But Ye Qingxuan picked up the jade bracelet at this time and looked at it himself.

Chapter 1264 Meeting the Ouyang Family

But Ye Qingxuan didn't think much about this bracelet, it should be the best jade bracelet, so will such jade bracelets be passed down to this day? Ye Qingxuan wondered if he was fooled by this store, who sold ordinary jade bracelets as good jade bracelets for their own business.

This is also possible, but how to identify this jade bracelet? Then Ye Qingxuan remembered that when he was a child, his father told him what kind of jade bracelets are good. Good jade is transparent, and if the jade is not good, it will be stained. With these two things, you can tell which is good or bad. .

So Ye Qingxuan picked up the jade bracelet and looked towards the sun to see if the bracelet was bright or dirty? But when Ye Qingxuan saw that this bracelet was very bright, it proved that this bracelet was good.

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan said to the shopkeeper, "Then how much are you going to sell this bracelet for? I think if the price is reasonable, I will keep it. If the price is not reasonable, I will not keep it."

But at this time, the shopkeeper saw that Ye Qingxuan wanted to buy it, so he said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you want to buy this bracelet, I will give you 100 Wen. If you give me 100 Wen, then I will sell it to you." you."

But Ye Qingxuan thought about it now, this bracelet is not worth 100 Wen, it is too expensive, then Ye Qingxuan said to the shopkeeper, "Your bracelet is too expensive, can you make it cheaper? I don't like such an expensive bracelet." Will buy."

But when the shopkeeper was hesitating, he thought for a while and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then the minimum is 80 Wen, if you can take it, take it, if you can't, then put it here, I can do it Continue to resell."

But Ye Qingxuan thought about it, 80 Wen is 80 Wen, such a high-quality jade bracelet, what is the money, then Ye Qingxuan took out 80 Wen from his pocket and handed it to the jade owner Boss, the boss saw that Ye Qingxuan had already paid him the money, and then took out the jewelry box and told him to pack this jade bracelet~ that's it.

Handed it to Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan watched the whole process, Ye Qingxuan was afraid that he would lose his bag, so he watched him from the beginning to the end, so Ye Qingxuan bought a jade bracelet with 80 Wen, so he felt very happy in his heart, because He-has long wanted to buy a jade bracelet.

···-·seeking flowers 0·

I bought a jade bracelet to give to my girlfriend when I have a girlfriend in the future. I didn’t expect to meet such a good jade bracelet. I was really lucky. I didn’t come to the market in vain this time, but at this time, I heard him next to him. Someone called him a waste, said the current one.

"I didn't expect to see this waste here. Why did this waste come out again? Isn't it at home? Can this waste also go shopping in the street?"


But Ye Qingxuan heard that person calling him trash, but Ye Qingxuan took a closer look at that person at this time, it should belong to Ouyang's family, but this Ouyang's family has no memory, and Ouyang Tian, ​​who was in Ouyang's family last time, was given by himself He vomited blood.

Then this time it was someone else laughing at him here, he absolutely cannot tolerate such a thing, so Ye Qingxuan left, went to that person and said, "Who are you? Why do you call me a waste? Don't call me a waste in the future , if you want me to hear you calling me trash again, then I will **** your legs and let you crawl around."

But that person didn't expect this little trash to speak so aggressively.

Chapter 1265 Exogenous branches

But the Ouyang family didn't take what Ye Qingxuan said to heart, thinking that Ye Qingxuan was there to scare him, but he didn't know Ye Qingxuan's real ability.

But at this time, there were two servants following him beside the Ouyang family. At this time, the two servants said to the Ouyang family, "Is he worthy of fighting with us? He is that little wimp" Three Nine Seven "Can't do anything, a useless wretch who can't do anything."

But Ye Qingxuan saw those people talking there all the time, he is a wimp, Ye Qingxuan is furious at this time, but he doesn't want to fix them in public, Ye Qingxuan just wants to bear it now never mind.

