Ye Qingxuan directly helped him up, at this moment he said, my name is Lizhong.

"I know your alchemy is very powerful, I want to worship you as my teacher~."

Ye Qingxuan was really surprised, he never thought of taking apprentices, this guy actually wants to worship himself as a teacher.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan could not agree for a long time, he said, "Do you think my talent is too low?"

"Ah, that's not the case. I just think that the two of us seem to be about the same age. It's not good for you to worship me as your teacher."

"Ability is of course regardless of age. I have made up my mind. I just want to worship you as my teacher."

This guy was so determined that Ye Qingxuan couldn't even refuse him. After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay then."

The two of them walked out together, only to see his subordinates rushing over directly, and said, "Sir, are you all right, how are you?"

Lizhong smiled and said, "It's okay, am I fine? Master has already dispelled the evil energy in my body."

"Then that's really great, why do you call him Master?"

"I have already regarded this as my master, so you all have to respect him more in the future."


Ye Qingxuan said to Lizhong, "This is my master, and the Wanhuangzong is also your master."

"Disciple pays homage to Master."

"Excuse me, since you have already worshiped Ye Qingxuan as your teacher, then the master will give you a meeting gift."

He actually gave him a single prescription, which made him very happy. He has never seen such a single prescription, which is made with simple steps but has a very high purity. Can he not be happy?

"Thank you, Master."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Well, you don't have to be so polite, just be casual. It seems that we are not used to it."


Li Zhong scratched his head foolishly. If he had to say that this guy is indeed quite talented, at his age he was able to reach the intermediate alchemist level, which is considered extremely talented. There are a few perverts like Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan said to Wanhuangzong, "Master, my qi refining technique has reached the top level. Unexpectedly, after helping him, I really got an opportunity."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Oh? It's really great that there is such a thing. Doesn't it mean that we can refine the magic sword right away?"

"I already have this plan. I don't think it can be delayed any longer. I don't want anything else to happen next."


"Okay, let's prepare in just two days, but we must prepare for everything. After all, refining the magic sword is not a trivial matter."

Now that Lizhongjing has worshiped Ye Qingxuan as his teacher, then don't think about their power here, they will naturally merge with Xuanqingmen.

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan even accepted his apprentice, and it was this kid. They had seen him before. When they saw him for the first time, he was indeed a little arrogant. He was going to challenge Ye Qingxuan when he came up. If he saw Ye Qingxuan's senior pharmacist medal, he would not retreat without a fight.

Ye Wuxuan smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to become Ye Qingxuan's apprentice, so we have all grown up with our seniority." 1.

Chapter 1060 Decided to refine the magic sword

Ye Fengxuan said, "Did you also come from outside this wild place?"

"Ah? It's not that I grew up here in Manhuang."

"So you have your own family here."

"Yes, I am also a relatively outstanding disciple in the family. I came out to set up my own family. This servant has been with me all the time, and he also grew up with me when I was young."

"You guys are quite lucky in "203". You have recognized Ye Qingxuan as your teacher. However, if you call us uncle or something, you are not used to it. I think it is better to call us brothers."

It was indeed a little embarrassing, Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Call it whatever you want."

"Yes, disciple obeys."


The few of them all laughed, and then Ye Qingxuan was going to refine the demon. This was a very difficult task, and Ye Qingxuan knew that it was no small matter.

Wan Huangzong said, "Refining the magic sword is indeed a very dangerous thing, but I am here to protect you, even if I die, I will not let other people interfere."

He who worshiped Ye Qingxuan as his teacher, but he didn't have any evil thoughts or crooked thoughts in his heart. What he admired the most was Ye Qingxuan's alchemy, and he also knew that his master was also very skilled and possessed the ability of double cultivation.

He didn't know that Ye Qingxuan was still a high-level craftsman, but if he knew, he would be even more amazed.

He sat there chatting with Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan and said, "It would be great if I have a double cultivation level like Master."

Kutani smiled and said, "Then I think you should stop dreaming, because there are very few people with such talents, not to mention this wild land, even on the four continents outside. , there are a few people like Wanhuangzong and Ye Qingxuan."

Ye Fengxuan said, "I think there is one more thing you don't know. Your master doesn't have a double cultivation level, he has a triple cultivation level, and he is also a high-level craftsman. Almost everyone here knows it. So you don't know yet."

"Is this true? This is too unbelievable."

