Ye Wuxuan said, it's really strange here, it's really like this, it's really hard to move an inch.

Lizhong said, "This is the legendary wild stone forest, and it is very famous."

Ye Qingxuan looked at it and said, "The stone forest is really a stone forest."

They casually leaned on a big rock and sat down to rest, Ye Wuxuan said, "I don't know where we will go to the wilderness next."

Li Zhong shrugged and said, "I'm not too sure about this, after all, the wilderness is so vast, and what we are in is just a drop in the bucket."

Hearing what Lizhong said, Ye Qingxuan and the others thought it was really shocking. It was a drop in the bucket, which meant that this wilderness was too big for people to imagine.

All of a sudden, there were many snakes crawling towards this side in front of them. These snakes were all poisonous, surrounding Ye Qingxuan and the others together. They lifted up half of their bodies and spit out long snake bites.

Jiugu said, "Where are there so many poisonous snakes?"

At this moment, a few people suddenly appeared over there and walked towards here, "Who dare to break into the boundary of our Ten Thousand Snake Gate?"

It turned out that they entered someone else's place, at this moment Ye Qingxuan said, "We are just passing by, let's rest again."

"It doesn't matter who you are, you have to pay a price for entering our territory."

Those poisonous snakes rushed towards Ye Qingxuan and the others in an instant. Ye Qingxuan saw that they were not polite at all, and the sword in his hand immediately appeared. land.

In order to cause unnecessary trouble, Ye Qingxuan didn't want their lives. After being shot down, these poisonous snakes quickly crawled towards the distance, and didn't surround Ye Qingxuan and the others to attack.

"Hmph! Don't think that I can let you off like this. If something happened to our Wanshe Sect, I would definitely not let it go."

After saying this, they turned around and left the place.

Chapter 1064 Infiltrating the Ten Thousand Snake Gate

Lizhong said, "So this is the Ten Thousand Snake Gate."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Do you still understand this place?"

"I've only heard of it, but I really haven't been here."

Ye Qingxuan felt that something must have happened here, he could tell that these Wanshemen people were not that hot.

Lizhong said, "All the people in the Ten Thousand Snake Gate are made of snakes and beasts who cultivated their human form."

Ye Qingxuan seemed to understand, and only now said, "Wait for me here, I'll follow over to have a look."

A few people stayed in place and waited for Ye Qingxuan. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan followed those people to their main altar quietly. Those people walked in, but their security seemed to be very tight, and everyone was in a state of tension.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan heard two disciples say over there, "They took advantage of the evolution of the lord to attack us this time, we are really despicable and shameless~."

"Isn't this what the Lin family has always wanted to do?"

"They relied on their ability to produce advanced auras, and then suppressed us. If it weren't for the leader, who has high abilities, I'm afraid they would have been invaded by them."

"As long as the sect master can survive this test, I think it will be impossible for them to do such a thing again."

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan sneaked in quietly. Since he is the sect master, the place where he is must be the most central place and must be heavily guarded. Sure enough, he found this place. It is indeed a so-called fortified place, but he did not stop Ye Qingxuan. He quickly So I sneaked into that house. It looked like a house on the outside, but inside it was dark and damp like a stone cave.

There was some faint light, following this light Ye Qingxuan walked into a stone room, he saw in the hole that there was a huge boa constrictor in the stone room that was shedding its skin, its upper body had already revealed its human form.

It seemed that he was in great pain. The panacea was suspended in the air, and the people of the Lin family must have wanted this panacea from him.

At this time, the people from the Lin family came in. Their aura was too fierce, and the people from Wanshemen couldn't resist it at all.

Two people ran in and said door owner, you should go first, we are here to support you.

Where is he going in this state, those two people rushed out after saying this, at the moment Ye Qingxuan walked in, he looked at him with a glance, the person in front of him was a human being.

····Ask for flowers 0·

But he couldn't feel any dangerous aura on him, and he didn't intend to **** this panacea from him, so he said, "Who are you?"

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to grab your spare load, I'm just passing by here."


"Passing by here, what are you doing here?"

"Naturally, I will help you. Isn't spiritual power what you lack now?"

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan injected a large amount of spiritual power into his body, and he instantly felt that his body was full of spiritual power, and began to gradually remove all the remaining skin, only to see that the skin that he removed was still shining golden .

