The Ghost Envoy Bai Ting was also sure in his heart, but he felt that he should wait until he understands some situations and see what the problem is. He doesn't want to make too many changes at this moment.

I just hope that all this can go on normally, and Bai Ting suddenly thought of a strange person coming to this place.

And it's not a soul, let alone a dead person, but also a living person from the world. I really can't imagine what this is like?

Yang Xuan has been following the white-clothed figure in front of him. He doesn't know the identity of the white-clothed figure, but the white-clothed figure looks more elegant.

In this nether world, it looks extraordinarily dazzling, and there seems to be a terrifying aura rushing towards his face, so Yang Xuan feels that the more it looks like this.

The more he wanted to follow the figure in white in front of him, Yang Xuan had no idea what this guy's identity was.

Besides, how many ghosts appear in this nether world, and how many demons and ghosts or some lost people gather here.

Yang Xuan couldn't be sure, so there must be these strange things living in this place, otherwise, how could this place look (ccab) eerie.

Since it is a netherworld, how can there be sunshine? Of course Yang Xuan understood, so he kept moving forward behind the figure in white. He didn't know who the figure in white was.

It just felt that no matter what the other party's intentions were, Yang Xuan wanted to find out, after all, the person he met just now in this nether world was a figure in white.

How could Yang Xuan give up this opportunity? Yang Xuan was studying in his heart while walking.

"No matter so much, no matter who the white figure in front of him is, then he must be living in this nether world. I must know the situation here. Besides, I must be looking for something when I come to this nether world. Are you looking for some evil spirits, or are you looking for some treasures from this place."

"So these treasures or some artifacts I'm looking for in this darkness are probably very evil, and they are all bloodthirsty, but these things are just guesses. Let's talk about it after we know the situation. Then what is the figure in white? What is your identity?"

"He asked me to follow him all the time. Didn't he find me, or did he do it on purpose? No matter what, you have to follow someone forward, so there is nothing in this netherworld at the moment, only the figure in white appears, so you must You have to follow him, otherwise, it looks like this section of the road is more complicated in front of you, and it turns east and west.".

Chapter 1309 Using Invisibility

Yang Xuan followed behind the figure in white and moved forward. At this moment, Yang Xuan had already used the invisibility technique, but he felt that the other party had already discovered him.

Otherwise why does he seem to be walking so slowly? Just to lure myself over, Yang Xuan simply doesn't have so many anymore.

It's just that he always needs to find a place to ask about the situation, so he knows in his heart that no matter what the other party's intentions are, Yang Xuan won't care~ so much.

Because he finally saw that there was a panting guy in this place, and this nether world looked rather weird-.

Yang Xuan came to this nether world through the Reincarnation Tower and was reincarnated again. Yang Xuan felt that he hadn't been given a chance, so he didn't seem to have any memory in this place at the moment.

And there is no problem. I just feel that since I still have this name, it is okay. If it is really so dangerous here, Yang Xuan doesn't have to be afraid, after all, he has this ability.

How could he be so afraid? He just felt that this place was getting weirder and weirder. The figure in white in front of him was still flying slowly and getting slower and slower.

Yang Xuan's footsteps also slowed down. After all, if he was too fast, he would catch up with the footsteps of the figure in white. Yang Xuan just felt that since the other party pretended to be confused, Yang Xuan didn't care.

No matter whether he fell into a trap or was taken in, Yang Xuan must always know what it is, and what kind of situation this nether world is like.

And whether there are regulations in this nether world, and what is going on in this place, Yang Xuan has no idea at all.

How could Yang Xuan not be in a hurry right now? After all, I came back from another world, so I haven't lived in the real world yet.

Coming to this netherworld again directly through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, Yang Xuan felt really angry, this reincarnation was too fast, why didn't he give himself time to rest?

So Yang Xuan looked at the white-clothed figure in front of him as if he had grasped a life-saving straw. Yang Xuan mainly knew the situation behind it, so he followed the white-clothed figure and walked forward.

