Ye Qingxuan thought that this little mouse would be able to walk away without fear of people, but he didn't expect that this little mouse actually climbed onto Ye Qingxuan's pants. Then at this time, the snake that Ye Qingxuan had rescued saw the little mouse and wanted to seduce Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 1284 The little mouse was eaten by the snake

Then the little snake that Ye Qingxuan had rescued was in Ye Qingxuan's sleeve, but this little snake was very sensitive, and he had already felt that the little mouse would come to them and poison them, but this snake came out of Ye Qingxuan's sleeve It got out of the inside, and at this time, the little snake was slowly growing bigger.

Then the little snake saw the mouse climb onto Ye Qingxuan's pants, so the snake became very big, and when it was over, the snake stretched out its head, and the moment the snake stretched out its head, it ate the little mouse Into his own stomach, but in fact he is not afraid of the poisonous rat, because poisonous rats are commonplace for him.

Because snakes often eat mice to survive, but when the snake ate mice, Ye Qingxuan also let down his vigilance, because Ye Qingxuan had already felt that the little mouse crawled onto his pants, but the little mouse has not yet What harm did Ye Qingxuan cause, Ye Qingxuan didn't pay much attention to him being the snake Ye Qingxuan saved.

Then he had already paid attention to the little mouse, and then the snake ate the mouse, so Ye Qingxuan thought that this snake was saved by him, so this snake would repay his kindness. With such a human nature, the snake even knows how to repay his kindness, but at this moment, Ye Qingxuan said to the little snake.

"Little snake, how do you know that he is going to harm me? I didn't see that the little mouse wanted to bite me at all. He was just playing on my trouser legs." Shaking his head, what does that mean? Said on behalf of the cobra.

"This little mouse is not playing on your pants at all, he just wants to find the right opportunity to bite you and hurt you," but this snake can't speak, just shaking its head like that, Ye Qingxuan He understood the meaning of the snake, but Ye Qingxuan smiled because he saw the snake and ate the little mouse into his stomach for him.

So I want to thank you today, "Thanks to you being by my side and helping me eat that little mouse, if you don't eat that little mouse, he might bite me, because he is poisonous, if he Bite me, then I will be poisoned, it will be very troublesome, it will make me unable to practice martial arts, once a person is poisoned, then he will have no strength."

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"I can't do anything, let alone practicing martial arts, so don't even think about it, but you ate the little mouse, then I will continue to practice martial arts. Thank you so much, little snake," but At this moment, the little snake also slowly became smaller, and then Ye Qingxuan picked up the little snake and put it into his sleeve.


But Ye Qingxuan thought that saving this little snake was not in vain. This little snake knew how to protect him, so Ye Qingxuan thought that if he had any difficulties or things in the future, then this snake would come out to help him at the first time, then Everything he did to the little snake that day was not in vain, because that snake was not Ye Qingxuan, then this snake was already gone, already dead, this snake is the most humane snake Ye Qingxuan has ever seen.

Because the snake still knows how to repay kindness, Ye Qingxuan did it again at this time, and then started to practice the martial arts in the martial arts cheat book, but at this time the sky was dark.

Chapter 1285 Dreaming

It's just dawn, so Ye Qingxuan thinks it's already dawn, and there's no telling when people will come to the back mountain, so don't practice for now.

Let's practice in the dead of night at night, then Ye Qingxuan tidied up and prepared to go back to his room to rest. Ye Qingxuan is now preparing to practice martial arts at night and rest during the day, but at this time Ye Qingxuan came to his room "four nine three" Inside, but now his room was empty.

Ye Qingxuan thought it would be good for him to rest here alone, but at this time the pendant on his body showed white fluorescence, so at this moment Wu Ya appeared in the pendant and said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Just rest during the day and practice martial arts at night. It will be better, because the night is very quiet and no one disturbs us."

"Okay, then we will practice martial arts at night. Everything is up to you, but now I need to rest." Then Wu Ya stopped talking at this time, and Ye Qingxuan saw a little light on his pendant Shrinking a little bit until the pendant turned into my original shape, Ye Qingxuan washed up at this time.

