At the beginning, no one paid much attention, but later some sects began to search for their own gates, and even the bones of those who disappeared could not be found. This is why such a thing has never happened in this barren land.

Of course, this incident also reached Ye Qingxuan's ears. No one from the Xuanqing Sect has been taken away yet, but even Ye Qingxuan, who is not from their Xuanqing Sect, finds it very strange that these lost people, their souls Forces are basically all on the same level....

Wan Huangzong thought for a while and said, "I think this matter is very likely to be related to the devil."

Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, Mo Batian's magic sword has been refined by himself, could it be that he still exists, or there are other demons practicing here.

How about this matter, he must investigate clearly, and inform the people of Xuanqingmen to be careful when going out.

That night Ye Qingxuan was checking outside, he saw a black shadow whiz past, and now he quickly followed.

He followed cautiously, holding his breath for 0.1 breath.

The black shadow in front fell on the ground, and I saw him standing there motionless. When a man of cultivation passed in front of him, he could only see the devilish energy on his body, which was instantly revealed. It's the Heavenly Fen Jue technique, so could it be that he is the Devil Batian!

When he grabbed that person, that person reacted, and his spiritual weapon appeared in his hand instantly.

Chapter 1081 Discovery

But it was obvious that he was no match for the man in front of him at all.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan flew directly to him. He wanted to see who this person was, but he was wearing black clothes and his face was tightly covered.

Ye Qingxuan's Qiankun Sword was held in his hand, and he swung it forward. The man in black immediately avoided him, but when he looked back, it was Ye Qingxuan. He recognized Ye Qingxuan's identity, but Ye Qingxuan didn't know him.

When Ye Qingxuan was about to step forward to uncover the cloth on his face, he quickly withdrew from the place without taking away the person in front of him, but when Ye Qingxuan was about to go forward and continue chasing him, he bombarded him with a palm , when Ye Qingxuan pulled that person to avoid, Zhao Liang in front of him disappeared without a trace.

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect to let the man in black run away. He didn't see the man's appearance clearly, so he turned his head and asked the man in front of him, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but it's a pity that he ran away."

"Thank you for your life-saving grace. If you hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid I would have been taken away by that guy. Could it be that the disappearance of these people has something to do with this person?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "Maybe everyone's disappearance has something to do with him."

"I just saw a strong demonic energy on that person. It seems that people from the demon race have come to the barren land."

Ye Qingxuan also saw the devilish energy in him, and he was not sure who that person was.

"We must find this person, otherwise someone will continue to disappear."

"I will definitely notify the head of this matter when I go back."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and left here. Zhao Liang failed to make a move, so he didn't make another move. He was afraid that it would be troublesome if his identity was discovered.

Ye Qingxuan returned to Xuanqingmen, and he told Wanhuangzong about this matter, "Master, he is very skilled, and he can use Heavenly Fen Jue, and he has a lot of demon energy."

"It's a pity that the disciples didn't see his appearance clearly, but there are not many people who know how to burn the sword."

"I think that Zhao Liang will definitely be a heaven-level burner. The magic sword has been by his side for so long, it is impossible for Mo Batian to not take action."

"You mean that this matter has a lot to do with that Zhao Liang?"

"But we have nothing to do until we can't be sure. He must have done it."

"So this matter must be investigated secretly."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, the person from yesterday will definitely tell their head about this matter when he goes back. At that time, other sects will make their own decisions, and I will secretly investigate Zhao Liang. I want to see what happened to this matter. Did he do it.

At this moment, Mo Batian was thinking, Ye Qingxuan must have suspected himself, not to mention that he had 217 Wanhuangzong by his side, he should know that Demon Sword had stayed with him for a long time, maybe he had already had a relationship with Tianji Fenjue relation.

He wondered if he could transfer this matter to Ye Qingxuan, so that he could get away with it?

He was quite vicious, and wanted to use this matter to frame Ye Qingxuan.

What he thought was beautiful, but the person he saw last night was Ye Qingxuan, and he knew that he was not alone after saving him, so he can testify for Ye Qingxuan, unless he can kill that person.

It's a pity that that person has already told the story after he went back, and also told the story about the sect master of Xuanqingmen saving him.

Chapter 1082 Cultivating the Seventh Floor of Heavenly Burning Jue

"There are people from the Demon Race here. What is that person trying to do by arresting you? Where did the missing people go?"

"Sect master, I think this matter is not trivial. As far as I know, the people of the devil master often absorb other people's spiritual power to practice exercises."

"I've also heard about this incident. I'm afraid those who were taken away are in danger."

