After seeing this, he chuckled again, without any anger on his face, he lay down again and said, "Anyone who comes to see me, just say that I am inconvenient to meet."

"It's the son."

A silly girl naturally dare not tell the story of the two of them entering the Monster Beast Forest. If she did, she would probably be punished, because the Jiuyou family does not allow them to enter the Monster Beast Forest without authorization, and the Monster Beast Forest is very dangerous. one.

Chapter 1095 Talent Test

If he didn't want to own a monster of his own, he wouldn't have sneaked in with that Ye Qingxuan. Although he had entered, he almost lost his life, and he didn't get the monster he wanted to contract.

Even Ye Qingxuan felt that what he had done was a little too much. Although it was not done by himself, but by the original owner of the body, since the matter had already been done, he had no choice but to admit "227". He entered her body, as if nothing happened, this little girl appeared in front of him alive and kicking.

Ye Qingxuan said to the soul in the body, "How many things have you done? Don't let me clean up the mess for you?"

But that soul has already been sealed in the body, and he didn't occupy this body all the time when he reincarnated here, but just live again for him, and then he will teach him a different self.

Of course, since he was reincarnated into this person, it means that this person does have such abilities, but it may be difficult to reach that level with his abilities.

No matter what he has experienced, he can feel it all, even if Ye Qingxuan leaves this reincarnation mission in the end, he can still continue, there is no need to worry about this.

He said to the people next to him, "Okay, you all go down, and from now on, don't come into my room without my order."

These people dare not say a word, dare not ask a question, Ye Qingxuan said what he said, and saw that they backed up obediently, turned around and left after the defeat, and the speed of leaving here was neither slow nor slow. Not fast, obviously this training is really good enough.

Ye Qingxuan said, "The place of reincarnation this time is not bad, among other things, at least this is the treatment this time, which is much better than those useless wood."

This is the time of the annual talent test, all disciples will take the talent test, and his talent test last year was only mediocre, of course he has to take the talent test this year, after all, he is only around sixteen years old.

Until the test reaches the age of eighteen, if there is no change, the talent has already formed.

All the children of the Ye family are here, they are the Ye family of the Jiuyou clan.

The Jiuyou Clan is not only the Ye family, there are other families here, but their entire Jiuyou Clan is bound together as one, and they will all be dispatched in case of trouble...

Ye Qingxuan still imitated the way this guy walked in the past, looking at that arrogant look, who doesn't know that he is the most beloved son of the Patriarch.

Even though his talent is mediocre, he is still loved by the Patriarch.

Ye Qingxuan also stood at the back, which really made these people stunned, because every time the talent test, he was never at the back, he just went to the front and put his hands on it, this time he actually lined up, really Transsexual.

One by one disciples were testing their talent, and one person said loudly, "Elementary talent."

"Intermediate talent."

The ones I hear the most are the junior 0.1 level and intermediate level, basically there is no advanced talent.

After queuing for so long, it was finally Ye Qingxuan's turn, and it was also the moment his father was looking forward to the most. Ye Qingxuan casually put his hand up, didn't he have any expectations at all?

But something changed in the next second. The last time he was tested, he was still a junior talent, but this time he reached the peak of the intermediate level.

Chapter 1096 The Changed Ye Qingxuan

It can be seen that the color of the talent has changed, and it is obvious that he is about to enter the advanced talent.

This is really shocking, this time the young master not only lined up, but also increased his talent so much, even the elders were a little shocked, not to mention his father, who was originally the son of the patriarch of the Ye family How can he be unhappy that his talent has become so high?


"This is a great joy."

An elder stood up and said, "Young master is so talented, it seems that there will be no limit in the future."

Due to the arrival of Ye Qingxuan, he entered the body of this host, and even his talent has undergone 22 changes.

Of course the tests didn't stop, they were still one after another, except for Ye Qingxuan who had the highest talent, no one surpassed him.

Originally, he was walking sideways in Ye's house, but now he might have to go to heaven, the disciples were talking there, it seems that this Ye Qingxuan didn't do anything good before, why did he leave such an impression on these people.

Ye Qingxuan didn't care, he just pretended not to hear, striding past them, in fact, the moment they saw Ye Qingxuan's figure, they quickly shut their mouths, really afraid of offending him and being teased by him.

