Because Ye Yun liked to play with crickets since he was a child. He remembered that they played with crickets together when they were young. It was Ye Qingxuan's cricket and Ye Yun's cricket. They fought together, but Ye Qingxuan's cricket beat Ye Qingxuan's cricket later. After losing, Ye Yun never played with Ye Qingxuan again.

Because he was afraid that Ye Qingxuan would beat him, Ye Yun had this mental preparation, because Ye Yun had never really beaten Ye Qingxuan once since he was a child, because no matter what Ye Yun was compared with Ye Qingxuan since he was a child, he would always be defeated by his old subordinate Ye Qingxuan, but At this time, Ye Qingxuan saw Ye Yun playing crickets there.

Then Ye Qingxuan became interested and wanted to play crickets with Ye Yun. Ye Qingxuan suddenly walked towards Ye Yun, but when Ye Yun was enjoying playing crickets at this time, he suddenly saw a pair of shoes under his eyes. know who.

But when Ye Yun looked up, it turned out to be Ye Qingxuan standing beside him, Ye Qingxuan was laughing at that moment Ye Yun wondered if he could play cricket fight with himself, because Ye Qingxuan really wanted to play with 467 Ye Yun Fighting crickets, so Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Yun.

"Let's play a cricket fight. We haven't played together for many years. This time we will compete to see who can win."

"Hmph, I don't want to play with you. Playing with you is a shame. You don't let me. You are older than me. You are my senior brother, and I am your junior brother. You never say let me go." It's always you who wins if you look at me once."

"I have never defeated you, so what's the point of comparing with you? Then it's better not to compete."

"Is that challenging? Don't you still want to beat me?.

Chapter 1277

But at this moment, Ye Yun heard what Ye Qingxuan said, so he also had the idea of ​​challenging Ye Qingxuan. At this time, Ye Yun thought, since then, let's compete with him, and see if he can win this time. Ye Qingxuan.

"Okay, then let's start the competition now. If this is the case, then we will find two bigger crickets, and then we will compare," but at this moment Ye Qingxuan and Ye Yun both want to find the biggest cricket.

Then the two of them split up to look for crickets, Ye Qingxuan and his father both heard the crickets, but they didn't see Ye Yun go to pick the grass, the crickets in the grass were standing on the grass , so Ye Yun rushed towards the cricket.

That's how Ye Yun caught the cricket, then Ye Qingxuan also saw a big cricket at this time, but this cricket was much bigger than Ye Yun's cricket, at this time Ye Qingxuan grabbed the cricket as soon as he stretched out his hand .

But this cricket is very obedient, after Ye Qingxuan caught it, it stayed in Ye Qingxuan's hand without moving, and it didn't run away. Crickets fight hard, if you win, then I will reward you'. "

But at this time, the cricket seemed to understand Ye Qingxuan's words, but it screamed, but Ye Yun who was on the side saw Ye Qingxuan still talking to the cricket, so Ye Yun thought Ye Qingxuan was pretending to be noble, "Ye Qingxuan What are you muttering about?"

"Bring your cricket quickly, let's see whose cricket is better, and see who can win this game."

"Why are you in a hurry to lose now?" But Ye Yun didn't like to hear Ye Qingxuan say such words, Ye Yun was very unconvinced at this moment, but he had to compete with Ye Qingxuan to know who would win and who would lose. Then Ye Yun walked up to Ye Qingxuan.

Putting the cricket on the ground, at this time Ye Qingxuan put the cricket on the ground, and then the two crickets on the ground started to fight, but the two crickets fought for a while, at this time the crickets were almost exhausted .

But it was obvious that Ye Yun's cricket was no match for Ye Qingxuan's cricket, but Ye Yun was in a hurry at this time, because he didn't want to lose to Ye Qingxuan again, he wanted to beat Ye Qingxuan again, but this time he had no chance, seeing It's about to lose.

So how to save this situation? But at this moment, Ye Yun took out a stone and threw it at Ye Qingxuan's cricket, but Ye Qingxuan's cricket was killed by the stone on the spot, leaving only one of Ye Yun's crickets.

But Ye Yun said to Ye Qingxuan, "¨¨This is your cricket died, then my cricket will win, I won."

But Ye Qingxuan saw that Ye Yun was obviously playing tricks, it was totally unreasonable, and he played cards out of common sense, "Ye Yun, you cheated, you even blasted my cricket with a stone, and said that I lost and you won, (Money) How is this possible? What is your method? Your approach is immoral."

