Then he looked back and saw Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan was standing behind them at this time, but this group of people didn't know when Ye Qingxuan stood behind them and followed them for how long, he didn't know that this group of people was simply Stupid to a certain point.

Even if there were people following behind, they didn't realize that they were really useless wretches sent by the Feng family, but their cultivation level seemed to be higher than Ye Qingxuan's. Ye Qingxuan couldn't beat him with his own strength, so Ye Qingxuan could not to try.

It would be even better if I could break through a little bit, but the man in black saw that it was Ye Qingxuan, so the man in black wanted to find it for a long time but couldn't find it, but he himself suddenly appeared, so he happened to clean up here drop him.

Anyway, the head of the Feng family told them that Ye Qingxuan must be killed, if not, they would not return to the Feng family, and the Feng family would not want them, then they would have no place to stay. Seeing Ye Qingxuan, these men in black still felt murderous again.

But the man in black didn't say anything, and ran towards the boss directly. The man in black held a knife and looked towards Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan quickly and deftly avoided the man in black's attack. knife, but then the man in black did not give up and wanted to punch Ye Qingxuan.

But this punch was quickly dodged by Ye Qingxuan sharply. Ye Qingxuan saw that hiding like this was not a problem, nor was he tall, so he would use his martial arts to fight them, but his martial arts It's not as big as their cultivation base.

If he can't beat him, then he has to fight. If there is a fight here, then Ye Liuyun's foreign exchange will know, Ye Qingfeng will know too, and they will come here to help (good money Zhao) , So Ye Qingxuan started, and the man in black started to attack.

But such a man in black is aggressive, Ye Qingxuan's own martial arts alone can't beat them at all, but at this critical moment Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng appeared in front of Ye Qingxuan, at this moment Ye Liuyun was very nervous Ye Qingxuan.

"¨Is there any injury? How are you now? Is there no injury?".

Chapter 1258

"It's okay, they didn't hurt me."

"But it's good if you don't get hurt. Then let's get rid of these men in black as soon as possible. Whoever let them invade our Ye family, the person who invaded our Ye family must let him die and not let him go out alive."

But these words made Ye Liuyun very domineering, presumably with Ye Liuyun's cultivation base, they are also the supremacy of this group of black-clothed men. These black-clothed men are not Ye Liuyun's opponents, and Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng's martial arts are also quite high. Now Only Ye Qingxuan was missing, Ye Qingxuan's cultivation was only at the beginning stage.

It hasn't reached the perfect period as they expected, but at this time, Ye Qingxuan saw that Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng had come to his side, so now he has no scruples.

At the beginning of 390 Ye Qingxuan thought that he alone could not defeat such men in black, but Ye Qingfeng came to his side, so sooner or later he would kill these men in black, and then Ye Qingxuan and these men in black began to compete.

But this gang of men in black obviously couldn't beat Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng, because Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng's cultivation had already reached Tiangang's cultivation base, and the gang of men in black were also at the same level as Yuan Dan's cultivation base, but after fighting for a while Help the men in black.

But they couldn't beat Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng, so the gang of men in black took advantage of this opportunity to evacuate from the Ye family little by little, but Ye Liuyun and Ye Qingfeng wanted to chase the man in black, but Ye Qingxuan stopped Ye Liuyun And Ye Qingfeng's footsteps.

Don't let them continue chasing, if they continue chasing, if there are people outside to greet them, then they will lose something? Because the people of the Feng family are also very powerful, they have the cultivation base of Tiangang level.

"However, those who are at the Tiangang level are their masters and the like, so they can reach that level. There is no such level below the masters."

"Yes, Ye Liuyun, let's stop chasing them and let them run away."

"If they come to our Ye family to switch our Ye family, then we will never let them go, we will let him form a formation on the spot, well, then we will not chase, then we will We must strengthen our defenses against those who attack us."

"It can't be like today, we were unprepared, they came to our side, our Ye family, if (ccab) Ye Qingxuan was not in the back mountain today, then Ye Qingxuan would not have found these men in black, if not Found such a man in black."

"Then the men in black will attack us, and we will suffer heavy losses. We must remember the lesson of this time and don't let them take advantage of it."

"Okay, then we should go back to rest, it's already very late, don't talk here."

But at this time, the members of the Ye family heard the sound of fighting, and they all rushed towards this side. They all rushed to this side, because they heard the sound of fighting coming from this side, so all the disciples of the Ye family came. Arrived at the front and back of Ye Qingxuan's house.

They thought that the men in black hadn't left, so they all came here with knives and swords, ready to fight the man in black for a while, but they didn't expect that the men in black had already been beaten away by Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun.

But the disciples who came here after hearing the news saw that Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun were standing there safe and sound, so they were relieved at this time, because they didn't know what kind of harm those men in black would do to Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun .

But they absolutely can't allow Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun to suffer a little bit of injury, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan saw that this group of people came to their side.

Knowing that this group of people valued themselves and defended themselves very much, they rushed over when they heard the sound of fighting, but it was too late when they came, and the man in black had already run away.

Chapter 1259 Declare War

At this time, the leader of the Ye family rushed over and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Ye Qingxuan, are you okay? We are late? Why didn't you think that there would be people in black coming to our Ye family, so we need to strengthen our precautions in the future That's good."

"I'm fine."

"We can't let those men in black continue to break into our Ye family. If they challenge our Ye family's patience again, then we will openly declare war on them."

At this time, Ye Liuyun said, "Okay, it's so late, let's go back and rest." After hearing Ye Liuyun's words, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. At this moment, only Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan and Ye Liuyun were left here. Personally -, the rest are gone.

Then Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Liuyun, "Master, these people are here for me today, so maybe they will come again one day, then we must be prepared for defense, we need to send more people to patrol at night .”

"To prevent them from invading us again, if there are people patrolling the Ye family at night, they will know they are coming. If there is no one patrolling, then it will be easy for them to attack us. If we are attacked, the consequences will be very serious."

"Yes, Ye Qingxuan. Tomorrow night, I will send more people to patrol and let them be on duty in shifts. Don't relax your vigilance. If you find a man in black coming in, then report to me immediately."

"Master, it's so late, you should also go to rest. You are in charge of all the big and small things in the Ye family. You are also very busy and tired. Go and rest quickly."

"Okay, disciple, then I'll go to rest, and you should go back to rest earlier."

After speaking, the master and apprentice separated, the master returned to his own room, and then Ye Qingxuan returned to his own room, but Ye Qingxuan thought that he had practiced intensively and hadn't finished training in the area, so in the shortest possible time Strengthen your own martial arts.

He had trained his aura to the best level, so at this moment Ye Qingxuan looked at his previous pendant, but at this moment the pendant emitted aura, revealing Tianya inside, but Tianya knew what Ye Qingxuan was thinking at this moment.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Tianya said, "Ye Qingxuan, since you want to practice the martial arts in that cheat book, you must practice the martial arts in that cheat book as soon as possible. A lot of aura can also open up a lot of veins, then your martial arts will be better. faster."

"As long as you do it with your heart and actions, then you will be the best and most perfect," but now that Ye Qingxuan heard Tian Ya encourage him like this, then why would he not want to do it?


Then you have to practice the magical skills and spiritual energy in the intensive as soon as possible, so Ye Qingxuan said to Tianya at this time, "Then I will practice the martial arts in the secret book now, but I am in my room, where I'm not going either."

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan walked towards his room, but at this time his room was turned into a mess by those men in black, but Ye Qingxuan tidied it up and restored it to its original appearance.

Then Ye Qingxuan began to sit cross-legged on the bed, and then began to use his own martial arts, and then opened up the veins in his body, but when he practiced martial arts, one

Chapter 1260 Supernatural

He felt that the unprecedented aura in his body was full of his body, exuding all kinds of vitality. When he used the aura in his body, then her whole body would emit purple light, which meant that his skill was renewed. increased.

But at Tianya at this time, seeing such a change in Ye Qingxuan, I really felt a special surprise. I really didn't expect that "Three Nine Three" Ye Qingxuan's skill would evolve so fast and in full swing, then Ye Qingxuan's future skill will have a bright future immeasurable.

Tianya follows Ye Qingxuan every day, seeing Ye Qingxuan's progress and changes every day, Tianya feels very happy in his heart, because Ye Qingxuan will take Tianya with him wherever he goes every day , they are inseparable every day.

Ye Qingxuan can observe and see what Ye Qingxuan does every day, so Tianya can see Ye Qingxuan's ever-changing skills and spiritual power. At this moment, Tianya feels particularly gratified, but soon Ye Qingxuan said that this exercise has been practiced superbly the point.

But at this time Ye Qingxuan stopped, because his body absorbed a lot of spiritual power and magic power, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan thought that if he continued to develop like this, then he would soon reach Yuandan cultivation base.

Then when the time comes, you don't have to stay in Ye's house every day, you can go out and wander around. That's really great, because every day in Ye's house stays in one place, everyone will stay enough, so it's quite good to go out for a walk often OK

But Ye Qingxuan wants to go out for a stroll at this time, because staying here is boring, and wants to go shopping and buy something he likes to eat, so how should he go out? Ye Qingxuan thought about it, then searched around Ye's house to see where there is a way out.

But he didn't want to go out in the front yard of Ye's house, because his master had ordered their apprentices to watch Ye Qingxuan and not let Ye Qingxuan enter or leave Ye's house, so he couldn't get out through the main gate, only through the small door or the side door See if there are any loopholes to get out.

