"How dare I say no, the owner of the Ye family has already said that as long as it is within the scope of the Ye family, you can go anywhere you want."

"It's good to know, anyway, it's much better than you giving me that bad idea, and asking me to climb some dog hole."

"You said you asked me to give you an idea, but I didn't want to give you an idea. Now you're still blaming me."

Ye Yun turned around and left here, ignoring Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room, ready to continue practicing the exercises, this time the exercise Wu Ya found for him was soul art.

Wu Ya said, "This exercise is very special. Once you practice it, you will know its beauty."

"What's so good about this? It's just a book of luck."

"You will know when the time comes."

This exercise doesn't look very powerful, but it's just a exercise for exercising the breath in one's body.

But Wu Ya said that it was a very special exercise book, which made Ye Qingxuan a little curious about this exercise book, and he believed that Wu Ya would never lie to him.

In this dark night, Ye Qingxuan was practicing this exercise in his room, but a few men in black broke in.

They are members of the Killer Organization, and they came here to kill Ye Qingxuan. These people are all masters, and their cultivation has reached the Taoist level.

How many crystals did the Feng family produce to allow this killer organization to sneak into the Ye family, and the few people they sent were all people who had cultivated in the Taoist sect.

He is one of the four great aristocratic families, how could he not know if someone broke into it? Ye Liuyun had already rushed out.

The guards of the Ye family also rushed out at this time. Although they stopped some people, some people went straight to Ye Qingxuan's yard, where Ye Qingxuan was practicing with his eyes closed.

All the disciples of the Ye Family also rushed out (good money, good money). At this moment Ye Liuyun said, "¨Dragging them to Ye Qingxuan's yard, someone walked over there."

The elder of the Ye family's master Zangshu Pavilion never goes out of the Zangshu Pavilion, and he also knows that there are masters sneaking into Ye's house to eat in the turmoil outside.

And these masters have all reached the cultivation base of Taoism.

There is only one person in the Ye family who has reached this level, and that is Ye Liuyun.

With his own strength, it is impossible for so many expert opponents to think that something is wrong with the Ye family.

Chapter 1253 The Killer Infiltrated the Ye Family

It is impossible for the elders who retreated to come out. Did these people use the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain to enter the library of the Ye family?

He is still thinking about his Zangshu Pavilion, but he also knows that Ye Qingxuan is the only disciple of their Ye family with a strong talent.

It was impossible for him to let this disciple be killed by them, and he immediately created a powerful enchantment in the entire Library Pavilion.

Then flew over there, Ye Qingxuan sensed that someone was approaching him, he immediately put away his skills, just opened the door, the man's sword was directly approaching Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan quickly dodged.

His cultivation is only Yuandan, he cannot be the opponent of Xuanmen master 383, no matter how talented he is, he can't beat someone with Xuanmen cultivation.

The speed of Ye Qingxuan's dodging also shocked the assassins. Isn't this cultivation level Tiangang?

But looking at his moves, it is clear that he has reached Yuandan.

It is impossible for the information of their killer organization to be wrong. When those people assassinated him before, their cultivation base was obviously in Tiangang.

Although they have doubts, but now that they have come here, they can only do it, there is no nonsense, and each of them can only show two eyes, and they can't see anything (ccab) in other positions, all are covered with black cloth covered.

In the next second, Ye Liuyun and the others also broke into this place, including the elders of the library, they all sensed Ye Qingxuan's room. Seeing the failure of the action, these people here just didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation base would be in such a short period of time. Promoted to another segment.

If you know it, you can't fail.

Ye Qingxuan already knows who sent these people, isn't it the Feng family? He has agreed to withdraw from the engagement.

Why did the people of the Feng family want to control him to death? It's too deceitful. Originally, he thought that this matter would be over, but he didn't expect the people of the Feng family to be aggressive.

"Since they are so heartless, don't blame him for destroying the Feng family in the future."

The memory flooding into his mind was the memory of Feng Feixue playing with this guy when they were young, but he never expected it to be so ruthless.

With the elders' attack and Ye Liuyun's attack, these killers retreated immediately, but it is not so easy to retreat from the Ye family.

Some of them have already been injured. If they didn't use special exercises, it would not be so easy to escape from the Ye family.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was safe and sound, the elder flew back without saying a single word of nonsense. After returning to the Library Pavilion, he opened the barrier and entered the Library Pavilion.

Ye Liuyun said to Ye Qingxuan, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it seems that staying in Ye's house is not safe."

"As long as this killer organization collects the spar of the mission, they will definitely complete the mission, no matter how difficult it is, they will not give up."

"Although it's not safe in the Ye family, it's much safer than you outside. The people of the Ye family will definitely do their best to protect the children of the Ye family."

Alarmed by the patriarch of the Ye family, he also walked towards this side, and he said, "Is anyone injured?"

Ye Liuyun said, "No disciple was injured. These people came for Ye Qingxuan. Fortunately, the elders of the Cangshu Pavilion showed up in time. Otherwise, it would be really not easy to stop so many Taoist masters."