But the few members of Ouyang's family made sarcastic remarks there, "Since you can't beat us, say you can't beat us, don't pretend to be powerful there, let me just say, a wimp can't do anything, then we In the future, if you see a worthless person, you will see and beat him once."

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan heard the people from Ouyang's family talk about him, so Ye Qingxuan couldn't swallow this breath, but at this moment, Ye Qingxuan thought that because Ouyang Tian offended him last time, he had already vomited blood from Ouyang Tian and was still lying at home Keep your body inside.

Then why did these two people come out to challenge their patience again? Could it be that the Ouyang family came out to find trouble on purpose? But Ye Qingxuan doesn't care so much, as long as it offends him, he must retaliate.

Then there is nothing to be patient, but at this moment, Ye Qingxuan glanced at the pendant on his body, but the pendant exuded a dazzling light. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw that Wu Ya appeared in the pendant. Ye Qingxuan said.

"These boys offended you, then you have to deal with them and let them know how powerful you are, otherwise they will offend you again in the future, let them all know how great you are, and no one will dare to bully you in the future is you."

But at this time, only Wu Ya and Ye Qingxuan can hear Wu Ya's words, and others can't hear them. Then, after hearing Wu Ya's words at this time, Ye Qingxuan is going to clean up these two people and let them grow up. gain knowledge.

Otherwise, they will offend him again in the future, so let them try their own martial power now, but Ye Qingxuan thought at this time, the skills of these two people from the Ouyang family are not as high as his own, and his skills are only in Tiangang. Repair as...

Then they can't beat him based on their actions, because Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation level has reached the level of Tiandan cultivation level, so if Ye Qingxuan practices for a while, his skill and mana and spiritual power will continue to increase and break through of.

Then when he reaches these two cultivation bases from Tiangang and Xuanmen, he will improve quickly, but at this time, the two Ouyang family members looked at Ye Qingxuan, thinking that Ye Qingxuan said there That's all.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan really made a move against them. At this time, Ye Qingxuan didn't want to fight them, but their words really angered Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan had no choice but to fight them.

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan didn't want to make troubles, lest his master know that he came out secretly, then it would be difficult to come out like this in the future, if Ye Qingxuan and the Ouyang family fought together.

Chapter 1266 Extremely Rigid Blade

If you destroy the Ouyang family, then the Ouyang family will not let it go, and will go to the Ye family to make trouble, then Ye Qingxuan wants to leave at this time, and doesn't want to pursue the two Ouyang family members for what they did to him. offend.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan wanted to turn around and leave, but the people from the Ouyang family were chasing him closely, but they refused to let Ye Qingxuan go. When the people from the Ouyang family saw that Ye Qingxuan was about to leave, the people from the Ouyang family said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Are you afraid? If you are afraid, you little waste, you say you are afraid. Don't turn around and leave. Do you think that if you turn around without saying a word, we will let you go? You'd better kneel here and give I kowtow three times, if I am satisfied with three kowtows and 22 kowtows, then you can go, if I am not satisfied, you have to continue to kowtow three times.”

But when Ye Qingxuan heard this person from Ouyang's family say this, he thought to himself, it's not certain who will knock his head three times, but when Ye Qingxuan heard this person from Ouyang's family say such words, Ye Qingxuan suddenly turned around, But Ye Qingxuan had a fierce expression on his face.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan stared at the person who just spoke with both eyes, but the person from the Ye family who just spoke, seeing Ye Qingxuan's expression, was startled by Ye Qingxuan, and that person didn't know why Ye Qingxuan had such an expression. expression.

Exactly what he wanted to do, the man was a little scared now, but it was useless for him to be afraid now, because what he did and said had already been said, and there was no way to take it back.

"Do you think we will be afraid of you with your expression? It's really a joke of you little waste, you will lose in our hands sooner or later."

But Ye Qingxuan saw that the Ouyang family members were still stubborn, unwilling to admit defeat or bow to him, so he wanted to let the Ouyang family members see how good he was.