"Although this is a wild place, there are all kinds of people, but there are still no such sinister and spicy people like the demons."

Now they are discussing this matter with the heads of other sects. Other sects have lost disciples, so they are also looking for who did it, but they did not expect to have something to do with the devil.

At this moment they also found a person, that person is Mr. Yu, when they talked about the demon clan, Mr. Yu's face changed, and then he quickly withdrew his expression, Mr. Yu said, "I can't think of people from the demon clan being so Damn it, to use such a method to practice magic skills."

"Then we still have to find out this person as soon as possible. Now all of you sects should be careful, I will find a way to find someone from the demon clan."

When these people left Mr. Yu's place, Mr. Yu's expression changed instantly. He was originally from the demon clan, so he would naturally cover Zhao Liang.

He left his mansion, quickly went to find Zhao Liang, and entered the blood gate directly after arriving at the blood gate.

They didn't know that all of this was seen by one person. This person was none other than Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan had doubts about Mr. Yu, and he thought that through this matter, he would definitely come into contact with Zhao Liang.

It was exactly what he thought. He followed Mr. Yu and found that Mr. Yu came to the blood clan and went in directly. Although Ye Qingxuan didn't go in, he was sure that Mr. Yu appeared here to find Zhao Liang. It seems that Zhao Liang really It has something to do with Mobatian.

Ye Qingxuan didn't go in and he couldn't hear what the people inside said. At this time, he returned to Xuanqingmen to discuss with his master.

"Master, I saw Young Master Yu go in with my own eyes."

"I've long guessed that he must be related to the devil, and it seems that it's not what I expected."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "The meaning of the master is that Zhao Liang is really a devil!"

"He uses human spiritual power to cultivate, and he must cultivate to become a heaven-level burning sword in the shortest time. It seems that if you want to fight against him, you have to find a way to reach the top level of your heaven-level burning sword."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, he can only continue to practice now, so he will not bother with this matter, because he knows that if this delay continues, Mo Batian may be able to suppress everything here by then.

While the other sects were looking for the Demon Batian, the Demon Batian had subsided a lot during this time, and he didn't make a move.

If it is said that he continued to attack, it would be impossible for Ye Qingxuan to practice stably.

Ye Qingxuan was sitting among the ancient jades. At this moment, he began to condense his spiritual power and cultivate the seventh level of Heavenly Fen Jue (De Zhao).

All of a sudden, he saw burning flames rising around him, and his whole body seemed to be roasted by a pile of fire.

Big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, and gradually his clothes were soaked. If it wasn't for Ye Qingxuan's strong tendons, he might not be able to bear it long ago.

I saw the effect of the snow spirit spirit in his body, the feeling of ice spirit spread throughout Ye Qingxuan's body, making him feel less hot in an instant.

Chapter 1083 Tracking Young Master Yu

Ye Qingxuan instantly felt that his body became much colder, but the burning pain still existed.

The meridians of Xue Ling's soul gradually emitted a strong cold air.

And the spirit of the fire spirit has been integrated with the spirit of the snow spirit, so there is no conflict between the two spirits. If normal blood spirit spirits and fire spirit spirits appear together, there will inevitably be conflicts.

But Ye Qingxuan has such a high talent, he can fuse the soul of fire spirit and spirit of snow spirit into his meridians.

Ye Wuxuan left, came in and said, "My lord, it has been very quiet recently, and the people from the demon clan have never appeared again, so it is not as easy as 217 to find them, and the various sects have not stopped looking for demons." The whereabouts of the tribe."

Wan Huangzong nodded and said, "Has Mr. Yu made any movement?"

"Young Master Yu didn't make any movement. On the surface, he seemed to want to help them, but in fact he didn't take any action at all."

"I see. You send people to keep watching that Mr. Yu. The people you send must be more capable. Don't be discovered by others. At that time, you will not even save your life."

Ye Wuxuan said, "There is a person who is very suitable for him, and that is Ye Shengtian. Isn't he a ccab? So his ability to track people is very strong, and the other party can't detect his aura at all."

"Okay, then you can leave this matter to him."

Ye Wuxuan nodded, he turned around and left the place, when he found Ye Shengtian and told him to do this, Ye Shengtian nodded firmly, this was simply child's play to him, that Mr. Yu didn't even notice it at all. No.

Ye Shengtian's ability is very high, and his cultivation base is also very high, so there is no gap between Mr. Yu, but he has indeed been quiet for the past two days.

Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Fengxuan who was beside him, "This Ye Shengtian has been out for several days, why is he still missing? Could it be that Mr. Yu has not made any movement until now?"