Let's see what this guy's identity is, and he is dressed in white and black hair is almost on the ground. It looks like this back is extremely terrifying, but Yang Xuan will not be afraid. After Yang Xuan thought of this, he pondered in his heart .

····Ask for flowers 0·

"I didn't expect this Netherworld to be such a place. It's like a ground surface dug for thousands of meters. There is no difference. There is no sunlight or any light. You can only use your own spells to distinguish the direction. But my spell can look at the light ahead."


"But this netherworld itself doesn't have any sunlight or abnormalities, so how can it be possible to watch these things, but the figure in white moves ahead and follows him forward."

"Let's see what's going on. Whether it's being tricked or used by him, I must know everything here."

Yang Xuan looked at such a scene, how could he not feel anything? It's just that he just came to this nether world and is relatively unfamiliar with all of this, so he must figure out the ins and outs of this place.

So Yang Xuan didn't want himself to be so confused, he felt as if everything was so muddled and came to this nether world.

Chapter 1310 Confused

Yang Xuan wants to figure out all this, since he came to every reincarnated world, Yang Xuan always needs to be clear about everything here, and who is in charge here, and what is the rule here, the evil soul here.

And how these demons and ghosts live, Yang Xuan has no idea, so he is at a loss. To him, the nether world in front of him is a strange world "May 13".

How could he know so much? Even though he knew there was a Nether World before, he had never been there before. This was the first time he had passed the Tower of Reincarnation.

Yang Xuan also felt that since reincarnation came to this nether world, Yang Xuan would make a worthwhile trip here, so he followed the figure in white and kept walking.

Yang Xuan didn't know the identity of this white-clothed figure at all, so he also felt curious. After all, there were no other souls appearing around here, only the white-clothed figure was alone, and Yang Xuan could only follow this guy.

He always felt weird, as if the white-clothed figure in front of him was trying to lure him deliberately, but Yang Xuan couldn't think so much anymore, he wasn't afraid of anything.

Why should he care so much? Even if Yang Xuan has been fooled now, he doesn't care. He always needs to know what's going on in this nether world.

After all, he came to this nether world through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower. Yang Xuan always had some thoughts in his heart, and always felt that some were a little unbelievable.

The True Soul Reincarnation Tower was actually opened, and Yang Xuan also understood, so he has already come to another turned world, which is the Nether World.

If Yang Xuan wants to leave at this moment, he can only leave here through the True Reincarnation Tower after completing the mission here, otherwise Yang Xuan can't leave here.

Then he had to control all the situation here, he just felt that the figure in white clothes floating forward was the only clue.

After all, it looks gloomy and pitch black here, and nothing can be seen, Yang Xuan murmured in his heart.

"Besides, who is managing this netherworld now? I don't know. This place used to be very scary, but since you can reincarnate, you can enter another world everywhere through the Reincarnation Tower. It's no big deal. , since you have this ability, and you have so many magic weapons..."

"How can it be possible to be afraid of these demons and ghosts, and fear some ghosts and spirits? There is really no need to worry so much. It seems that there are always new decisions in all this, but the figure in white is flying slowly ahead."

"Didn't you find me? Or did you pretend to be stupid? What is this guy's identity? Could it be that he came here to meet me? But if he wanted to meet me, why didn't he come directly?"

Faced with such a situation, how could Yang Xuan not be in a hurry, but felt that the figure in white was always floating in front of him, and the ups and downs were sometimes fast and sometimes slow, so the 0.1 was intentional.

So Yang Xuan saw it, Yang Xuan just didn't run to the front, but wanted to see what the other party wanted to do, even if he was leading him over, Yang Xuan had to go for a walk and meet this guy .

So Yang Xuan felt that the figure in white looked like he should have lived in this nether world for a long time, otherwise, he would not be able to freely enter and exit the nether world.

