Ye Qingxuan didn't need to understand too much in his heart, he already understood this matter, at this moment he just hoped that he could understand this truth, and don't be easily fooled, let alone listen to other people's rumors.

Ye Qingxuan would never speak ill of him behind his back, how could Ye Qingxuan do this? Ye Liuyun's kindness to him is as great as a mountain, and Ye Qingxuan is not ignorant.

So at this moment, he is also clear in his heart, but he just feels that if some problems arise, he always hopes to solve them well, and the problem he solves is what he most wants to do.

So right now there is some misunderstanding between him and Ye Liuyun, Ye Qingxuan must resolve it, and Ye Liuyun cannot be allowed to carry the misunderstanding.

After Ye Liuyun heard what Ye Qingxuan said, he actually believed it in his heart.

I just felt that when I heard these words at the beginning, I was really angry at first, but after I calmed down and thought about it all night, I also felt that these words may not be true, after all, who is Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Liuyun also understood in his heart, how could he easily believe what others said, it seemed that all of these were false, and since some things happened, there was no need to worry so much.

So he also understands in his heart even more clearly, and also feels that there are some problems. Such a change has really occurred, and he also hopes that everything can go on normally.

Ye Liuyun also felt that what Ye Qingxuan said was sincere, besides, Ye Liuyun thought it through carefully, who Ye Qingxuan was, Ye Liuyun should know.

So at this moment, he also knew that the person who provoked him was an evil guy, so it was impossible for Ye Liuyun to keep him here, Ye Liuyun looked at Ye Qingxuan and said.

"¨Stinky boy, you know how to defend yourself now, do you know how to be anxious? Otherwise, you are always absent-minded when you are usually glib, so now you feel scared, don't you? I feel that this is what you said, and you usually look If you don’t hold back your mouth, you can say anything.”

"Maybe I've gotten carried away after drinking two glasses of wine, so I just said these words, so I'm usually strict with you, but isn't that strict for your own good? I don't want you to learn enough (Li's good Are you capable? If you really feel that you complain that I am incompetent as a master, then you can change everything."

"Then you can decide for yourself, but I will think about this issue clearly, and I'm not a fool, I'm not old-fashioned, who looks like, who said, is it true, I understand it in my heart, but if you look like this, do I believe what you say?".

Chapter 1298 Speechless

After Ye Qingxuan heard what Ye Liuyun said, he was really a little dumbfounded. He wondered in his heart, did the master really not believe what he said, did he really believe some rumors of others.

Ye Qingxuan's mood at this moment is really full of mixed feelings, and he doesn't know what to do. After all, he can think clearly, if Ye Liuyun really doesn't believe in the word count, then I'm afraid he will really kick him out.

And his personality is relatively stubborn, Ye Qingxuan is not ignorant, Ye Liuyun usually looks fierce, but he is very kind, but it is his kind nature that is easy to be used by others.

Otherwise, how could someone speak ill of him in front of him? And since he said that, it was to destroy their relationship.

Ye Qingxuan also felt helpless at this moment, originally everything was going well, and he also felt very happy to practice in the morning and evening every day, and it was quite regular.

It may be that others are jealous of all this, otherwise, how could it be possible to look at Ye Liuyun with a strange expression at this time, but I didn't expect that there would be someone telling stories behind his back, it was really disgusting.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan's appearance, Ye Liuyun also felt that he was speechless at the moment, so Ye Liuyun also felt that if such a thing really did not happen, how could such a disturbance occur.

How could it be possible for someone to say that Ye Qingxuan did such a thing in front of him? Ye Liuyun felt that Ye Qingxuan might do such a thing. This brat sometimes has a strong personality, and his emotions change a lot.

Then it’s easy to drink some wine, say some irrelevant words, maybe it’s a joke, I feel that I’m usually strict, and I don’t take it seriously, but after others listen to it, they will embellish this matter and pass it on to themselves. With today's such a result.

So (ccab) Ye Liuyun didn't fully believe it, but felt that Ye Qingxuan should pay more attention, but let him know what danger is and what discomfort is, otherwise he won't be able to remember it long in the future.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun's disguise should be more similar this time, otherwise how could he be thrown out in a while, let's see what he will do.