"You stinky boy Fauci is very big, can we still lie to you?"

His servant was also very grateful to Ye Qingxuan. Without Ye Qingxuan and his young master, the illness would not have recovered. He didn't expect that he would find the right person this time...

He also knew very well in his heart that if his ability did not reach a certain level, it would be absolutely impossible, which meant that Ye Qingxuan's alchemy skills had reached its peak.

And his spiritual power is also very deep.

After joining here, his alchemy shop naturally became the alchemy shop of Xuanqing Sect. Since he has worshiped under the master's sect, everything he has naturally belongs to the master.

He also knows very well that compared with his master, he is really far behind with such a small thing.

That Zhao Liang has always been immersed in cultivation, he seldom cares about the matters of the blood race, and all matters are handled by the people around him.

Although practicing Heavenly Rank Fenjue did cause him a lot of 0.1 pain, he still persisted.

He is the only one who knows that Ye Qingxuan is also practicing Heavenly Fen Jue, the reason why he knows is that Mo Batian told him.

His subordinates told him that after Devil May Cry went out, he never came back. He didn't know that Devil May Cry was dead, so he thought he was looking for the man in black, didn't he just want to avenge Grandma Wanmian? .

Chapter 1061 Refining Demonic Sword

Ye Qingxuan was in the ancient jade, at this moment he was going to refine the devilish energy in the devil sword, and spread it out instantly, Mo Batian said, "If you really plan to do this, you are not afraid of consuming all your spiritual power. "

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "If you are dying, you don't need to confuse me with your words anymore, it's useless."

Ye Qingxuan pushed forward with his hand, and a powerful spiritual power was poured into the magic sword, instantly producing blue flames. The blue flames were particularly strong, which meant that his ability in Qi training had reached the top level.

This kind of quantified ability is naturally unbearable for the magic sword. Although he is a magic sword, it is only a piece of aura, and it is just that the devil is sealed in him.

Mo Batian, originally didn't want to enter Zhao Liang's body so early, it seems that he has no other way now, at this moment his demon spirit jumped out of the magic sword instantly, but Ye Qingxuan didn't notice it.

The demon spirit left Gu Yu and entered the Blood Race Gate. After the cloud of black energy rushed into the Blood Race Gate at an extremely fast speed, it entered the secret room and entered the body from Zhao Liang's eyebrows with a whoosh. In the next second, Zhao Liang He stood up like a different person, with that kind of smile in his eyes, don't think that he can be killed like this.

Mo Batian stood up, this apprentice of his is quite diligent, he has been practicing all the time, and he is a heaven-level burner.

"Good apprentice, originally I wanted to keep you longer, but I can't help it. That Ye Qingxuan wants to refine the magic sword, so I have to find a carrier."

With the help of Zhao Liang's body, he can cultivate from scratch, and now that Zhao Liang has practiced the Heavenly Fen Jue, it will be easier for him.

He originally wanted to wait until this brat was fully trained before entering his own carrier, but he didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would refine his body before that time, he would definitely take revenge .

The corners of Zhao Liang's eyes reveal a sinister look. He is going to strengthen his power now. As long as he has enough power in the wilderness, and he reaches a certain level of ability in the future, he can rule the whole wilderness.

What this guy thinks seems to be too beautiful, does he know how big this barrenness is?

There is no end to it at all, and the deeper you go, the higher the abilities of those people.

Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power was continuously poured into the magic sword, gradually changing, and it seemed that the magic energy could no longer be sensed.

Until he completely dissipated Mo Batian's body, the magic sword changed, he was no longer that magic sword, he became a purple-gold sword inserted there, without any spiritual power.

And the four great artifacts of Wanhuangzong are also floating in the sky, it seems that Mo Batian has indeed disappeared, otherwise the four great artifacts would not have appeared here.

Long Shou walked towards this side, as well as Ye Qingxuan's contract beast Qingluan.

203 The two of them seemed to be hinting something, but Ye Qingxuan didn't understand, he just stroked the two of them.

Turning around, he left, Gu Yu flew out, and Wan Huangzong said after seeing Ye Qingxuan coming out, "How is it?"

The aura on the magic sword dissipated, the attributes of the magic sword changed and it was no longer a magic sword, and the four artifacts were suspended in the ancient jade.

Wan Huangzong took a deep breath and said, "This guy was finally wiped out by you."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Wanhuangzong and said firmly, "I will leave this to you, master. I will go into the depths of the wilderness next, and contact you after breaking out of my own world.".

