Ye Qingxuan is still cultivating in ancient jade, while the others are guarding outside.

Since they were going to retreat for half a month, they still had to keep an eye on Zhao Liang's movements during this half month, but now Zhao Liang and the others had disappeared and were not in the original place, no one knew where their blood clan had gone.

They came to an extremely secret place, here is a deep wound, there is a huge black hole in "two two three", all the disciples of the ancient clan are in this black hole, including Young Master Yu is also here, his current identity It has been exposed, so it has returned to the demon clan, and the mark of the demon clan appears instantly, and the mages of the demon clan all have the mark of the demon clan.

Mr. Yu stood at the entrance of the cave and looked outside, thinking to the outside, that Ye Qingxuan has such a talent, it is really shocking, and he was able to practice the Heavenly Extreme Burning Art, you must know that this exercise is not something that anyone can do casually. He has cultivated it, and he knows this better than anyone else.

He is also waiting for Mo Batian to leave the customs.

As long as Mo Batian exits the level, it means that his magic skills have been practiced.

Ye Qingxuan's true self is in pain and embarrassment now, and it can be seen that the expression on his face is very painful, and he is enduring the burning of Tianji Fen Jue. Although this exercise is indeed very cruel, it is indeed very powerful after successful cultivation. .

Ye Qingxuan was already sweating profusely at this moment, and his clothes were already drenched, not to mention his lower body. His spiritual consciousness was in the ancient jade. Although the spiritual consciousness did not cause any pain, his deity did bear the extreme pressure of heaven. points, feel the pain of burning.

Gradually he found that he had broken through the ninth floor, but the pain was so strong that Ye Qingxuan didn't stop, but continued to practice the tenth floor, using one of his full-level special abilities to directly promote the ninth floor to In the state of full level, I instantly felt that I had strengthened a lot.

This is the most critical moment. He is currently practicing the tenth and last level of Heavenly Burning Jue. Once he masters this heavenly skill, he has already achieved what he wants.

Wan Huangzong said, "Ten days have passed now, and Ye Qingxuan said it will only take half a month."

"I'm really worried about him."

There is another soul sealed inside Ye Qingxuan's body. He is none other than the soul of Ye Qingxuan's original body. He can see every move of Ye Qingxuan clearly. It's a pity that he is a good-for-nothing. This Ye Qingxuan entered his body, and he also knew that he would definitely not have the glory he has today...

It can be seen that his ability to train his body to such a strong level has a lot to do with his unremitting efforts. He can withstand the burning of the Heaven's Extreme Burning Art, but he is just a useless wood, unable to bear anything.

All of a sudden, he thought that it would be a good thing for Ye Qingxuan to enter his body, and what to do with his soul here, would be useless in the first place.

Even so, if he wanted to leave this body, he couldn't do it 0.1 to the point of helplessness, so he could only watch Ye Qingxuan practice quietly there.

Ye Qingxuan endured the burning pain brought by the tenth layer of Tianji Fenjue, which was more painful than the ninth layer, and he felt as if his body was being dried out.

At this moment, the blood spirit spirit in his body erupted instantly, and a powerful cold air spread, and his whole body made him unable to feel that burning breath for an instant.

Chapter 1091 Reaching the Peak

As the time passed, about five days later, it was already the fifteenth day, half a month had passed, they were all waiting outside anxiously, but Ye Qingxuan still hadn't made the slightest movement inside. .

Ye Wuxuan said, "I really want to open the door and go in."

Ye Shengtian turned around, came back and said, "I've been tracking them for several days, but I haven't seen any trace of them."

Wan Huangzong said indifferently, "It seems that they didn't hurry, maybe they hid in some hidden place, besides, this wild land is so big, isn't it easy to hide?"

"In addition to my tracking, other major sects are tracking the whereabouts of the blood clan. They seem to want to find the blood clan and eradicate them. They don't want other disciples to be persecuted in the future."

"The main reason is that there are still people missing during the period of their disappearance. These people are all people with relatively high spiritual power. Obviously they were arrested by them to practice martial arts, but even so, no one can find them. It is conceivable that the person who made the shot has very strong martial arts."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's consciousness came out from the ancient jade. When he finished the last layer of cultivation in the ancient jade, he only saw huge waves rising from the calm water. Although there were no waves outside, but It was really earth-shaking.

If it wasn't for the dragon beast outside, they would have been blown away by him. The dragon beast and Qingluan were also happy for Ye Qingxuan, because they knew Ye Qingxuan's great skills.

The moment Ye Qingxuan pushed open the door and walked out, his face was radiant, Wan Huangzong and the others immediately turned their heads, and at this moment Wan Huangzong said, "You're done."

Ye Qingxuan nodded lightly and said, "Have you found their whereabouts?"

Ye Shengtian shook his head and said, "I've been tracking them for a long time, but I haven't tracked down any trace of them."

Lai immediately used his own sword to track, and saw a picture suddenly appeared in his consciousness, which moved forward rapidly, until it stopped on a hill.

