Chapter 1314 A ray of light

Yang Xuan always felt that he was talking to himself. He wanted to analyze things now, and he was analyzing things while following the figure in white.

The speed of the figure in white is not very happy, but Yang Xuan also feels that there is a little light when he walks forward, that is, the little light he saw when he came to this nether world just now is here.

It seems that this is his territory, Yang Xuan didn't care, but felt that the front looked rather dark, but there was a ray of light in the darkness.

Yang Xuan felt that this was created by the white-clothed figure through his ability. Otherwise, there would be no light at all in this netherworld. This is a dark hell, so how could there be any light?

Yang Xuan just felt that it didn't matter so much, let's see what happened for now, he just felt that some situations would always surprise him if they happened today.

He didn't want to change so much at all. On the contrary, all these things always made him feel a little unbelievable. Yang Xuan didn't expect that these things happened suddenly, and Yang Xuan had no chance to choose at all.

Moreover, after leaving a world just now, he came to this nether world again after passing through the transmission of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, so Yang Xuan felt really helpless after being reincarnated again, but now that he has come here.

Yang Xuan also has no chance to choose, so he can only follow the way here, besides, Yang Xuan wants to find out who belongs to this case.

So he followed the figure in white and walked forward, this is the only way, Yang Xuan can know the situation here through this way.

Yang Xuan was also sure in his heart, but he felt that since some situations were in front of him, they should always be handled properly, and there was really no need to worry so much.

So Yang Xuan also understood all of this, he just felt that if this incident happened, he always felt a little too entangled, besides, these are good.

He originally wanted to return to the real world, but he didn't expect that he was not given any chance to breathe, and he was brought to this nether world directly through the Reincarnation Tower. Yang Xuan felt that it was really too cruel .

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Do I really want to be reincarnated in worlds one after another? Is there really no chance to return to the real society?

The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more confused he became, but now that these things have happened, Yang Xuan has no choice but to continue looking for a glimmer of light in this nether world.

Besides, there must be missions in this nether world, and he may be looking for some treasures from the devil world or some characters here.


At that time, he will get his own ability, Yang Xuan can only think so, he muttered in his heart.

"After all, some situations have arisen, and you always have to rely on your own ability to change. Once there are new changes in some situations, you have to rely on your own ability to break through all of them. Besides, no matter what dangers there are in this nether world, I will always be here. Came here after turning around."

"Everything here is unreal to me. Even if I die here, then my affairs will be over, and I will return to the real society, and I can leave this nether world." .

Chapter 1315 Laying a Barrier

Yang Xuan followed the figure in white and walked forward. He just felt that the other person seemed to be moving more slowly, but it was becoming more and more blurred. Yang Xuan couldn't see the situation in front of him. The nether world was so dark.

Yang Xuan passed the True Reincarnation Tower and turned around to this Nether World. How could Yang Xuan not know how terrifying this world is, and there is no light in this "five two three" place.

Without any sunlight, one has to rely on one's own spells to see through all of this, so Yang Xuan will have this ability, otherwise, entering this netherworld is really helpless, he watched the white-clothed figure in front of him keep moving.

Yang Xuan also felt that no matter what, he had already come to this nether world, and he had to develop according to everything he had. Let's see when he could end his mission and leave here.

At this moment, Yang Xuan also felt that he didn't know when he would be able to leave this ghost place. It was really weird, but Yang Xuan could only continue.

Because he can't leave at this moment, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower here has been closed and disappeared, how could Yang Xuan leave the reincarnation world, Yang Xuan pondered as he walked.

"But this kind of situation seems impossible. Every time there is another world. After reincarnation, why didn't I let myself die there? Instead, I came back after gaining a lot of abilities. It's really good. I don't want to So much, what's the use of thinking so much?"

"Let's go forward normally. It's really helpless. Let's see where this white-clothed figure is moving, but this guy seems to be about to stop, and why is he walking so slowly? It's not as slow as before. Too much, it seems that this guy is doing this on purpose."

"But I don't know that even if I fell into a trap, I will go forward. After all, after entering this netherworld, there is not even a ghost shadow. Only such a figure in white clothes appeared. Who am I going to follow? It really looks weird, this place is really special, no wonder the Nether World is different."

Yang Xuan felt that the light was getting closer and closer, and seeing that the white-clothed figure in front of him had suddenly disappeared, Yang Xuan felt strange, how could he be fine just now...

As he walked, the other party disappeared, how could Yang Xuan not be surprised? The more I think about it, the more I feel a little confused. How could such a good person just disappear out of thin air?

And this light is still the more Yang Xuan thinks about it, the more he feels something is wrong, there should be nothing in this nether world, let alone any light.

After all, this is a dark castle of hell, this place is such a world, so when there is light, it is the light created by these evil souls here through their spells.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for 0.1 interesting light to appear here. The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more he felt a little unbelievable, and the figure in white had disappeared.

Is this guy hiding? Or did he deliberately bring himself to this place? Yang Xuan kept thinking behind him, but at this moment he had to stand on the spot and carefully look at this place in front of him.

Bai Ting ghost made him already arrived at his own territory, so the inside is not very big.