Ye Liuyun wanted to test him, otherwise he would never remember this matter next time, Ye Liuyun said to Ye Qingxuan again.

"Why do you say that you didn't say these things? Do I have to judge based on your usual performance and your loyalty to me? So don't think about good things. After all, someone said that to prove you I usually have some complaints in my heart, and I seem to be a little prejudiced against me."

"Otherwise, how could such a thing happen? How could such words come out? So I think it's really incredible. It may be that if something happens, you can handle it well, then it's you If you can't handle it well, then it's your incompetence, and you have to leave here."

"Anyway, in this case, you build the house yourself. You didn't say what you said. Do you have any evidence? Why should I believe you? Are other people trying to provoke our relationship? If you don't usually say this How can others say it? So don’t think that I’m stupid, and you’re lying to me here.”.

Chapter 1299 Parting ways

The expression on Ye Liuyun's face was still so angry at the moment, and he didn't look at Ye Qingxuan, he just thought that this brat would definitely be anxious.

But Ye Liuyun really didn't believe what others said, he just thought that Ye Qingxuan might complain behind his back, or some jokes, but others would definitely believe it when they heard it.

And he filled in some other words to pass to himself, so Ye Liuyun knew in his heart that he was really not foolish, just to see how Ye Qingxuan would behave.

Ye Liuyun felt that he should be taught a lesson this time, otherwise how could he have a long memory next time, some things cannot be done easily.

Some things can't be said casually, once you say it, I'm afraid it will cause some trouble when others hear it, just like what happened last night.

After Ye Liuyun sat in the room and heard those words, he also felt very angry at that time. He never thought that he would speak ill of himself behind his back for being so attentive to Ye Qingxuan.

How could Ye Liuyun not be angry after hearing this, so he also knew in his heart that no matter what, as long as Ye Qingxuan could feel his bad habits, it would be a good thing.

If you don't pretend to be like some Ye Qingxuan, how can you believe it? So Ye Liuyun was very angry, and he has always been like this at this moment.

The more angry Ye Qingxuan was, the more Ye Qingxuan believed, otherwise, this brat is so smart, he would definitely see through his calculations.

After Ye Qingxuan heard what Ye Liuyun said, he really felt a little baffled. What's the reason for this? Ye Qingxuan never spoke ill of Ye Liuyun.

Although I like drinking and joking, sometimes I would make fun of Ye Liuyun, but I have never said those disrespectful things, so how could I say that?

It may be that some words were really like what Ye Liuyun said, and others heard some other words and passed them on to Ye Liuyun, so he was so angry. Ye Qingxuan looked at him now, just thinking that he should not be so angry.

Otherwise, Ye Qingxuan felt quite guilty in his heart, and Ye Qingxuan had not done some things, how could he easily admit it?

····Ask for flowers 0·

But if Ye Liuyun really didn't believe him, what should he do? Ye Qingxuan was also afraid that Ye Liuyun would get angry and kick him out, and the situation would be difficult. He looked at Ye Liuyun with a full face of grievance and said.

"Master, you really wronged me. Even if I drink some wine, I can't talk casually. How can I speak ill of you? Maybe you are strict with me, but I don't understand in my heart. Isn’t it for my own sake that I am strict? I hope that one day I will practice these spells and gain more abilities.”


"So I understand, I'm not a fool, how can I not be a righteous United Center? How can I depend on your good intentions? So don't believe in rumors, I will joke if I have a drink It's normal for you to be strict with me."

Ye Qingxuan was really helpless at the moment, after saying this, he really didn't know what to do, the expression on his face was rather tangled, and he was really wronged.

He looked at Ye Liuyun, just hoping that Ye Liuyun could understand his feelings, how could he do such a thing?

Chapter 1300 Shameless

After thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan paused for a moment, and said to Ye Liuyun again.

"But I didn't say those words, and I wouldn't admit them. No matter how others instigate you, just don't believe it. Don't we have no gap? So now you say that, I feel a little ashamed. Are you My master, you gave me everything I have."

