However, the Promise Rainbow Bridge has seven colors of light, which is particularly dazzling. Yang Xuan thinks this scenery is too beautiful.

Yang Xuan also felt that the Promise Rainbow Bridge appeared here, compared to appearing in the human world, appearing in the sky after the rain, it is more beautiful, after all, there is no light and there is no situation here.

Chapter 1426 Unbelievable

But such a beautiful Promise Rainbow Bridge appeared in the darkness of the sky, creating such a kind of light, which was extraordinarily dazzling, Yang Xuan felt that it was extremely beautiful.

So he also felt strange in his heart, muttering in his heart as he walked, always feeling a little unbelievable, after all, all the situations had already happened in this nether world.

And every place looks weird, Yang Xuan just hoped that the Tower of Reincarnation would appear sooner, so that he could leave here.

But Yang Xuan also felt that how could it be possible to leave this world so quickly, there would always be some situations before entering a world, how could it end so quickly.

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward, because if he wanted to enter the Promise Rainbow Bridge, he also needed to manipulate spells, because there seemed to be a few souls floating on it.

Yang Xuan couldn't see clearly, because the distance was too far, and Yang Xuan had to fly into the air to know all of this, but he didn't rush to break through slowly.

Yang Xuan felt that this place was so weird. Since this was the case, why should he think too much? Because, Yang Xuan didn't think it was necessary, he just had to deal with the situation properly, and Yang Xuan didn't worry about him, nor was he afraid.

So his heart is still relatively calm, but he feels that if such a situation arises, he still hopes that everything can be resolved. I really hope that if other situations arise, he still hopes that everything can be handled perfectly.

Yang Xuan looked left and right as he walked, and this place looked extraordinarily quiet, so Yang Xuan always felt that there was something strange after coming to this nether world.

But now I don't know very clearly. I was a little surprised when I encountered these situations. Before my eyes, the Promise Rainbow Bridge appeared, floating in the air, and there were still a few souls wandering on it.

Why is Yang Xuan so terrified looking at this scene, but he will not be afraid of him, but he feels that the above situation is not clear, whether it is a soul or a human soul, or some ghosts are all possible.

Yang Xuan felt that the creatures that appeared in this nether world were rather strange, and he muttered to himself while checking.

"I came to this nether world. Although I don't want to manage everything on my own, I don't want this place to look so scary, and it makes people feel that this place is not a normal situation. When will I be able to get rid of this situation? What about the predicament? It seems that we have to wait for this opportunity."

"After all, I have already come to this nether world. The Promise Rainbow Bridge has already opened. I can't find the Promise Rainbow Bridge at this moment. It is impossible to go back to Chapter 657. When will fate arrange it?"

"The Promise Rainbow Bridge has appeared again, and I can leave this nether world, but this matter does not seem to be so simple, so let's wait, but what is the situation in front of me? Why did the Rainbow Bridge appear here?"

Yang Xuan had already walked under the Promise Rainbow Bridge at this moment, Yang Xuan looked up at the sky and still couldn't see anything.

Because Yang Xuan just felt that the Promise Rainbow Bridge was high above and extremely beautiful, and this situation happened quite suddenly, so Yang Xuan should fly to it to see the situation, and Yang Xuan also understands this situation.

Chapter 1427 Black Elf

Right now, every part of this nether world cannot be explained normally, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to use normal thinking to look at this problem, because everything here is quite special.

How could this nether world be a normal place? It is a place full of evil, so every corner and every situation happened quite suddenly, which made him unable to explain normally. There is no need for Yang Xuan to be so entangled .

So if he wanted to know the situation, he had to inquire carefully. Yang Xuan quickly spun in the air and flew directly to the Wuji Rainbow Bridge.

When Yang Xuan flew up to the top, these wandering souls also kept wandering.

Yang Xuan took a closer look, since there were some elves, and these elves were all black, he really did not expect black elves to appear, and these guys were all black.

Then Yang Xuantou has seen such elves before, he has seen many elves before, but this time when he came to this nether world, the situation is different.

