Chapter 1072 Establishment of Xuanqing Gate

"If you want to get the title deed, you need at least 10 million crystals."

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others opened their mouths when they heard the price. Ye Wuxuan looked at the owner of the dental shop and said, "Why don't you grab it?"


"I don't know that this place is very rich in spiritual power, especially in the back mountain."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Just do as you said, you can find someone to make a plaque for me, which says Xuanqingmen."

"Okay! Don't worry, I will take care of it for you."

Ye Wuxuan looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Hey, I said that big brother has ten million crystals."

"I know, I'm not a fool, don't you see that this place is straight?"

Indeed, I think this place is full of outstanding people and spiritual power. It would be great if our Xuanqing Sect could move here. "

This yard is indeed big enough, although it doesn't seem that big from a distance, but you will know it once you enter it.

The owner of the tooth shop took them in for a tour, and they also came to the back mountain, where there is a cliff, the bottom of the cliff is filled with smoke, the waterfall goes directly down, and they don't know where it fell.

There was a very mysterious feeling.

"We've already gone down to look at it. Apart from the pool of the waterfall, there is a dense forest, and there are wild animals in the dense forest. If the Xuanqing Gate is really established, I believe the problem of the disciple's experience can be solved. '.."

Soon Ye Qingxuan and the others had already confirmed this place, and handed over all the crystals to the boss. The boss didn't expect such a young person to have such a large amount of wealth, but seeing that he is a high-level pharmacist and master craftsman. It is also normal to have such a large wealth.

Soon the huge plaque was also shipped in a very grand style, with the words "Xuanqingmen" written on it, and hung in front of the door.

He brought a few of them in, and sent a message to his master. They already have their own place here, and they can take over all the masters after they settle down after a while.

This place is better than the place they were in at the beginning. After all, the people here are all high-level and have more spiritual power than that place.

Feiying sat in the courtyard, this habit of the Wanhuangzong remained unchanged every day.

"My lord, what do you think Ye Qingxuan and the others are doing now?"

"I think they should have arrived there now. As for what kind of things they encountered there, it is unpredictable."

"¨ report!"

Feiying said, "Tell me what's going on."

"The head of the door ordered someone to send a letter and said, "They have already settled down there, and they can take us to occupy it in a few days. "

One thing is good in this wild place, that is, the communication here is particularly developed. If the distance between sending messages to each other is relatively long, you can use the sect specially established here to send messages for others to ensure that nothing goes wrong. (Amazing) If the delivery is not available, the sender will be notified immediately.

Under normal circumstances can be delivered.

An extremely special case, and that is only a very special case.

Wanhuangzong and the others still showed joy on their faces after receiving this letter, not because Ye Qingxuan and the others settled down there, but mainly because Ye Qingxuan and the others were safe.

Feiying laughed and said, "It's really great, if they are disabled, it means they are safe now.".

Chapter 1073

"This is naturally the best, but with Ye Qingxuan's identity, as long as he is willing to reveal his identity, there will be absolutely no problem. No matter how high the cultivation base of those people is, they can't do anything to him. will have great respect for him.”

The moment the plaque of Xuanqing Gate was hung up, Mr. Yu appeared, Ye Qingxuan walked over and said, "I wanted to say goodbye to you, but I don't know where your house is, so we had to leave without saying goodbye. "

Mr. Yu opened the fan in his hand and slapped it twice, then said, "What's the point of trivial matters, does anyone have inconvenient times?"

"210 It's just that you surprised me a little bit. I never thought that you are a pharmacist and a master craftsman with dual cultivation bases."

"Since you have established your own Xuanqing sect here, I can't come empty-handed. Although this gift is not particularly expensive, it is also my heart. I hope you can accept it."

Ye Qingxuan nodded. If it was a gift that was too expensive, he wouldn't be able to accept it, which meant that Mr. Yue was very tactful this month, so no one from Ye Qingxuan carried the gift inside, and then asked Mr. Yu to go in and sit down.

Mr. Yu said, "I've always been hospitable, and I will help wherever (ccab) I can. I didn't expect to help a big man this time."

Ye Wuxuan said, "It's just that we Ye Qingxuan don't want to show our abilities."

Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, Mr. Yu seems to be very busy."

But Ye Wuxuan said to himself there, "Where am I talking nonsense? What I said is obviously the truth."

"I also have my own things to do here, because there is a big Colosseum, so I go there every day for a walk, besides the Colosseum, there is also a martial arts arena."