Chapter 1316 Panic

But the place where he lives is relatively quiet, this place is relatively remote, and there are usually ghosts and demons in this place.

They usually don't come here, and there are quite a lot of evil spirits collected from various places in their netherworld.

So they come here with the last remaining souls, whether it is demons or ghosts, or these evil souls, they are always souls, so they all have such a name.

Bai Ting Ghost Envoy has already hid at this moment, and the enchantment in front of him has appeared, it depends on how the other party is doing, so he watched Yang Xuan behind him keep moving.

So I want to see the other party's 22 background. After all, he has a human smell on him, and he is a living person. This is the first time he has entered this nether world.

Bai Ting ghost envoy felt that it was really weird, otherwise, he would not be able to attract the other party here at this moment, if some ordinary people died.

When the soul came to this nether world, the ghost envoy Bai Ting didn't want to talk to him or manage so much, so he just felt a little surprised, so he led Yang Xuan to this place, wanting to see what's going on.

See how capable the other party is, otherwise, how could Bai Ting Ghost Envoy do this? I just feel that since some situations are in front of me, they must always be resolved.

Besides, what kind of place is this nether world? Moreover, the fact that such a living person can come to this nether world proves that his ability cannot be underestimated. In the dark, waiting for Yang Xuan to approach slowly.

"This young man really has a bit of guts. Otherwise, how could he have been moving forward with me? It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. He looks so calm when he comes to this nether world, and he doesn't feel that at all. The appearance of fear, so it is really special."

"It seems that this young man has a certain background, but his ability seems to be really powerful, but why did he come to this nether world? Did he come here on purpose? Or did he have something? What about the mission? Did someone send him here?"

Bai Ting's ghost envoy thought in his heart that he was already hiding in a corner at this moment, and he had already begun to disappear, otherwise he would not be like this now.

However, he also felt that the opponent's ability was very powerful. He had activated the invisibility technique, but Bai Ting's ghost envoy could still see it. After all, they came to this nether world, and their invisibility technique had lost its ability.

But their spells won't be invalidated, the 527 Bai Ting Ghost Messenger knew in his heart, otherwise, it would be impossible for the young man behind him to manipulate his spells to follow him here.

But Bai Ting Ghost Envoy wanted to know all this, but he was quite helpless. After all, he didn't know the identity of the person behind him, and he must be human.

But it doesn't make sense to be alive and basically in the Nether World, so he is anxious at the moment, trying to figure out the reason is impossible to wait like this forever.

Therefore, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy is sure what he wants to know. If it is really a place for meritorious service, then he will get a treasure.

Chapter 1317 Chaos

Because their nether world is relatively calm, but they themselves are also fighting for each other in this nether world.

Moreover, whoever is powerful will eradicate the other party, and no one cares about it at all. This is a chaotic situation. Bai Ting Ghost Envoy also hopes to improve everything here one day.

But he is not that evil, but he also wants to live in this environment, so to get used to everything here, he can only go along with the evil, and he will not harm others.

But he can't prevent other souls from harming another kind of ghost, so they compete with each other, whoever has the strongest ability can survive in this netherworld.

If the ability is weak, others will naturally absorb all the vitality. After death, if the last bit of vitality in this nether world is sucked, they will not be able to survive.

Bai Ting ghost envoy has already adapted to such a cycle, otherwise, how could he have lived in this nether world for so long, I am afraid that if he did not achieve his current ability, he would have died here long ago.

At the very beginning, he would do the same, constantly absorbing the energy of these little devils, and gaining some ability to improve can protect himself. Only when he becomes strong will he not be hurt by others.

Only then can I survive in this house, otherwise I would have no chance to turn around and come out, and I would have no chance to obtain such an ability.

So he knew in his heart that he just felt that they had missed the chance to reincarnate here, and he probably would have no chance to reincarnate again.

But the ghost envoy Bai Ting just didn't care. Anyway, he was used to living in this nether world, so he didn't care so much at all.

"This matter needs to be clarified, otherwise it will be impossible for us to live in this nether world. It seems that this problem is more complicated. I will figure it out first and then go back and report. In this case, maybe I can still talk about it." Rewards for meritorious deeds, you can also get some abilities'..."

"I can't think too much about this problem for the time being, otherwise, once the problem arises, it will be really complicated. After all, this netherworld has never been here before, and the living people are all dead souls. What's more strange is that if you don't figure it out, there will be no peaceful days here."

The ghost envoy Bai Ting is in the dark at the moment, and it is impossible for Yang Xuan to discover it. He pondered in his heart, so he just felt that these things must be clarified, otherwise their nether world will never be peaceful, and he is not do not understand.

Bai Ting Ghost Envoy actually didn't have any wishes, he just felt that since he had already come to live in this nether world, he also felt that this place was particularly terrifying at the beginning.

But once he stays for a long time and gets used to everything, he doesn't care anymore. (Li Li Zhao) Anyway, he feels that it's really okay, at least he doesn't have any worries in his heart.

I just feel that if some situations arise, as long as these things can be handled well, there is no need to worry, so Bai Tinggui understands in his heart and doesn't have too many worries.

