Ye Liuyun had no choice but to believe it, so he also felt very angry at the moment. Looking at Ye Qingxuan's appearance, he was a little angry. This guy was still hiding his feelings.

Ye Liuyun's usual personality is not bad, and Ye Qingxuan will follow Ye Qingxuan in whatever he does, and I hope he will do it according to his own ideas.

But this time, Ye Liuyun also felt differently. He also felt that Ye Qingxuan had given this spell to him. He was really blind. Ye Qingxuan actually talked about himself behind his back like this.

How could Ye Liuyun not feel sad? So he also understands in his heart at this moment, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry in the morning.

Last night, I was so angry that I didn't sleep all night, so I finally brought Ye Qingxuan here in the morning. Ye Liuyun also looked at him like this and was quite entangled, so she said to him.

"Are you still asking me if I'm still pretending to be confused? Don't you know what you said? I'm your master, don't be rebellious, and it's been so many years, if it weren't for me If you take care of you, do you think you will still be like this now? Will you still have today's achievements?"

"Why do you not care about anything when your ability has improved? At this moment, you still have to pretend to be innocent in front of me. It seems that I have wronged you or wronged you. I feel very sorry for you. I'm so angry, I watched you grow up, and with today's achievements, I'm happy for you."

After Ye Qingxuan heard what Ye Liuyun 500 said, seeing his expression so angry, and making him look so mad, Ye Qingxuan really felt a little puzzled.

What exactly did Ye Qingxuan do? Otherwise, how could Ye Liuyun be so angry? Ye Qingxuan has been by his side for so long.

He had never seen Ye Liuyun so angry before, so Ye Qingxuan felt really worried at this moment, he really didn't want the master to be so angry.

Ye Qingxuan also felt helpless, what happened? At this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw Ye Liuyun stupidly, and his expression was rather confused, really questionable.

Chapter 1292

Ye Qingxuan didn't speak, just listened quietly to what Ye Liuyun said, after all he wanted to know the answer, what happened overnight? Why did this matter make Ye Liuyun so angry.

It seemed as if he wished to throw himself out, so Ye Qingxuan was also thinking in his heart that someone must be obstructing it, otherwise Ye Liuyun would not be like this.

So Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that Ye Liuyun had a kind heart, so he was easily bewitched by others. Otherwise, how could he change so much overnight?

Last night was fine, how could it be possible to fall asleep suddenly, everything has changed, and Ye Qingxuan has a feeling that Ye Liuyun looks at him like an enemy.

Ye Qingxuan also felt a little creepy in his heart, which made him feel a little scared. After all, Ye Qingxuan was not afraid that Ye Liuyun would attack.

I just think that he is his master, Ye Qingxuan doesn't know what he did wrong, why would he hear others' bewitching, and treat himself like this in the future?

Ye Qingxuan is also a little sad at the moment, but he also knows that he has such a personality, he is easy to listen to other people's slander, otherwise, how can he change?

The expression on Ye Liuyun's face was really struggling with himself, unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan didn't answer, pretending to be confused here, the more Ye Liuyun thought about it, the more angry he became.

The expression on his face became even more ferocious. It was the first time he was so angry like today. After all, he trusted Ye Qingxuan and showed great love to Ye Qingxuan.

I hope that he can take over his position one day and become his own overlord, but it makes him feel that if Ye Qingxuan is really such a person, then it seems that he has been wrong for so many years.

Since he complained so much and said such words behind his back, how could it be groundless, Ye Liuyun also felt really sad.

But he was not sad at the moment, only left with some helplessness, disappointment, and some angry expressions at the same time, he said to Ye Qingxuan again.

"But am I really so aggrieved as a master? Let you look down on me so much behind your back, otherwise, how could you say such things? Think about what you said carefully."

"¨Don't pretend to be stupid here anymore, you really let me down, I never thought that one day you would do such a thing, what do you tell me to say about you, I don't have a slap on you right now , is already considered lucky, after all, I am concerned about the friendship between our master and apprentice, I don't want to do this, why do you still feel that you don't understand?"

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he had already turned around. He didn't want to look at Ye Qingxuan anymore. After all, their friendship was based on this, and Ye Liuyun really loved Ye Qingxuan very much, and (Li's) loved him very much. of care.

