Chapter 1432 Resist Attack

Because Yang Xuan didn't want to fight with them, so as long as he was lucky, it was impossible for the other party to approach him, and Yang Xuan wouldn't have so many.

He stood on the Promise Rainbow Bridge and watched carefully. This Promise Rainbow Bridge is really good. He didn't expect such a beautiful color to appear in this ghost place.

Yang Xuan thinks that the black elves in front of him are quite good at choosing a place to live here, and they are more in line with their identities. They are some elves that look weird, but Yang Xuan thinks they are also relatively evil .

After entering this nether world, they have all changed. They hurt each other and absorb each other's abilities, so what if they leave a trace of vitality for each other? Isn't it still such a cruel method?

Yang Xuan thought maybe he shouldn't interfere so much, he didn't do too much, so Yang Xuan just pretended he didn't see it, but this Promise Rainbow Bridge is really special, Yang Xuan also wanted to come up to have a look, unexpectedly The black elf actually blocked himself.

The situation in Yang Xuan's heart was a little angry, but he would not easily hurt his own creatures, because Yang Xuan didn't think it was necessary, and the creatures here lived in such a living environment.

And the black elf in front of him looks like the blue light of the evil eye hat is really special, the eyes that are covered in black are actually blue, and they float in the air.

The spell that keeps wandering on the Promise Rainbow Bridge seems to be endless, but it has no effect on Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan doesn't feel afraid.

So in his heart, he just felt that if some situations arise, he still hopes that everything can be resolved. He really doesn't want anything else to happen. For him, it is relatively smooth.

How could Yang Xuan not understand these things, he just felt that the situation had arisen, and he really didn't want to have too many worries, but the black elf is so stubborn, it depends on how he handles the problem.

After the black elves heard what Yang Xuan said, they didn't stop their spells, and the power on them was also endless, and they also absorbed a lot of infinite power in this infinite rainbow bridge.

If they practice for a while now, the light they emit will be colorful light, but what should we do with all this now? He is not afraid of the black elf, he said to Yang Xuan.

"¨Stinky boy, it seems that you are not a monster, you are also a human being who changes, but since you are a human being, don't be like this, and don't be so arrogant, so it's not that we are overwhelmed, because this is ours. Site, don’t you know?”.

"Come first, come first, don't you understand? Even if you just came to this nether world, you can't be like this, there must be a rule, so you are the one who destroys everything about yourself, it is not me (Wang Zhao's) Our relationship, we launched an attack at this moment, just to protect our own territory, to protect ourselves."

"Besides, you have this ability. If we don't protect ourselves, you will directly enter the Wuji Rainbow Bridge. It may be too late to hurt us. So you asked for these things yourself. What does it have to do with us? Don't think that if you have some ability, you will look arrogant, are you really so powerful?".

Chapter 1433

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also felt that the black elves seemed quite stubborn. They have lived here for so long, and it seems that the Promise Rainbow Bridge is very important to them.

Otherwise, they would rather die here, why resist themselves? They clearly know this situation and they can't do it if they want to defeat themselves.

But they are still so stubborn, still using spells, Yang Xuan thinks it is really strange, why are the creatures here so stubborn, so do not know how to advance or retreat.

That's why he felt that it might be such an environment, and they became like this. Yang Xuan also felt that it was really unbelievable. After all, every place in this nether world looked more evil. At this moment, he discovered the Promise Rainbow Bridge up.

680 I feel that for this place, the Promise Rainbow Bridge is quite beautiful, but such a beautiful place has been developed by these black elves, Yang Xuan thinks it is really a pity.

But this is also their home, but Yang Xuan won't have so many, after all, Yang Xuan doesn't want to compete with them when he comes here, but he has to see everything here, so he doesn't want to let himself come here in vain ?

As for when to leave here, Yang Xuan didn't know in his heart, and he wouldn't worry so much at the moment.

