This guy fell heavily on the ground, and made a dog-eat-shit movement.

He didn't expect that this person seemed to have a much higher level of cultivation than the one just now, and he was sent flying with this palm.

But he felt strange that he was not injured.

He slowly got up, then turned around to look, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "¨¨How dare you hit me."

Some people still gather around here to look lively. Although the people here have relatively high cultivation levels, there are still some people with low cultivation levels after all.

I saw a person next to him say, "Good fight."

This person is none other than Mr. Yu, he strode towards (Zhao) and said, "You should thank him for being merciful to him, if you really exhausted the spiritual power in your body , you have already bleed to death from seven holes."

Seeing that Mr. Yu didn't say anything, he stood up, turned around and left, and the people behind him followed him.

The man looked at Ye Qingxuan and nodded, Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that this man named Yu Gongzi would save them, he didn't know what his identity was here.

Chapter 1068 Young Master Yu's Arrangements

But through this incident, he can guess that such an arrogant and domineering person has nothing to say to him, which shows that his status here is really not low.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Thank you, young master, for your help."

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

"As he spoke, the fan in his hand was still open, and he slapped his chest twice."

Speaking of Ye Qingxuan, they turned around and left, but Mr. Yu stopped him and said, "It seems that you have come here from the front of the wild, you must be unfamiliar with this place, you must live here, why not Let me do my best as a landlord."

Since he was so enthusiastic and helped them out, Ye Qingxuan really couldn't refute his 210 face, so he said to him, "Okay, I'll take care of you."

Young Master Yu led them to a small courtyard and said, "This courtyard is not bad, fresh and elegant, you can stay here temporarily, and just tell me if you need anything."

"Oh, by the way, the son just now is the son of the Mo family, so he is so arrogant because he is the only seedling of the head of the Mo family. Although his cultivation is not very good, he is indeed rampant."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's okay, actually I just want to get rid of his entanglement, and I didn't intend to hurt him."

After Young Master Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left. Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that he would leave his small courtyard for them to live in, since he was stranger to him.

But this is only temporary, after all, they have no place to settle here, and they can have their own place after they all settle down.

Ye Wuxuan said, "Why is this guy so warm-hearted? Does he have some purpose?"

"We're new here, and we don't seem to know them well. As for the purpose, he doesn't know our identities."

"That's right, you didn't reveal your identity either. I think the purpose is really unclear."

Since they are so enthusiastic, Ye Qingxuan and the others will temporarily settle down here.

After Mr. Yu left here, he walked leisurely on the street. Some people who knew him would nod when they saw him.

Of course (ccab) that master craftsman who sells spiritual weapons is not a simple person, even though he is sitting there, people who pass by here also respect him very much.

It's just that this guy has such a hobby, that is, he likes to put his forged aura here.

Then I was like a businessman, and everyone sitting there respected him very much. Of course, no one would expose his identity here all day long, as if he was an ordinary businessman.

Kutani said, "I think the people here seem to be very strange, maybe it's because we just came here, and we get used to it after a long time."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "People with abilities are often very strange."

A few of them decided to go out for a walk, and the place that Mr. Yu arranged for them was not bad. Although it was not the main street, it could be seen that it was also very lively.

Ye Wuxuan said, "I'm already hungry, how about trying the food here first."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, they were walking on the street, when they found a small shop, the shop was full of people, it seems that the taste should be good, Ye Qingxuan and the others walked in.

The guy said, "Guest officers, please sit down. See how young the guest officers are, either they are disciples of the family, or they just came here."

Chapter 1069 decided to use identity

Ye Qingxuan knew, "Since he said this, it means that the faces of the few of them are relatively new, otherwise he would never have asked such a question."

"We've only just gotten here."

"Looking at the young masters, their cultivation should not be much higher. Why did they come to this dangerous place~?"

Ye Qingxuan and the others knew that this guy had good intentions, "We have friends here, so don't worry about us.-"

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved, you guys want to eat something."

"Just bring up the characteristics of your place."