I just feel that such a thing has happened now, if there is no such thing, Ye Qingxuan didn't say such a thing, why would others say such a thing to himself?

And it made him feel that these things might be true, that's why he was so angry, he just thought that Ye Qingxuan was his hope, but the hope in front of him was shattered, Ye Liuyun thought it would be better not to have this apprentice.

Chapter 1293 Inexplicable

At this moment, Ye Liuyun had a lot of thoughts in his mind, otherwise he would not be in such a state as before, he knew it in his heart, and even more so.

He just felt that if some problems really happened, he certainly hoped that everything could go on normally, and he didn't want too many disturbances.

Ye Liuyun turned his back to Ye Qingxuan, and sighed at this moment. After all, he really regarded Ye Qingxuan as his own child, but he didn't expect this brat to be so powerful.

And now that he has the ability, he didn't seem to want to practice kung fu last night, so Ye Liuyun let him go, but he didn't expect him to talk about him behind his back and complain about him like this.

Ye Liuyun was really heartbroken, that's why he thought that what he did last night matched what 500 said to him.

Otherwise, why would other people pass these words to their ears? Ye Liuyun also knew in his heart that it was after some analysis that he was sure that these words were true, otherwise it would be impossible for him to lie so seriously.

Ye Liuyun also understood it in his heart, so at this moment he felt that the friendship with Ye Qingxuan's master and apprentice was over. He didn't want to waste his ability anymore, and he didn't want to pass his ability to this ungrateful guy anymore.

Ye Liuyun was also sure of all this in his heart, Ye Qingxuan's ability had reached such a high (ccab) level, and it seemed that he didn't need his own, otherwise, how could he speak ill of his master behind his back.

After Ye Qingxuan heard what Ye Liuyun said, it was clear from his expression that he was really angry, otherwise how could he turn around.

But Ye Qingxuan is also clear, it seems that someone is speaking ill of him on his side, otherwise Ye Liuyun would not be so angry.

Ye Qingxuan also knows that Ye Liuyun is really kind-hearted, he will believe what others say, doesn't he believe in his own character?

Seeing Ye Liuyun's sad look, Ye Qingxuan actually felt very sad in his heart. He really didn't expect Ye Liuyun to believe the rumors of others, but what should he do?

Ye Qingxuan also felt that others might be talking about him, that's why Ye Liuyun said he was ungrateful. It seems that all this is true, Ye Liuyun would behave like this and feel so sad when someone incited him behind his back. .

It seems that he still cares about himself, and Ye Qingxuan also understands that he is more helpless at the moment, Ye Qingxuan's voice trembled, and he said to Ye Liuyun.

"Master, where did you start with this? How could I do this? So what is going on now? Can you tell me directly, and I heard that someone said that I Talking about you behind your back, saying that you are strict with me, saying that you are like this? How could I do this?"

"It's a good thing for you to be strict with me, so I know in my heart that the reason why I didn't continue to practice last night was because I suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted, so I didn't listen to you, so I went back to rest directly , I came over this morning to see if you are angry with me."

"But you are really angry, and you have a tangled face. It really makes me feel sad to look so angry. Don't think so. Don't you know who I am?".

Chapter 1294 Ingratitude

"Does other people's few words make you believe that what they say is true?"

After Ye Liuyun heard what Ye Qingxuan said, he thought carefully in his heart for the past two days that he also felt that the people who said such things to him, these guys are usually ignorant and incompetent.

It is true that there are times when Ye Liuyun is idle, but after hearing these words, Ye Liuyun was inevitably a little angry and doubtful, that's why he was so sad at the moment.

After all, he trusted Ye Qingxuan so much and cared so much for him. He hoped that he could get all his abilities, and he also hoped that he could become stronger one day.

Ye Liuyun really thought so, otherwise, he wouldn't be so sad at the moment, maybe the more he valued a person, the more he would be fooled.

Ye Liuyun was also thinking in his heart, whether it was someone else's rumor, or Ye Qingxuan really said so, after all, Ye Liuyun was also thinking in his heart.