"Although Ye Shengtian didn't grow up with us human beings since he was a child, he still takes things very seriously. Besides, he is also a member of our Ye family now. I believe he will never do anything out of line. of."

Jiu Gu said, "I'm afraid this matter is related to that Mr. Yu. He actually knows that they will never be quiet these days, so he will stay honestly."

At this time, Ye Shengtian found that Mr. Yu's door was opened, he left the place with a few guards, and walked towards the various sects. This guy pretended to help them find the demons here.

In fact, he quietly came to the blood race.

He looked left and right, and after finding no trace of anyone, he strode inside. After finding Zhao Liang, he told the story outside.

"Mozun is now looking for the whereabouts of the demons outside, so I'm afraid you will have to bear it for a while."

"If Ye Qingxuan hadn't found out about the last shot and rescued that person, how could this matter have spread. This Ye Qingxuan is really my nemesis. No matter what method I think of, I must get rid of him."

Mr. Yu said, if you can reappear in the world this time, Demon Lord, our demon clan will gradually grow stronger, not to mention the four continents outside, even this wild land will be ruled by my demon clan at that time scope.

Chapter 1084 Ye Shengtian's Tracking Ability

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"As long as my magic attack is complete, then Ye Qingxuan is nothing, but within this period of time, I am still not his opponent. After all, I personally handed over the Heavenly Fen Jue to him."

"What does the Demon Lord mean by that?"

"At that time, I couldn't get rid of the seal of the divine weapon in the magic sword, so I always wanted to find a carrier. At first, I fell in love with the cruel and merciless disciple of the Wanhuangzong. No matter how you say it, he is quite talented."

"But later I discovered this Ye Qingxuan, his talent is higher, so I let him take away the main body of the Demon Sword. Unexpectedly, he brought me into the ancient domain and met the Wanhuangzong."

"I found that this child is very talented. Not only does she have the alchemy and qi skills, but she also has a very good cultivation talent, so I use this heaven-level Fen Jue as a bait, hoping that he can practice this skill. He inhales the magic energy here, and I can make him my carrier."

"I never thought that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes. This brat has practiced my Heavenly Fenjue, but he didn't inhale a tacit understanding."

Yu Wumen was shocked when he heard this, "How is this possible? If he didn't inhale a tacit understanding, how much pain would he have to endure, and how could his meridians be able to bear it~?"

I thought so too, but Wanhuangzong helped him to get water, and let it swallow the fire spirit spirit and snow spirit spirit spirit. He also possessed the meridians of ice and fire, and ice and fire can be fused together, This is the first time I have seen such a strange thing, and I couldn't enter his body even if I wanted to, so I finally chose Zhao Liang, who was relatively inferior.

"I was also forced to have no choice but to settle for the next best thing. I originally wanted to wait for this Zhao Liang to reach a certain level of cultivation before entering the carrier. I didn't expect that brat's refining technique to reach the top level again."

"In this way, he used his status as a top refining master to refine the magic sword. I was forced to enter the carrier, so my current ability is not that strong."

Mr. Yu said, "It seems that this Ye Qingxuan really has to come out. His talent has already shocked me. I didn't expect to be able to devour both the spirit of fire and the spirit of snow at the same time."

"This body is indeed good, but it's a pity that he can't be my carrier, I can only destroy him, I can't let him suppress me."

····Ask for flowers 0·

Mr. Yu said, "Now that all the sects have found me, I will pretend to help them, but they will never have this clue."

After Mr. Yue and Mo Batian finished talking about this matter, he strode away from him, and he never noticed Ye Shengtian following him.

The main reason is that Ye Shengtian has a special ability, otherwise he would definitely be discovered if he followed Mr. Yu.


Ye Shengtian returned to Xuanqingmen safely. When Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan saw him, they finally let go of their hanging heart. Although Ye Shengtian is not the blood of the Ye family, he is also a child of the Ye family now, and his name is still Ye Qingxuan I picked it up for him myself.

Ye Wuxuan said, "How is it? Are you okay?"

Ye Shengtian smiled foolishly and said, "I'm fine, I found out that Mr. Yu went to the blood clan."

Wan Huangzong said, "They must be trying to trick Ye Qingxuan."

"I vaguely heard them say that they must get rid of Ye Qingxuan."

Wan Huangzong said, "I have already guessed this." 1.

Chapter 1085

Wanhuangzong knew Mo Batian's plan a long time ago, and he said to Ye Shengtian, "Knowing your feelings for Ye Qingxuan, just keep an eye on Young Master Yu, don't let him find out, once he does something Notify me immediately."

"Do you need me to kill him?"

"No, don't act rashly."

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