Zhao Liang smiled **** and said, "How come you don't know me? Don't you really know me apart from this layer of skin?"

Young Master Yu frowned, he thought about it carefully and said, "Are you the devil?"

Zhao Liang smiled faintly, Mr. Yu confirmed his thoughts, and he immediately brought Zhao Liang to his house.

Zhao Liang said, "I was originally sealed by the Ten Thousand Emperors in the Demon Sword. Unexpectedly, he has another outstanding disciple who has already dissipated my refined body. Fortunately, I found a disciple in advance. The carrier, what you see now is precisely because he is a member of the blood family, so he can become my carrier."

"When I saw that this young man was actually a top craftsman, I was also very shocked. It turned out that he was a disciple of the Wanhuangzong."

Young Master Yu continued, "But isn't Wanhuangzong dead?"

"Wanhuangzong was indeed killed by his disciple Lingfeng, but his spiritual consciousness is still there."

"Later, I met this disciple named Ye Qingxuan. He is extremely talented, he has all the cultivation bases, and he helped Wanhuangzong recover his body."

Young Master Yu said, "So that's how it is."

"Mozun, how are you doing now?"

"Although I am not as strong as before, ordinary people are no longer my opponents."

"It seems that this Ye Qingxuan will definitely be eliminated."

"If he knew that I was Mo Batian, I believe he would still get rid of me, so he doesn't know my identity for the time being, but I always feel that he has some doubts and seems to have seen something."

"Since you already have your own new carrier, Mozun, your subordinates will definitely give you all your allegiance."


"My subordinates also have their own cases here, and I also have many disciples under the sect of Mr. Yu."

"But it is not so easy to deal with that Ye Qingxuan, this matter has to be considered in the long run.".

Chapter 1077 Visit

Young Master Yu said to Mo Batian, please don't worry, Mo Zun, that Ye Qingxuan doesn't know my identity yet, besides, it's okay for me to leave with him, I helped him when he came again, I believe he has no grudges against me .

"Okay, then you and I will pretend we don't know each other for now."

After Ye Qingxuan returned to Xuanqing Sect, he told Wanhuangzong about what happened today. He said that he met the Blood Race Sect, "I always feel that Zhao Liang is very different from before, it has changed a lot, no matter what It is from the body language movement and its expression."

Wan Huangzong frowned slightly, he thought for a while and said, "Could it be that Mo Batian intervened in Zhao Liang's body."

"But I have already refined the magic sword. Zhao Liang was not here when I refined the magic sword. How did he get into his body?"

"Mo Batian's demon spirit can leave the Demon Realm for a short time. It is very likely that he has already arranged it in advance, and he is just waiting for an opportunity'."

"According to what you said, the current Zhao Liang is no longer Zhao Liang, he is Mobatian."

"Zhao Liang's spiritual consciousness is probably suppressed by him, so his spiritual consciousness has already occupied Zhao Liang's body."

"So what do we do next?"

"I think he will definitely find a way to deal with you, but if he wants to improve his magic power, he will definitely use a special method, perhaps absorbing other people's spiritual power to enhance his own spiritual power."

"Since we already know that he is Mobatian, we will definitely find a way to get rid of him. It is absolutely impossible for him to stay in this world."

Ye Qingxuan's Heaven-level Fenjue has reached the fifth level, and now he is going to retreat to practice the sixth level of Heaven-level Fenjue, and he must cultivate this technique to reach the full level.

Although this exercise was given to him by Mo Batian, it is a pity that the exercise he was looking for when he came here was the Heavenly Fenjue, and now he did not have the Zijin sword, and there was no clue at all, which really made him wonder. No brains.

The Heavenly Fenjue practiced by Mobatian is the way of magic, while the Heavenly Fenjue practiced by Ye Qingxuan is the method, the two of them are completely different.

What Ye Qingxuan practiced is the real Heavenly Fen Jue, that guy just went mad.

Ye Qingxuan continued to practice in the ancient jade, he knew that Mo Batian would never come to him in a short time.

When Ye Qingxuan was practicing in the ancient jade, Mr. Yu came to visit.

Wan Huangzong said, "¨¨You came a step late, Ye Qingxuan didn't go out with him."