"So that's the case, no wonder Mr. Yu, the dragon can't see the end!"

"Hahaha! You really know how to joke. Since I have delivered the gift, I will leave first. There is still something to do over there. We will meet again in the future. If you have anything to do, just come to me."

Ye Qingxuan stood up and saw Young Master Yu off.

Ye Wuxuan said, "Why don't you let me tell? What I said is the truth."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "You still need to speak properly, don't be careless, after all, we don't have any deep relationship with him, but he helped us, if he has the opportunity, I will definitely repay him."

Situ Haoran said, "Ye Qingxuan is right, after all we don't know much about him."

"I heard that he has a Colosseum and a martial arts arena. Let's go and have a look when we have a chance."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Everything has settled down here, we will start to do what you said next, maybe we have time to do it."

"Ah! That's right, you said you have time to do it when you're so busy. Doesn't that clearly tell me that I don't have time?"

Kutani laughed loudly and said, "Don't we have plenty of time in the future? It's not like staying here for a day or two and then leaving."

"Well, it's more important to be serious. We have spent all the tens of millions of crystals, and the next thing we want to build is the alchemy shop."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Don't forget our income refers to this."

Jiu Gu said, "Then do we still need to recruit?".

Chapter 1074 Recruiting Alchemist Disciples

"This place doesn't seem to have any involvement from Baicao Garden."

"Don't you think this alchemy is called Baicaoyuan?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "That's right, that's exactly what I mean. If we can really get in touch with Baicao Garden in the future, then in this wild land, all Baicao Gardens will be connected with them, so the news will also be exchanged." of."

Ye Fengxuan sat there and said, "Before, I really didn't even dare to think about it, Ye Qingxuan, your thinking really shocked me, but it's also because of your ability, it seems that our Ye family is really going to rise gone."

With a character like Ye Qingxuan, how can he not rise up in the Ye family, if the Ye family is famous in the barren land, let alone outside.

Because there are only a few of them here for the time being, they have no chance to do other things at all, and they must finish everything here.

So soon they met with the owner of the dental shop again, and the owner of the dental shop showed respect again after seeing Ye Qingxuan.

"It's just a shop. I have an empty one here, and it's very spacious on the upper and lower floors. The front door is also very wide. The location is also quite good. This time, I'll sell it to you for half the price~"

The boss handed over the title deed to Ye Qingxuan, and they soon arrived at the shop, and it was exactly as the boss described.

Wan said with a smile on his face, "To be honest, this position is indeed quite good, and I have never taken it out."

"Then thank you, boss."

"You're welcome, if you need anything in the future, just come to me."

Ye Qingxuan nodded in satisfaction, so the plaque on it became Herbal Garden without thinking about it.

It's a pity that the order here can only be transmitted in the wild land, and it is not convenient to transmit it after leaving here.

When everything is ready, they will naturally recruit alchemists, if it is so easy to recruit.

Ye Qingxuan directly said to recruit alchemist disciples so that there are people?

Ye Qingxuan is a high-level pharmacist, who wouldn't want to squeeze his head to come here, but all the pharmacists who come here have to go through strict screening, and only the qualified ones will stay. Of course, the person who checks is not someone else, It was Ye Qingxuan who, as a high-level alchemist, was respected by the alchemists sitting below.

····Ask for flowers 0·

They lined up neatly, each clasped their fists together, and saluted Ye Qingxuan very respectfully.

Ye Wuxuan said for Ye Qingxuan, "We are recruiting the disciples of alchemists, so it is still very strict. You must have a certain talent to officially become Ye Qingxuan's disciple."


The Lizhong on the other side also rushed over thousands of miles to this side, and naturally received a message from Ye Qingxuan.

These alchemists wanted to pass the selection, so they naturally wanted to show their alchemy ability in front of Ye Qingxuan.

In the end, only five pharmacists were selected among these people. Although others felt sorry, no one dared to complain. You must know that Ye Qingxuan's ability is a top-notch expert among pharmacists. Who would dare to offend such a person? ah?

Not to mention how happy these five people are to stay, their alchemy talents are not low, and the purity of the refined elixir can reach level seven, and there is absolutely no problem in reaching Baki through Ye Qingxuan's purple spot.

The five of you have become Ye Qingxuan, and the five disciples accepted in this place can be regarded as one of the five new sect members of Xuanqing Sect.