Yang Xuan also felt strange, just when he felt strange, a few black elves actually launched an attack on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, sprayed out black light directly, and flew towards Yang Xuan.

Moreover, Yang Xuan saw that the black light was powerful and had condensed a lot of brilliance to cast such a ray of light. It seems that in this nether world, there are still a few weak black elves in front of some masters.

Yang Xuan also finds it strange that they still seem to have some ability. Do they all want to absorb their abilities? Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter anymore, let's see what the situation is, Yang Xuan used his magic to block the black light outside, how could Yang Xuan be hurt?

Could it be that they felt strange seeing Yang Xuan appearing, since there were no human beings in this nether world, and the human beings in front of them still entered the nether world alive.

Moreover, he has come to the Promise Rainbow Bridge at this moment, so the few of them feel that their territory has been invaded by others, how could they not launch an attack?

So the black elves looked at Yang Xuan furiously, and they gathered a kind of black light that intersected together, the power was powerful, and the brilliance was particularly dazzling.

They just feel a little afraid to imagine that this one is alive. Human beings have entered this nether world, and they seem so powerful. Since they have the courage to enter the Promise Rainbow Bridge, it seems that they also want to compete for territory.

After all, there is a strange light on the Promise Rainbow Bridge, which can be absorbed by them and turned into infinite power, otherwise, these black elves would not be able to live here.

"¨¨Since the monster He Fang has come to this nether world, he has broken into our territory at this moment. Are you really looking for death? If you don't want to die quickly, leave here (Wang Lizhao), but if you want to leave here, you must Contribute some of your abilities, otherwise, it would be impossible to leave here easily'."

"This Promise Rainbow Bridge is not where you want to come. You look like a human being at a young age, but it may be a change from a fairy. Don't try to deceive our eyes. We are not blind, how can we not see your identity?".

Chapter 1428

"So hurry up and show your original shape, don't pretend anymore, you look like a human being at the moment, and it seems that this kind of breath has never been seen here."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, how could he not be amazed in his heart, he felt that if such a situation happened, he would understand it, but he just felt that since such a problem happened, Yang Xuan had already entered the Promise Rainbow Bridge.

How could it be so easy to leave? He just felt that the black elf who spoke seemed to be capable, otherwise he wouldn't be so powerful, and his tone was quite loud.

Yang Xuan just thinks why every creature that appears in this nether world is like this, are they really so powerful? And it looks like it really doesn't care.

It may be that they have already died once, and this time is not bad, they don't think too much, but they are also improving their abilities, and they also want to become stronger.

Otherwise, what would they do? How could they do this, so he understands the psychology, but he doesn't have this matter in his heart. As long as he can change everything again, then Yang Xuan also hopes that everything will go on normally.

He just felt that it was impossible to leave here so easily, and Yang Xuan didn't understand the situation of the Promise Rainbow Bridge. Since Yang Xuan was looking at such a magical place, it was really weird. Yang Xuan In my heart, I will not change my decision easily.

One of the black elves looked at Yang Xuan, but felt that the other party was still indifferent after so many words. What did he mean? And his spells at this moment are indeed endless.

Their black light has been blocked outside, so it is not easy for them to resist Yang Xuan on the Promise Rainbow Bridge, but they will not give up easily, this Promise Rainbow Bridge is their home, How could they have changed so much now?

The black elves also understand these things. These black elves have lived here for so long, how could they easily admit defeat? And they also feel that no matter what the other party's background is, he doesn't care what evildoer (ccab) it is.

As long as he entered this nether world, he had to abide by the rules. They could absorb some spiritual power from each other, but they couldn't occupy other people's territory.

The rule of this netherworld is that whoever gets this place first will belong to the owner. It looks simple like this, but it is very effective. The black elves have lived here for so long.

Unexpectedly, the Promise Rainbow Bridge is really good, it can give them some abilities, and at the same time they will get endless light, how could the black elves be unhappy?

The black elf had a lot of emotions in his heart, but the abilities of the few of them have not been recovered.