Chapter 1311 Unreasonable

Yang Xuan also felt strange, he had just entered this nether world, how come there is not even a soul in this place, even if there is a lonely ghost, why can't he see anything?

Yang Xuan felt that this might be the most remote place, after all, after he came to this nether world through the True Reincarnation Tower, his location must be the most remote.

Otherwise, why can't I see anything in this place? But the figure in white suddenly appeared, was it just to guide him?

Yang Xuan felt that it was impossible, the other party had already found him, why didn't he stay, and took him forward without asking.

Yang Xuan also knew that the other party clearly hoped that he would follow in his footsteps, otherwise he would not have been able to do so, and Yang Xuan knew it in his heart, the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt.

However, if the current situation arises today, Yang Xuan also hopes that all this can be carried out normally. There is really no need to worry so much, so he understands and understands all this in his heart, but the more he thinks about it, the more incredible it becomes.

Yang Xuan felt that he should step forward to check, or should he follow slowly? Yang Xuan pondered in his heart and didn't know how to make a decision, and lost his mind for a while.

After all, when he came to the Nether World, everything here confuses Yang Xuan. He doesn't understand the situation at all, so he has heard of the Nether World before.

But I didn't expect to re-enter such a world after passing the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and after turning around, he would appear in this nether world. How could Yang Xuan not be amazed?

So he didn't understand anything at all, he seemed to be at a loss in front of the nether world, and there was no answer at all, Yang Xuan could only rely on his own ability to explore.

The figure in white appeared, and with a clue, how could Yang Xuan let it go? So he felt that it was better not to attack rashly, but to follow.

Bai Ting ghost envoy has been floating forward, he just feels that Yang Xuan behind him has been following him, it seems that he is going to be fooled, but Bai Ting ghost envoy just thinks that the human behind him is alive, he is not dead at all .

Now that I have come to this nether world, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy feels quite surprised, and wants to see what kind of guy he is, so he must be brought to his own domain so that he can be interrogated and locked up. stand up.

Otherwise, if Bai Ting Ghost Envoy is really Yang Xuan's confrontation at this moment, is he afraid that he will be powerless? He just felt that the young man behind him seemed extremely powerful.

He was actually able to be single, and if he entered this nether world alone, it would prove that he had extraordinary courage, and he didn't feel afraid to follow him.

So it proves that his power is boundless, how can he attack rashly if he doesn't know the situation? He thought about it as he flew.

"It's really strange. If ordinary people enter this nether world after death, even if they are a soul, they will feel scared. These young people behind are not only not afraid, but also dare to follow themselves to see Wake up, this is not a small courage, it proves that the spells on his body are endless."

"Otherwise, he would not be able to do this, nor would he have the guts."

Chapter 1312 Keep Floating

"Besides, after a person dies, even a soul that enters this netherworld feels very frightened."

"Besides, this Nether World is such a dark place. It is a place where some souls, demons and ghosts live. This place is mixed with fish and dragons, and people are more complicated. As long as they are evil guys, they can all come to this Nether World after death, so this The Nether World takes in a relatively wide area.”

Bai Ting ghost envoy was thinking about things in his heart while floating forward, he just felt that Yang Xuan behind him looked like a living human being, not dead at all.

He just came to this nether world, it seems really special, such a situation happened too rarely, and such a thing happened more than thousands of years ago.

After so many years, this situation has never happened again, so what is the origin of this young man at this time? Did he come to this nether world for a purpose?

How could the white-clothed figure not be worried? After all, they lived in this netherworld, even though the place was dark and seemed to have no sunlight.

But they have such an identity, they must live in this nether world, they are all lonely ghosts, some demons and ghosts.

How could they get out of here? So the darker the place, the more they can hide.

How could Bai Ting Ghost Envoy not be worried? He just felt that the young man behind him was getting more and more complicated, so his background really seemed rather strange. What was the situation?

So Bai Ting Ghost Envoy can't decide, he can only take Yang Xuan to his own place to make a decision, so he wants to arrest Yang Xuan in another way, so that he can resist his ability .