So he was angry today because he really attached great importance to Ye Qingxuan. If he really said that about himself behind his back, he was really ungrateful.

It's not that Ye Liuyun didn't understand, at the moment he felt sad not because Ye Qingxuan treated him like this, but because he gave so much without getting anything in return, Ye Liuyun was so sad, of course he understood in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Ye Liuyun quietly, just wondering if he believed it, so Ye Qingxuan felt particularly anxious in his heart.

After all, he cared about Ye Liuyun's thoughts very much, and hoped that he could believe what he said, and don't believe what those villains said, Ye Qingxuan didn't have to think too much at all.

It's just that he knows who these people are in his heart, and he likes to gossip without learning or skill. Ye Liuyun really believes it, and Ye Qingxuan really has no choice.

After all, Ye Liuyun was so kind and cared so much about himself. If he heard what other people said, his boyfriend would believe it, so Ye Qingxuan could understand it in his heart.

But how to resolve these problems at this moment? How could Ye Qingxuan not be in a hurry, he just felt that he didn't say that, and it was impossible for him to admit it.

No matter whether Ye Liuyun believed Ye Qingxuan or not, he would explain it, because Ye Qingxuan also respected Ye Liuyun very much, this is his master, Ye Qingxuan would not have everything today without his master.

····Ask for flowers 0·

How could Ye Qingxuan be an ungrateful person? He felt that Ye Liuyun was so sad at the moment, Ye Qingxuan felt that it was really sad, he said to Ye Liuyun again.


"Am I really just a villain in your eyes? An ungrateful villain? If you really think so, then what should I do? How could I say such a thing? I have never treated you like this." They are all respectful, and it is impossible for me to say that I am not ungrateful if I am killed."

"I'm not a wolf cub, you have to trust me, so master, don't be so sad, if it is really instigated by others, don't believe that they are all villains, they remember that you are good to me , I am also jealous of my ability to improve so quickly, so I want you not to teach the ability, I understand it in my heart."

"In the past two days, I have found that something is not right. This guy has a lot of rounds behind him, and it doesn't stop every day." 1.

Chapter 1295

"I don't know what they said, but I don't want to know. I just want to practice hard, so I practice like this every day. I don't want to stop myself. You have watched my hard work these two days."

"But why do you look so angry? Do you really believe what they say? So I don't want to know who the person is speaking. After all, since the "503" can sow discord in front of you, everyone must be It's a villain, don't you really believe in my character? Or do you believe in them?"

"You are my master and I am also your apprentice. If you don't believe me, do you believe what others say? How could I be disrespectful to you?"

Ye Liuyun sat on the chair and turned his back to Ye Qingxuan, but felt that although these words sounded a little credible.

But he was even more angry when he heard those words last night. He didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to say such a thing. Ye Liuyun himself felt too sad. After all, he was very attentive to Ye Qingxuan and gave Ye Qingxuan all his abilities.

But he actually talked about himself behind his back, Ye Liuyun was so angry that he couldn't sleep last night, and this morning he was waiting for Ye Qingxuan to come here to question him, but Ye Qingxuan didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to say that.

Ye Liuyun was also thinking in his heart whether he had been fooled, or Ye Qingxuan was really trying to excuse himself, Ye Liuyun was also discerning carefully.

So he knew in his heart who Ye Qingxuan was, he knew, but when he heard those words suddenly, how could Ye Liuyun not become suspicious, he knew in his heart.

Although he was sitting on the chair and didn't speak at the moment, he kept thinking about the problem in his heart. What Ye Qingxuan said was reasonable, but Ye Liuyun could think about those rumors.

I just felt very angry in my heart, otherwise he wouldn't have been so angry early in the morning, so he heard such a thing last night.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan didn't follow his rules last night, which made him feel a little suspicious, so he felt that these words might be true.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ye Liuyun, who was so vain, of course, to understand in his heart, he just felt that Ye Qingxuan, a brat, was usually wayward....

If he really did such a thing, Ye Liuyun felt that it was too sad. After all, Ye Liuyun gave Ye Qingxuan all his abilities, and hoped that he could learn them all, and that he could become stronger.