The black elf looked at Yang Xuanyou (ccab), how could he not understand the strength of the other party? When they were not fighting, they chose a force and slowly approached.

They just thought of who it is, and why is it so powerful? I thought it was their friend, but I didn't expect it to be a strange face, and this person flew directly onto the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, looking so proud.

And they are very stubborn. At the same time, the black elves don't want to change so much, because they have lived in this infinite rainbow bridge for so long.

How could they easily give all this to others? What does it mean that the young man in front of him appeared? The black elf didn't understand at all, and kept looking at him, just feeling that he was so proud of his appearance.

After all, he has this ability, and his divine power is enough to make them disappear here. The black elf is not ignorant, so he also feels this way at the moment, so what should he do, he dare not quit easily.

If he was afraid, he might die faster, and the black elf didn't know what to do, but he felt that if the other party really wanted to hurt them.

They had no chance to resist at all, but it was impossible for them to admit defeat. His behavior towards Yang Xuan was also quite strange.

How could he not find it strange, the black elf looked at Yang Xuan without any fear at all, at worst he would die here, he said to Yang Xuan.

"So you look so arrogant and rude? If you want to eradicate all the creatures in this nether world, then it's your ability, but if you do this, the whole nether world will disappear , so if you want to do this, you can figure it out yourself, I don't want to care so much at all."

"Because I just want to protect my homeland, so I know in my heart that if this netherworld doesn't exist, our Wuji Rainbow Bridge won't exist either. If you want to do this, there is nothing we can do.".

Chapter 1434 Powerless

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he suddenly felt stunned. Does this little elf seem quite courageous? And since it appeared, it seems that they are really not afraid of death?

Otherwise, how could they be so persistent and resist themselves all the time, but knowing that their abilities are so low and they can't resist themselves, they are still trying, wanting to drive themselves away, let themselves leave this infinite rainbow bridge .

Yang Xuan felt a little moved suddenly, because they were relatively united, and the elves launched an attack, and they also felt quite helpless looking at the black elves.

After all, Yang Xuan didn't want to hurt any of their creatures, but there was always a situation, and Yang Xuan felt quite helpless. Besides, what is the state of this netherworld.

Yang Xuan always needs to know what is going on here, how many places there are, Yang Xuan also needs to know, besides, he is looking at this Wuji Rainbow Bridge in a special way at the moment.

It is colorful, radiant and very beautiful. Yang Xuan couldn't help but want to come up and take a look, but he didn't expect that there are some black elves living here.

The black elves looked at Yang Xuan, and felt that their strength had reached their limit, but the other party seemed to be motionless, standing on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, as if he hadn't moved at all.

Just standing there has already blocked their abilities, and there will be no harm, so the black elves also find it very strange, what should they do? Should they withdraw their spells or continue to attack.

After all, they have heard the other party say that they are not allowed to attack, but do the black elves think that if they do not attack them, there may be a chance? Wouldn't it be faster to die?

So at this moment, they don't know the identity of Yang Xuan in front of them, and why they came here. All these seem rather strange, and they also know it in their hearts, so how could they not understand it, they just feel that the situation in front of them has appeared.

It also made him feel a little unbelievable, and he also understood in his heart that if this is the case, then he doesn't have to think too much and launch an attack. At worst, he will die directly. If he figured it out, there will be no worries.

····Ask for flowers 0·

After all, the few of them living in this Wuji Rainbow Bridge can be regarded as relatively carefree. Now that they have encountered a master, if they can't resist, they can only accept their fate, the black elf said to Yang Xuan.

"If you really have this ability, no one can stop you, but I always attack to protect us, how can we change easily."


"So whatever you want, you can figure it out for yourself, and don't use such words to be like us. If we feel scared and feel a strong force at the beginning, it is impossible to launch an attack."

"All these things don't matter to us. How could we be greedy for life and afraid of death, so you can come here if you want, don't think about these things anymore, how can we surrender so easily, this Wuji The Rainbow Bridge is ours, is it only wrong for us to protect our families?"