There is a hole here, the hole is pitch black, at this moment he saw a figure coming out of the hole, this person is none other than Young Master Yu.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I know where they are."

Ye Qingxuan knew where they were as soon as he came out, which is too amazing, but since he said he knew, he must know.

They followed Ye Qingxuan and the others towards that place. Ye Qingxuan led the entire disciples of the Xuanqing Sect. At this time, other sects also saw the disciples of the Boxing Sect of the Xuanqing Sect. There must be something big happening.

All other sects also followed suit. It seems that 223 must have something to do with the Blood Demons. When they came to this mountain, they shouted loudly, "Come out from the devil."

Mo Batian's closed eyes opened in an instant, and his magic skills just happened to be perfected at this moment. He let out a hearty laugh, and his voice could be heard throughout the mountain.

The head of the Mohist sect said, "It's Mobatian."

First, a black figure flew out of the cave, directly towards Ye Qingxuan, and landed on the ground, it was Zhao Liang.

All the other blood disciples also rushed out, and all of them had the marks of the demons on their bodies.

Even Mr. Yu, although he is dressed in white, but the black mark can't hide his identity.

Chapter 1092 Mission Complete

Mo Batian laughed and said, "You still came to the door. Before I can find you, you came up to die by yourself, which is just right."

Mo Batian didn't know that although he had already cultivated into magic skills, Ye Qingxuan's Heavenly Fenjue had reached the top level, and the two of them are now the most powerful.

But it was obvious that the Heavenly Fen Jue Mo Batian, who was also at the top level, was no match for Ye Qingxuan at all. Ye Qingxuan's state was at full level.

Ye Qingxuan's white clothes fluttered under the breeze, and even the white ribbon on his head appeared with the wind swinging the purple gold sword in his hand.

Mo Batian has been in that sword for so long, he naturally knows this purple gold sword, but there is no magic energy in this sword at all.

He is also very clear about this, but the Zijin sword that has lost its tacit understanding has long since lost its aura. Ye Qingxuan is crazy and wants to use this scrap of copper and iron to defeat himself, it is impossible.

"Hahaha! Do you still want to use this sword to seal me? Can't I? Without the spiritual weapon, he is like scrap iron.".."

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "Don't forget that I am a top-level craftsman, Xingyaoshi has been fused with this sword, do you think he is still that sword?"

"Xingyaoshi, you have extracted the Xingyaoshi and killed the dragon beast."

"This was given to me by the dragon beast voluntarily. I didn't kill him."

"So what, even if Xing Yaoshi is fused with this Zijin sword, so what?"

At this moment, they started to prepare for a big battle. People from other sects and disciples of Xuanqingmen had already fought with people from the blood clan.

Ye Qingxuan held the Purple Gold Sword in his hand, and the Purple Crystal Sword exuded powerful purple gold power. The faint golden light was very dazzling. The moment he used his Heavenly Level Burning Art, Mo Batian was shocked. How could this be possible? ? Could it be that he also practiced successfully?

"How could you possibly cultivate the Heavenly Level Burning Jue? Could it be that you can bear such bone-eating pain?"

But Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "I'm afraid you don't know that my Heavenly Fenjue is a grand slam. Every level has reached the top and is already perfect. Gao Ming, it is impossible to defeat me, today I will not seal you, but smash you and disperse your consciousness, so that you have no possibility of rebirth."

"Hahaha! Let's see if you have the ability."

Ye Qingxuan's energy exploded, and the amethyst sword exuded a powerful burning power, and when it confronted Mo Batian in front of him, Mo Batian instantly sensed Ye Qingxuan's energy, so he didn't need to use any tricks at all. Directly shatter this guy's consciousness.

Mo Batian vomited blood, he didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would defeat Ye Qingxuan with a single stroke of the magic art he cultivated with great difficulty, and he felt his spiritual consciousness spreading, is it really the same as what he said? In the next second, Ye Qingxuan condensed the power of his Burning Jue, all of which were concentrated on his purple gold sword, and that force rushed directly to the demon (good) bully in front of him, God made him inevitable.

The powerful energy dissipated that guy's body, disappeared, and even his **** stone disappeared.

Mobatian disappeared, and all the imprints of the demon clan disappeared instantly. These people were not opponents of so many sects in front of them, they were all subdued.

Ye Qingxuan stood there and put away his amethyst sword, his mission has been completed, the Tianji burning formula reached the top level, the purple gold sword was held in his hand, and the demon's consciousness was destroyed.

Chapter 1093 Completing the reincarnation task and getting the reward

If Mobatian hadn't been destroyed, these demon marks would never dissipate, and the dissipation of these demon marks was enough to prove that this guy would never appear again.

In the next second, Ye Qingxuan pulled out of this body in an instant, and what replaced this body was the original soul of the body. He felt that his whole body was full of strength.

I am no longer a waste, with such a powerful energy to become the ruler of this world, not to mention the wild land, I am afraid that even the four continents outside are the only ones who are respected by him.