Because they felt that if the few of them withdrew the spell at this moment, they might suffer internal injuries, because the opponent's ability should not be underestimated, the black elf said to Yang Xuan.

"But what is your identity? What are you doing here in this nether world without following the rules? Our Promise Rainbow Bridge must belong to us black elves. We have lived here for a long time, and no one has come here at all. ruin it all."

Chapter 1429

"Because there are many places in the nether world, whoever can compete for a place is what you like. If you have this ability, you can live for a long time. If you don't have this ability, then it will naturally be snatched by others. It seems that you Did you come here to grab our territory? Why don’t you understand what I’m talking to you?”

"Don't be stubborn, you guy. Don't think that your ability can resist our black light, but our light is absorbed in this infinite rainbow bridge."

Yang Xuan laughed out loud after hearing these words, he thought it was too interesting, this black elf is really a bit over his head, since he speaks without shame~ he said such nonsense.

But if Yang Xuan hadn't estimated that they were some creatures in this nether world, Yang Xuan would have already wiped them up and turned them into ashes, how could he deal with them.

But Yang Xuan knew that the situation that he didn't encounter in this place was like this, and it was basically the same, but Yang Xuan also felt that he had no way to stick to such a rule.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to wipe out all the creatures here, so how could he do so, so he also understands these principles in his heart.

The black elves looked at Yang Xuan and just thought what was the identity of this young man in front of him? Is he really a human? But they found it strange.

If it is a human being, how can it have such a powerful ability? The black elves and the others have been cultivating in this infinite rainbow bridge for so long, and their power on the infinite rainbow bridge is infinite.

They have already been absorbed into their bodies, how could they not understand it in their hearts, so they feel that when such a situation occurs, they feel quite surprised.

And the more you think about this situation, the worse it feels, so the black elf also thinks that the other party seems indifferent and seems so calm, isn't he really afraid?

So they thought that Yang Xuan in front of them might be the incarnation of a ghost, but he didn't quite look like a ghost, so how could he have this ability?

But he shouldn't be so powerful as a human being, so the black elves have seen a lot of human beings entering this nether world, and they are some evil souls.

····Ask for flowers 0·

How could it be possible to be as powerful and capable as Yang Xuan? The more the black elves thought about it, the more they felt unimaginable, so they always had to find the answer when this situation happened, so they kept attacking.


But their light did not pose any threat to Yang Xuan, the other party had already controlled the light in the palm of his hand, the black elf was very angry at this moment, he looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"Even though it's black in front of you, after a while our light will turn into colorful light with infinite power. If you don't want to die, get out of here quickly. I don't want to know who you are, as long as you don't destroy our lives. , as long as you don’t disturb our rest.”

"We don't want to know so much at all, so don't think that you have some abilities that seem to be so powerful and arrogant. It is wrong for you to enter the Promise Rainbow Bridge." 1.

Chapter 1430

"Don't change our routines or our way of life easily, it's not something you can decide at all."

After the black elves said these words, they also felt that their abilities had reached their limits, and they couldn't easily stop, if they stopped at this moment.

They were about to give up all their previous efforts, and they were about to be injured by their own "six six seven" internal force, so they couldn't easily withdraw their spells. Their black light shot a lot of light in the air and flew directly to Yang Xuan's side.

But Yang Xuan was already standing on the Promise Rainbow Bridge at this moment, they were not able to resist at all, but the black elves and the others would not take it back easily.

Because once the spell is cast back, it can only be withdrawn when the opponent is hurt, but what should the opponent do if he is intact and has not been hurt?

The black elves watched Yang Xuan struggle terribly. After all, this Wuji Rainbow Bridge was where they worked, and they absorbed a lot of spiritual power in the Wuji Rainbow Bridge.

Then they got a lot of improvement, and they also feel that one day they absorb the colorful light here and they will become even stronger.

But all of this was actually destroyed by Yang Xuan. Looking at Yang Xuan's appearance at this moment, he just felt that the other party hadn't changed in any way. Their light had already been controlled by Yang Xuan in the palm of his hand.