"The elder of Zangshu Pavilion will not walk out of Zangshu Pavilion easily. He walked out here because he sensed a dangerous aura approaching.".

Chapter 1254 Decided to let Ye Qingxuan go to Kyushu in half a year

Ye Qingxuan said, "The Feng family is going too far. Hasn't our Ye family already agreed to the divorce? Why does he send people over to assassinate me so often?"

"Feng Feixue will inherit the position of the head of the Feng family in the future. He doesn't want you to stay here, maybe it's because of the engagement you have made before."

"Although our Ye family is well aware of this matter, there is no evidence. If there is any evidence, the teacher would have been charged."

"People like them, I'm afraid other families will not be willing to marry them."

"This is a matter of other families and has nothing to do with us, but I will solve this matter sooner or later."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I hope I can make it to that day."

Ye Liuyun said, "What nonsense, you brat, you are the most talented disciple of the Ye family now, even if you try everything, the Ye family will definitely keep you."

At this time, the Patriarch of the Ye family said, "How long is it before Kyushu Continental College recruits students? If Ye Qingxuan can go to that college, naturally they will not dare to make mistakes~"

Ye Liuyun said, "In about half a year, they will come to us from mainland Kyushu to recruit students."

"With Ye Qingxuan's talent, he will definitely be able to successfully enter the Kyushu Continent."

Each of the four great families sent ten disciples to sneak into Kyushu. These ten disciples must all be the most outstanding disciples, and the lowest cultivation level must reach Tiangang.

Now this is the only way. When Ye Qingxuan grows up, he won't be afraid of that killer organization. With his talent and such a fast growth rate, I believe he will be able to protect himself in a short time.

Always relying on other people's protection is not an option, he must have his own self-protection ability, and as long as he joins the academy in Kyushu, the killer organization will never dare to offend.

It seems that Ye Qingxuan is still unable to leave the Ye family for half a year, and will be imprisoned in the Ye family's compound.

These people have already gone back.

Ye Qingxuan didn't feel sleepy when he returned to his room, and he didn't want to continue practicing. He lay on the bed and said lightly, "Why am I so unlucky? From the beginning, the piece of black iron you arranged for me has now been taken away." Assassinated, why did all the bad things happen to me?"

Wu Ya said, "This piece of black iron is not good. Just look at the Promise Blade in your hand, and you will know how powerful it is. This is a high-grade spiritual weapon. Who wouldn't want to get it? You still think he's not good enough!" Well, it’s just a waste that got you called for two years.”

····Ask for flowers 0·

"But now I'm going to be trapped in Ye's house for another half a year, isn't this half a year suffocating me to death?"

"Little idiot, you can practice within half a year. Now your cultivation has reached Yuan Dan. When you break through the cultivation you want, you will not be able to walk around at that time. Are you still stuck here? ?”


"Makes sense."

"It seems that the only thing I can do now is practice, there is no other way."

"In this world where martial arts are the most important thing, having the supreme military value is the most powerful."

"I'm just thinking about when I can awaken the blood of the God King."

"You will wake up sooner or later. You already have the blood of the God King in your body, but you are just about to wake up."

Wu Ya continued, "Besides, within such a short period of time, it is already rare for ten thousand people to reach Yuan Dan, let alone ten thousand people, you can say that I have never seen it before." 1.

Chapter 1255 Martial Arts Cheats

"Okay, then do as you said, I will practice here, and I will go out after I have cultivated to a certain level. At that time, it is impossible for others to hurt me."

"I'm not that soft persimmon that people pinch, then I have to continue to practice, and if I succeed in cultivating this blood of the **** king, then I can go out and be invincible in the world. Anyone who wants to kill me and get close to me will Killed by me, whoever he wants to kill me, then I will never let him live."

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan looked at the pendant on his chest, and Tian Ya's voice came from inside, "Then you must practice your martial arts well now, and cultivate to the level you want to cultivate."

"Then they won't dare to invade you again, dare not come to hurt you, then what kind of freedom do you want? Why don't you stay at Ye's house every day?"

"Then let's go to the back mountain now. I'm going to the back mountain to practice, because there are many poisonous snakes and beasts in the back mountain."

At this time, Tianya handed Ye Qingxuan a book, because this book is a book for practicing martial arts, Tianya asked Ye Qingxuan to refer to the secrets in it according to this book, if he can refer to the secrets of this book.

Then his cultivation base has reached the point where he wants to cultivate, so forget it, Ye Qingxuan took the book Tianya handed over, and then flipped through the contents of the book, Ye Qingxuan flipped through the lesson page by page , looked carefully.

After reading this book, Ye Qingxuan felt that the moves in the mysteries in this book were really useful to him, because these were the auras of martial arts he had never practiced before, so he decided To practice the denseness in this book.

Then Ye Qingxuan walked towards the back mountain, because the fertilization in the back mountain is not like the popular place in Yanjia Town, which is very noisy. Ye Qingxuan wanted to find a remote and quiet place, and then concentrate on practicing this book The secret level inside.