"Five Seven"

"How could I betray you, and how could I say those words to hurt you? Besides, I know the qualities of the guys here. I would never say those words in front of him. What opinion, even if I have any opinion on you, it is impossible for me to do so."

After Ye Qingxuan said this, he also felt that what should be done in the current situation, so he couldn't explain it clearly.

So if Ye Liuyun didn't believe it, Ye Qingxuan would feel very sad, but he also knew in his heart what to do if this was the case.

He was also thinking in his heart, the current situation is that someone deliberately framed them, otherwise why would Ye Liuyun not believe what he said?

Ye Qingxuan was also pondering in his heart, it seems that this matter is not easy to handle, but he also knew in his heart that if he had other ideas, he would reconsider these issues.

So at this moment, he also understands and understands all this in his heart, but he just feels that the current problem must be solved.

What would Ye Liuyun do if he didn't forgive himself? So Ye Qingxuan also knew that it seemed that he had to find a way, and he couldn't wait like this all the time.

Ye Liuyun looked at Ye Qingxuan and felt that what he said really made sense, but Ye Liuyun believed it at first, but felt a little shaken in a blink of an eye.

This Ye Qingxuan is usually outspoken, and there is no restraint, otherwise, how could he be caught by others.

If he was more cautious at ordinary times, then how could he say less nonsense, and how could it be spread to his ears by others, Ye Liuyun also understood in his heart.

Even if Ye Qingxuan didn't mean it that way, he is usually arrogant, and he hoped that he would restrain himself a bit this time, so Ye Liuyun wanted to teach him a lesson....

At this moment, he was also thinking in his heart that once something happened, he would think about other things at that time. He just felt that there were some problems if such a thing really happened.

He had to explain it well, it was impossible for him to let himself listen to other people's rumors casually, so Ye Liuyun also understood, and he was not an old fool anymore.

How could he be easily fooled? I just wanted Ye Qingxuan to be in a hurry to scare him, Ye Liuyun said to Ye Qingxuan again.

"Don't think that if you say this, I will believe what you say. Besides, if you can be more frugal, don't talk nonsense, and don't make rash comments, how can you be caught by others, so this 0.1 If you didn't say it, how could others hear it in my ears?"

"Don't feel wronged, and don't feel like you've been wronged. If you really didn't show up, I'm afraid others won't be able to add insult to injury and complain to me again. So it's your own fault. It seems that I can't stay here. You are gone, get out of here quickly."

Chapter 1301 Expelled from the division

"I can't stand an apprentice like you. Besides, your ability is already above mine. You have nothing to learn from me. Just do what you should do."

After Ye Qingxuan suddenly heard these words, he felt unbelievable. Did he hear it wrong? Ye Qingxuan was also a little surprised that Ye Liuyun wanted to drive him away.

This Ye Liuyun would never do this, why did he drive him away today just because of such things? Ye Qingxuan also felt that even if he said something behind his back, it was unintentional.

It was just a joke, how could it be taken seriously, so Ye Liuyun also felt a little unbelievable at this moment, this Ye Liuyun is really a little abnormal today.

Are you testing yourself? But his expression looked so serious, and it didn't seem like he was testing himself. Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt that he didn't know what to do.

He lost his mind, so he felt a little sad in his heart. He looked at Ye Liuyun foolishly, and he really didn't encounter such a situation.

Since he came here to learn abilities from Ye Liuyun, Ye Qingxuan has achieved what he is today. He doesn't know why he has improved so fast, but Ye Liuyun led him to achieve this achievement.

Ye Qingxuan was also very grateful in his heart, how could he leave his side so easily, besides, Ye Qingxuan was also thinking about it in his heart, as if he drank some wine last night.

Then he didn't talk too much nonsense, so how could he make Ye Liuyun say so badly? It's just that it's really normal to have some complaints, and Ye Qingxuan likes to make jokes.

In fact, he felt that it was a good thing for him to be strict with himself, but when he usually told others, he felt as if he was speaking ill of Ye Liuyun, but Ye Qingxuan didn't think so in his heart.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's appearance, Ye Liuyun felt that he believed him. Ye Liuyun was not only testing him, let's see what he thought, so Ye Liuyun also believed in Ye Qingxuan.