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he felt very funny in his heart, what the black elf said seemed relatively straightforward.

Chapter 1435

The black elf looked at Yang Xuan above the Promise Rainbow Bridge, but felt strange, what did the person in front of him want, and after he said those words just now, the other party did not take any action, nor did he launch an attack.

What exactly do you want to do? So he was already standing on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, but did he really want to compete with them for territory.

"Six Eight Zero" The black elves have lived here for so long, and no one has ever come here, so they are just some lives. How could there be no humans in this place?

Yang Xuan also felt that no matter what, with all these situations in front of him, Yang Xuan always had to try, otherwise how could he know the situation here, and how could he know that there are some elves living in the Promise Rainbow Bridge? .

So these black elves look really weird, they are attacking, and their blue eyes look fierce, Yang Xuan thinks it is really unbelievable.

But he won't change his decision easily, because Yang Xuan felt that the situation in front of him appeared, how could he change his decision easily?

Because what happened in the Promise Rainbow Bridge, Yang Xuan always wanted to find out, he didn't want to come to this netherworld for nothing and know nothing.

Because every place is full of strange Yang Xuan seeds that need to be cleared, otherwise it would be meaningless to come here this time, even though Yang Xuan doesn't know what the purpose is at the moment.

But having already entered this evil world, Yang Xuan didn't think about it so much. Looking at everything in the Promise Rainbow Bridge, he thought it was really unbelievable. The black elves still looked so angry and were still attacking.

The black elves are really in a hurry. The person in front of him can attack whatever he wants. It's really helpless for them to wait like this.

Their abilities were already attacking, but the opponent didn't resist, and he was indifferent, but he didn't suffer any damage, and he looked extremely powerful, the black elf said to Yang Xuan.

"You really seem to be unreasonable, so if you want to do anything, you can just let it go. You are standing there now and not launching an attack, but resisting our attack. You What does this mean? You think you are great because you are strong..."

"So although we elves seem a little weak, we don't think the big deal that we are afraid of is that it will be wiped out again. What's the big deal."

Yang Xuan laughed out loud after hearing these words, he felt that the black elf was really overbearing, did he want to die faster at this moment? Otherwise, how could he say that?

Yang Xuan didn't want to do this at all, but they let themselves attack. As long as Yang Xuan stood on it at this moment, the spell had already been activated.

0.1 It is impossible to suffer any harm at all, so Yang Xuan understands how he can't resist at the moment when they are together, but he just feels that if these situations happen, he certainly understands the reason.

There is no need to worry so much at all, so he is also clear in his heart, but he just feels that if some problems arise, he still hopes that everything can go on normally.

Chapter 1436

Yang Xuan really didn't want too many problems to arise, how could he not understand, then Yang Xuan also felt quite helpless, the black elves seemed to want to die early.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to do this, and Yang Xuan does not want to be covered with too much blood, nor does he want to enter his Infinity Rainbow Bridge and hurt any living beings, Yang Xuan is not the purpose.

So how they want to live is their right, how can they interfere? To him, these are all indifferent matters, how could Yang Xuan care about them?

The black elf thinks it's too strange, this is already like this, he has already said so much, but why does the other party seem to have no action for 22?

He didn't want to hurt them, but why did he enter this Wuji Rainbow Bridge? The Promise Rainbow Bridge was their home, so the black elves felt that they didn't want to be violated by others, but the person in front of them not only didn't do anything.

But he still looks so weird, and the black elf also feels that he is already so provocative, but why does the other party still understand me? Did he not want to hurt them?

But he felt that he didn't want to hurt everyone, why did he run to the Wuji Rainbow Bridge? The more the black elf thought about it, the more he felt a little unbelievable, so he also felt a little unimaginable in his heart, what is the reason for this.

The other party seems to be powerful, and the inexhaustible divine power on his body proves that he is a human being, but the black elf feels that he can't imagine that there are some dead forests in this infinite rainbow bridge, how could there be human beings here?