"At that time, it's not certain which of us will kowtow to whom. If you lose, you will give me 100 kowtows. If I lose, I will give you three small kowtows."

"Okay, that's what you said, so let's wait and see." After finishing speaking, the Ouyang family used their Ouyang family's martial arts, but at this moment, the Ouyang family exuded a lot of aura, and the Ouyang family Some people feel that the aura of their bodies is full of them.

Then he wanted to attack Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan took out his aura sword Jigang Blade at this time, because this extremely rigid blade is used to subdue demons and eliminate demons, whenever encountering demons and ghosts with this sword, it will shock the to pieces.

But at this moment, Ye Qingxuan took the sword and stabbed at the Ouyang family member, but the Ouyang family member did not escape Ye Qingxuan's stabbing with the sword. On the right arm of the Ouyang family member, but 397 It was the Ouyang family member who felt a special pain in his right arm after being stabbed by Ye Qingxuan.

Then he looked down and saw that Ye Qingxuan's Aurora Blade had stabbed his body, but when he ate it, he felt that his body had no strength at all, maybe this Aurora Blade had given him the aura. Removed.

Then this man's martial arts is at the lowest level, and this man lost to Ye Qingxuan, then the other two people also saw Ye Qingxuan's power, so they were all trembling with fright, and they didn't dare to go forward to fight Ye Qingxuan again. Competing.

Chapter 1267 Terrible

But at this time, the members of Ouyang's family wanted to run away,

They don't want to be ashamed here, because they also know that their people are really humiliated, and they have lost all the face of Ouyang's family, so what can they do? But would Ye Qingxuan let them go like this?

That's impossible, how they insulted Ye Qingxuan just now, Ye Qingxuan has to pay them back twice, "What? Do you want to escape? Is there any room for you to escape? Obediently kowtow to me on the ground, if you don't If you kowtow, then I will kill you with this sword."

But the people of the Ouyang family were very scared when they heard Ye Qingxuan speak like this, because they were afraid that Ye Qingxuan would kill them, and on the other hand, they were afraid of offending their master, the master of the Ouyang family, their housekeepers had very strict terms. , his disciples are not allowed to act mischievously outside and make false claims.

If there is any violation, then the church will deal with him severely, but Ye Qingxuan has blocked the way of the two Ouyang family members at this moment, and Ye Qingxuan will absolutely not let them go, so these two people see Ye Qingxuan's fierce The eyes were so frightened that they knelt down and begged Ye Qingxuan for mercy.

"I beg you to let us go. We have offended you today because we have blind eyes. If you let us go today, we can do whatever we want in the future. We will listen to you desperately. We all have to listen to you." Your domination'..."

It was Ye Qingxuan who would not listen to their rhetoric, because people like them would only be in front of others, and behind others, those duplicitous people are not worthy of being believed.

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan still asked them to kowtow to him. If they didn't kowtow to him, their mother would kill them, but they listened to Ye Qingxuan's words, so they had no choice but to kowtow to Ye Qingxuan obediently on the ground.

But at this time, several members of Ouyang's family knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan felt that they were silent, Ye Qingxuan, so he said to the leader, "You put in a little effort, you don't want me if you go sick You knock louder, and the red is brighter, but at this time, the faces of the Ouyang family are almost green with anger.

Then they have nothing to do, because they can't beat Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan did this to repair them, because they are too arrogant and hate them. The people heard Ye Qingxuan say that they didn't look like knocking.

Then they will continue to kowtow with all their strength, but while they kowtow and count, they must give Ye Qingxuan 100 kowtows, if they can't make a small head, then Ye Qingxuan won't let them off, and won't take it easy Let them go.

Now they have to kowtow to Ye Qingxuan even if they are shameless, but at this time the nodding is getting louder and louder, but the heads of the two Ouyang family members have already kowtowed a lot, and even bleeding.