But if this is really the case right now, then he doesn't know what to do, and his mood is rather helpless, so he has to ask some questions in the morning, he doesn't want to take it to heart, he just wants to express his position .

Ye Qingxuan really felt a little unbelievable, who is so bad, he must be met, and if he said something bad in front of Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun was kinder in the first place.

And his ears are relatively soft, so he will definitely believe it, otherwise, in Chapter 0.1, why did Ye Liuyun look so angry this morning?

And the eyes were full of murderous intent, Ye Qingxuan rarely looked at Ye Liuyun like this, but Ye Qingxuan also felt a little unbelievable in his heart.

Does Ye Liuyun really not believe in herself? And will he really easily believe what others say? Master, is his anger real or fake? .

Chapter 1296

Ye Qingxuan also felt anxious in his heart, and didn't know what to do, so he also felt quite anxious in his heart, so how could it be possible that he didn't have any ideas?

It's just that if some situations arise, Ye Qingxuan also feels that it seems that some things must be explained clearly. Ye Qingxuan doesn't want to leave any barriers with Ye Liuyun.

So he also understood all this, and at the same time, he also thought that the person who spoke ill of him behind his back must have a problem with him, so Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that those people were counted.

These guys are so evil, otherwise, how could they do such a thing in the future, so Ye Qingxuan was sure who it was, but Ye Liuyun didn't need to point it out.

Ye Qingxuan already had the answer in his heart, but he felt that Ye Liuyun and Ye Liuyun didn't want to be like this because of other people's few words, so Ye Qingxuan said he would explain, and he didn't want to lose such a master.

So Ye Qingxuan is grateful, but he feels that it is impossible for Ye Liuyun to believe it himself, but his expression at the moment seems to really believe it, so Ye Qingxuan is also quite helpless at all times, he said to Ye Liuyun.

"I just felt too tired yesterday and didn't want to continue practicing, so when I woke up in the morning, I wanted to see if you were angry, but you were really angry, you really believed what they said, you didn't believe us, you It feels like I'm really talking about you behind your back, am I really going to be ungrateful?"

"If I learn some abilities, will I stay away from you? If you really are such a person in your eyes, why did you save me in the first place? Besides, you watched me grow up and watched me grow up. A little bit, with this ability, you are clear to me, don't change after hearing what they said."

"Master, you have to trust your eyes, trust your heart, and don't get angry when you hear what other people say. They are doing this on purpose to provoke our relationship, so I understand, those villains don't need to say yes Who is it, who is instigating in front of you, I know in my heart."

Ye Qingxuan has already stated his position by saying this, and he has already told Ye Liuyun that he knows who is speaking ill of him behind his back, and then he will provoke their relationship.

But Ye Qingxuan hoped that Ye Liuyun could understand that he must not be fooled, otherwise, once the master and apprentice parted ways, something else might happen.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan was very sure about such a question in his heart. Since the other party wanted to provoke their relationship, there must be a purpose, and he just hoped that the relationship between the two of them would break down.

But Ye Qingxuan will not leave here easily, and it is impossible to turn his back on Ye Liuyun. Ye Qingxuan will never do this in 503, so no matter what happens, he can't let himself do this.

But Ye Qingxuan also felt quite helpless at this moment, if Ye Liuyun was so stubborn, what should he do if he insisted on letting him leave here? Ye Qingxuan was also thinking about this problem in his heart, and he also felt that it would be difficult to handle it.

So he told himself in his heart that Ye Liuyun should believe his justification. After all, what Ye Qingxuan said was the truth. Does Ye Liuyun have no brains? When you are old, do you easily believe what others say? It's really incredible.

Chapter 1297 Nonsense

Ye Qingxuan felt very angry when he thought about it, so he was still pondering for the past two days, if Ye Liuyun really didn't believe what others said.

But Ye Qingxuan wanted to deal with the person behind him, and he couldn't be allowed to stay here, otherwise there would be chaos here, and Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that it was hard to find such a quiet place.

If it was really messed up by this person, then the gain would not be worth the loss, so Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that it seemed that he really had to reconsider the problem.

Then Ye Qingxuan already knew the few people around him. Ye Qingxuan knew what kind of personality and what kind of person he was.

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