survive, but they felt that since Yang Xuan said so, he didn't want to hurt everyone, but why didn't he leave the Promise Rainbow Bridge.

There are endless colorful lights on this infinite rainbow bridge. They don't want to leave, but the other party doesn't want to leave either. What should they do?

How could the black elf not be worried? He just felt that such a situation was really special, and all this was not the result he wanted to see at all, he said to Yang Xuan.

"But my spell at the moment may not work for you, but why don't you want to hurt us, and why don't you want to leave this Promise Rainbow Bridge? What do you mean?"

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he looked at the black elves carefully. They also felt that they knew everything, and they wanted to be so obsessed, and they didn't take back their spells to resist themselves.

Yang Xuan thought it was really interesting, it seems that he did something wrong? It was Yang Xuan who didn't leave the Promise Rainbow Bridge. They felt afraid and didn't accept the spell.

Yang Xuan thought it was so stupid to call it so. If he wanted to hurt them, he would have done so a long time ago, so how could he wait until now?

Yang Xuan felt that he had never seen such a stupid creature before. Doesn't the black elf in front of him have a brain? What time is it still thinking about them? Such a set of theories is really too stupid.

The black elf looked at Yang Xuan, and didn't know what to do. After all, he just felt that if he really didn't follow what Yang Xuan said...

Did the black elves have no chance? If you want to live, don't you have any chance?

So they know in their hearts what they should do about such a problem, how could they not be worried? The black elf said to Yang Xuan.

"Although there are some colorful lights in the Promise Rainbow Bridge, they don't seem to have any effect on you. Do you have these colorful lights? It's still so powerful and powerful. It hasn't changed much at all. We feel a little bit disappointed. It doesn’t make sense, so for now all this makes us trust you.”

0.1 "But we believed you when you left the Promise Rainbow Bridge and entered the ground, and you didn't want to hurt us. You are so close to us now, and you have entered our home. How can you make us believe you?"

"Although the few of them are particularly afraid and uneasy, we would rather die here than be taken away by others. This is an instinct we rely on for survival.".

Chapter 1456 Put down your guard

He already knew what the black elf said. If such a matter is not decided, it may not be changed, so he also understands it in his heart. He just feels that some situations are gradually appearing, so how could he not understand.

But he also understands this kind of problem in his heart, and there is no need to worry so much at all. This matter will always be settled, so it's not that he doesn't understand these principles.

He just felt that if some situations arise, he doesn't want too many problems to arise again, and hopes that all of these can be resolved satisfactorily, so he also knows these reasons in his heart.

I just feel that since some situations have changed, how could he not know the primary cause of these problems? Now, several of them have withdrawn their spells.

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