"OK, wait."

The guy turned around and left, Ye Wuxuan said, "Don't we all seem to be very good at first glance? Why does everyone say that when they see us?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "That's because the clothes we wear don't have logos, and I'm afraid we don't have such a high level of cultivation at this age."

"It's really a troublesome thing. Could it cause us trouble because of our clothes and looks?"

Kutani thought for a while and said, "We don't know much about the situation here, which is normal, but I think it will be fine slowly, can we properly cover it?"

Ye Fengxuan smiled and said, "Your idea is not bad."

A few people ate and drank enough, and returned to the small courtyard. With powerful pet rings like them, they didn't need their belongings at all, because everything was placed in the pet world, and walking back and forth was only light.

When Mr. Yu returned to his mansion, he never mentioned Ye Qingxuan and the others. In fact, he did it with little effort.

Besides, he is also very rich here, there are countless houses, it may be good for him to make one more friend, he can see that Ye Qingxuan is by no means a simple person.

From the moment when he showed mercy to him, he discovered that this person's cultivation was definitely not in line with his age. Who is Mr. Yu, how could he not tell based on his cultivation?

The reason why he is so respected by these people here has a lot to do with his cultivation. What's more, he is very rich here.

I didn't care, and Ye Qingxuan didn't send anyone to inquire about the place where Ye Qingxuan and the others lived, just as if they had never seen it before.

At first, it was suspected that he had some purpose, but now it seems that Ye Qingxuan and the others have been here for several days, and they didn't even show their faces.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qingxuan said, "Since Mr. Yu arranged us here, he has never appeared again, as if this house has nothing to do with him."

Ye Wuxuan thought for a while and said, "Is there such a person in this world?"

"Forget it, let's not care about him coming here to establish our Xuanqing Gate."


Ye Qingxuan knew that if he wanted to establish Xuanqingmen with his cultivation base, it would not be so easy and the only way was to use his status as a senior pharmacist and a senior electrical master, so he had to wear medals and badges.

Knowing that once these two things are brought, his status here will change instantly.

So as soon as he went out the next day, he had something extra on his chest, a medal for refining medicine, and something extra on his waist, that was the Qi Refiner's brand.

His brand is crystal clear, like a shining gemstone.

Only high-level top refining masters will have such a brand of qi refining, and no one else will have such a brand.

You don't need to see the words on the brand at all, just look at the color of the brand to know it.

Chapter 1070

Who knew that when he went out the next day, he ran into that young master again. This time, the young master unceremoniously stepped forward to find fault.

"Yesterday, you guys were taken advantage of. Do you think you can escape today? Who is this young master? If you want to offend me, you can go away as soon as you want."

This time Ye Qingxuan didn't pay attention to him, and he sent this guy flying with one palm, and the people behind "210" rushed up immediately, how could they be Ye Qingxuan's opponents?

They left here immediately after being beaten, and the people watching were worried for Ye Qingxuan, because they all knew who that guy was.

The young masters of the Mo family would dare to offend that guy, "Young master, I think you should leave here as soon as possible. If you offend the young master of the Mo family, there will definitely be no good end."

"Yeah, let's get out of here and run for our lives."

These people said this because they were also persecuted by that guy, otherwise they wouldn't be so partial to Ye Qingxuan and the others.

The Mohists are very powerful here.

The young master was beaten up and returned to the family with his men.

He came to his father and said, "Someone beat me, father, look at how he beat your baby."

In fact, his father also hated iron and steel. You must know that only a high cultivation base can stand here, but his son is like a waste wood. If he had only one son, how could he be so arrogant and indulgent? Although he hated iron and steel, he still felt a little heartbroken seeing the child being beaten like this. At this moment, he said, "Who did it."

He didn't even ask why, but the two subordinates next to him said that they were people who had just entered here, and they were not locals.

It seems that they came to us from other places. It is obvious that they walked blind, bumped into our young master, and blocked the young master's way.

He thought what the two servants said was true, so he ordered people to go there immediately, and followed up himself.