He exposed the skin of his two legs, and the elixir returned to his body.

It can be seen that they are different from humans. Although they have a human mentality, a faint snakeskin can be seen on the skin.

"No matter who you are, I would like to thank you for helping me tide over the difficulties. Now I don't have time to pay attention to you. I must get rid of the Lin family, or our Wanshemen will be wiped out by them." One.

Chapter 1065 Resolving the Crisis of Ten Thousand Snake Gate

Ye Qingxuan said, "I will help you."

He could sense that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation was not low, so he nodded, and Ye Qingxuan rushed out with him. When the disciples of the Ten Thousand Snake Sect saw their master shed his skin and walked out, they were all extremely excited.

Fighting with the people of the Lin family again.

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect the master of the Ten Thousand Snake Gate, "207", his spiritual power was so advanced, no wonder he was able to guard this place! The people of the Lin family realized that something was wrong.

They quickly withdrew from here.

The head of the Lin family said that they could be wiped out without anyone being too powerful, but he didn't expect things to turn around.

The disciples of the Lin family evacuated immediately. They had always wanted to occupy the territory of Wanshemen, but they had never succeeded. They thought that with the shedding of the skin of the snake master of Wanshoumen this time, they could completely obtain his elixir for their own use.

All the members of the Lin family have evacuated. In fact, the just-recovered Wanshemen sect master has not yet reached his heyday.

He turned around to look at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I don't know who you are, but you actually saved my Wanshemen."

Ye Qingxuan just smiled faintly, "I'm just passing by. I happened to pass by the boundary of your Ten Thousand Snake Gate and rest in the stone forest. If the disciples from your gate hadn't appeared, I'm afraid I wouldn't have come here."

"This is a barren land. Anyone who can pass through my Ten Thousand Snake Gate Stone Forest must have extraordinary abilities. After passing here, you know that the deeper the people in this barren land, the higher their spiritual power. And the spiritual power inside is indeed very abundant.”

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "Of course we know that we are going to the depths of the wild land, and we happened to pass by the stone forest."

"It seems that your Excellency still has a certain fate with my Ten Thousand Snake Gate. If you need it in the future, feel free to speak up when you need my Ten Thousand Snake Gate."

Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly, didn't say anything, turned around and left, he didn't leave this person behind, he knew he couldn't, even though this person saved his life, but he had his own mission, But Wanshemen will definitely help in the future.

The master of Wanshemen said, "Don't stop them in Shilin, they are our benefactors of Wanshemen."

"Master, I think this person is so capable, he should also have the ability to enter the stone forest..."

I have just recovered, and I need to adjust my breathing well, "Then the Lin family will not come to invade for the time being."

After Ye Qingxuan left here and returned to Stone Forest, Ye Wuxuan said, "Where did you go?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "I followed those people to have a look. It turned out that the people from the Lin family wanted to occupy the territory of Wanshemen and take his Lingzhu."

This matter has been resolved, they left here immediately, and continued to walk towards the depths of the stone forest. Every step they took, they would find that there were many snakes here, some big snakes, small snakes, pythons and the like, all of which were circling in the stone forest , but they immediately retreated when they saw Ye Qingxuan and the others.

Jiugu said, "It's really strange, these 0.1 poisonous snakes and beasts actually shy away."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because I saved their leader."

Situ Haoran said, "As soon as I guessed, you must have solved some kind of matter when you made a move, otherwise you wouldn't have followed."

They left the stone forest very quickly, and after leaving here, they entered the next realm of the wild, where the spiritual power is indeed very abundant.

Chapter 1066 Entering the Wilderness Next Realm

Ye Wuxuan said, "The spiritual power here is really abundant, it seems that this rumor is really true."

They quickly stepped into this piece of land and entered the boundary here. The road is very wide, and there are quite a lot of pedestrians going back and forth.

It can be seen that these people walking back and forth here seem to be very proud, and each of them is a person with a strong cultivation base.

Ye Qingxuan and the others passed by a stall, which was a stall selling weapons, and all the weapons on it were spiritual weapons.

The man sitting there said 22, "Would you young heroes want to see my spirit weapon? I tempered it myself, and you definitely can't buy it elsewhere."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the auras that were indeed tempered, and said, "So you are a master craftsman."

