"Maybe I remembered it wrong."

Chapter 1104 Entering the Spirit Tool Tomb

Ye Feng found it very strange that Ye Qingxuan actually had evidence of his alibi, so those servants who framed him would not dare to lie to him, it seems that there is still something strange about this matter.

Ye Qingxuan was secretly happy, that's right, Ye Qingxuan was the one who teased him, who told him to tease himself first, the bucket of water was supposed to be on him, and Ye Qingxuan didn't want his bucket of water to be poured on Ye Shiwen body.

Ye Shiwen was safe and sound, because Ye Feng blocked the bucket of water for him, and Ye Qingxuan never teased him again, but Ye Qingxuan also knew that he wanted to practice, but now he didn't have a weapon in his hand, so he had to pick one Weapons, for the time being, the Xuanbing Jue cannot be practiced.

He has to know a little bit about other sword formulas, and it is impossible for him to compete with one day only with one blow.

He knew that if the disciples of the family wanted to refine weapons, they first had to pass through the Spiritual Realm, and then they could go in and pick their own weapons when they reached the True Spirit Realm. Now that his cultivation had reached the Spiritual Realm, he hadn't broken through yet, but with his talent, he wanted to break through. A Spiritual Enlightenment Realm shouldn't be a problem, right?

After thinking about it, he decided to break through first.

The choice of this spirit weapon is not from their Ye family, but from the spirit weapon tomb of the Jiuyou clan, so there are strict requirements that only those who have reached the true spirit realm can enter the spirit weapon tomb.

Ye Qingxuan found a secluded place and began to practice. With his current talent, he broke through the Spirit Enlightenment Realm and reached the Real Spirit Realm in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan whistled well, but he broke through in just a few hours, and he swaggered towards the Nine Phantom Artifact Tomb.

Just put your hands on it to test your cultivation, test your blood, if it belongs to the Jiuyou clan, then you can enter the spirit-vessel mound.

Each disciple can only enter his own spirit weapon once in his life, and it all depends on the induction between the spirit weapon and himself.

When he entered here, the scene in front of him shocked him, because the weather here is unpredictable, it is impossible to say what kind of weather it will be, the weather can change at will throughout the year, it was just right when he came in, and it is winter here.

Ye Qingxuan said to himself, this place is quite magical, he walked towards it with his own pace, and he could see that the ground was full of swords as soon as he entered.

····Ask for flowers 0·

But Ye Qingxuan didn't have a cold for these spiritual weapons, and didn't have any feelings.

He walked directly to the depths, the deeper he went, the more white it became, and he could no longer see the arrows strewn all over the ground. The level of these spirit weapons was relatively higher, Ye Qingxuan was looking for something similar to himself Sensory artifact.

He kept walking towards the depths, when the pendant on his body glowed, and the old man's voice came out.


"You brat keep going!"

Ye Qingxuan continued to walk forward according to what Master Yuhua said.

There is a cliff in front of it, the sky is covered with heavy snow like goose feathers, and there is a vast expanse of white above the precipice, looking down at a glance, there is a vast expanse of white below.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Master, if you tell me to keep going, you don't mean to let me jump down?"

"Hahaha! You're right, there is a dead end, jump!"

Ye Qingxuan naturally believed in his master, so he jumped directly with his arms outstretched. At this time, they were only stretched flat, and he didn't seem to be afraid at all.

Before it fell to the bottom of the tooth, there seemed to be an energy holding him up.

Chapter 1105 Contract Bingning Sword

Ye Qingxuan thought it would be strange if he didn't fall to pieces, but he didn't expect that it didn't feel good, did he already reach the ground?

The moment he opened his eyes, he found that he was still suspended in the air, but there was a transparent energy that isolated him here.

"Hahaha! It seems that I survived a catastrophe, and I must have a future blessing, right? I came here to be the main "two-three-three" corner, how could I die?"

Ye Qingxuan stood up, and when he first took the first step, he was still cautiously afraid that he would take this step forward, but suddenly he fell down, and he jumped and trampled on it for a while.

Suddenly it really fell, the transparent and hidden energy disappeared, Ye Qingxuan fell and hung on a branch, in fact, this position is already very close to the ground, even if he is not hanging on the branch, he There is no life worry.

