Chapter 1303

Ye Qingxuan's ability is relatively strong, and his comprehension is relatively high, so other disciples are slower to learn, so in order to focus on cultivating Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Liuyun can only do this, otherwise, who will inherit all this in this place one day? Ye Liuyun also hopes that Ye Qingxuan can take some things here.

So he already has such a plan, otherwise, it would be impossible to be so strict with Ye Qingxuan, and to keep improving him, I hope he can do better and be more perfect.

Especially one day when he manages the affairs here, he will not be able to speak, and he must keep his mouth shut. He can't be like this now, and he must do it from now on.

Ye Liuyun also hoped that he would keep his mouth shut and practice well. This is the 510 thing he was talking about, so don't keep getting involved in other issues.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Ye Liuyun indifferently, and also felt that Ye Liuyun turned around and turned his back to him at this moment. What does this mean?

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt as if he had plummeted, as if he was really homeless. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan also came to this world, and he felt that everything was relatively strange.

It’s hard to get familiar with all this, I have a master, and I have such a sect, but why is it all gone now, I really want to lose all of this, Ye (ccab) Qingxuan is also thinking in his heart, What should we do?

He just hoped that Ye Liuyun could believe what he said, and don't listen to the villain's slander, otherwise their friendship between master and apprentice would really be ruined. Ye Qingxuan felt a little scary at this moment, and he said to Ye Liuyun again.

"Please, don't let me leave here. Besides, if I leave here, where will I go? Right now, I feel really helpless. I have nowhere to go. If you let me leave here It's better to kill me than forget it, now I understand it in my heart and I understand it."

"Then, in this case, you can figure it out for yourself. I really didn't do such a thing. I have explained it very clearly. If you insist on kicking me out, I feel that I have nothing to say. "

"But I hate you, but you have already made a decision, so what can I do? I'm just your apprentice, and it depends on your arrangement. I can't go against your wishes."

When Ye Qingxuan said this, he was almost begging. Ye Qingxuan began to cry while speaking, but just now he also felt that his eyes were suddenly closed and there was darkness in front of him.

Ye Qingxuan felt that he suddenly seemed to have no consciousness at all. When Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes again, he felt that everything in the eyes no longer existed.

This sect has disappeared, and Ye Liuyun has also disappeared. Ye Qingxuan lives on a pitch-black ground, looking terrifying.

Ye Qingxuan thought about it carefully, oh my god, I just entered the world of reincarnation, otherwise how could these hallucinations appear.

It turned out that he could finally end these things in the reincarnation world, so Ye Qingxuan didn't know how long he stayed, but in reality it was a day.

Ye Qingxuan remembered that his name was Yang Xuan, but in the last reincarnation world, his name was Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 1304 Reincarnated Again

At this moment, he returned to his original identity again. Yang Xuan was sitting here in total darkness, and he didn't know what world he had entered again.

So Yang Xuan felt that sometimes it was a little weird to enter another world through the reincarnation world.

Yang Xuan carefully looked at everything here and felt that it was really strange. It seemed that everything here was dark.

But there is light ahead, Yang Xuan walked forward along the light, I don't know what's going on, did he enter another world?

Yang Xuan had already come here when he passed through the reincarnation world just now, so Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he did not directly return to reality, but entered another world again.

So what is the world in front of him, Yang Xuan is not yet able to determine, so at this moment he also knows in his heart whether it is the primitive world or the magic world, and at the same time, it is still a cultivating immortal, the world Yang Xuan is not sure for the time being.

But I feel that all this is like a **** world right now, it looks extremely dark.

If this is really a nether world, then Yang Xuan knows in his heart that there must be a lot of ghosts and ghosts in this place, so he will continue to explore.

He is fearless, after all his ability is so powerful, no matter what kind of world he comes to, he is fearless, and he is reincarnated again through the reincarnation world.

Yang Xuan felt that it was really enjoyable, it seems that one after another, he didn't give himself a chance to breathe.

"My God, it can't be so amazing, I just came back from another reincarnation world, don't you give me time to rest? Don't you let me enter the real world to enjoy life? Just go back It transported me to another world once."

"Oh my god, I seem to have seen the Reincarnation Tower flying in the air just now. Once the Reincarnation Tower appears, it proves that I have entered another world. Through everything in front of me, I have already Reincarnated again? My God, can't you just give me a few days to rest?"

While exploring forward, Yang Xuan pondered in his heart. After all, it was pitch black in front of him, so Yang Xuan decided in his heart that this should be the Netherworld.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Otherwise, how could such a world appear through the reincarnation world, and other worlds are all in front of the light, and this place is dark.

Although a little light came in, there was such a terrifying aura overall, so Yang Xuan already knew it in his heart. Just now, he had watched the True Reincarnation Tower whirling in the air.

