
I just thought how could there be good people in this place, otherwise how could it be called Netherworld? The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more weird he felt, so he hoped that the figure in white would come out quickly, and Yang Xuan was making a decision after asking what was the reason.

So I don't want to play hide-and-seek with him anymore, Yang Xuan also felt that he was not in the mood, he said to the figure in white again.

"Why is there no light in the nether world in front of me, so I feel very strange. I always want to know what's going on here, and I want to find someone to ask, so I followed you all the way. When you come here, don't hide anymore , come out quickly, even if your enchantment is opened, how could I not see it." 1.

Chapter 1320 Painstakingly

"And after I go in, even if the enchantment is put down, it is impossible to trap me here. You should think about this problem yourself, so don't waste your time, and don't waste such energy."

"It's enough for the two of us to come out and speak clearly. I didn't come here to destroy everything about myself, let alone hurt you. You don't have to worry about it."

"May 47th" Bai Ting ghost envoy understood this time, it turned out that he had already discovered the barrier, and at the same time, it was impossible for him to enter the barrier, and even if he entered, he would not be able to trap him.

And since the other party said it so clearly, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy doesn't have to doubt it anymore, and the fact that he can speak so clearly proves that he is not afraid of anything at all.

He felt that Yang Xuan was really powerful, didn't this brat come to this nether world to cause trouble? He actually said that, it seems that he has seen through his own trajectory.

I really can't imagine that a human being is so smart and can enter this nether world alive. How can all this be explained? The more Bai Ting ghost envoy thought about it, the more confused he was hiding in his territory at the moment.

And crossing this enchantment is a big standing card, but Yang Xuan has not entered in front of the enchantment, and he is only one step away. Bai Ting ghost envoy is also thinking about whether to show up, so at this moment he also in hesitation.

What is the identity of this guy in front of him? He is free to come and go in this netherworld, and why is there no soul in this area, nor any ghosts appearing, what is the situation? Or did I go to the wrong place?

Yang Xuan felt that this was the nether world, so how could he go to the wrong place? The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more he felt a little unbelievable. For him, all this was quite special.

How could Yang Xuan have no thoughts in his heart? I just feel that if this kind of appearance in front of me, Yang Xuan must figure it out. Besides, what is Bai Ting's ghost envoy, what is his identity, and why did he bring himself here?

Is there any purpose? Yang Xuan felt that he might have a lot of thoughts, after all, it was really weird for Yang Xuan to come to this netherworld like this.

And there are some demons and monsters here, and some souls are broken, and some ghosts live here, but Yang Xuan, he is just a human being, and he came here with breath...

That's why the ghost envoy Bai Ting was so surprised. Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be like this, but the other party still didn't come out. Does Yang Xuan think he is afraid of himself?

But Yang Xuan always wanted to make it clear, he didn't want to hide and hide, Yang Xuan didn't think it was interesting, since he had already found the other party, and the other party had already found himself.

Why are the two of them playing hide and seek here? Yang Xuan just let the other party come out.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan would have entered the barrier, but he didn't think it was necessary, no matter what it was, Yang Xuan couldn't be hurt.

Yang Xuan didn't know why he said that, the other party hadn't come out yet, could it be that he was afraid of himself, Yang Xuan also thought in his heart that he didn't care about the other party's identity.

He must have some status in this netherworld, otherwise, how could he have set up an enchantment in this place? Is this his territory? Or his place.

Chapter 1321 Unexpected

Why is it so remote here? There is no gas in this place, and Yang Xuan thinks it's weird, so he doesn't know what's going on.

I just feel that all of these seem special, and Yang Xuan has no answer in his heart, but it is not difficult for him to know the answer, he will naturally understand everything.

But Yang Xuan was also pondering what was going on in his heart at this moment, he couldn't change all of this, but Yang Xuan didn't want too many things to happen, he said to the ghost envoy Bai Ting.

"So you don't have to be so defensive. It's really not necessary. It's up to you how to solve it. 22 I just think it's no big deal if these situations really happen. As long as you can handle these things well, you will Don't worry about it, what do you think?"