Yang Xuan really finds it strange that these black elves in front of him are really overestimated, what's wrong? Is every creature in this nether world like this? Are they really in this state?

Yang Xuan understood it, but the whole Yang Xuan also knew in his heart that he really didn't want to change so much, so he also knew in his heart that if some situations arise, Yang Xuan doesn't want to make it too complicated, after all, the creatures here are like this son.

They all live in such a way that it is completely impossible to easily decide, but what should they do like this? Yang Xuan said to the black elf with special anger.

"You have such an evil guy, hurry up and stop, just because you think that shooting these black rays of light will hurt us, it is impossible at all, you should stop wasting these abilities, this Wuji Rainbow Bridge is our home , so what? Is this Wuji Rainbow Bridge yours? This belongs to the nether world...."

"So you guys don't want to be like this, let alone think about this problem in your heart, stop it quickly, otherwise, if you want to fight against me like this, it is a waste of my ability, just relying on you guys If you want to deal with me in your identity, you really don't know how to live or die."

"Don't think about who I am. Even if I am a monster, what does it matter to you? If you don't have this ability, resist me. If you don't have this ability, hurry up and catch it, otherwise it will hurt you. Don't say I didn't remind you 0.1."

After hearing Yang Xuan's words while standing on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, the black elf was very angry. He just felt that the young man in front of him was too arrogant. Is he really human?

Isn't he a monster? If he is really a human being, why does he look so powerful? The black elf also finds it a little unbelievable, and feels uneasy in his heart.

Chapter 1431 Intact

This human looks so young and naive, and he is not very old. Since he has this ability, he is really surprised that he is like this. The black elf didn't want to attack at all.

But the other party broke into his own domain, and the black elf also wanted to protect his own domain. Could it be wrong? He just felt that what Yang Xuan said didn't seem very reasonable, why is this young man acting like this.

The black elf also felt helpless in his heart, but he also knew in his heart that no matter what, he also understood in his heart when these situations happened, and he would not think too much about the problems at all, but only thought that if these situations could be changed.

22 He still hopes to change. If he can’t change it, let’s talk about it later. Anyway, he also understands these things, but he thinks that some problems seem simple, but it is really difficult to do them.

As it is at this moment, if they want to drive Yang Xuan away with magic, they can't do it at all, because their abilities have already been played in the air.

But the other party was completely indifferent, standing on the Wuji Rainbow Bridge, he looked so capable and so proud.

Controlling all their spells and these black rays of light outside, there is no harm to him, it seems that they are really futile.

Yang Xuan looked at the black elves and they just thought that these guys were really interesting. They looked at each other, but this ability has not been withdrawn. Yang Xuan also felt what it would be like for them to live in this infinite rainbow bridge.

Yang Xuan can see their domain, so what, Yang Xuan won't have so many places. If anyone has the ability, Yang Xuan doesn't want to think too much at all.

After all, Yang Xuan also felt helpless when he came to this netherworld. He always had to walk around. He couldn’t come here for nothing, so he felt that this trip was worthwhile. Yang Xuan would not think too much about other things. up.

Yang Xuan didn't think it was necessary, so he understood it in his heart, but he felt that if some situations arise, he also understands this truth, because how could it be unclear.

But if these problems really changed so much, then Yang Xuan also felt quite helpless, but felt that some situations had already happened, how could he not know how to deal with these situations, he said to the black elves.

"You want to resist me just because you are like this. It's simply too self-sufficient. Don't look at what you look like and how much ability you have. Do you want to attack anyone? This Wuji Rainbow Bridge belongs to you, then How about it? I saw the Promise 667 Rainbow Bridge, and I wanted to come up, and I wanted to enjoy the scenery here, can you control it?"

"So don't overestimate your abilities here. If you don't have this ability at all, you still need to support yourself, because a little magic can hurt others. I am a human being, so what? Humans are not easy to bully , so hurry up and take back these tricks of yours, and don't make me look down on you."

"Otherwise, once I attack again, I'm afraid you won't know how you died, and you still want to resist me just because of your appearance."

Yang Xuan used his spells to control all the opponent's abilities outside.

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