"In short, I won, so there's no need to say anything, and it's useless to say anything else," but at this time, Ye Qingxuan saw that his father was obviously playing tricks on him, so there was no other way. Let's win once.

But it's not very honorable for him to win, he won by doing tricks, if he didn't do tricks, he wouldn't be able to beat Ye Qingxuan's crickets at all.

Chapter 1278

"In this case, then I don't want to play with you anymore, because you are too playful," Ye Qingxuan left after finishing speaking, but at this moment Ye Yun was left alone watching his cricket, Ye Yun At this time, he picked up the cricket and said to the cricket.

"Today, you are a meritorious minister and helped me win a round," but at this moment, many men in black suddenly appeared beside Ye Qingxuan and Ye Yun, but they didn't know what they were here for. Yes, these men in black started looking for Ye Qingxuan when they came to Ye's house.

Because they came rushing towards Ye Qingxuan, at this time Ye Qingxuan saw the men in black flying towards him, but Master Ye Qingxuan took precautions, these men in black.

Seeing that these men in black are not 480 good scumbags, they must be coming towards him, then Ye Qingxuan has to use all his skills to fight with these men in black, if he doesn't fight, then he doesn't know How high is the martial arts of these men in black.

Since the master is not around, it is time to fight with these black-clothed men, but the black-clothed men flew in front of Ye Qingxuan, but did not say a word, they just called Ye Qingxuan directly, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan knew this Helping the men in black is coming towards me.

Then I have to use some skills to repel the man in black so easily, so Ye Qingxuan took out the sword that his master gave him, and fought with the man in black, but the man in black also It's amazing, during the time he was fighting with Ye Qingxuan, there were more and more people in black.

But Ye Qingxuan thought, there are more and more people in black, so beating like this is not an option, what should we do? But Ye Yun was watching from the side, Ye Qingxuan thought, why didn't such a man in black beat Ye Yun? Why hit yourself? But Ye Qingxuan thought about it.

Maybe it was because he beat that disciple of the Ye family on the street a few days ago, so were these men in black sent by the Ye family to kill him? Then it is also possible that it was sent by the Ye family, because the head of the Ye family came to the Ye family last time.

Ye Qingxuan didn't give him a good face, and he didn't see him off when he left (ccab), and let him go away in a disheartened manner, so he couldn't let go of his own face, so it is possible to find time to kill himself Yes, because few people in Ouyang's family are good people.

Their people are all ghost bombers, but Ye Yun on the side saw so many people and besieged Ye Qingxuan alone, so he took this opportunity to run back to the lobby of Ye's house, and then saw, Ye Liuyun He and Ye Qingfeng are on the hall.

I don't know what they were chatting there, so Ye Yun said to Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng, "Master Ye Qingxuan was besieged by a group of men in black in the back mountain. I think those men in black are quite powerful, so I came back to report to you The son is here, then let's go and save Ye Qingxuan."

It's very dangerous for Ye Qingxuan to be alone in the back mountain, because he can't stand up to so many people alone, but at this moment, Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng heard that Ye Qingxuan was fighting with a group of men in black in the back mountain alone. .

Then why did those men in black come to look for Ye Qingxuan again? What is the reason for this? Ye Qingxuan didn't offend anyone, but they have to rescue Ye Qingxuan now, otherwise Ye Qingxuan will be in danger.

Chapter 1279

So Ye Liuyun said to Ye Qingfeng, "Then let's go now."

"Yes, if we don't go now, then Ye Qingxuan will be very dangerous."

But at this time, Ye Liuyun said to Ye Yun, "Then how many people are there in that group of men in black?"

"There are more than 10 men in black in total. I think those men in black came here specifically to find Ye Qingxuan. I don't know why those men in black didn't even look at me."

But at this moment, Ye Liuyun heard what Ye Yun said, so he concluded that he was appointed to seek revenge from Ye Qingxuan, because Ye Qingxuan didn't remember any revenge, but he taught a disciple of the Ye family two days ago, so they held a grudge.

Did he come to seek revenge from Ye Qingxuan? "Then let's go quickly," Ye Liuyun said, and they all ran towards the back mountain, but soon Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng rushed to the back mountain, but at this time the people in the back mountain became one .

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was besieged by a group of men in black, but at this moment Ye Yun also saw the masters of Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng coming to the back mountain. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan thought, since the masters are here, then he himself There is no danger.