"I think it's good if we can show up. There's no need for the two of us to hide here as if we treat each other as fools. I already knew that you found me."

"But you also know that I have been following you just to find a direction. After all, this is the first time I have come to this nether world. Why did I come here? Actually, I don't know, but this is what you want to know, right? Now that we've cut to the chase and made the point clear, there's no need for you to hide anymore, come out quickly."

Yang Xuan spoke directly, he just hoped that the other party would come out, and Yang Xuan also told him that it was the first time he came to this netherworld, and he didn't know what was going on.

So Yang Xuan didn't want to look at the other party's hiding, as if there was some conspiracy or fear of his expression, Yang Xuan felt that he didn't look at the other party.

Just looking at this figure is still very tall and powerful, so he must be a boy, Yang Xuan thinks there can be female ghosts here? Anyway, Yang Xuan didn't think so much anymore.

After Bai Ting ghost envoy heard what Yang Xuan said, he also pondered in his heart, it seems that this kid who entered this nether world is not a coward, he followed him when he found himself.

Now that he has come here, he has discovered the enchantment, and he dares to talk to himself, so it seems that he is really a big deal.

Bai Ting's ghost envoy was also thinking about whether to come out, after all, he felt that hiding was meaningless, Bai Ting's ghost envoy had already appeared at this moment, and said to Yang Xuan.

"What are you brats yelling about? You are still so arrogant when you come to this netherworld, and you clearly know that this place is a nether world, aren't you a little afraid? You have been following me all the way here, and you still think I framed you, so you have to follow me , does it have anything to do with me?"

"So this place does have an enchantment. If you want to break in, you can break in. Nothing can stop you for your breath. It's really a bit arrogant, young It’s so rampant, isn’t it scary to come to this nether world? It doesn’t look scary at all.”

"Stop yelling there, I'm called Bai Ting Ghost Messenger, I don't have any identity here, I just wander around here, anyway, everyone gives me face, I have lived here for hundreds of years, It’s not bad, although this place is rather dark, but it can let me live well, that’s all.”.

Chapter 1322 Shivering

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also understood that looking at the other party is called Bai Ting Ghost Envoy, this name does not seem to be an ordinary soul, Yang Xuan felt that when he turned around, he was not afraid, he was just the appearance of this human being .

And it's not as scary as imagined, Yang Xuan also finds it unbelievable, after coming to this nether world, Yang Xuan also felt that every face in this place is very frightened, and it looks chilling.

But Bai Ting Ghost Envoy looks really normal, so did he use spells to transform his ugly appearance into such a handsome appearance?

Yang Xuan felt that it was hard to imagine that such a handsome face appeared in this nether world, and Yang Xuan knew what Bai Ting ghost envoy said at this moment.

It's also a test for him to know his purpose. How can Yang Xuan have any purpose, but Yang Xuan can't determine what is in this nether world at this moment.

He has to search slowly, after all, the reincarnation has already begun, and Yang Xuan has to achieve his goal, otherwise, wouldn't he be in vain? This nether world seems rather special, where is this place?

He looked at Yang Xuan and just hoped that he could understand, besides, why is this Netherworld the place where he came from, but Bai Ting Ghost Envoy was just thinking about it in his heart.

Now that the other party has come to this nether world, and he is still a living human being, not dead at all, then it is not a soul, nor a soul, nor is it a demon, nor is it a strange species.

He is really an ordinary human being, but his power is boundless, and Bai Ting Ghost Envoy feels that it is really unimaginable, and the things encountered today are quite complicated.

But after saying this, the other party didn't show any expression, but kept staring at him, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy also felt a little uncomfortable, this was the first time being stared at by others.

After all, in this netherworld, Bai Tingguishi usually does not see people with his true face. He usually wears a veil and is dressed in white clothes, so he feels quite at ease everywhere.

After all, no one cares about him in this nether world, he can walk around freely, but the appearance of Yang Xuan surprised him, and what's the name of the other party.