This kind of scene makes people look horrible, but who can blame this kind of picture? They all blame him. It’s not good to offend anyone if he doesn’t have eyes, and he dares to offend Ye Qingxuan. So Ye Qingxuan can afford to offend Ye Qingxuan if he wants to? ? If you offend Ye Qingxuan, then there will be no good fruit for him to eat.

Chapter 1268 Take it lightly

He had to keep walking around, but now there are more and more people watching on the street, and these people are thinking, why this person kowtowed to Ye Qingxuan, and kowtowed so loudly, Also knocked one after another.

But the onlookers didn't know how he humiliated Ye Qingxuan just now, and scolded Ye Qingxuan like that, but they all took it lightly, and didn't know Ye Qingxuan's real ability, because Ye Qingxuan was not from a few years ago Ye Qingxuan is gone.

A few years ago, Ye Qingxuan was really a little waste, unable to do anything, and accomplished nothing, but now Ye Qingxuan has reached the cultivation level of Tiandan after half a year of cultivation, that is, people with these cultivation levels of Tiandan.

Generally, 400 people would not dare to offend them. There are very few people with such a cultivation level, but when the common people saw those members of Ouyang's family, they began to discuss, why did these people kowtow to Ye Qingxuan? Did he offend Ye Qingxuan? But the person on the side said to that person.

"Maybe he offended him. Otherwise, how could he let him kowtow to him in front of the public? He even kowtowed like that. You can see that the kowtow over there is bleeding. It's really horrible. It’s already bleeding from knocking, so I have to keep kowtow.”

"When will this be a head?" Just as everyone was discussing, the people from the Ao Yang family finally gave Ye Qingxuan all the 100 heads, but after the kowtow, the people from the Ouyang family said to Ye Qingxuan , "I've kowtowed the hundred heads for you, so let's go."

"Now that you have kowtowed 100 heads, then you can leave. If you look at me in the future, you will walk around me. If you let me see you, then I will see you once and beat you once until you are killed. "

But the people in Ouyang's family were scared when they heard Ye Qingxuan say this, "We will never see you again, if we see you again, we will go around you, and we will never meet you again."

But at this moment, Ye Qingxuan heard what the Ouyang family said (ccab), so he didn't pursue anything anymore, you can go, and when you see me in the future, don't call me a little waste. Call me little waste, then I will never let you go as easily as today."

"You have to remember today's lesson. Today is just a small lesson for you. If you dare to commit another crime in the future, then I will use my skills on you and teach you to knock them down one by one."

"Yes, we have learned the lesson today, so we won't offend you again in the future," the Ouyang family member called out, and the two people around him walked out together, but when the Ouyang family After leaving, only Ye Qingxuan, the pendant on his body and a group of people were left inside.

This group of people saw that Ye Qingxuan was really too ruthless. The two people didn't know what mistake they made to send those two people like this, but the group of people didn't know how those two people offended Ye Qingxuan, and made Ye Qingxuan angry They are going to kill them.

But Ye Qingxuan was not that impulsive, he just taught them a little lesson, so that they can remember, so that they will not challenge their endurance so much in the future.

Chapter 1269 Came to Ye Family

But after such a commotion, Ye Qingxuan didn't have the heart to continue shopping in this market anymore.

Then I had to turn around and go back, but on the other side, the Ouyang family returned to Ouyang's house. When they first walked to the Ouyang family's yard, the Ouyang family saw that their heads were bleeding, but they didn't know Why.

So Ouyang Zhennan asked, "What's the matter with you guys? How did you get bloody? What happened~?"

But when these few people heard Ouyang Zhennan asking them what happened, they didn't want to say anything, but Lao Wu saw that their male feather was Ouyang Zhennan, but he turned to them. Said.

"No matter what you have to say, I will make decisions for you. If you don't say it, then I don't know what happened to you. How can I make decisions for you?"

But at this time, when the people of Ouyang's family heard what Ouyang Zhennan said, they felt relieved and bold, and told what happened today, "It's like this, we met Ye Qingxuan on the street, but at that time Ye Qingxuan was alone on the street. We went up and said hello to him, but they ignored us and were rude to us."