Yang Xuan glided over from the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and entered this nether world directly. It seems that Yang Xuan was reincarnated again, and he felt that this opportunity was certainly a good one.

But he didn't want to be so ordinary. He hasn't had a good rest yet, so why was he reincarnated again? Yang Xuan felt really disgusted.

But after all, the True Soul Reincarnation Tower was about to be closed, and it was slowly subsiding. Yang Xuan also felt anxious. If the True Soul Reincarnation Tower was not closed, Yang Xuan would pass through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

He can return to his own world, and there is no need to reincarnate again.

Yang Xuan felt that this was too close. He had just returned from another reincarnation world, so why did he enter a reincarnation world at this moment? one.

Chapter 1305 Empty

Yang Xuan felt that it was really abominable, so the reincarnation world in front of him turned out to be the nether world, Yang Xuan felt a little unbelievable, and he also felt very depressed.

At this moment, he has been walking forward on the dark ground in front of him, so his eyes look empty and terrifying.

It was the first time for Yang Xuan to feel such an aura rushing towards his face. Although he was not afraid of the "510", it seemed that there was no one here. If it was really the reincarnation world.

Why didn't the ghosts and ghosts appear? Why do you think that whoever said that insisted on reincarnating himself again, he should give himself time to rest, Yang Xuan murmured in his heart.

"Who is so cruel? The place in front of me looks extremely dark. God, are you playing tricks on me? Let me enter this nether world again after passing through the reincarnation world."

"Could it be that I will be reincarnated directly through this Reincarnation Tower? Don't ask me if I agree, my God, why are you so ruthless? Are you going to exhaust me to death?"

Yang Xuan was walking forward while muttering. After all, he has already come to this nether world, so he must break through.

Unexpectedly, after passing the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, now that he came to this nether world, Yang Xuan felt really helpless. This was the first time he was reincarnated in such a world.

Yang Xuan was also really helpless, after all, the True Reincarnation Tower had already been opened, and he had already been brought to this nether world.

This Yang Xuan has no way out, let's see what kind of world this is, are there really those demons and ghosts or some treasures from the devil world?

So Yang Xuan felt that this place should belong to the Demon Realm, so it seemed that he had come to such a world, so Yang Xuan had to be cautious.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that when Yang Xuan was about to turn the corner ahead, he saw a figure in white hiding in the darkness.

Yang Xuan felt even more astonished. It was so dark, and this nether world seemed to have no light at all. It was really a terrifying scene to see a person wandering here in white clothes.

Yang Xuan was also pondering in his heart, he had already stopped in place at the moment, what should he do? Should Yang Xuan follow? So I feel that it is really more than the situation in front of me....

Yang Xuan has never seen it before, so although the worlds he went to were scary and evil, it was really the first time he came to this nether world.

Yang Xuan also felt that every reincarnation world is different, and this time he came to this nether world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Yang Xuan also thought about it and don't think too much. Now that he has come, let's face it calmly and see what is different in this nether world. Yang Xuan should have gained insight.

So he knew in his heart that his abilities were endless, and he still had many treasures, so could he still be afraid of such things? So 0.1 what kind of artifact, what kind of treasure, Yang Xuan has a lot of it.

Yang Xuan just felt that the situation in front of him seemed really special, so the figure in white was still moving forward.

But the driving speed is not very fast, so Yang Xuan slowly followed the past, and the speed was quite slow, so Bai Ye Photography took a step, and Yang Xuan followed.

Chapter 1306

At this moment, he saw the figure in white walking slowly, so he felt more and more unbelievable that the figure in white in front had been floating on the ground.

He didn't walk at all, and was about to fly on the ground like a ghost. Yang Xuan thought it was normal, after all, he had already come to this nether world.

Here are all souls or all souls come here, there is no human being at all, so since this place is a nether world, how can there be human beings?

Yang Xuan felt that he should stop thinking about it, after all, all this is a different scene in the reincarnation world, which is not reality at all, so Yang Xuan also told himself.

Now that the True Soul Reincarnation Tower has been opened, and he has already come here, he has no choice. After all, when it will end, he will be able to leave here.

Otherwise, he would never be able to leave this nether world. Yang Xuan also knew that if he stayed here for tens of thousands of years, wouldn't he be depressed to death?

Dealing with these random things every day, and not even a single sunshine, after all, how could there be sunshine in this nether world, Yang Xuan didn't know what to do, so he came to any kind of world.

Yang Xuan can't activate this ability to go back automatically, only when the mission here is over or the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, Yang Xuan can go back.

The white-clothed figure drifting in front of him, he is Bai Ting's ghost, he can get along well in this netherworld, he just spotted Yang Xuan's figure just now.

So do you think Yang Xuan is obviously a human being? And why did he come to this nether world with the breath of a human being? The figure in white felt quite strange.