Because the master will definitely help him beat these men in black, and he can't let these men in black bully him, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan thinks that he must raise his martial arts to the highest level in a short time.

Then others won't bully him and beat him again, but at this moment, a man in black with a knife came over and wanted to chop off Ye Qingxuan's head, but at this moment, Ye Qingxuan kicked him suddenly, All of a sudden, he kicked out the knife of the man in black.

At this moment, the man in black was kicked very far by Ye Qingxuan. It was obvious that Ye Qingxuan used a lot of strength to kick him so far, but Ye Yun, who was standing by, saw Ye Qingxuan, and now he is so powerful. It's not the Ye Qingxuan he knew before.

Ye Qingxuan, whom he knew before, was really useless, he didn't know anything, he didn't even know the fur of martial arts, let alone the superficial of martial arts, now Ye Qingxuan's martial arts is really better than Ye Yun's. Even better.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Yun's martial arts are not as high as Ye Qingxuan's for the time being, because Ye Yun has never studied hard like Ye Qingxuan, but at this moment, Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng saw the scene of Ye Qingxuan just now, it was really dangerous, Ye Qingxuan was so nervous just now He was hacked by the man in black.

But Ye Liuyun can now see that Ye Qingxuan's martial arts has improved compared to the previous few days, because the men in black who came a few days ago were all beaten by Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng. Ye Qingxuan was dealing with them all by himself.


But the men in black saw that Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng had arrived at the back mountain, so they wanted to evacuate, because of Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng's martial arts, they knew their martial arts were very strong, but the men in black were no match for Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng at all.

So the men in black took the opportunity to sneak away, but Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng couldn't just let them slip away, so Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng also stepped forward to fight with the men in black, but during the fight, Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng said that the man in black fell to the ground, one by one.

Chapter 1280 Unbelievable

It seems that the men in black can't beat Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun at this moment, so they used their unique skills and still released a bag of powder, but at this time, Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun have already seen that the men in black took out the powder and wanted to shoot it into the air. raised.

Then they closed their eyes to prevent the powder from entering their eyes and hurting their eyes. At this moment, "483", but the powder was scattered all over the sky by the man in black, then they closed their eyes. eyes, then the gang of men in black took advantage of this moment to escape instantly, but when the powder disappeared.

Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun opened their eyes, but saw that the man in black was gone, so they let the man in black escape like this, but Ye Liuyun said, "The origin of so many men in black is unknown, so we will Pay attention, our security is already very strict, how can so many people break in? It's really unbelievable."

But Ye Yun, who was standing aside at the moment, said to Ye Liuyun, "Master, why did the gang attack Ye Qingxuan when they came here? And they didn't touch me on the other side. Does this mean anything?" ?”

"It means that they came after me and have nothing to do with you. Maybe I offended someone outside, and then they came to Ye's house to take revenge on me. I think it should be like this," but at this time Ye It is understandable for Yun to hear Ye Qingxuan say this.

"Master, then I will study hard and practice hard in the future. I want to practice martial arts as soon as possible, and I want to practice Taoist cultivation in a short time. Because there will be no cultivation base in the training, there will not be many people coming It hurt me, because no one with that kind of cultivation can beat me, and few can beat me."

"My good apprentice, you have to practice martial arts as much as you can, don't be greedy anymore, don't you see? So many people are talking about your life, don't you be afraid that they will really take your life one day ?"

"Master, I am not afraid of them, because you are by my side to protect me, even if people from their organization come, I will not be afraid of them."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore, let's discuss and see what to do later, then the men in black will not rest in a hurry, how should we guard against them? You'd better go out less in the future, don't go out again I am causing trouble, I am afraid that you will meet those bad guys outside who will take your life, and the masters are not by your side, can you handle your own affairs well?"

"The masters don't know how far you can compete with those men in black, but the masters are still worried about your comfort, so don't wander around, just stay in the Ye family's courtyard, it's good, Ye family's You can walk around as you please, but don't go out again..."

But at this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw that the master cared about him so much, but he couldn't care about it. If he couldn't do it, he would go out and cause trouble, then someone would come to hurt her at 0.1, so Ye Qingxuan said to the master, "Master, I know, in the future The child will practice martial arts obediently, and will not go out to cause trouble again."

"Okay, since you know what the master taught, then you should do what the master said."

"Master won't talk to you anymore."