The person in front of him was really special. The black elves also felt that they had already died once, and they didn't care about dying again, so he spoke directly, and he said to Yang Xuan.

"We have already tried to die once, and we don't care about dying here again, because we have lived for so long and don't think about too many problems at all, but you seem to be so powerful, but since you are Human beings make us feel quite surprised, but what is the role of this Wuji Rainbow Bridge for you?"

"You just wanted to run up to make me feel so scary. Is this intentional? But we won't be afraid, we have already thought about it, and one day we will encounter some dangers when we live in this nether world."

"Later we found this Wuji Rainbow Bridge, such a good place, we can survive, no creatures have ever come here to disturb us, but you are really the first one."

The black elf was telling the truth, and he also felt that if a situation like 683 happened today, how could he not understand.

It's just that if some problems arise, he still hopes to solve them, so how can he have other concerns? But if these problems can really be redeveloped, he certainly hopes to make a good decision.

The black elf just felt a little baffled, what exactly did Yang Xuan want to do, if he really wanted to hurt them, why didn't he do anything until now?

He just used magic to resist their abilities outside, and didn't let them get hurt. The black elf felt that he really didn't dare to think about it, because the person in front of him was too powerful.

Chapter 1437 Powerless

Yang Xuan's power is boundless, and it is not something they elves can resist. They feel that after they come to this Wuji Rainbow Bridge, they will live more comfortably here.

After all, in this evil world, they just wanted to find a quiet place to live, but they didn't expect this person in front of them to appear and what they wanted to do.

That's why they are so anxious, otherwise how could they be like this, so they also know in their hearts how to make a decision, and they don't know what to do.

They are just some weak elves, but after they have some abilities, they can feel that they can stand firm. Otherwise, they are really so evil in this world, so if they don't have some skills, how can they live until now?

How could the black elves not understand, just feel this person, what exactly does he want to do? Why don't you say it? And at this moment, doesn't he want to destroy them?

Why not make a move? The black elf also felt that he really didn't know what to do. After all, he also felt that if the situation had stabilized no matter what, he didn't want anything to happen again.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he didn't take it seriously at all. How could Yang Xuan make a move so easily? It was too easy for him to fight against these black elves with his ability.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to do this, but he feels that every place in this nether world is relatively evil, and every living being is like this, and now they are familiar with it, so he thinks it is no big deal.

It's just that if such a situation arises, it's enough for him to understand in his heart, how could he be worried about other things, so Yang Xuan understands that his heart is relatively calm.

He just felt that this kind of execution problem gave him what he needed to deal with, so this Promise Rainbow Bridge looks good, and Yang Xuan also felt that he had never seen such a beautiful Rainbow Bridge appear.

He actually appeared in this nether world, in this evil ghost place, the more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more helpless he felt, but he didn't want to change the status quo here.

After all, he has this ability, and he doesn't want to waste his ability, Yang Xuan said to the black elf.

"Just because you guys are not worth my shot, so don't think about these things any more. How could I do this? I said I wanted to hurt you, but you think there is still Is this an opportunity to talk to me?".

"¨Is there still a chance to use spells to resist me here? It's really a bit over my head, so I don't want to do this, so don't think about other problems. , your light is indeed stronger, but it has no effect on me."

"Hurry up and take it back, (Wang Qianhao) Otherwise, the spells you have practiced in this Wuji Rainbow Bridge for so many years will be wasted in vain. They were useless when you resisted me just now. Isn't it so wasteful for so many years?" Is it time? I don't want to hurt you today, so why should you resist me?"

After the black elf heard what Yang Xuan said, he looked at his companions and felt a little unbelievable. Since the other party said so, what should they do? .

Chapter 1438 Do What You Can

Are they really going to change at this moment? So they feel that the other party is already standing in front of them, and this Wuji Rainbow Bridge is their home. They have been waiting for so long, how could they easily want to be violated by others?

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