Then I was going to lie on the bed to rest, but at this time someone knocked on the door suddenly, but Ye Qingxuan didn't know who it was, so he said to the people outside who had something to do, but at this moment the people outside said it was me, Ye Liuyun, your master, But at this moment Ye Qingxuan heard someone outside knocking on the door.

It was the master, but Ye Liuyun hurriedly got up and opened the door for his master, but the moment he opened the door, the master saw Ye Qingxuan, you said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Why don't you wake up this morning? Why are you still sleeping late? It's time to practice martial arts. If you practice your martial arts well, you will be able to deal with those who want to hurt you in the future," but Ye Qingxuan saw the master at this moment He actually cared so much about himself, and then Ye Qingxuan said.

"Master, I practiced martial arts all night last night. I just came back and wanted to rest in bed, but you came, so I will open the door for you," but at this moment, the master heard Ye Qingxuan say that he was practicing After practicing martial arts all night, you should be very tired after practicing martial arts all night...

Then you should let Ye Qingxuan take a good rest, after resting, and then ask Ye Qingxuan to practice kung fu with yourself, but at this moment the master said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then you take a rest first, and if you rest, come to me , and then we will go to practice martial arts together, if there is anything you don't know, you can come to me, and I will tell you a little bit."

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan heard that the master wanted to ask him to practice martial arts together, as if his body had been spattered with chicken blood, he immediately regained his energy, but Ye Qingxuan didn't want to rest anymore, and wanted to practice martial arts with the master immediately.

"Master, then I won't rest. I want to practice martial arts with you now, is that okay? If possible, 0.1, then let's go now."

"But you have practiced martial arts all night, aren't you tired?"

"Master, I'm not tired, because I want to learn martial arts with you. This is my dream, but I can finally achieve this today," but at this moment Ye Liuyun saw Ye Qingxuan's sincerity. ".

Chapter 1286 Study hard and practice hard

"If you want to learn martial arts from me, then Ye Liuyun has fulfilled Ye Qingxuan's wish.

"Okay, then let's go practice martial arts together now."

After finishing speaking, the master turned around and walked out of Ye Qingxuan's room, so Ye Qingxuan also followed the master at the moment, but the master walked for a long time, and your Ye Qingxuan came to the place where they often practice dancing. Alone, only Ye Qingxuan and his master Ye Liuyun are here.

Then the master saw Ye Qingxuan following him to the open space for martial arts, but at this time the master said to Ye Qingxuan, "Since you and I have come to this place and want to practice martial arts, then you must be modest." To practice, you must study hard and practice hard, because practicing martial arts is a very hard thing."

"It takes constant practice every day to strengthen your physical strength, and then you can practice every movement well, because master, I practiced martial arts a long time ago, and I was with your master teacher. At that time, I practiced every morning early. Get up and practice until there is no one in sight at night, then it will be considered over."

"But at that time, your ancestor was very strict with me, because at that time I wanted to practice martial arts with the master, and the master also wanted to train me. If there is a talent, then this master is very mean to me, but I don't want Blame the master, because the master is for my own good, so I practiced in front of my master for three full years."

"Then I became a master in martial arts. Since then, no one dared to bully me. I was often bullied when I was very young. Like you, when you play with your companions on the street , They all said that I am nothing, but since then, I have made up my mind to practice martial arts with my master."

"In the future, if I become a master of martial arts in the world, then others will no longer look down on me, and then I will become a master of martial arts, so I study hard with my master every day, and there is no idle moment from morning to night. Even if I am tired, I am willing to learn martial arts with the master, but now you have to practice hard with the master."

"Learn martial arts well, and you will defeat those who look down on you in the future," but Ye Qingxuan heard so much from his master at this time, so Ye Qingxuan also knew that he should study hard and practice hard, and he should not be lazy anymore. Then it will be difficult to learn Kung Fu for a while, because I want to learn Kung Fu well.

You have to spend time practicing martial arts, then if you are lazy, you will not learn anything. Finally, the master gave me a chance. If the master wants to teach me martial arts, then I have to seize this 497 chance.

"Master and disciple already know, then disciple will not live up to your expectations, disciple will definitely practice martial arts with you well, and will certainly live up to your high expectations of me, my boy will do what he says in the future," but at this moment Ye Liuyun Hearing his apprentice, Ye Qingxuan said plausible words, so Ye Liuyun also believed that Ye Qingxuan would do it.