Even if he complains behind his back, it is impossible for him to disrespect himself. Ye Liuyun still believes in this, but it is just for him to remember.

No matter what he might say next time, Ye Liuyun certainly understood it in his heart, and he knew it now.

This brat Ye Qingxuan is just outspoken, there is no way he has such a personality.

Ye Liuyun said to Ye Qingxuan again.

"There is no need for you to stay here anymore, and your ability has reached its limit. It seems that you don't need to practice anymore. If you continue to practice, it will be a waste of time. Do whatever you want. Right now I I don't want to restrain you anymore, you will be free 507 if you leave here."

"Don't look at me like that. I'm telling the truth. If you leave here, you will be completely free. Isn't this the best decision for you? You don't want to get rid of this life completely. "

"Get a free life? You are so free and easy, don't you feel happy when I give you these freedoms? Why are you pouting? Did I wrong you?"

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he looked at Ye Qingxuan, but felt that the current situation had been explained to him, and it was up to him to decide, and Ye Liuyun had already asked him to leave here.

Chapter 1302

Ye Liuyun's words have already been said so well, it's not that he can't hear, but it's not that he doesn't understand, so Ye Liuyun looked at Ye Qingxuan.

I feel that his expression at the moment is extremely aggrieved, but Ye Liuyun also understands that if he hadn't kept his mouth shut and talked casually, how could he be caught by others, and how could it be passed to his ears by others?

Ye Liuyun knew in his heart that this Ye Qingxuan seemed to have no rules, and he did not have any principles in doing things, and he didn't care about trivial matters.

So let those villains take advantage of the loophole, but Ye Liuyun also let him know the seriousness of this matter, so that next time he will not make the same mistake again.

Ye Liuyun knew in his heart that if he hadn't done this, Ye Qingxuan might never have a long memory. This time it would be better to let him taste the lesson, so he should be kicked out to see what he would do.

So even though Ye Liuyun looked at the expression on Ye Qingxuan's face, he was particularly wronged and felt like he was about to cry, but Ye Liuyun had to pretend to be a little bit like this at this moment, and he couldn't soften his heart.

Ye Qingxuan was shocked again after hearing these words, did Ye Liuyun really not want his apprentice? Do you really want to get yourself out of here?

Does Ye Qingxuan think that the friendship between master and apprentice is really ruined like this, and Ye Qingxuan feels that he has not made any mistakes, just complaining about saying something behind others' backs, and not really disrespecting Ye Liuyun.

How could it be possible to end up like this? At this moment, Ye Qingxuan felt that he was really wronged, and also felt a little unwilling.

Obviously he has special respect for Ye Liuyun, and he is also very grateful to Ye Liuyun, so how could he say such a rebellious thing? Even if it is a few complaints behind the scenes, is that a joke?

How could Ye Liuyun believe it? What kind of personality is Ye Qingxuan? Could it be that Ye Liuyun really didn't believe it, so he was really sad at this moment, he said to Ye Liuyun.

"Master, what you said is not true, right? Do you really take it seriously? Have you really made a decision? Are you going to drive me out? Let me leave here? If it is your decision, I have no choice." No regrets, if it's you who miss me, then you shouldn't do this'..."

"After all, it's really impossible for me to say something like this. Although I can say a few words after drinking, it's just a joke. Otherwise, what would we say? Maybe it's because I'm outspoken that I made a mistake. It’s a big deal, so I understand it in my heart at this moment, and I will definitely pay attention to it next time.”

After Ye Liuyun heard what Ye Qingxuan said, he couldn't help but secretly smiled in his heart, but felt that Ye Qingxuan knew the seriousness of this matter.

He will definitely pay attention next time, and he won't talk nonsense anymore, and he won't be outspoken again, so Ye Liuyun thinks that this goal (Li De's) has been achieved.

So it's enough to scare him, but Ye Liuyun wants to see his sincerity, after all, Ye Qingxuan is more stubborn and stubborn.

If he really didn't use this method, I'm afraid he might make some mistakes next time, after all, these people living here.

They were already jealous of Ye Qingxuan's powerful abilities, and they were jealous of their special care for him. After all, Ye Liuyun knew all of this in his heart.

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