I just feel that since some things can operate normally, there is nothing to worry about, but everything seems to have changed when the young man behind him came here.

Chapter 1318 Whereabouts Suspicious

Yang Xuan looked so calm, a human or a living human came to this nether world, such a situation has never happened before, how could Bai Ting Ghost Envoy not be afraid?

But what's the use of being afraid, Bai Ting's ghost envoy has to figure it out, he just thinks that he is powerful, so if the person behind him is capable, resist his attack.

It should be able to resist for a while, and when everyone knows what's going on, they will come to save themselves, so Bai Ting's ghost envoy doesn't want any danger in this nether world at this moment, and it doesn't seem like there will be too many accidents.

So he understood in his heart, but he just felt that if some situations arise, how can everything look so peaceful, some things seem to be more complicated than 527.

So he also understands all of this, and even more so, how could he not be clear, but he just feels that since some problems have changed, it depends on how he decides.

Then Bai Ting ghost envoy just hopes that this netherworld is safe and sound, and everyone can live freely in these homeless cabinets, these souls, and some monsters.

The few remaining souls can live here, isn't it great? But if one day this place is destroyed, then they will not be able to continue here.

I'm afraid it's impossible to find a place as good as the Nether World, so Bai Ting Ghost Envoy's worry is not unreasonable.

Yang Xuan slowly approached, only to find that there was an enchantment in the place in front of him, and the figure in white suddenly disappeared. This enchantment has no power at the moment, and it has been opened.

Yang Xuan felt that it was really strange. Could it be that this enchantment was opened just for himself? Wishing to bring himself here, Yang Xuan also felt that it didn't matter, and he would enter the barrier to see what was going on in a while.

Yang Xuan just felt that the other party was right in front of him. The white-clothed figure was only very close to him, and he also used invisibility while hiding in the dark. Just now, Yang Xuan thought it was quite naive. Invisibility is not available in this netherworld (ccab) any effect.

Yang Xuan really wasted this spell, but these abilities still exist in him, Yang Xuan won't be afraid of so much, and Yang Xuan thinks it's time to clarify.

I don't want to follow the other party inexplicably like this. After all, Yang Xuan always needs to know something when he comes to this nether world, so he looks for something he wants.

This is normal, let's see what the problem is, after all, every place is different, Yang Xuan said to the white-clothed figure in front.

"The white-clothed figure in front of you, come out, don't lead me into the urn again, how could I not notice it? So this barrier has been opened by you, do you want me to enter the barrier and trap me? ? So don't be so childish, come out quickly, we two don't play hide-and-seek."

"I don't want to follow you either, so don't lead me to try to think about it. It's really not necessary. What purpose do you want? Anyway, you can say it yourself. If you want to know my situation, I will I'll tell you, and besides, I didn't come here to hurt you."

"You don't have to worry so much, so I followed you just now.".

Chapter 1319 Inexplicable

"I just think that after entering this nether world, there is nothing. I think it is really strange, so I thought to follow after I saw a figure, and you look really cute in a set of white clothes. Rather eye-catching."

The ghost envoy Bai Ting really didn't expect the young man behind him to speak. At this moment, the ghost envoy Bai Ting thought it was wonderful, even though he was hiding behind, the opening of the barrier would bring Yang Xuan in.

He wanted to trap him in the barrier, but since the other party pointed it out directly, it really made Bai Ting Ghost Envoy feel a little unbelievable. According to his plan, this has completely disrupted.

So Bai Ting's ghost envoy also felt that this young man was too smart, he didn't want to play around or hide anymore, so he directly wanted to reveal all this, but Bai Ting's ghost envoy didn't come out, he had to wait- .

It is impossible to come out directly after hearing what the other party said, Bai Ting ghost envoy also understands in his heart, but just thinks how the other party will decide, can he reveal his identity? So why did he come to this nether-world.

This is something my sister or I don't want to know will be revealed here, so Bai Ting Ghost Envoy also feels that it is really strange.

What exactly does Yang Xuan want? He just felt that since the other party came out after talking for a while, Bai Ting ghost felt that there was nothing to hide.

It's not that he can't see the light, and it's not that he is afraid of Yang Xuan, why is he hiding? So it's good to be clear in your heart, there is really no need to worry so much about other issues.

So he also understands this, and Bai Ting Ghost Envoy also feels that since the other party dares to talk to him straight to the point and let him show up, it seems that his ability is really as powerful as he imagined.

He was even stronger than he thought, otherwise how could he have the guts? Even after death, ordinary people would feel scared when they came to this netherworld and saw someone like him appearing.

After all, in such a terrifying world, human beings come here after death, are their souls bold? Also so timid.

But the current situation is really bad. Anyway, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy wants to know the truth of the matter, so let's see what the origin of Yang Xuan is.

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Yang Xuan thought why the figure in white didn't come out yet? What is this guy waiting for? Yang Xuan really didn't want to launch an attack.

After all, he didn't know the identity of the other party, but Yang Xuan felt that every soul or incarnation of some monsters in this nether world was relatively evil.

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