Ye Qingxuan took a lot of effort to fall from the branch to the ground. Although his clothes were torn, this person is still fine. He was walking here, and he came here to find the spirit weapon.

It was also on the thick white snow branches on the ground. When he fell from above, he also pulled all the snow off the branches.

"This place looks nice, but the waterfall is actually frozen, it's really cold enough."

Ye Qingxuan found a hole behind the frozen waterfall, a curiosity drove him to go in and have a look.

It's really interesting to see the falling waterfall being frozen into ice. Ye Qingxuan walked into the cave, and the cave was full of crystal clear ice crystals.

A sword flew out of it. The shape of this sword is very beautiful, but it looks like it is carved out of ice.

When Ye Qingxuan kept spinning Ye Qingxuan's hand around him to touch it, it would avoid the spiritual weapon, as if it was teasing him.

"How dare you tease me, let's see how I deal with you."

Ye Qingxuan flew up and grabbed the spirit weapon directly, and the spirit weapon dodged in an instant, as if it was very powerful, no matter how powerful Ye Qingxuan was, he couldn't get it.

Ye Qingxuan's cultivation here is still very low, but he has just reached the True Spirit Realm.

His master Yuhua Daoist said, "He is very suitable for you to practice the Xuanbing Jue..."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the spiritual weapon in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face instantly.

"You are hiding here and there, it seems that you don't want to be my spiritual weapon. If that's the case, then I won't play with you anymore. Let me go."

The spiritual weapon blocked his way again in an instant, Ye Qingxuan pretended to ignore it, he grabbed the hilt of the sword, this violent trembling brought Ye Qingxuan's whole body flying here and there, in the end Ye Qingxuan didn't let go, just grabbed it Live this guy.

"How? I'll catch you anyway."

The spiritual weapon exudes a faint light, and his entire sword is the color of ice. It looks crystal clear, and the carving is very exquisite. This sword is really ingenious.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the sword and said, "What's your name?"

In the next second, the sword broke free, writing a few words in the sky, and those words radiated a faint light.

"Bingning sword."

"This name suits you quite well, so are you willing to form a contract with me?"

The Frozen Sword was instantly suspended in front of Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 1106 Sima Yan who blocked the way

I also knew that he was willing, so the contract between him and this sword was reached, and he became Ye Qingxuan's contract sword, and disappeared in Ye Qingxuan's body in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Master, I succeeded."

Ye Qingxuan got his own spirit weapon, and he was also rumored to be out of the spirit weapon mound.

He happily went back to their Ye family. On the way back to Ye family, he unexpectedly ran into people from other families. Although they were all from the Jiuyou clan, there were fights within the Jiuyou clan.

"Isn't this the baby of the Ye family? Why are you willing to come out?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the person in front of him and he was not a good person. He kept recalling in his mind that his message suddenly appeared. This guy is Sima Yan from the Sima family. He has always been like this. He is the best disciple in the Sima family and receives the highest treatment in the family, so he always looks like this.

Ye Qingxuan said, "What's the weather like today? Why are you all out to let the dogs go?"

"Brat, who do you call a dog?"

"Whoever promises will say so."

"I think you can't find it."

Speaking of his spiritual weapon appeared in his hand in an instant, he stabbed towards Ye Qingxuan with a sword, but in the next second another person jumped up from behind Ye Qingxuan and blocked his sword. The other person is Ye Feng.

After flicking his sword away, Ye Feng said, "You can bully people from my Ye family if you want."

"I said Ye Feng, you are so humble in front of him, and you still protect him. If that's the case, I won't say anything. Let's see each other in the competition."

The guy turned around and left with the people around him.

Ye Feng looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "If you don't have the skills, don't come out to wander around, lest you be killed by others and don't know how you died."

Ye Qingxuan smiled faintly, looked at Ye Feng in front of him and said, "No matter what, I still want to thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. You should stop playing tricks on me in the future."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed his nose in embarrassment, in fact he really didn't blame him, who let him talk to himself first.