Ye Qingxuan and the others didn't listen to those people's persuasion at all, and didn't leave here. When the Patriarch of the Mo family brought his subordinates here, his son said, "It's them..."

After looking up and down, he found that on Ye Qingxuan's chest was a medal of a senior alchemist, and there was actually a brand of a top alchemist on his waist. At first he suspected that these things were all fake, after all, Ye Qingxuan's age It didn't look that big, but he thought about it again, who could fake it, and besides, he didn't look like a fake at that brand.

Immediately stepped forward and said, "Dare to ask this young master."

Ye Qingxuan had a haughty expression on his face, showing the ability of his identity, "Huh! Isn't it obvious? Your son is really bold, even I dare to run into him."

"The child is young and ignorant, I will go back and teach him a lesson at 0.1."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Our young master has always been very polite, but your young master is really too rude, he dared to call our young master blind when he bumped into our young master, shouldn't such a person It's too cheap to teach Mommo to take his life."

He suddenly felt a little embarrassed, didn't he know what kind of virtue his son had? .

Chapter 1071

This pharmacist and weapon refining master are respected here, and the one in front of him is a high-level medicine refining master, and also a high-level weapon refining master, so he naturally wins over such a person, even if this is his only son Well, he didn't do anything excessive. If he wanted to hurt him, he would have been hurt long ago.

"Your rudeness comes first, I will apologize to you, how about this, why don't you sit under the house for a while."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then there's no need, just take care of your son."

Ye Qingxuan strode forward haughtily, leaving the Patriarch of the Mohist family standing there alone, and the people behind him also walked over. At this moment, his son said, "Father, what are you doing?"

"You idiot, don't you know who you have offended? You dare to offend even a senior alchemist."

"You said that person just now was a senior alchemist, how is that possible?"

"You brat will go outside to brighten my eyes in the future. Don't offend anyone and don't know."

His father turned around and left here, leaving him in a daze. He didn't know that Ye Qingxuan was a master of refining medicine.

All the things that happened just now were seen by Mr. Yu who was standing far away. He didn't expect that the person he saved last time would be a master of alchemy.

Of course, it's nothing to talk about, it's just a favor. Fortunately, I have this habit and always like to make friends. It seems that this move of mine is really a benefit to myself.

He opened his fan, slapped his chest twice and strode away. Since Ye Qingxuan and the others came here, they naturally went to the dental clinic first.

Inside the blood gate, Zhao Liang was sitting alone in the secret room, and he saw black demonic energy around him. At this moment, there are still a few trembling people locked in cages. These people will be sucked dry by him. , He wanted to use the spiritual power of these people to quickly increase his own energy.

Zhao Liang is no longer the original Zhao Liang, he can't control his body, all his current body belongs to Mo Batian.

And Ye Qingxuan didn't know that Mo Batian had already occupied Zhao Liang's body, he thought he had already destroyed it, after all Mo Batian's body in the Demon Sword had already been refined by him.

The magic sword also disappeared, and now what is left is just a body, turned into a purple-gold sword, without any vitality at all.

When Ye Qingxuan came to the dental shop, the boss of the dental shop was also a man of cultivation. He saw the badge on Ye Qingxuan's chest and the badge on his waist, and he knew this person instantly, so he couldn't afford to offend him.

He immediately said, "May I ask what you need?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "We need a large yard 210, preferably quiet."

"Yes, there is indeed such a place, and there are mountains on the back. The environment is very good, but it's just the price."

"You can bid whatever you want, first take us to see how the place is."

The boss of the tooth shop immediately took Ye Qingxuan to that place. Not to mention the distance is really long, when they arrived here, they were really shocked. Looking at the courtyard from a distance, the courtyard is really big, and there is indeed a back-to-back There is a mountain, and there is a waterfall on the mountain, and the peaks behind it go straight into the sky. This is really a fairyland on earth.

Ye Qingxuan nodded in satisfaction, nodded and said, "Tell me, how many crystals do you need?".

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