Because Ye Qingxuan has always said that he can do what he can't do since he was a child, and he never said anything, so Ye Liuyun believes in every word Ye Qingxuan said.

"Okay, then the master will start teaching you martial arts right now, you have to look after the master.

Chapter 1287 Stand firm

You have to follow the master to practice every move you teach, and then practice the martial arts that the master teaches you every day, and you practice like this. "

At this time, the master taught Ye Qingxuan to start practicing martial arts, but at this time, the master first taught Ye Qingxuan some boxing and kicking skills, but Ye Qingxuan also learned to practice martial arts like the master, and the master began to kick. At this time, Ye Qingxuan He also kicked his legs, then the master punched outwards, and Master Ye Qingxuan circled outwards.

Just gesticulating like this, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan feels that what the master is teaching is only superficial kung fu, so he also has to learn from the master with an open mind. For him, you have to take it slowly little by little, you can't eat a fat man in one bite, you have to be patient and have endurance.

Only then can you win the respect and respect of the master, and you can gain a firm foothold in front of the master, but the master taught Ye Qingxuan to practice for a long time, so Ye Qingxuan also remembered that the master taught them every move. Sometimes, he also practiced with the master, so the master saw that the teaching was almost done, and it was enough for him to practice a little.

Then the master stopped, and then said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have taught you so much today, but you have to practice to the best level, and then the master can teach you the next step of martial arts'."

Then at this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw that the master taught him so many martial arts, so it was enough for him to practice for a few days, then he had to practice slowly on his own in the future, and he couldn't let the master accompany him every day, because the master still had There are a lot of things that he needs to deal with, because the Ye family's family has a lot of people and things, it is really embarrassing for the master.

Because the master is so old, he has to worry about so many things, but Lord Ye Qingxuan wants to help the master share some, but he doesn't have that ability yet, so he wants to practice his martial arts as soon as possible, and let the master My martial arts are getting better and better, and I can go to the point where I can help the master manage some things of the Ye family and manage some people.

"Master, then you should go back and have a rest. The apprentice will practice slowly here. You teach me every move. When I have finished practicing, I will come to you again, and you will teach me to practice again." Other martial arts," but at this moment the master heard his apprentice say this, so he also left contentedly, but at this time there was only Ye Qingxuan left in the space for practicing martial arts.

Then Ye Qingxuan thinks that the master is so optimistic about him, so he will definitely live up to the expectations of the master, and then he will practice the martial arts taught by the master, but after Ye Qingxuan finished writing, he continued to practice what the master taught him Martial arts, but Ye (Manuo Zhao) Qingxuan never stopped practicing from morning to night.

Because he wants to practice every move and style taught by the master as soon as possible, and then the master can teach him other martial arts, so he has to practice more diligently, but when he is practicing martial arts, he suddenly hears the sound of a passage next to him , but Ye Qingxuan didn't know who it was, so Ye Qingxuan turned around and saw Ye Qingfeng, but Ye Qingxuan didn't stop practicing martial arts at this time.

Chapter 1288 Ye Qingfeng came to see Ye Qingxuan practicing martial arts

Ye Qingxuan was practicing martial arts while talking to Ye Qingfeng, "Ye Qingfeng, when did you come here? What are you doing here?"

"I just came here and saw you practicing martial arts here, so I walked over here. I don't know what kind of martial arts you practice here." He is Ye Qingxuan at this moment but he doesn't want to say that the martial arts he practices are taught by his master. So Ye Qingxuan told a lie.

"I'm just practicing some superficial martial arts here," but Ye Qingfeng didn't believe it, because Ye Qingfeng saw that the martial arts moves he practiced were all from his master Ye Liuyun, but it was obvious , Ye Qingxuan was lying, he hadn't told himself the truth, and Ye Qingfeng didn't expose what Ye Qingxuan said. 497

Then I said to Ye Qingxuan, "Since you are practicing martial arts, then I won't bother you. I have something to do now, so you can continue to practice." Looking at Ye Qingfeng, he said, "Then I don't know why Ye Qingfeng came to see me? If there is anything, just tell me."