"So we wanted to teach him a lesson, but we didn't expect his martial arts to be so high that he actually beat us to the ground, but he had to ask us to kowtow to him. If we don't kowtow to him, then we won't be able to come back , he will kill us."

"Then we had no choice but to kowtow to him according to his request, but the kowtow was not enough, we had to kowtow loudly, so we kowtow hard, but just like that, blood flowed from the head. This is what happened today."

But Ouyang Zhennan was very angry after hearing this, because Ye Qingxuan had already injured his son Ouyang Tian last time, so now he came to challenge his apprentices again, Ouyang Zhennan wanted to really take them Ouyang Is it a soft persimmon?

But their Ouyang family also has some strength and is well-known in this generation. The martial arts of the Ouyang family are not too superb, but they are much higher than those of some small families.

But what should we do now? "Then you go back to your house to rest now, then I will go to Ye's house to ask you an explanation, why do you want my apprentices to kowtow so many heads to his apprentices, and challenge our endurance?"

····Ask for flowers 0·

But the Ouyang family didn't tell Ouyang Zhennan the truth, because it was the Ouyang family who angered Ye Qingxuan first, and then Ye Qingxuan used some tricks on them, but he told his master so.


It is said that Ye Qingxuan's doctor is really capable of turning right from wrong, so Ouyang Zhennan can only trust his own apprentice, not what other people say. He heard what his apprentice said, so he hurriedly turned to Ye's family. rush to.

He wanted to go to the Ye family to ask the teacher, but was he the one who casually set up the teacher to question the Ye family? But soon Ouyang Zhennan arrived at Ye's house, but the door of Ye's house was closed now, so Ouyang Zhennan knocked on the door, and at this time the butler of Ye's house came out.

"I don't know what you are doing here?"

"I'm here to look for Ye Liuyun from your Ye family, because his apprentice injured my apprentice, and his head is bleeding so far.

The 1270th came to the Ye family

The 1270th came to the Ye family

I want to ask why, why did I treat my apprentices like this, why did we offend your Ye family, and treat our Ouyang family like this. "

"Then wait a moment, I'll report to our Ye Liuyun," but at this moment the housekeeper of the Ye family didn't let Ouyang Zhennan in, but asked him to wait at the door, which showed that the Ye family didn't want to see the Ouyang family very much. But the "400" of Ouyang's family also knew about it, because the two of them had never had any friendship, nor had they moved around, and the world saw this.

At this time, the housekeeper at night walked back, and when he walked into the hall of the Ye family, he saw Ye Liuyun sitting on the hall. At this time, the housekeeper said to Ye Liuyun.

"Someone from Ouyang's family came to look for us outside, but that person was aggressive," but at this moment Ye Liuyun thought, why did this person from Ouyang's family come again? Last time because Ye Qingxuan beat their family members, he came to settle accounts with them, but in the end, he left in despair after making a mistake.

So what is it for this time? When Ye Liuyun was thinking like this, he said to the butler, "Then you let him in, no matter what you have, let him in."

"Okay, grandpa, then I'll let him in now," the butler walked out while speaking, but when he went out, he saw that Ouyang Zhennan of Ouyang's family was still outside the door, so the butler said to him Ouyang Zhennan said.

"Our master let you in," so Ouyang Zhennan of the Ouyang family followed the butler into the hall of the Ye family, but at the moment there was only one person in the hall of the Ye family, and that was Ye Liuyun Ye, Liuyun Sitting there alone, waiting for Ouyang Zhennan to appear.

But soon Ouyang Zhennan walked up to the hall, but at this time Ye Liuyun also saw Ouyang Zhennan coming to his side, so he said to Ouyang Zhennan.

"What a rare guest, what brought you here," but Ouyang Zhennan snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction with Ye Liuyun, so why did Ouyang Zhennan do this?

"I heard that you have something to do with us. What is it? Ouyang Zhennan, if there is something, you can tell it. If you don't, then you can go back..."

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