Ye Qingxuan came here naturally to cultivate hard. Only when his cultivation reaches the peak here can he get out of this reincarnation. He was not allowed to get anything, but it may still be difficult to become the peak here. of.

The most important thing here is the lunch break, so after the lunch break is alchemy, which is different from the world Ye Qingxuan was in before, but he doesn't care.

These people saw that Ye Qingxuan seemed to have changed, and they said here again, "This young man seems to have changed his personality, if he hears us talking about these things, I'm afraid he will play tricks on him again."

"Let's talk less about him in the future. Maybe he is in a good mood today. If he catches up with a bad mood, then we will be miserable."

"is not that right?"

Jiuyou Clan The Ye family is in the Jiuyou Clan, and the influence is quite good. Each family has its own unique cultivation method, so each family's method is different.

However, they will compete once a year. Ye Qingxuan knows that if they are the winning disciples, they can directly enter the forbidden area of ​​the Jiuyou Clan, and there may be some adventures there, but they can go as far as they have ability. Go forward, you can exit directly.

This competition will come soon, Ye Qingxuan needs to improve his ability during this period of time, because he is very clear about this sentence, the original owner of the body is not high in cultivation, and his aptitude is mediocre.

All the disciples are practicing there step by step, Ye Qingxuan doesn't want to be like them 227, when will he be able to improve his ability?

They also knew that Ye Qingxuan never practiced with them, and it was the same before. Now that his talent has changed, he will not practice with them anymore.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan came to the Book Collection Pavilion, which is the Book Collection Pavilion of the Ye family. There are various exercises in it, from elementary to advanced.

Ye Qingxuan walked in with big strides, but no one stopped him, because he entered the library on the first floor casually, and Ye Qingxuan was searching here.

But none of them was what he needed, and then he walked towards the upper floor, but the person guarding the upper floor said, "Are you sure you want to go? I'm afraid your current practice is the one for the upper floor." It's not for you."

Chapter 1097 Magical Pendant

"Wouldn't you know if it fits or not?"

This person didn't stop him, but he felt that Ye Qingxuan was very strange. In the past, when he wanted to go to the second floor of the ointment, he would say that he needed you to take care of it. Of course, this second floor can be entered casually. No, only those with a certain level of cultivation can enter.

I also knew that it was impossible for me to learn such advanced exercises right away, so let's start from the second floor. He searched here, but found a book in a very inconspicuous corner.

Instinctively picked up this exercise, opened two pages and looked at it. He felt that this exercise was not bad. He was very confident in this exercise, so he left this place with this book.

Ye Qingxuan came to a secluded place, he didn't want to practice with those people in a mess, he just wanted to comprehend quietly by himself, besides, he knew very well that as for his own abilities, he could learn a book of skills with one key The speed of the method is very fast. Although the cultivation base is not very good, you can enhance your strength through the method.

At the moment Ye Qingxuan was about to practice, a voice suddenly came into his ears.

"Stinky boy, this inconspicuous exercise is not chosen at all, I never thought you would be able to fall in love with him.".."

Ye Qingxuan looked around, how could anyone talk to him?

"Who are you? Why can't I see you?"

"Of course you can't see me anymore, I'm in the jade pendant around your neck."

"Then are you a human or a ghost? What are you doing hiding there?"

"I'm neither human nor ghost."

It's not the first time Ye Qingxuan has been reincarnated, he knows that it must be a wisp of spiritual consciousness of an expert.

"Then who are you?"

"This jade pendant was given to you by your mother. To be honest, I am just a strand of divine stone in this jade pendant."

"No one knows my existence, you are the first."

"So you know my secret."

Ye Qingxuan thought that this guy knew his soul came from the outside, but he didn't think that he didn't know the shuttle of the soul at all, how could he see it?

"What secret can you have?"

Ye Qingxuan still had a false alarm, he didn't think that this person didn't know at all.

"If I'm not wrong, can I also enter this jade pendant and talk to you face to face?"

"You brat is quite smart, then you can find a more comfortable place and come with me."

Ye Qingxuan leaned against a big tree, then closed his eyes tightly, and the next second his **** stone appeared in the pendant, and the exercise book in his hand followed.

The man in front of him was a white-haired old man. His white hair had no trace of impurities, and even his beard had two eyebrows, which were long.

Ye Qingxuan now doubts whether he can get advice from an expert in every reincarnation he enters. No matter what, he knows that with the advice of this old man, he will definitely avoid many detours.