So just now he pretended not to see Yang Xuan drifting ahead, and wanted to lure Yang Xuan over.

Bai Ting ghost envoy was pondering in his heart while drifting on the ground.

"This silly boy is still fooled. Where did he come from? Why is he full of human breath? Since he is a human being, how could he come to this nether world? This place is full of actual ghosts, or some ghosts. There are souls and souls, if not these evil demons and ghosts, how could there be human beings here?"

"If it is a human being, has he already died? Impossible, if he is really dead, why is there a power in him that feels so strong? This power still seems to feel shuddering, it seems This silly boy is not stupid."

The ghost envoy Bai Ting kept drifting in front, so his movements were slower now, and he just wanted to bring Yang Xuan over.

So Yang Xuan suddenly built a nether world, and the 510 Bai Ting ghost envoy was the first to discover it, and he felt strange. What is the identity of such a person?

And Bai Ting Ghost Envoy also felt that everything was unbelievable. After all, they had lived in this nether world for a long time. Apart from the dead, this place would no longer be just some ghosts and ghosts after coming here.

They will be taken in here, but if human beings have not left the human world, it is quite special to come to this nether world, which is really relatively rare.

So how could Bai Ting's ghost envoy not doubt it, he just felt that what was going on, locked up the brat behind him for a while, and then asked carefully.

Chapter 1307

After all, Bai Tinggui made them understand that they can live in this nether world safely because there is no hope for this place.

So they are running amok here, but they will not leave this nether world domain. Once they leave this nether world, they will be in danger.

They are just domineering in this nether world, so they keep absorbing some vitality, some new souls, and some dead ghosts.

As long as they come here, they will basically be absorbed by these strong men, and they will look dumbfounded.

Although Bai Ting Ghost Envoy didn't do this, it doesn't mean that others didn't. He just felt that his abilities were strong enough.

So it's good to be able to get some abilities in this nether world, and although the spiritual power here looks dark, once absorbed into the body, it's really good.

Therefore, there is no need to absorb the vitality of other souls. Bai Ting Ghost Envoy just doesn't have this habit, but he doesn't like it.

But in this nether world, everyone lives like this, and it's not that they can't get used to it and can solve the problem, so I asked about the situation like this.

Bai Tinggui made the understanding in his heart even more clear, he just thought who this Yang Xuan was behind him, and he also felt a little weird, he was talking to himself in his heart while flying forward.

"Could it be that you want to follow me and see who I am? After all, there is no such soul in the place in front of me, and there are no monsters appearing. He came to this place directly. Could it be that there is some mission to come?" Are you going to this nether world to inquire about news?".

"But he doesn't look like him, he seems to be puzzled, he looks weird, and he looks relatively unfamiliar, and he is not very familiar with all this."

"It's possible that he was framed by others and brought him to this netherworld, but don't think too much about it. Let's lure him here later and see what's going on."

Bai Ting Ghost Envoy was flying forward while staring at Yang Xuan from behind. He also had an ability from behind to see Yang Xuan's condition.

He just felt that Yang Xuan was following him secretly, thinking that he hadn't noticed it, and Bai Ting ghost envoy also thought it was quite strange.

The young man behind him looks very interesting, but I hope he won't be hurt easily. We need to know his origin later, and see if he is a spy from the heaven or demon world.

The Ghost Envoy Bai Ting just thought it was really interesting, but Yang Xuan behind him seemed to follow him furtively, why was he so childish? How could he not be known by others in this netherworld.

He came to this nether world and descended suddenly, so Bai Ting Ghost Envoy felt that it was really strange, and he was thinking about many problems in his heart at the moment.

It's just that there is no answer, (Li De's) he just feels that Yang Xuan behind him looks young, so childish, he doesn't look like a bad person, but Bai Ting ghost envoy has to confirm his identity later.

How could Bai Ting Ghost Envoy not be amazed, after all, the people who appeared in this nether world were not like Yang Xuan.

And they won't wear Yang Xuan's clothes, Yang Xuan's clothes look weird, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy has been wondering where he came from.

Chapter 1308 Overreaching

If he is not from the human world, then is he from the heavenly realm? But he doesn't look like a fairy, but with this attire, it is impossible to tell that Bai Ting's ghost has lost his mind for a while.

So he was leading Yang Xuan over to see if there was anything going on later, after all, the Bai Ting ghost envoy would have already arrived at his mansion if he turned the corner ahead.

The purpose of bringing Yang Xuan here is to lock him up, and make a decision after asking clearly, otherwise Bai Ting Ghost Messenger doesn't want to make a judgment lightly.

Besides, he felt that the Yang Xuan on his body was not a weak person, even though he looked young, but at this young age, the power in his body was boundless.

Otherwise, why did he seem to have no fear or fear when he came to this nether world? To dare to follow him proves that he has extraordinary courage.

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