Ghost Envoy Bai Ting didn't ask, but felt that he seemed powerful, so Bai Ting Ghost Envoy must be clear about his purpose of coming to this netherworld, otherwise he would feel uneasy.

After all, this nether world has always been relatively quiet. Although everyone knows that they are fighting inside, it has nothing to do with the outside world.

As long as they can live in this nether world safely, Bai Ting ghost envoy does not want Yang Xuan to ruin everything here, he said to Yang Xuan.

(Li Lihao) "Why, don't you believe it? Anyway, this place is where I live. No one competes with me, and no one comes here to disturb my sleep, so there is a person in this remote place It's still relatively comfortable, but why you came here, I think it's quite strange'."

"Everyone who comes here is dead or spirits, and some ghosts and ghosts will come here and take them in, but you are only a living person.

Chapter 1323 Fearless

"Since you have come to this nether world, it seems really unusual. Could it be that you came here to cause damage? If this is the case, I advise you to leave here."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he was not afraid at all. He just felt that Bai Ting ghost envoy had seen that he was a living human being by saying so today.

How could Yang Xuan be a dead soul? When Yang Xuan came to this nether world, he was reincarnated. So as long as he has this foundation, anyone can reach another realm through reincarnation. Yang Xuan didn't think it was a big deal at all.

But Bai Tinggui asked him how could he know this matter, Yang Xuan would not tell him so much, but even though the other party said so, Yang Xuan knew it in his heart.

It seems that Bai Ting Ghost Envoy wants to leave here himself, how could Yang Xuan leave here, after all, the True Reincarnation Tower has been closed, and Yang Xuan can't find any passage.

It is impossible for him to leave here, unless he has achieved some things here, and also found some very important things and gained some abilities.

Moreover, Yang Xuan can only leave here once the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened, otherwise he will not know how long he will stay here, and it is useless for Yang Xuan to be anxious at the moment.

The main reason is that he came to another world, that is, started a new kind of journey (ccab), Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter anymore, anyway, he was used to it, how could he care so much.

He just felt that no matter where the True Reincarnation Tower took him, since Yang Xuan had entered another world, he would definitely look for what he wanted here.

In this way, once the first page is reached, the True Soul Reincarnation Tower will naturally appear, and Yang Xuan can leave here through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and the reincarnation is over.

But Yang Xuan didn't know what the situation was, it was all just like a dream, why did I come here to Yang Xuan, how could I explain so much?

Besides, he didn't have an answer in his heart, so how could he explain it to Bai Ting's ghost envoy? There is really no need for this, and it is impossible for Yang Xuan to do this.

Bai Ting ghost envoy looked at Yang Xuan, but felt that the other party still didn't speak, and looked so calm, so Bai Ting ghost envoy also felt a little unimaginable.

A young boy came to this netherworld, he didn't seem to be in a hurry, and he was so calm, he didn't feel scared at all, and he didn't feel frightened at all.

So Bai Ting ghost envoy also understands in his heart, but he feels that when some situations arise, it always makes him feel a little unbelievable, and these problems will also make him feel a little surprised. This is the appearance of the other party.

Unintentionally, he dropped a bomb on this nether world. If he really had a purpose, he is still so powerful. I am afraid that this nether world will disappear. What Bai Ting ghost envoy said was to scare him. I hope he can leave here, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy said to Yang Xuan.

"We have a lot of masters in the Nether World. If you are not careful, you may die here, but don't feel so arrogant because you think you are powerful."

"The people of our nether world combined, can't we still be able to deal with you? I say this, just hoping you can show your attitude. Don't ask me what you are doing here."

Chapter 1324

"I live in this nether world, and this is my home, but what is your purpose for breaking into this nether world without authorization?"

Bai Ting ghost envoy kept looking at Yang Xuan, thinking why the other party didn't respond, and stood there laughing.

It was the first time Bai Ting Ghost Envoy saw that human beings were so powerful and courageous, so he knew that his power was boundless, and his level had reached its peak state.