"Your Excellency has good eyesight, yes."

Ye Wuxuan said, "What's the difference between good eyesight and bad eyesight? Didn't you say it yourself? You made it yourself. I'm afraid all fools know that you are a master craftsman."

"I see that some of you dare to come here at such a young age, don't you know that the cultivation base here is very high?"

"Either you are a master of medicine refining, or a master of weapon refining, or you must have a certain level of cultivation. I'm afraid you will suffer here with a level of cultivation like yours, and you may even lose your life."

"You're such a nosy fellow."

"I'm doing this for your own good."

Ye Qingxuan is a top-notch refining weapon, the master wants to protect it, isn't it easy for Ye Wuxuan and the others?

He has reached the top of the refining technique, who can still be his opponent?

Ye Qingxuan just felt that this place seemed huge, saying it was a town, but it was definitely not a town, no matter how you say it, it had a limitation.

But this place is so prosperous, it is not a town but a boundary. It seems that after they entered the boundary of the wild land, this place should be a special boundary.

The entire area covered by this area is all within this boundary. Obviously, they don't know how big this place is at all, and they can't see the city gate at all when they enter this place.

Just look at the scene that catches your eyes.

Ye Qingxuan and the others continued to walk forward with strides. There are indeed very few people their age here.

It's nothing more than the people who were born here. Even if their cultivation base is low, they still have family symbols on them. Of course, there are naturally prosperous people in the family, otherwise they would not be able to keep here.

A person who seemed to be about the same age as Ye Qingxuan and the others accidentally bumped into Ye Qingxuan and the others with the 207 five-horse spear in the middle.

Ye Qingxuan and the others simply stood there without touching this guy, and when they turned around, they cursed, "I wonder if you are blind, you even dared to bump into me."

Ye Wuxuan was not happy, so he could say, "I said what's wrong with you, obviously you bumped into him yourself, but you still said that we are blind, I see who knows who is blind. "

"You dare to say that the young master is blind, do you see the logo on my clothes?"

"I am a dignified Mohist child, how can you allow you to insult me ​​like this."

"I don't care whose family you belong to. If you haven't been educated well, you will be dragged back to re-educate.".

Chapter 1067

He was very angry when he heard Ye Wuxuan say this, so he slapped Ye Wuxuan with this palm. Although his cultivation base is very weak, he can still be compared with Ye Wuxuan.

Ye Wuxuan hid very quickly, that guy almost jumped out of the air, he restrained his figure and said, "Look at the clothes on your body, you are not from here, you dare to come here with such a little cultivation, look You are impatient, if you kowtow to this young master now, maybe this young master can spare your life."

Ye Wuxuan didn't even bother to pay attention to him, Ye Qingxuan said, "Let's go, don't pay attention to this guy."

Just as Ye Qingxuan and the others wanted to leave, this person stopped in front of Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Wuxuan said, "I said you don't want to toast and eat fine wine."

All the people behind him stood up suddenly. These people were all descendants of the Mohist family. It was obvious that they all had the same logo on their clothes, and the person in front seemed to be their young master.

"Young Master, let's leave it at that, they are just little people from outside who don't understand anything."

"Forget it, you idiot, can this young master suffer for nothing?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at this guy and actually didn't want to be as knowledgeable as him, but he stalked Ye Qingxuan and said, "It doesn't matter what your identity is, you are the one who is at fault, if you continue to make trouble for no reason, don't blame us for treating you You're welcome."

"Hahaha, then I want to see how to be rude."

At this time, the man who sold the spiritual weapon over there came over, and he said, "I said, Young Master of the Mo family, you are deceiving people too much, it is clear that you have stumbled into it blindly, and people are still making trouble here. "

"Go, go, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Qingxuan heard him talking to him like this, obviously he didn't dare to offend this person, since he is a craftsman, he naturally didn't dare to offend him.

Seeing that he just blocked Ye Qingxuan's way and did not leave Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan was indeed a little angry, but they didn't have to go forward, this Ye Qingxuan turned around and took Ye Wuxuan and the others to leave here.

Unexpectedly, this guy was really relentless, he circled around again, blocking Ye Qingxuan's path again.

I saw Ye Qingxuan hit him with a palm and sent that guy flying, but he was not injured, he was just sent flying.

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