Chapter 1075 Ye Qingxuan's Suspicion

Although Zhao Liang was practicing in closed doors all day long, he did not stop to expand his power. After all, he belonged to the demon clan, so he knew very well the importance of power to him.

With his current ability, he still can't stop Ye Qingxuan and the others, so he has to work hard to cultivate. Now Ye Qingxuan doesn't know that Mobatian is in Zhao Liang's body, and he won't show it too early, otherwise, he will "two one" Three" I'm afraid I'll be killed by that brat before I grow up.

Ye Qingxuan's Xuanqing Sect was soon established there, and one after another his disciples also had a large scale. Then he brought his master Wanhuangzong and other disciples all over.

In just a short time, the Xuanqing Sect has already established its own scale in the barren land.

When he met the young master of the Mo family again, he immediately moved out of the way, pretending as if he had never met Ye Qingxuan before, he knew that such a person was too much to provoke.

Ye Qingxuan also ignored him and strode forward. He is now the head of the Xuanqing Sect. It can be said that everyone here knows his identity, and knows that he is both a pharmacist and a high-level craftsman. , such a person who would dare to offend Xuan Qingwen has become the biggest force here.

Such a short period of time can actually make a sect the biggest case here in an instant, not to mention how jealous it is, even Mr. Yu didn't think that the person he helped by unintentional actions would have such ability.

Mr. Yu is in his room. At this moment, he is thinking about how powerful he is. It can be seen that besides medicine and qi refining, he also has a very high talent for lunch break. How can there be such a talent in the world? man of.

I don't know what happened to Mo Batian, it turned out that Mr. Yu is a member of the Mozu, but it has been a long time since there was no contact with Mobatian, and it was also because Mobatian was sealed.

Because he was in the depths of the wild land, and he didn't know that Mo Batian was also in the wild land now, so he thought that Mo Batian was still sealed in the magic sword.

And he searched for a long time but couldn't find the magic sword. After coming to the barren land, there was no news of the magic sword.

After Mo Batian entered Zhao Liang's body, he already had a certain level of cultivation in his capacity, and his Heavenly Level Burning Art had also reached the third level, so he also walked towards the depths of the barren land ....

He heard that Ye Qingxuan established the Xuanqing Sect here, and that Xuanqingwen was very powerful, so the blood clan also stopped here.

To say that this is really a narrow road to enemies, Ye Qingxuan actually saw Zhao Liang here, he did not expect Zhao Liang to bring the blood clans here, even though they have just arrived here and established, the roots of the blood clans are also very deep, after all they are here It is not a matter of a day or two to set up the Blood Bamboo Gate in this wild place.

Zhao Liang walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said, "I didn't expect your speed to be so fast."

But Ye Qingxuan always felt that his eyes and his behavior were quite different from before, it was clearly not the same person, only 0.1 was similar in appearance.

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "You have really changed a lot, it's like a different person."

Zhao Liang's expression changed, but Ye Qingxuan noticed it just for a moment, and he said, "Oh, is it? Maybe it's because I've been in seclusion for too long. After I came out, I forgot what I was like before.".

Chapter 1076

But another soul in his body began to struggle, he sensed it, and he immediately suppressed it with his magical energy.

Ye Qingxuan could sense this Zhao Liang, his cultivation was much higher than before.

It seemed that he sensed a trace of demon energy from his body, but Zhao Liang quickly restrained himself, and even made Ye Qingxuan feel that it was his own illusion.

However, he didn't have any friendship with Zhao Liang, so he turned around and left here, and Ye Wuxuan Ye Fengxuan behind him also turned around and left. I have to say that Ye Wuxuan's cultivation has indeed improved a lot after entering the wilderness, even Jiugu and Situ Haoran did too. in this way.

Within the Xuanwu Continent, the three major forces have a very harmonious relationship. The Ye family has never bullied them because of how powerful they are, which is completely opposite to the Bai family, so their three major forces are very harmonious in the Xuanwu Continent. The children of the family have disappeared without a trace.

The Xuanwu Continent is peaceful, there is no intrigue, and the three major families are in charge of their own affairs.

When Zhao Liang saw Mr. Yu, he immediately followed him. Mr. Green was not familiar with this Zhao Liang at all. Looking at his appearance, he did not know this person, but he could conclude that this person was a member of the blood clan.

He didn't expect that Zhao Liang would walk towards him.

Zhao Liang stopped and said, "Young Master Yu Wumen!"

"How do you know my name? It seems that I don't know you."

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