Chapter 1281 Ye Yun's request

"I'm going back to rest too, it's already very late," and then the master walked back, but Ye Yun was still where he was, but what kind of martial arts did the boss teach Ye Qingxuan at this time, can you teach me a little bit? Woolen cloth? Now Ye Yun's martial arts are not as good as Ye Qingxuan's.

It turns out that Ye Qingxuan is not as good as the boss's martial arts, but now it's the other way around, but at this moment Ye Yun is thinking of asking himself, begging Ye Qingxuan to teach him a little martial arts, so that he can also stand upright in front of others. At that time, Ye Yun said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Ye Qingxuan, what kind of martial arts do you practice? Can you teach me 22? I heard that your martial arts is very good now. We are masters and apprentices in the sect. You are the highest martial arts, but I don't know what you practice. What kind of martial arts, if you can teach me a little bit of fur, then I will be very grateful to you."

It was only at this time that Ye Qingxuan knew why Ye Yun didn't leave. It turned out that he wanted to ask what kind of martial arts he was practicing here, and then he wanted to learn a little martial arts from himself, so now the martial arts he learned has not reached the level of perfection, why? Can teach the boss?

"Then Ye Yun, to learn martial arts, you should ask a teacher to teach him martial arts. You should have a master to teach him martial arts, and you can't come to ask yourself. But at this moment, Ye Qingxuan is thinking that his own martial arts must not be entrusted to Ye Yun, because Ye Yun I don't know how I feel about myself now, and I don't have the right to teach him martial arts.

If he wants to learn martial arts, his master has to teach him martial arts, but Ye Qingxuan can't refuse him directly, if he refuses Ye Yun directly, then Ye Yun will lose face, Ye Qingxuan will take Ye Yun's face into consideration, But at this time Ye Qingxuan was thinking about how to politely reject him.

But when Ye Qingxuan was thinking about it, Ye Yun said at this time, Ye Qingxuan, you can just teach me a little bit, I haven’t learned martial arts for a long time, because the master didn’t teach me these days, and the master didn’t Knowing what I'm busy with, I went to ask the teacher twice, but the teacher said that he was too busy with his work and didn't have time to teach me, so I had no choice but to beg you, please teach me. "

"Since Ye Yun is like this, I am still practicing martial arts every day, but I need to calm down and practice martial arts. I can't have someone by my side. If someone is by my side, then I will not be able to calm down, and my heart will not be able to practice martial arts well. , I will teach you again when I practice martial arts well, don't worry now, you can wait for a few days now."

"When I finish practicing, I will definitely teach you poetry," but Ye Yun saw that Ye Qingxuan didn't want to hand over his martial arts for the time being, so he couldn't ask Ye Qingxuan any more, "Ye Qingxuan, since you are now If you don't have time, then I won't bother you." After finishing speaking, the boss turned around and left Ye Qingxuan.

But Ye Qingxuan saw that Ye Yun was a little bit unhappy at this time, maybe it was because he didn't teach Ye Yun martial arts, but Ye Qingxuan had no choice, now he didn't even practice his own martial arts well, how could he teach Ye Yun? But at this moment Ye Qingxuan saw Ye Yun turn around and leave unhappy, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Yun.

"Ye Yun, don't be discouraged, I'll wait for a good day."

Chapter 1282

"Senior brother will definitely teach you the martial arts you have learned, and I will teach you everything," but the boss at this moment has not gone far, when he heard these words from Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Yun looked back at Ye Qingxuan, but the boss at this moment was very happy, because he knew that it was not that Ye Qingxuan didn't want to teach him martial arts, but that he hadn't learned it well yet, so how could he teach him martial arts?

At this time, Ye Yun said to Ye Qingxuan, "Brother, I know, then I want to thank you, whether you teach me martial arts or not, I will always keep your love in my heart." , then Ye Yun turned his head and walked away.

Then Ye Qingxuan was left here alone, but at this time the pendant in front of Ye Qingxuan showed a silver light, but at this moment Na Wuya spoke to Ye Qingxuan, "You little brother is very scheming, but You have to think twice before you do anything, you can't do it arbitrarily, you can't just look at the surface'. "

But what Wu Ya said to Ye Qingxuan at this time, Ye Qingxuan was thinking, what does Wu Ya mean by these words? Then Ye Qingxuan asked Wuya, "What do you mean by that? Why can't I understand?"