Then at this time, Ye Qingxuan walked towards the back, but there was a mountain behind, and there was a path leading to the outside, but at this time Tianya was shining, Ye Qingxuan saw Tianya shining, and then said to Tianya ....

"Do you know where this road leads?"

"This road leads to the outside world, but this small road has to be walked a long way, because it is a small road behind Ye's house, and it takes a long distance to get outside."

"Then I'll give it a try too. I'm going to go out and relax."

"Okay, then you just follow this path, and you will be able to see the outside world if you keep walking."

Then Ye Qingxuan listened to Tianya's words, and walked along this small path, but when he was halfway there, he suddenly saw a little fox in front of him, but this little fox was very cunning. Hastily hid.

This little fox is very sensitive, and his ears are also very naughty. When someone approaches, he hides. The little fox is playing there, but an eagle comes across.

The eagle wants to take the fox away, because this fox is not a big fox, but a small fox, if the eagle wants to take the little fox away, it is a breeze, since Ye Qingxuan saw it.

Chapter 1261 The Sly Fox

It is absolutely impossible to let the eagle take the little fox away, so the little fox is also a life, but at this time, the eagle is approaching the little fox, and the little fox knows that the danger is coming, so the little fox is hiding there, so The eagle flew here and there with the little fox, and the two animals played hide-and-seek there.

But Ye Qingxuan was looking at the eagle. It was really fun to catch the little fox. Ye Qingxuan had never seen such a thing before. This was the first time he saw the eagle catch the little fox. Did you catch the little fox?

The little fox is not 22 easy to bully, and it is not so easy to catch, because this little fox looks unusual and has a certain aura in it, but at this time the eagle is nagging at the little fox, but the little fox Running fast but without hitting the knife, the little fox still raised his head and smiled at the eagle.

But seeing the cunning look of the little fox, the eagle cooed angrily, but the eagle still did not give up the idea of ​​chasing the little fox, so the eagle continued to fly in the air, chasing and running in the direction of the little fox , but at this time the little fox hid in the grass, so the eagle could not see where the little fox was.

The eagle looked around but did not see the little fox, and then the eagle was about to fly away, and he didn't want to chase the little fox anymore, because the little fox was hard to chase, and he couldn't catch it after chasing for a long time. If the little fox comes out, then he will take him away.

Because he had already made up his mind to eat the little fox, but the eagle suddenly flew up, but the little fox couldn't hold back there anymore, but at this time the little fox ran out and became the little fox. When I ran out, I saw the eagle flying into the air, thinking that I had escaped a catastrophe.

But unexpectedly, just as he ran out, the eagle suddenly glanced at the ground, and the eagle saw that the little fox had come out, so the eagle thought to the little fox, you can't run away now, I have to put Take you to the air and let you die in my hands.

But at this time, the eagle suddenly flew towards the ground slowly, but the little fox on the ground also saw the eagle and wanted to fly towards him to catch him, but this time the little fox had nowhere to hide, because he had already escaped from the bushes. The eagle knew that he was hiding in that place.

If he hides in again, the eagle will go there to look for him, and he will be unable to escape again. At this moment, the little fox is thinking about how to avoid the eagle's pursuit this time, but the eagle is at this time flew to his side.

I took the fox's head with the mouth of the eagle 393, but this time the fox felt the pain of buzzing in my head, but it was not picked up by the eagle. If it was picked up by the eagle, then I would Will be caught in the air by eagles, will be eaten by eagles.

But Ye Qingxuan was watching from the side at this time, and he absolutely couldn't let the eagle take the little fox away, because the little fox looked like a special cute elf, and he also liked this little fox very much.

So Ye Qingxuan took out the Aurora Blade on his body, waiting for the eagle to attack the little fox again and again, so that he could beat the eagle to death.

Chapter 1262 The Eagle Injured

But at this time, the eagle saw someone beside the little fox, but the eagle was not afraid of them, and did not pay attention to Ye Qingxuan. The eagle suddenly flew to the ground to catch the little fox again, but the little fox This time, he was dumbfounded and didn't know where to hide it.

Then during this period, Ye Qingxuan walked towards the little fox, Ye Qingxuan said to the little fox at this time, "Don't be afraid, little fox, I will protect you, no matter how the eagle hurts you, then I will help you get rid of this one!" Eagle's."

But at this moment, the little fox seemed to understand what Ye Qingxuan said, nodded to Ye Qingxuan, and then smiled at Ye Qingxuan again, this little fox Ye Qingxuan really liked it, because he was quite popular, so It shows that this little fox is not ordinary, but has aura.

Then if there is such a small animal by his side, it is also a very good thing. When Ye Qingxuan was thinking about it, the eagle in the sky suddenly started nagging at the little fox again. Ye Qingxuan took out his Aurora Blade.