But at this moment, Ye Qingfeng didn't say anything about coming to Ye Qingxuan, so he said to Ye Qingxuan, "I don't have anything to do but wander around, so I turned here and saw you practicing martial arts here, so I don't know what to do." Excuse me, I should go back too, I have been out all morning."

But at this time Ye Qingxuan didn't know, how long Ye Qingfeng had been practicing martial arts, did he come to his side long ago? Are you peeking at yourself practicing martial arts? But Ye Qingxuan was suspicious of all of this, but Ye Qingxuan had no reason to say that people were peeking at his martial arts, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Then he had to let Ye Qingfeng go back, but Ye Qingxuan didn't force Ye Qingfeng to stay, then Ye Qingxuan saw Ye Qingfeng leave in real time, but the boss still wanted to continue practicing martial arts, because he couldn't live up to the master's painstaking care for him, because the master was right for him. His expectations are high and he is expected to take over his reins in the future.

Then he (ccab) has to study hard and practice hard so that the master's infatuation with him can't be wasted, so Ye Qingxuan started practicing again, and the master taught him martial arts, so he studied hard like this, wanting to master this move It's also the best practice, but Ye Qingxuan learned it very quickly, and practiced these moves to the point of perfection within a day.

Even better than the practice taught by his master, then Ye Qingxuan's master thought that Ye Qingxuan's practice would take two to three days to practice to this level, but he didn't expect him to practice so quickly to the point of perfection, so this time At that time, Ye Qingxuan stopped his practice, and then walked towards his room.

But at this time, the pendant on his body showed a silver light, and Wu Ya's figure appeared, and Wu Ya said to Ye Qingxuan at this time.

"Ye Qingxuan, you have practiced the martial arts taught by your master to the point of perfection, so don't practice any more. You can practice the martial arts in the secret book I gave you at night, then your martial arts will be even better by then. You at night. Practice the martial arts secrets I gave you, then during the day you practice the martial arts taught by your master.".

Chapter 1289 Replenishment

"Then your martial arts will evolve happily in this way. If you continue like this, you will soon reach Tiangang level. At that time, no one will dare to look down on you, and no one will dare to provoke you again. If someone provokes you , then you have to use your martial arts and your force to solve all those who look down on you and those who look down on you, let them know how powerful you are."

"Okay Wu Ya, then I will practice the martial arts taught by the master during the day as you said, and practice the martial arts secrets you gave me at night. If this continues, I will quickly reach the level we want. But now I need to take a good rest and recharge my batteries." Then at this moment, Wu Ya saw that Ye Qingxuan was a little tired, so Wu Ya stopped talking.

At this time, the light of the pendant shrank little by little until it returned to its original shape. At this time, Wu Ya stopped talking, so Ye Qingxuan saw that Wu Ya had stopped talking, so he tidied up his bed and prepared to Lie on the bed and rest for a while, but Ye Qingxuan didn't know that at this time Ye Qingxuan's master came to the open space where he practiced martial arts.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was no longer in the dance practice place, the master thought why Ye Qingxuan didn't practice dance here? Why is this kid being lazy? So if this continues, when will you be able to practice the best martial arts? But the master didn't know that Ye Qingxuan had practiced the martial arts he taught to the point of perfection.

Then there is no need to practice anymore, so Ye Qingxuan went back to his room, ready to rest, the master thought, then do as Ye Qingxuan wants, if he wants to practice, practice, if he doesn't want to practice, then there is no other way, But Master Xiaohe can't control that much anymore, just let him go, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan was lying on his bed.

After resting for a while, I felt that my body had regained its strength. Ye Qingxuan thought it might be because he practiced kung fu all day and night. If he was tired, he just needed to lie down for a while and rest for a while, and he would feel better. Sure enough, he was already much better. , then Ye Qingxuan got ready to ask the master for advice, but when Ye Qingxuan came to the master.

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Seeing the master's face and seeing his own coming in front of the master, he turned out to have a straight face, because Ye Qingxuan's master was still prejudiced against the boss, because he hadn't practiced the martial arts master just taught him to the point of perfection, He stopped practicing, but went back to his room to rest, so the master was brave to him, but the master never thought that he had already practiced.