He went from being a waste to the top of 223 without suffering any pain. Although he didn't experience anything, he watched Ye Qingxuan experience and he knew all about the people in front of him.

After all, he has always been in this body, so since Ye Qingxuan returned his body to him, he must live well. According to Ye Qingxuan's thinking, he must make himself stronger forever.

This soul is different, this person is naturally different, even the aura and demeanor are completely different, although Wanhuangzong felt a little strange, but he still didn't say anything.

Mobatian was destroyed, Ye Qingxuan was still his disciple, but Ye Qingxuan, the most outstanding disciple of the Ye family, led the Ye family to the top.

The real Ye Qingxuan returned to the Reincarnation Tower and completed the task of reincarnation.

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the reincarnation mission, please enter the next reincarnation goal."

"Ding! Congratulations for completing the task of reincarnation, getting the task, and rewarding countless pills."

"Ding! Obtain a large space for mission rewards."

"Ding! Get the task reward, and your status is honorable."

"Enter the next reincarnation, please get ready."

Ye Qingxuan directly entered the tower of transformation and transferred to the next life.

Opening his eyes is really honorable, he seems to be an extremely rich kid, because there are many people around him here to serve him, as if he just woke up, Ye Qingxuan sat up and stretched, and suddenly Information about this person poured into it.

A disciple of the Jiuyou family, because he is the son of the patriarch of the family, he has a noble status and has been loved by the patriarch since he was a child. He is the most favored among all the sons.

Although his talent is mediocre, he is indeed loved by the patriarch of the family.

The man was haughty and disrespectful, and a complete jerk.

Then the voice of the True Spirit Pagoda came to Ye Qingxuan's ears, "Complete the task of reincarnation and become one of the world's martial arts masters, with invincible self-esteem."

Ye Qingxuan smiled faintly, is it a good task to turn a **** into a self-respecting and invincible master? Then he should make a good change for this bastard.

Ye Qingxuan knew that, in fact, this son was just arrogant because he was favored, his nature was not bad, and it was not his fault that his talent was mediocre.

In this family, although the patriarch loves him very much, the others actually hate him so much that they dare not speak out. He always teases these people, and these people dare not do anything to him at all.

It is difficult to change suddenly, so he will gradually change the character of this character to make it easier for people to accept.

The name of his reincarnation here is Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan did not expect that even the disciples of the Jiuyou family would not be able to get rid of this name. It seems that no matter how many times he reincarnates, he will always be this name.

Chapter 1094 Teasing Ye Shiwen

But he doesn't care that the Jiuyou family is called the Jiuyou family because they are the strongest family on the Jiuyou continent, so they have this name. In fact, the family's surname is Ye.

At this time, a woman ran in hastily and shouted loudly, "Ye Qingxuan, get out of here, you bastard."

Lao Bai was very familiar with this voice. Although he entered this body later, all the memories flooded into his mind. After thinking about it, he realized that what he did before was a trick. he.

I saw that he was very embarrassed all over, and his appearance was very funny.

He rushed in angrily and said, "How dare you play tricks on me."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "No, how could I have teased you? Didn't I just come back with a sprained foot? Who would have thought that you would be worse than me?"

It turned out that he said to take him to catch some monsters before, and then the two of them entered the monster forest together. You must know that they are not allowed to enter that place casually, so he pushed him in, but he ran away secretly up.

He ran into a monster. Fortunately, his level was not too high. He fought with that monster to become what he is now. Although he was quite embarrassed, he didn't lose his life anyway, and that monster was subdued by him~ up.

"You don't want to be a rascal for me here, it's clear that you deliberately lured me there, then left me there and ran back by yourself, causing me to almost lose my life there-"

"Didn't I pass out from the pain? I just woke up. If you don't believe me, ask them if I just woke up. I just want to ask someone to save you, but my leg can't move at all. It's not because of you that I can become like this."

Ye Qingxuan really admired his ability, he wouldn't blush even if he was lying.

"Is what you said true? Your leg really hurt."

"Can I still lie to you? I'm afraid I won't be able to walk for a month."

"Well then, I'll forgive you and wait for me to get you the medicine for your leg injury."

"Then don't need it."

"Let you wait, you just wait."

Confession did not expect him to be so naive, he is also a member of the Jiuyou family, the disciples in the inner room are always stupid, but that kind of stupidity is not really stupid, but rather naive.

····Ask for flowers 0·

The woman turned around and left Ye Qingxuan laughed until her stomach ached, and the people who were serving her next to her also had a stomach ache from laughing, but they still held back.

We all know that the young master is moody, if it really happens, then their lives will be lost.

Ye Qingxuan stood up and said, "Find me a piece of gauze, wrap my leg up and pretend it's injured, and get me a chair, preferably the one with wheels."


Ye Qingxuan has a smile in his eyes, it's better to do a full set of acting to make it more realistic, if he messes with this girl again, won't he be in trouble?

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