"¨You're the old man talking to me."


The old man in front of him was full of smiles and looked very kind. With his white clothes and his attire, he looked like an old fairy.

The body is full of immortality.

"I didn't expect that your talent would improve in such a short period of time, and what surprised me even more is that you would actually pick up this exercise book.".

Chapter 1098

"Is there anything special about this exercise?"

"Ordinary people wouldn't be able to cultivate him in this exercise, because he is only half of it and not complete at all."

"This exercise is called Xuanbingjue practitioners. Those who have to endure a lot of pain, that is, Xuanbing means that during the process of cultivation, they will receive cold air into the body. It is difficult for ordinary people to bear it. You must have a super strong physique. Only human beings can bear this exercise, if it is not half of the victory, it will never appear on the second floor, he is a top-level exercise."

"Where is the other half of the practice?"

The old man looked at Ye Qingxuan lightly and said this, I don’t know, but you can slowly search for 230, if you can really find the other half, then your energy will be unlimited in the future, through practicing this Xuanbing Art, you can let Your cultivation has improved a lot.

On this continent, their cultivation was at the Qiling Realm at first, and after breaking through the Qiling Realm, they reached the True Spirit Realm.

Ye Qingxuan's cultivation is now at the Spiritual Realm, and most of their disciples have reached the True Spirit Realm. Because of his mediocre aptitude, he has always been at the Spiritual Realm, and he was a very lazy person before.

Although this pendant has always been on Ye Qingxuan's neck, he has never appeared, and it is also because Ye Qingxuan's talent has changed suddenly today, and he will only appear because of this move, otherwise he really Didn't intend to show up so early.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, since this is the case, of course I chose to practice. Although I heard you say that practicing this exercise is indeed a bit difficult, it doesn't matter, as long as it can improve my strength.

The white-haired old man said, you want to practice this exercise now, but the spiritual weapon in your hand can't bear it. The Xuanbing feels cold, so you need to find a particularly powerful spiritual weapon.

"Isn't there no way for me to win before the competition?"

"Let's learn other exercises first."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "I really can't find a book better than this."

(ccab) The old developer stroked his beard and said, "Then I will teach you a boxing technique. I believe you will achieve a little success in this competition. This boxing technique is called Heaven Crashing Earth Breaking Boxing."

"Wow! Listening to the name of this boxing method, it seems very powerful. Can it really shatter the world?"

"Hahaha! It's just a beginner's exercise. The full name is "Heaven and Earth Rip". In fact, it is not "Heaven and Earth Rip". It's just that when you hit the opponent with all the energy in your body, there will be "Heaven and Earth Rip" in his body." a feeling of."

"If you can perform this strike to a perfect level, then there is a possibility of shattering all internal organs."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Sounds good, let's learn this."

"If you want to learn the exercises from me, then you have to worship me as a teacher. I can't make friends with a stranger for no reason."

"Master, please be respected by the apprentice."

Ye Qingxuan already knew the rules of reincarnation, no matter in this situation or in other worlds, it basically looks like this.

"Okay! Obedient apprentice, invite me to be your teacher, and I will teach you the power of heaven and earth."

"Heaven and Earth Crack, the reason why Quan has such a name is precisely because of the particularity of this boxing technique. Although your current cultivation level is not high and you are only in the spiritual realm, as long as you gather all your spiritual power on the front of the boxing. ".

Chapter 1099 Teasing Ye Qingxuan

"The energy emitted is also not small. It must be concentrated at one point. It's not that once your entire fist hits the opponent, it will definitely hurt him and prevent him from exerting his abilities."

"So as long as you have one chance, even people who have reached the Real Spirit Realm will not be your opponent. Of course, if you are now at the True Spirit Realm, you can deal with people who are at the True Martial Realm."

Now you go and try it.

The first time Ye Qingxuan condensed his energy and shot forward, there was no change at all, but he also knew very well that it was impossible to say that he could practice a move casually~.

So he tried again and again, and on the third time, he gathered all the energy of his whole body on his fist. At one point, when he exploded forward, he instantly felt the air-fluctuation in front of him.

There was some joy in the confession, which means that it has achieved some results. A simple sky-shattering and earth-shattering power is also divided into ten layers. Ye Qingxuan is very clear about this. Every exercise is like this, and he is not the first one. Practice once.

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