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan was walking and looked around to see if there were any poisonous snakes and beasts in the back mountain, but he didn't see it after walking for a while, and then stopped. Ye Qingxuan felt that it was the safest place inside. The place....

Because there are no poisonous snakes and beasts coming in and out, and only his and the crow's own investment is here, so Wuya will help him look at it. He is in Zhou's situation, so Ye Qingxuan can concentrate on chaining the aura and spirit in this book. Martial arts.

Ye Qingxuan found an open space to do it by himself, then took out the books on his body and looked through them. When he turned to the first page, he saw that every move and style written in the martial arts secret book was so attractive. Ye Qingxuan's gaze.

Because Ye Qingxuan was attracted by the book on his back, Xiao Wei's book is very good, if it is an ordinary book, then Ye Qingxuan will not be attracted to this book. This book must be of great help to Ye Qingxuan, and then Ye Qingxuan decided to start practicing The secrets and spiritual energy in this book.

Ye Qingxuan began to sit cross-legged, and then used the power of his body, then recalled in his head, just saw the one move written in Shujin, but soon Ye Qingxuan practiced all the moves, but Didn't become Xiao Ye Qingxuan would practice so fast, even Wu Ya who was on the side didn't think of getting old.

Chapter 1256

Ye Qingxuan's practice speed will increase rapidly.

When Ye Qingxuan was practicing martial arts, Wu Ya on the side saw that Ye Qingxuan exuded a lot of aura, but at the beginning, the aura was a white object. When Ye Qingxuan practiced for a while, the white object slowly turned into a white object. yellow object.

In such a short period of time, the color of the aura object changed so quickly, which means that Ye Qingxuan practiced the aura in the martial arts secret book very quickly this time, but Ye Qingxuan stopped at this time.

Because he still needs to read the other martial arts and spiritual energy in that book, Ye Qingxuan, so he flipped through the 22 martial arts cheat books, and then looked at the second page, so the martial arts on the second page are also very good of.

The martial arts on the second page is actually twice as high as that on the first page, so such a martial arts cheat book is really great. Started to write the martial arts cheats on page 2 again.

I memorized all the contents in my mind, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and started to practice the martial arts cheats in the second sheet, but the moves and styles practiced in the second sheet seemed to have opened up Ye Qingxuan's meridians.

When practicing the second martial arts cheat book, Ye Qingxuan felt that his body was particularly relaxed, and felt that his aura was constantly increasing, and his physical strength was also increasing. In short, everything was developing in a good direction.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan asked him to reach the level he wanted, which would be very fast. If he continued to practice like this, then he would be able to reach Tiangang cultivation level in a short time, because reaching Tiangang cultivation base is the top cultivation level For, if you have Tiangang's cultivation base.

Then no one would touch him, but just when he finished practicing the second page of the martial arts secret book, he heard the sound of footsteps inside, and Ye Qingxuan who was paying attention. It occurred to me that there might be enemies who were about to invade Ye's house again.

Then he must stand up at this time to see who has sneaked into the Ye family. If there are people who are harmful to the Ye family, then he will never let them go, and he will never let them do anything wrong in the Ye family, so Ye Qingxuan walked slowly in the direction of the footsteps.

But when he saw those footsteps were men in black, at this time Ye Qingxuan knew that maybe some family sent the men in black to kill them, but Ye Qingxuan followed in the footsteps of those men in black .

I want to see what the man in black is going to do in Ye's house, but when Wu Ya said that these people are very powerful, you can't beat them with your martial arts, so you don't want to follow them, but Ye Qingxuan But I don't worry about these people sneaking into Ye's house.

If the members of the Ye family are asleep, won't people take advantage of it? But he had to guard the Ye family, watching these people to see what they were going to do, and followed the men in black to the Ye family's mansion.

But inside the Ye family's mansion, they didn't go, they cleaned up one by one, and came to Ye Qingxuan's room, but when they came to Ye Qingxuan's room in their hometown, they saw that Ye Qingxuan's room was empty and there was no one there. Help the men in black.

Chapter 1257 Aggressive

Where did Ye Qingxuan go? Could it be that he was hiding from them, afraid that they would come after him? But such a man in black was not found, but Ye Qingxuan still did not give up.

But Ye Qingxuan followed the men in black and saw that the men in black were looking for him, so he knew that the people from the Feng family must have come to settle accounts with him again. up.

Just because I retired and had a very bad influence on Feng Feixue of the Feng family, I held a grudge against myself, and challenged my patience and the Ye family's endurance over and over again, then wait until I practice until I want to The border you want.

Then he won't be on vacation. It's really too shameless and overbearing. I've never seen such a family living in such a family. It's really a big scum of mankind. Such a family should get rid of it and find a better one. Practice his martial arts as soon as possible.

Then I went to the head of the Feng family to ask for advice, but he couldn't let these men in black rush around Ye's house, and then Ye Qingxuan shouted, what are you doing? Why did you break into our Ye's house at night? The men in black heard someone talking.

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