"Don't look at your little junior brother who is quite innocent. He wants to learn martial arts with you. It's just on the surface of him, because there are many things in his heart, which we can't see. Your martial arts must not You can pass it on to others, and if you pass it on to others, then your martial arts will be learned by others."

"If someone with a heart learns your martial arts, they will eradicate you in the future, and then they will be able to dominate the martial arts world." Only then did Ye Qingxuan understand what Wu Ya said, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan felt that there was Wu Ya beside him, Every class hour reminds me what to do and what not to do, and I feel really honored.

There is such a good friend by his side, because now Ye Qingxuan has regarded Wu Ya as his friend, and talks with Wu Ya every day, no matter what unhappy or happy things he encounters, he will talk to Wu Ya Individuals share and share together, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan said to Wu Ya, "Thank you, Wu Ya, thank you for helping me by my side, thank you so much."

But Wu Ya said, "If you treat me as a friend, don't say thank you. If you thank me, then don't consider me your friend."

"¨Okay, okay, I won't say thank you from now on, okay? We will be best friends in the future, friends who can talk about everything," but at this time Ye Qingxuan and Wu Ya both laughed.

At this time, Wu Ya was smiling very happily in the hanging needle, but after a while Wu Ya disappeared, and the jade pendant returned to its original appearance, but Ye Qingxuan wanted to concentrate on practicing martial arts at this moment, so he couldn't. Don't waste time anymore, because time is money, time is everything, he wants to use time to prove his martial arts.

Practice your martial arts to the point of perfection, then in the future, those who look down on him will be defeated at his feet, but Ye Qingxuan thought so, so he walked towards the back mountain, but Ye Qingxuan thought about the back mountain, then It was very quiet inside.

But he was assassinated by the men in black just now, but these men in black have already been driven away by the master of the Ye family, so it is impossible for the men in black to come back.

Chapter 1283 Came to the Back Mountain

So Ye Qingxuan prepared to go to the back mountain to practice martial arts. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan was walking towards the back mountain, but there are many animals and plants in the back mountain of the Ye family, which have been left over for many years. I have been in before, only people from the Ye family can go in, but Ye Qingxuan is thinking at this moment.

If I can practice martial arts to the point of perfection in the back mountain, then I have not practiced here for nothing, and he will practice here in the future, and will not go out to cause trouble again, so Ye Qingxuan thought this way, while thinking While walking, I soon reached the back mountain, 493, but the back mountain is now completely dark.

If you can't see your fingers, then Ye Qingxuan thinks that the inside is the quietest, because few people come here, and no one will disturb you. Those who do not practice well and are prone to madness, especially when practicing martial arts, need to calm down.

If you can't calm down, it will hurt your body instead, so Ye Qingxuan came to the back mountain and wanted to practice martial arts here, but this time (ccab) Ye Qingxuan chose a place under a big tree, then The base of the big tree was very flat, so Ye Qingxuan sat down, and Ye Qingxuan was sitting cross-legged.

Then Ye Qingxuan thought about it in his mind, one move and one style in the densely packed, but Ye Qingxuan recalled, because Ye Qingxuan's head has a good memory, as long as he has read it, he will not forget it. Ye Qingxuan assassin, remembered the martial arts secret book Then he started to practice here, and Ye Qingxuan used his body's martial arts at this moment.

So at this moment, Ye Qingxuan feels extremely relaxed, and feels that the aura on his body is also increasing, but Ye Qingxuan has been working for a long time, and feels a stream of air around him, so that air is all white Misty but Ye Qingxuan wants to practice Xuanmen, because Xuanmen cultivation base is the highest level

If he reaches the Xuanmen level, then no one can bully Ye Qingxuan. By then, Ye Qingxuan will be able to dominate the world, but there is still one level away from Xuanmen. He has already trained to the Tiangang level, but the old melon Ye Qingxuan still has to cultivate himself. Ye Qingxuan is only thinking about it at this time.

The martial arts in the martial arts secret book, I want to practice all the martial arts in the martial arts secret book as soon as possible, but Ye Qingxuan is very devoted to practicing the martial arts in the martial arts secret book, but at this moment, a little mouse appears beside him , then this little mouse looks small and exquisite, but it is poisonous.

This little mouse is yellow, because yellow mice are poisonous, so this little mouse crawled underground, crawled, crawled, and even crawled to Ye Qingxuan's side, but Ye Qingxuan didn't care, and neither did Ye Qingxuan. Nevermind him.

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