Besides, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy has already felt Yang Xuan, since he was able to come to this nether world alone, it proves that he has extraordinary courage and he is not afraid at all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to walk behind him all the time. Bai Ting Ghost Envoy understands this situation, but he just thinks it all looks so weird.

And he also wants to know the situation, what is the purpose of this young man coming here, is it really to destroy everything here? So it's more worrying.

Besides, this kind of world is always quite special. If a new situation really arises, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy also hopes to be able to control it all, so that he can make meritorious deeds and get some fun.

He was talking to himself as he walked.

"¨But when they come here, some of them will be sent to death, some can turn around and reincarnate through this nether world, and some will be sacrificed by the strong, or die slowly here, really In this way, there is no way that this Nether World is so cruel, so the young people behind dare to come to this Nether World`."

"Does he already know (Li Dezhao) where this Nether World is? Otherwise, how could he come here? But seeing how he has been following me, he may not understand all this, so we must find out Clearly, bring him to the site and make a decision, if I want to confront him at this moment, I may not have a chance of winning."

How could Bai Ting's ghost envoy have no worries? After all, he was also worried, if something unexpected happened, wouldn't he want to die at the other party's hands?

Chapter 1313 Act rashly

After all, if he can't understand the situation, he can't attack easily, and he can't act rashly. It's relatively safe for Bai Ting's ghost to do things.

After all, he has lived in this nether world for so long, and he knows everything about this nether world, and every new soul in the nether world still has some ghosts.

This Bai Ting ghost envoy is in control, so at this moment Yang Xuan suddenly came to this nether world from the most remote corner, which proves that he is not a normal Bai Ting ghost envoy who came to this nether world after death. Also ok with all this.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a little strange. How could he not be worried? He just felt that if some situations really happened, they would always look weird.

If 517 is really able to change all of this, maybe the situation seems to be easy to handle, so there is no need to worry so much, so Bai Ting Ghost Envoy also hopes that all this can be understood in the future.

Then it is decided that it is impossible for him to launch an attack at this moment, because the people behind him have been following him and have not launched an attack, which proves that everything is safe now, and Bai Ting ghost envoy has no idea about the origin of this person. .

So he was rather confused and always wanted to know the answer, but it seemed that he didn't know the answer at all in front of him, so how could he not be (ccab) anxious.

He just thinks that if some situations arise, he also hopes that everything can be dealt with normally, and he really doesn't want too many problems to happen.

I just feel that there are some things in front of me, and I always need to understand all of them. Just after Bai Ting ghost envoy thought of this, he has already arrived at the place where he lives.

But Yang Xuan behind him didn't stop, he still followed Bai Ting's ghost envoy, and he also felt that after he entered his own domain, he would be completely controlled here. After all, there is an enchantment here, and the enchantment is opened at this moment , just to attract Yang Xuan to come in.

Following the footsteps of the figure in white, Yang Xuan also felt that the figure in white looked like a ghost floating in this nether world, but Yang Xuan's channel didn't matter.

After all, he has already come to the nether world, and has turned around to come to this world through the True Reincarnation Tower. All the creatures here are quite special.

And they are like ghosts, they are such identities, and some evil souls, some ghosts, some demons and ghosts are all gathered here, Yang Xuan said to himself.

"It seems that it is really special. This guy lured me here on purpose, but it doesn't matter. Let's see what medicine he sells in his gourd. If I don't enter such a place, how can I He knows his own situation, so he doesn’t know what’s going on with this person.”

"Following such a person all the time, this figure in white is really weird. If you don't follow him, this nether world has come here, why is there no ghost shadow? Then you can only see it from him." Breakthrough, but it doesn’t matter whether it’s a trap or a conspiracy.”

"After all, if you follow the figure in white, you will always find some hope. Besides, I can't be ignorant when I come to this netherworld. I don't know anything. Let me look so confused and passive."

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