After many consecutive experiments, he finally succeeded. The moment he bombarded forward, the pillar in front exploded instantly. Fortunately, everything here was just an illusion, and it instantly returned to normal.

"Hahaha! You have already reached the first level, and now it is only an hour."

Still sitting under the big tree, as if falling asleep, Ye Shiwen who passed by here saw Ye Qingxuan, and he had a plan. He went back to find a pen and ink, and at this moment drew a big turtle on Ye Qingxuan's face, and took it He took two straw sticks and kept poking his nostrils.

Ye Qingxuan, who was in this different space, suddenly felt his nose itchy and sneezed.

He swished back into his body, only to see this little girl playing tricks on him.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, startling Ye Shiwen.

"Why do you **** open your eyes?"

"I think you are the most courageous in the entire Ye family. It's too late for other people to hide from me. You still dare to play tricks on me."

"Who's afraid of you? Although you have talent, you've been slacking off here all day and never practiced. It's really a waste of this talent on you."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Who is lazy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

····Ask for flowers 0·

"What are you doing sitting here without cheating? This girl is too lazy to talk to you, hum!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. Ye Qingxuan knew that it might not be safe here, so he might as well go back to his room, then you will be much more comfortable than here, so he stood up and walked back with big strides.

These people were pointing and pointing along the way, and some of them actually laughed out loud. Although it could be seen that they were holding back, Ye Qingxuan didn't know why they were laughing. What happened?


When he returned to his room and looked in the mirror, he saw the big turtle on his face, and immediately knew why those people laughed at him just now, and this stinky girl dared to tease him.

He washed his face, and didn't look for him right away. According to Ye Qingxuan's personality before, he had already gone to look for that stinky girl, but now Ye Qingxuan's main purpose of coming here is to cultivate, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

He once again entered the different space inside the jade pendant.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Since I have already worshiped you as my teacher, but I don't know who you are, isn't it a bit inappropriate?" 1.

Chapter 1100

The old man said with a faint smile, "Old man Yuhua is real."

"Real Yuhua."

Ye Qingxuan went on to say, "No one bothers me now, I can practice that day's collapse, right?"

"Of course, I can pass on the essence of the boxing technique to you, right? You can practice here. No matter how much energy you erupt, this place is the illusion of "Two Thirty Zero". Don't worry, I will never put this A pendant was destroyed."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, he was quite serious and seeing the real Yuhua sitting there, as if everything had nothing to do with him, he sat on the stream and closed his eyes to rest.

Ye Qingxuan gathered the qi in his body and concentrated it all in his fists. He wanted to practice well for this day, and when he entered the first floor, he had already clicked his one-click full level.

In an instant, this punch had reached its peak, so the moment he exploded, the air in the entire space was twisted, how could the real Yuhua who was sitting there not feel it?

The eyes that were originally closed were opened in an instant, because he also found it unbelievable. This energy is obviously in a state of slam, Quan's slam, how is this possible?

When he turned his head to this side, he did see that Ye Qingxuan's energy shattered all illusions in the entire area. Although the illusion would recover instantly, this energy was indeed powerful.

"Hahaha! Brat, your wind is really amazing."

Ye Qingxuan scratched his head stupidly and said, "So I've already mastered this technique."

Ye Qingxuan knew it well, he put on this posture on purpose, lest he would arouse suspicion if he didn't have any shocked expression, how could anyone have such a high concentration.

"Based on your current level, I'm afraid you have already won the grand slam of this boxing technique, that is to say, you have mastered this boxing technique thoroughly. I believe that in this competition, the Ye family of your Jiuyou family will definitely have a genius like you."

"It's not this exercise. Is it Ye Family's exercise? Don't let these guys see it when I type it out."

"This is the most basic technique of the Ye family. It's not just that the disciples of all the families of the Ye family will have power, but you don't know it. How could you look at such a low-level person because of your lazy appearance before talking about you?" boxing..."

"You said that this boxing method is low-level, why do you have to give it to me?"

"Hahaha! If you don't make a song, you're done. It's a blockbuster. I think you understand this truth."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "I see, master and apprentice will leave now."

Ye Qingxuan walked out from the pendant, and at the moment he was still happy with Daoist Yuhua. He never thought that the disciple he recruited this time had such a talent, a simple sky-shattering power, and he could fight so well.

He stroked his beard with a smile of 0.1 on his face, and disappeared here in the next second, as if he had merged with this pendant.