When the Aurora Blade was pulled out by Ye Qingxuan, it was a sword, and the eyes of the person with the golden light shining on the sword hurt, so the eagle was also a little scared when he saw the Aurora Blade, but Lao Jing had already flown there on the ground.

Then Ye Qingxuan was about to stab the eagle with the Aurora Blade, but the eagle didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would stab himself at this moment and thought Ye Qingxuan wanted to kill the little fox. This eagle is really too stupid.

Then Ye Qingxuan took the knife and stabbed the eagle, but he didn't stab the eagle's heart, but stabbed the eagle's thigh. At this time, the eagle felt a pain in his leg, and then the eagle looked down and saw that his leg was injured Ye Qingxuan was stabbed, and there was still a lot of blood on the eagle's leg.

But the eagle didn't care so much, so he flew into the air at this time, even if the eagle's leg was injured by a knife, then he had to run away, if he didn't run, if he didn't fly into the air, he would die. No one will save him.

Because the eagle is disliked by everyone, he always harms people, humans, and small animals. No small animal likes the eagle. This eagle is really hated by everyone, but at this time, the little fox saw that he had been rescued by Ye Qingxuan. Yes, but the little fox slowly turned into a little girl at this time, and then the little girl said to Ye Qingxuan.

"¨Thank you, if it weren't for you, I would be killed by the eagle, I will follow you in the future, big brother, please don't leave me, I am alone here, I am a little fox, really It's so pitiful..."

But Ye Qingxuan saw that the little fox turned into a little girl at this time, no wonder when he first saw him, he felt that there was a lot of aura in him, which was very unusual, this little fox didn't expect to be able to become a human, so this Nuohao) The little fox turned into a vixen.

But Ye Qingxuan believes that this little fox will not harm people, because he has a good nature and doesn't have the heart of that bad guy, so Ye Qingxuan doesn't intend to kill him.

"Okay, then I'll take you in, but you can't do some bad things by my side, if you do some bad things, then I won't let you go,"

"Good benefactor, I know all of these, and I will remember them.".

Chapter 1263

"As long as you bring me by your side, no matter what you say or do, I will listen to you." Ye Qingxuan plans to take him by his side and go out into the world by himself. No matter what bad people are around him, then this little fox will help My own, at this time Ye Qingxuan wanted to save a little snake last time.

Well, this time he rescued a little fox, and he has gained a lot after the two trips back to the mountain. It is always not a waste of time, so he will enjoy the fun that the little fox and the snake bring him, but at this time But the little fox suddenly used his aura.

Slowly making herself very small, then Ye Qingxuan picked him up and put him in his pocket, the little fox followed Ye Qingxuan around like this, no matter where Ye Qingxuan went, she would follow him Where.

But at this time, Tianya exuded a white light. Tianya said, "Ye Qingxuan, you have taken in another elf. If you have him by your side in the future, then he will help you with many things. In the future you'll know."

But Tian Ya didn't make it so clear that he also knew what was wrong with him, the little fox and the little snake would help him, because he had saved the lives of the little fox (ccab) and the little snake, and they all Treat him like a savior.

So at his side, Ye Qingxuan wanted to take care of him and protect him, but at this time Ye Qingxuan said, "Okay, we can go now, we're going to the outside world to explore and relax."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he walked towards the outside of the small path, but at the moment Ye Qingxuan was checking the surroundings while walking, to see if there was anything suspicious around, but he didn't see anything suspicious after walking for a long time s things.

Then he walked like this, and soon walked out of this path. When he walked out of the path, he saw the outside world. This is a road leading to the market, but at this time the jade pendant was sent out again. shine.

Tian Ya said, "The passage leading to the market is ahead, we can walk along this road to the market."

"Okay, then let's go to the market, and then buy some things we want to use, delicious food, and whatever we want to buy."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingxuan walked along this avenue, towards the passage leading to the market, but Ye Qingxuan walked very fast, and came to the market in a short while, but there are many people in the market right now. People, there are small stalls in there, selling everything.

It should be said that everything is available, so Ye Qingxuan looked at this market at this time, but there are jade wares here, because Ye Qingxuan likes jade wares very much, Ye Qingxuan has a jade pendant on his body, so he wants to buy a jade bracelet.

Wearing it on my body, I stopped at the place where the jade was sold, admiring these jade bracelets, but at this time, the shopkeeper saw that Ye Qingxuan liked jade bracelets very much, and then introduced them one by one to Ye Qingxuan, the origin of these bracelets What dynasty, who brought it, etc. have said a lot.

The boss said, "There is a bracelet made of jade, which was worn by the Empress Dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty. The price of the bracelet on the bracket is also very high. If you want to buy it, I can discuss the price with you two. The price is not a problem, so as long as you like it, you can say it."

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