At this moment, he swaggered back to the Ye family. In the Ye family, he can be said to be walking sideways. No one dared to say that he was not a word, but it was not like that when he walked out of the gate of the Ye family. After all, people from other families also They wouldn't treat him like the Patriarch of the Ye family. They all thought that this guy was still in the enlightened spirit realm, but in fact he had already reached the true spirit realm.

This time he swaggered into the Library Pavilion again, and no one would stop him here. He didn't even look at the exercises on the first floor, and walked directly to the second floor. After this swordsmanship, he turned around and left.

His father was relieved to hear that he had taken a book of swordsmanship from the library, which meant that what he said was still useful, as long as he practiced by himself, there would be no problem.

He was sitting cross-legged in his room, and the next second the divine stone appeared in the pendant in front of his neck, and his master Yuhua Daoist said, "You want to practice this exercise now."

"This competition is about to start, I can't just be like a world-shattering fist."

"Hahaha! That's fine, then you can practice, this book of swordsmanship is very simple, there is no need for me to tell you the secrets."

Ye Qingxuan just flipped through it casually, and he understood the mystery. When he stretched out his hand, the Bingning Sword appeared in his palm instantly.

Chapter 1107

"Bing Ning, let's cooperate."

The sword immediately emitted a faint light, as if it was responding to Ye Qingxuan. According to Ye Qingxuan's wishes, this sword technique was too smooth, it didn't seem like he was just learning, as if he was already very proficient.

Ye Qingxuan used his own sword to reach the full level, and this swordsmanship reached the full level in an instant, and the elementary swordsmanship has really reached the extreme in Ye Qingxuan's practice.

This really shocked Master Yuhua, no matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that the young man in front of him was so talented, even if it was a book of elementary exercises, it was impossible to achieve a slam effect in such a short period of time .

Ye Qingxuan put away his Bingning Sword and said. "It's over, the cooperation is not bad, Bing Ningjian once again emitted a faint light and swished back into Ye Qingxuan's body."

The moment Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, it was already dark.

He happened to feel a little hungry, and as soon as he opened the door, people brought food in.

He really admires this guy, he lives like a young master, and he thinks about everything meticulously.

It was better than the deeply wounded treatment I had when I shuttled to the waste before, but it seemed to have changed through my own efforts.

During this period of time, he has also been cultivating, from the Real Spirit Realm to the True Martial Realm.

And tomorrow is the competition among all the families of the Jiuyou Clan.

He had already prepared for it, waiting for the disciples of all the families to gather here the next morning, and of course he was no exception.

Ye Shiwen said, "Don't be ashamed with your cultivation level, it's better to sleep in the room for a long time."."

"Cut! Do you have so little confidence in me?"

"It's not that I don't have confidence in you, it's that you are not motivated at all."

Ye Feng also stood behind him and said, "That's right, you see that you have still been in the spiritual realm for so long."

"Hey, don't worry, I won't embarrass our Ye family."

Ye Shiwen said, "I heard that if we can rank in the competition this time, we will directly represent our entire Jiuyou clan to compete with other clans."

Ye Qingxuan vaguely remembered that there were three major families here, the first largest family was their Jiuyou group, within the Jiuyou clan there were small families with various surnames, the second largest family was the Fenghua clan, and the third largest family was the foreign clan.

Immediately afterwards, the patriarch said, since everyone is ready, let's go.

All the families brought their disciples to Jiuyou's competition arena.

When they came here, they saw that the disciples of other families were ready. They all had great morale, and the uniform costumes established the characteristics of each family.

I saw a person on the competition platform say, "¨¨Today is the Jiuyou Clan, the martial arts competition is held once a year, and the big family of the Jiuyou Clan has sent out the best disciples. (Good job

"This time the selected disciple will replace Jiuyou to fight against Fenghua and people from other races."

"I believe that our Jiuyou will never lose to the other two big families."

I only saw that Sima Yan from the Sima family went up, he stood on it, as long as whoever was willing to challenge him and beat him down, then the challenger could stand on it, Sima Yan was obviously very proud, relying on his own cultivation It is quite outstanding, so standing there, the nostrils are almost turned upside down.

Chapter 1108 Downcast

Ye Feng said, "Let me do it."

He jumped up and stood on it and said, "Sima Yan let me see how capable you are."

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