The light on the pendant gradually faded, and it turned into an ordinary pendant, and now Ye Qingxuan also returned to his body, and after his consciousness returned to his body, he woke up instantly, and he still I remember the big turtle painted on his face by that stinky girl Ye Shiwen.

Chapter 1101 Unlucky Ye Feng

The corners of Ye Qingxuan's mouth slightly raised, and his eyes rolled around, and a ghost idea came. He got a basin of water on the beam of the house that this little girl must pass through, and tied a rope underneath, as long as this When the little girl came here, he would definitely kick this rope, and this basin of water would definitely be caught on him, just thinking about it made me excited.

When Ye Shiwen was walking towards this side, suddenly there was a person chasing after him. This person was not someone else, he was also a child of the Ye family, named Ye Feng.

Ye Feng came over and said, "Shiwen, where are you going?"

"I'm 22, don't I want to go to the back mountain to practice martial arts? Isn't the competition about to start? So I have to work harder during this time."

"Then I'll go with you, I'm also interested in what's going on there."

"Let's go!"

Ye Feng walked in the front and turned his head while walking, this was terrible, he kicked the rope, Ye Qingxuan immediately blindfolded, he was going to frame him, but Ye Shiwen's bucket of water directly Buckled on Ye Feng's body.

In an instant, he turned into a drowned chicken. Ye Shiwen didn't know what to say when he saw his appearance, and then he couldn't help laughing, and said while laughing, "Who did this?"

Ye Feng said, "If you let me know who did it, I will pour ten buckets of water on him to relieve my hatred. My bucket of water seems to be framed for you, not for me."

"Oh, I see, it must be Ye Qingxuan, who else can play tricks on me like this."

"This guy is really abominable, relying on the Patriarch to love him, he will do whatever he wants, we must find a way to deal with him."

Ye Siwen tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "How do you want to deal with him, I'll help you."

Ye Qingxuan immediately pricked up his ears and listened.

He just vaguely heard something like croton and seemed to understand, just these two words made him understand what they were going to do, he turned around and left here, and returned to his room.

Ye Shiwen and Ye Feng came to the hut, died on the hut, and then prepared Croton, put a bowl of soup that was about to be sent into Ye Qingxuan's room, and put it in Croton, and then the two quietly went outside Waiting for the result.

Ye Feng said to Ye Shiwen, "Look, that brat will definitely fall into the latrine this time."

Ye Qingxuan knew the plan of the two of them a long time ago, but he always had to play a trick together, otherwise how could his trick be successful?

The servant left and came in and said, "Master, your soup is ready."

"Understood, let's go down."


Recently, Ye Qingxuan has become quite normal, so the servants of 230 are not so timid. As long as the young master remains normal, they will be spared from suffering.

Ye Qingxuan didn't drink that Tanglong, at this moment she came out and ran into the toilet pretending to have a stomachache, but in fact he had already avoided the board in the toilet, and then yelled, "Oh, Ye Shiwen and Ye Feng are two people at this time Laughing until their stomach hurt, the two of them retreated immediately, but they didn't want to see the scene where Ye Qingxuan appeared after a while, it must be very smelly.

In the evening, he had already delivered the dessert in his room, and there was also a bowl of soup on the table. He just drank the soup without thinking about it.

Chapter 1102 Fooling Ye Feng

Just when he stretched himself and was about to go to sleep, he suddenly felt that his stomach hurt so much. He immediately ran over to the hut while holding his stomach. When he quickly stood in the hut, ready to release, suddenly The boards of one of the huts were broken.

He fell down, covered in feces, and smelled all over his body. This guy ran out of the hut immediately, and all the things he had just had a stomachache fell into his pants.


"Who did this?"

This guy was furious. He didn't expect that the means he used on Ye Qingxuan would be used on his own deep wounds. Who the **** is this? Is it impossible for Ye Shiwen?

After finally getting rid of all the smell on my body, I sat in the bathtub to take a bath, and when I was taking a comfortable bath, Ye Qingxuan sneaked in again, and said, "You brat dared to trick me, today I will let you You know how powerful the young master is."

After speaking, he sneakily took away all the guy's clothes.


When Ye Qingxuan returned to his room, he couldn't hold back his wild laughter, his rhythm was so good, even thinking about it, he knew what that guy was like now.

When the man was taking a shower just now, he said, "You all get out, I can take care of the next thing myself, those servants have already left, let's see who gets him clothes."