Otherwise, what does it mean for a human being to come to this netherworld? This shows that his ability has already exceeded the scope of this nether world, as Bai Ting ghost envoy said just now.

I just hope that Yang Xuan can feel a little bit of fear, so that when he comes to this nether world, there will be no one living there. After all, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy knows nothing about Yang Xuan.

What is his identity and where did he come from, then Bai Ting ghosts don't know what he is doing in this netherworld, after all, all the people who come to their place are dead souls.

There are also some evil monsters and so on. They don't come to this nether world like a living human being at all. This is the first time.

How could Bai Ting's ghost envoy not be excited? At the same time, he also felt afraid and a fearful atmosphere spontaneously emerged, so Bai Ting's ghost envoy didn't know what to do.

I just want to ask Yang Xuan what the situation is before making a decision. He really doesn't want this Nether World to be destroyed, so what he said just now was relatively straightforward. I hope Yang Xuan-don't do this.

After Yang Xuan heard what Bai Ting ghost envoy said, he also felt that no matter what kind of envoy the guy in front of him was, Yang Xuan thought it was really interesting, and he said such words to scare himself.

How could Yang Xuan feel afraid? Moreover, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that there was nothing that could scare him, and the other party seemed to have miscalculated.

If he used other words to make himself feel a little guilty, Yang Xuan felt that it could still be done, but Yang Xuan felt that there was nothing to feel guilty about.

He came to this nether world because he was reincarnated and came here. Yang Xuan didn't want to appear in this dark ghost place, but he has already come here.

Yang Xuan had no other choice. When the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, Yang Xuan could leave here. Otherwise, he didn't know how long he would live in this nether world.

····Ask for flowers 0·

So how could it be that Yang Xuan didn't know the ending, but just entering another world, it was useless for Yang Xuan to be anxious, he had to find some things here to improve his abilities, he said to Bai Ting Ghost Envoy.


"Then your name is Bai Ting Ghost Envoy, does this name sound like it has a certain place, otherwise, how could it be called this name? But my name is Yang Xuan, we know each other, the thing you just said can't happen Yes, I am not here to sabotage."

"So you don't have to worry so much, let alone say such things, scare me, let alone let me leave here, do you know how to get out of this netherworld? Can you open the passage here? I don't think it is possible, All the souls and creatures you live in this nether world will not be able to get out once they enter this nether world."

"And you can only do whatever you want in this nether world." 1.

Chapter 1325 Overwhelmed

"However, if you want to leave the nether world, it is impossible at all, unless your leader may have this ability, but other people do not have this ability, especially after I come to this nether world, no one can let me leave here."

"Stop talking nonsense, just use your abilities to let me leave here. I have already come to the "five or six zero" world of the nether world. It is not something you can leave as you want, and there is no It's that simple, so you don't have to worry about my business, and besides, this nether world doesn't seem to belong to you."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy suddenly felt shocked. It seemed that he knew everything, but it seemed that he knew the rules of this netherworld.

But Ghost Envoy Bai Ting thought it was impossible, he was just a human being, how could he possibly know what kind of life he lived in the netherworld? What kind of way?

Bai Ting's ghost envoy felt that Yang Xuan might be guessing that the nether world on my back was an evil place where some dark and unlucky souls lived here.

But this is also a channel for reincarnation, of course Bai Ting ghost envoy is aware of all this, but he thinks that the other party's name is also known, Bai Ting ghost envoy has never heard of it.

After all, how could they know what was going on in the outside world in this nether world, so at this moment he heard Yang Xuan say this, could it be that he would never leave this nether world after he came to this nether world?

Otherwise, how could he answer like that? Bai Tinggui felt that it was really strange.

If he really will never leave this nether world, what is his purpose for coming here? what to do? I really can't imagine it, the more I think about it, the more incredible it becomes.

How could Bai Ting ghost envoy have no idea? What is the identity of this Yang Xuan? Why does he look so weird? And what is his purpose in coming to this nether world.

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