Chapter 1062 Zhao Liang's Change

"Why do you have to go out on your own? You can go out as the head of the Xuanqing Sect, but you can take whoever you want. If something happens, our entire Xuanqing Sect can also provide full support."

It made sense for Ye Qingxuan to think about it, he nodded, although it is impossible to leave immediately with such a decision, we must settle everything here before we can talk about it.

Ye Qingxuan ran into Zhao Liang when he was going to his alchemy shop, Zhao Liang saw his eyes were very strange, Ye Qingxuan always felt that this person seemed to be very different from the original one.

Zhao Liang's cold eyes, with a trace of a strange smile, he stopped after seeing Ye Qingxuan.

"It's really a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ye Qingxuan just smiled faintly, he found that this Zhao Liang seemed to be making big strides like before, Zhao Liang rarely talked to him when he saw him.

And they all had a cold face, if they walked over with a cold snort, then they pretended not to see it, now this Zhao Liang actually stopped to greet him, this is too strange.

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "Why did you stop talking to me after you changed your sex? This change is really not small..."

After Ye Qingxuan said this, he didn't say anything to him, turned around and left, Zhao Liang suddenly remembered, after all, he is now the devil, not the Zhao Liang before.

Only then did he realize that there was still a big gap between his own personality and Zhao Liang's. It seemed that he had to ask the people around him what he was like, and he couldn't ask too clearly.

He also turned around and left this place. Although he knew that Ye Qingxuan would be eliminated without a doubt, he still doesn't have that ability. Others don't know how powerful Ye Qingxuan is. He stayed with Ye Qingxuan for so long, why? Maybe not?

How could the fifth level of Heavenly Burning Jue be able to be achieved by ordinary people? Even he might not have been able to cultivate to the fifth level of the Heavenly Fen Jue before.

What to do now is to retreat, continue to practice, and expand the vision of their blood race.

Of course, the disciples of their sect also understand very well that only when the leader is stronger can they gain a foothold in the barren land.

Ye Qingxuan saw that Lizhong was refining the elixir, and he was watching from the side at the moment, this Lizhong was indeed capable.

However, he still had a lot of flaws in the process of refining medicine. When he finished refining the pills, Ye Qingxuan pointed them out for him one by one. with a smile.

Ye Qingxuan said, "¨¨I'm going to the depths of the wilderness."

"I'll go with you, master, so I can also practice and practice."

In fact, Lizhong's cultivation base is not very good, at most it has passed the Xuanshen level.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't refuse him, this time he decided to take Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan, Jiu Gu, and they left together.

The things here are temporarily handed over to his master, Wanhuangzong (Leo's good) and Feiying and the others to take care of the dragon.

That guy Zhao Liang couldn't think of any troubles, after all, Ye Shengtian was also here, so he didn't decide to take Ye Shengtian with him this time.

Ye Shengtian's cultivation is still very high, he can protect Xuanqingmen here.

After he settled all the things in the article, he decided to set off. He didn't say that he would abandon Xuanqingmen, but went to the depths of the wild land as the master of Xuanqingmen.

Might as well make a breakthrough.

Chapter 1063 Passing the Stone Forest

Everything was ready, Feiying and the others sent Ye Qingxuan and the others to leave in person, and Zhao Liang also knew that Ye Qingxuan and the others had left here and entered the depths of the wilderness. This period of time was the best for him, and he could devote himself to cultivation.

Now Zhao Liang doesn't care about anything, the only thing he has to do is to quickly improve his strength, you must know that he is Mobatian no longer Zhao Liang, Zhao Liang's soul is locked in a corner of his body by it, there is no way His soul ability is not as powerful as that of Mo Batian, so Mo Batian occupied his body.

But he knew every move of Moba for 207 days, how could he not know what he did with his body?

Ye Qingxuan and the others have already set off, and soon they left this land and entered the depths of the wild, where there are mountain peaks everywhere, except for these mountain peaks, even other places are made of huge stones , the road ahead, if you want to pass, you must walk back and forth among the cracks in these stones.

You can't see what's in front of you at all, because you can see stones blocking you in front of you at a glance, but the stone gap is very (ccab) spacious, but it's more rugged.

Because the stones are densely packed, every time you walk a road, you need to bypass this stone and turn to the next stone, and this stone is so tall and big that it almost blocks people's entire line of sight.

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