Yu Wumen glanced at Wanhuangzong, and he knew that this person was the Wanhuangzong that Mo Batian said.

"I have nothing to do. I just came to visit. Since he's not here, I'll come back another day."

Wan Huangzong's expression was the same as every day, he was still sitting there drinking tea lightly, although he seemed to ignore everything on the surface, but in fact the expression on this young master Yu's face was reflected in his handsome eyes.

"Then it won't be far away under (Feng Hao)."

"No need to say goodbye."

He turned around and left the place, walking towards him, Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others greeted Young Master Yu, the two of them looked so natural, it was impossible for them to know the identity of Young Master Yu.

And Wanhuangzong didn't know the identity of Young Master Yu, he just thought this person was a bit strange.

Ye Wuxuan Ye Fengxuan walked over and said, "Is Ye Qingxuan practicing?".

Chapter 1078 The Heavenly Level Fenjue Enters the Sixth Floor

"Yes, he is practicing, but if outsiders ask, you can say that he has gone out."

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan nodded.

Ye Wuxuan said, "As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do. This Mr. Yu came here for nothing. Could it be because he misses Ye Qingxuan and wants to see him?"

Wan Huangzong took a sip of tea, and said lightly, "You still have to be on guard against this person. Although he looks harmless on the surface, in fact, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart."

Ye Wuxuan Ye Fengxuan glanced at each other, there must be something wrong, otherwise Wanhuangzong would never say that.

"You don't see something, do you?"

"Just do what 213 tells me."

The two of them nodded, and they also knew that Wanhuangzong always spoke in such a mysterious way, so they were used to it.

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan told Jiu Gu and Situ Haoran about this matter, and Jiu Gu said, "We still listen to the lord, he is Ye Qingxuan's master after all, and he will never harm us, so let's just listen to him and go with that jade master." Young Master keep a distance, try not to mention anything about us in front of him."

Mr. Yu rarely appeared in front of them, and he always came to visit them recently.

But every time he came, Ye Qingxuan was not here, which made him a little suspicious, why, at this moment, he saw Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others.

With a smile all over his face, Young Master Yu stepped forward and said, "It's been a long time."

Ye Wuxuan said, "So it's you, what's the matter?"

"Why is Ye Qingxuan not here recently, what is he busy with?"

Ye Wuxuan said, the Xuanqing Gate is so big, he naturally has a lot of things to take care of, I think it is very possible to refine the elixir now. "

Situ Haoran smiled and said, "Let's not talk about you, Mr. Yu, even we can't see him."

"It's nothing. I just asked casually. I wanted to visit him several times but he was not there, so I just asked casually."

"That's okay, let's go first."

Ye (ccab) Wuxuan and the others turned around and left the place, unwilling to talk to him at all, this young master felt very strange.

And Ye Qingxuan is currently cultivating Heavenly Level Burning Art in the ancient jade, the whole ancient jade is like a fire burning, Ye Qingxuan is enduring such pain, it is already more painful than when he was cultivating the fifth level.

But Ye Qingxuan can still hold on, after all, his meridians are very strong, he has the meridians of Fire Spirit Spirit and Snow Spirit Spirit, so how could he not be able to withstand the burning of Heavenly Fen Jue.

At the moment when all the burns dissipated, Ye Qingxuan cultivated to the sixth level of the Heavenly Fen Jue, and used his one-click full level ability to reach the grand slam on the sixth level.

He stood up and changed instantly, even his cultivation base has improved a lot. He has now reached the peak of the Qiankun class, and will soon be able to enter the Shenzong class.

The whole person has changed, and the temperament of his body is completely different. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's spiritual consciousness has returned to his body.

He strode out of his room, and when Wan Huangzong saw him again, he knew that he had been promoted a lot.

Wan Huangzong said with a smile on his face, "It seems that he has broken through several layers."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have broken through to the peak of the Qiankun class, and I am only one chance away from entering the Shenzong class.".

Chapter 1079 Dispel doubts

Wan Huangzong nodded and said, "Well, not bad, really not bad."

"That Mr. Yu has been here several times, and I want to see you several times. I have to remind you of one thing. I always feel that he is very strange, and there seems to be a trace of magic in him. I noticed it."

"Don't you suspect that Mr. Yu is related to the devil~?"