But now Ye Qingxuan didn't know why the master had opinions and got angry with him, but Ye Qingxuan wanted to find out all this, so Ye Qingxuan said to the master, "Master, what's wrong with you? Why are you unhappy?"

But the master heard Ye Qingxuan's question, but the master said to Ye Qingxuan, "You still have the face to ask me why I am unhappy, what did you do to make me unhappy? Don't you know?"

But Ye Qingxuan thought about what he did to make the master unhappy, could it be because he didn't practice martial arts in the place where he practiced martial arts? So the master is not happy? But Ye Qingxuan thought of this, so he knew why the master was unhappy.

Chapter 1290 Nonsense

Ye Qingxuan was really confused at the moment. After hearing what Master said, he didn't know what was going on or what happened.

When I was sleeping yesterday, everything was fine, and the master was very happy. Why did he wake up and come to the master's room, and seeing his face, he seemed to be a different person.

Ye Qingxuan felt surprised by "four nine seven" at this moment, could it be that the master was manipulated by someone? Or his soul was used by others, Ye Qingxuan thinks it is unlikely.

After all, Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that his master's spells were so powerful, how could he be manipulated by others? But what happened?

Why did the master say that? Ye Qingxuan felt a little weird, and felt that the master would never treat him like this, so how could he be so serious?

Ye Qingxuan was really anxious, he carefully looked at the master's expression, his eyes looked rather angry, and his eyes looked rather strange.

But Ye Qingxuan couldn't tell what was special about it, but Ye Qingxuan, who felt that all this was unusual, felt that he hadn't done anything.

And after practicing yesterday, I went back to rest directly. Maybe the two days of practice were quite tiring, so Ye Qingxuan was indeed a happy place to practice yesterday, but it is impossible for the master to be angry because of such a thing.

Ye Qingxuan thought it was impossible, so he was really confused, why is the master like this? He said to Ye Liuyun.

"What's the matter, master? How can I be shameless for what I have done? If you have anything to say, just tell me, I don't want you to be angry, and without you, how could I be where I am today? You don't want to You've been going around in circles with me, and you'll say anything straight, why do you torture yourself like this, seeing how angry you are, I also feel quite uncomfortable in my heart. "

"If you really did something wrong, or some sentence made you angry, you can teach me and punish me. Don't torture yourself like this. Besides, it's really unnecessary. I don't know what I said, so if there is anything, you just say it directly..."

"Don't be like this now, because I don't want to look at your sad expression. If you do this, you will get sick. You are my master and my relatives. I don't want to look at you in this state. If you have anything to say, you will get sick." Tell me directly, and I will correct my mistakes."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he walked over, carefully looked at Ye Liuyun's expression, and felt that he was still so angry. Ye Qingxuan had already made his words clear.

I hope Ye Liuyun can give himself a clear answer. Ye Qingxuan feels a little scared by Ye Liuyun's appearance at the moment. He feels like he doesn't recognize the face of his master.

And the expression of Master 0.1 really looks too weird, Ye Qingxuan really rarely sees him like this, otherwise, how could he have such an expression like this moment? So Ye Qingxuan also felt sad.

What exactly does it do? How did everything change overnight? Ye Qingxuan felt that Ye Liuyun was not manipulated by others, his spells were boundless, how could he be manipulated by others? .

Chapter 1291 Extremely Angry

But why was he so angry, looked so angry? Ye Qingxuan really felt a little strange in his heart, he couldn't figure it out at the moment, how could he not be in a hurry?

After all, although there are no relatives here, only Ye Liuyun is such a master. I don't want Ye Liuyun to hide anything from me. If there is anything, I can really tell myself directly.

How could Ye Liuyun not be angry? I heard someone say last night that Ye Qingxuan said some boring things behind his back, and that this master was very strict.

How could Ye Liuyun not be angry for being so harsh on him? I held back my anger last night and didn't send it out, so I looked at Ye Qingxuan in the morning.

22 Ye Liuyun felt that this brat was ungrateful, but it was so difficult for him to teach him some abilities that made him very powerful, how could he bite back?

Ye Liuyun also felt really helpless, so he felt as if he had saved a wolf cub, and was very angry. Ye Liuyun only behaved like this all the time.

So he felt that this was not Ye Qingxuan's character, but the other party said these words very sincerely.

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