When he reached out to touch the clothes after taking a shower, he found that the clothes were not there. Could it be that the servants forgot to put the clothes on for him? Chatting with other people over there, these people are chatting hotly, and the place they must pass is here.

Ye Feng came out of the bucket. He saw a basin in front of him. He picked up the basin to cover himself, pretending that others could not see him, and moved towards his room. The room is not far from here, as long as no one sees him It's safe to collapse.

He stuck his head out first, and found that there was no one outside, "This is really God helping me!"

He held the disk in front of him, and then moved sideways towards his room, moved back against the wall little by little, and reached the door in a few strokes, he took two quick steps, and At this time, Ye Qingxuan and the others turned around from there, Ye Qingxuan pointed to the front and said, "Hey Ye Feng, what are you doing? It's too funny in broad daylight."

The people who were with Ye Qingxuan laughed loudly, they were all laughing at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng ran back to his room in a whoosh, quickly put on a suit of clothes, why was he so unlucky, and who framed him for falling into the toilet.

Whether the clothes were forgotten by the servants or taken away by others, he thought about it, it seemed that they were done on purpose, but who did it? Could it be that Ye Qingxuan knew that he was the one who killed him first, how could this be possible (well done)?

It's really embarrassing to throw him home, which makes him how to look up after being in the Ye family.

"¨Woooooooo! Why am I so unlucky!"

Ye Qingxuan took these people away and didn't continue to tease him. He thought it was enough. He didn't tease Ye Shiwen. He knew that the last time he teased him almost killed him, but now think about the person who teased him. It's not him, is it the original owner of this body? .

Chapter 1103 Father's Worries

But he has already endured his ambition this time, so there will be nothing more in the future, right?

During the morning exercise the next day, Ye Feng felt that he couldn't bear it, and he could still hear the laughing voices of those disciples.

It also made him very clear that Ye Qingxuan never did morning exercises, so he would never find Ye Qingxuan at this time, and Ye Qingxuan was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, so he would not get up so early.

This early in the morning, the Ye family came to Ye Qingxuan's room, knocked on the door outside and said, "Qingxuan, are you up?"

When Ye Qingxuan heard it was his father's voice, he immediately sat up and said, "What's the matter, father, 230 just woke up."

"It's nothing serious, I just have something to discuss with you."

"Oh! Father, wait a moment, the child puts on his clothes."

After Ye Qingxuan was fully dressed, he opened the door, and his father walked in and said, "Why don't you ask someone to clean it up for you?"

"Forget it, I'm still used to tidying up by myself."

"Is there anything for the father to find the child?"

"Now you are a more talented child of the Ye family. Although you don't like to participate in the morning exercises this morning, you have to work hard. Otherwise, how can we show our Ye family's ability in the ccab?"

"Father, don't worry, the child has his own measure."

"I also know that you went to Zangshu Pavilion, which means that you still have opinions on this matter, as long as you know it well."

His father has always doted on him, no matter what he does, he never forces him to do anything, he really doesn't understand why he is so kind to him, there are so many Ye family children, and he is not the only child, Why is it different for him alone?

Now I don’t think about it so much, anyway, it’s much better than those wastes, it’s better than being a waste once you enter the body, and then not being welcomed by the family, wanting anything and nothing.

Ye Qingxuan's father also believed that Ye Qingxuan himself had a sense of proportion, otherwise he would have wasted such a good talent.

Ye Qingxuan now only has one power, and the set of Xuanbing swordsmanship he got has not yet started to practice, because there is no such weapon that can withstand the ability of this sword art.

No wonder no one likes this book, and this book is half a book, so it is put in a corner, covered with dust, this Ye Qingxuan is quite special, the more nobody wants something, the more he will is to choose.

Ye Feng is very depressed now, he has become the object of everyone's ridicule, he believes that this matter has already spread, but fortunately the matter of falling into the toilet has not spread, but Ye Qingxuan's experience is the same as his own, Didn't he fall into the toilet too?

When he saw his servant, he said, "Did you prepare clothes for me when I took a shower yesterday?"

"Hasn't the son already prepared everything for you? Just put it on the barrier next to it."

"I see."

When Ye Feng met Ye Qingxuan, he looked at Ye Qingxuan with an innocent face and said, "Hey! What are you doing staring at me?"

"I'm sure you didn't kill me yesterday."

"Why are you so nervous? What does it matter to me if you take a bath by yourself? Besides, I'm with so many people. They can all testify for me, and I haven't left them."

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