"That's right, that's exactly the case. You must know that Mo Batian has a lot of subordinates. Since he was sealed, his subordinates have spread all over the place. Maybe they will appear somewhere to hide his demonic energy. This is also normal.- "

"And in this barren land, no matter who you are, as long as you have the ability, no one will dare to stop you."

Ye Qingxuan understood what he meant, that is to say, it is better to take a lunch break here.

At this time, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan also left, and when they came in, they saw Ye Qingxuan's figure, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan said, "You have left the customs."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "Well, I just left the customs."

"We just ran into Mr. Yu on the road. He was still asking about you. We just said that you were busy practicing medicine and so on."

"It seems that you all know it."

"It was the Lord who reminded us, so we will naturally be careful."

"That's right, although Mr. Yu did help us before, but if there is a purpose to help, we will dismiss it."

A few people nodded. Their Xuanqing sect has great influence in this place. Although it is not the deepest part of the wilderness, this place is already very good. The spiritual power is very abundant. It is indeed progress to practice here. soon.

After a period of time, Ye Wuxuan and the others also broke through to the Xuanshen level.

This kind of cultivation is also something to be proud of in the Ye family.

Heaven-level Fenjue has reached the sixth level now, and Ye Qingxuan still has four levels to reach the top level. He can't stay in the ancient jade all the time. If he directly cultivates to become the tenth level, he doesn't know how to stay there How long it took, he didn't know much about the outside things, so he just walked out after finishing the sixth floor.

On the other side, Zhao Liang is also practicing Heavenly Fenjue. Before he has to endure this pain again, he has already been in love, so he has already endured this pain. If he was not forced to, he would not have entered into the Among the carriers, if Ye Qingxuan hadn't refined the magic sword, I'm afraid he would have waited a little longer.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Young Master Yu had to be cautious if he wanted Sword Demon Batian, and he was also afraid that other people would see him, so every time he wanted to see Demon Batian, he would show up at the Blood Race Gate in the middle of the night.


Mr. Yu said to Mo Batian, "I always feel that they seem to have doubts about me, but I can't find out whether it is or is there something wrong with me?"

"Just find a way to prove that it's over. Since you haven't seen that Ye Qingxuan, then you should find a way to meet him."

"Yes! The subordinates will definitely find a way to meet that Ye Qingxuan."

"If you have nothing to do, come here less in the future, so as not to be discovered by them."

Mr. Yu nodded, he left here and returned to his home.

He really ran into Ye Qingxuan the next day, and Ye Qingxuan was on his way to Danpu. Mr. Yu said, "Long time no see, and you haven't been here for several visits. It's really hard to meet each other." 1.

Chapter 1080 The Missing Person

Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly and said, "Oh, so it's Mr. Yu, my teacher has already told me, but I'm really busy recently and don't have time."

Only then did Mr. Yu realize that he was suspicious. It seemed that Ye Qingxuan was really busy.

"Is there anything you want from me?"

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just been a long time. I want to catch up with you and it's already February 17."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "Then let's wait another day, I have something to do now, so I'll leave first."

"Okay, okay, it's okay, you go and do your work."

Mr. Yu thought that he was really busy and thought he had discovered something. At this moment, there was a faint expression on his face, and there was a smirk in the corner of his eyes.

Young Master Yu turned around and left, and returned to his house. Mo Batian had already told him not to let him go to see him all the time, so it was no big deal, and he would not appear again.

Ye Qingxuan is not in a hurry, he just said that on purpose just now, after all, he was very clear about his visit to him before, originally he was busy recently, but not busy with other things, but busy with cultivation , and soon he will practice the seventh level of Heavenly Fen Jue.

All of a sudden, in this barren land, many masters disappeared. Where did they go? Of course, they were all caught by Zhao Liang to practice. He absorbed all the spiritual power in their bodies. They could still be alive, but he beat them all to death cruelly.

The barren land is very large and there are many people coming in from the outside, so some people will not be found if they disappear, unless the person has his own vision here or he is here.

To be able to catch these people is to consider that he doesn't care where he is. As long as his spiritual power reaches his own standard, he can use it for practice. His purpose is to quickly improve his strength and let his genius Level Fenjue, reach a high place, so that he can deal with that Ye Qingxuan.

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