"Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. Every time they come here, they take two children as apprentices."

"However, the place where it appears is different every time. I didn't expect to choose here this time."

The child's mother turned and left, she seemed to be in a daze, what was she thinking about?

I just thought that maybe the child would be more promising in that place, so gradually I didn't feel so sad.

Ye Qingxuan didn't want to tell this lie either, but there was no other way, so he told it anyway.

Chapter 1055 Ye Qingxuan's depression

Ye Qingxuan still blamed himself a little in his heart. If he had killed this Devil May Cry earlier, I am afraid that today's incident would not have happened.

And the lie he told would at least make this woman and the previous woman feel more at ease.

Ye Qingxuan strode back to the Xuanqing Gate, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan knew that something must have happened to "200" with this dejected expression on his face, and the other people sitting here could also see it.

Situ Haoran stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? You looked depressed, did something happen?"

Ye Qingxuan slowly raised his head and said, "Two children died, and it was the fault of Devil May Cry. Unexpectedly, he actually killed two innocent children in order to practice his own magic skills."

"Where is he? We'll get rid of him now."

"He has been killed by me."

"Since the matter has been settled, why are you children downcast?"

Ye Wuxuan came over and said, "That's right, why are you so downcast?"

"I just thought that if I had killed that Devil May Cry earlier, the two children would not have died. When I saw their mothers, I was in great pain, but I still told a lie and lied to them."

Wan Huangzong walked towards this side and said, "There are many things that people can't do anything about, and this matter is not your fault, it's just a white lie."

At this time, Kutani also said, "Yeah, besides, it's not your responsibility to kill him."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's nothing, I'm just feeling emotional for a while."

"There are so many things like this in this world. If you are as emotional as you are, it will be endless. It's better to let go. You have done a good job."

Ye Qingxuan felt right, he finally put away his thoughts and said, "Why are you all so idle."

"We were going to do the mission, but we gave up."

Ye Fengxuan came over and said, "This time the task is too difficult, the simpler tasks have been taken by other people, but I found that we followed them to do the mercenary mission, and actually improved a lot of our abilities .”

When they went on missions with the Flying Eagle Mercenary Group, it was indeed difficult along the way, and when they fought those high-level monsters, their abilities were also improved a lot...

Ye Qingxuan said, "This is not a good way to get promoted."

Ye Qingxuan's Heavenly Level Fenjue has already reached the fifth floor, and there are still half of the tenth floor. His Heavenly Level Fenjue can reach the full level.

Zhao Liang's side is also constantly cultivating, because it is cultivating other levels on the first floor.

He didn't know that Devil May Cry had already been beheaded by Ye Qingxuan, and now he didn't have time to pay attention to those guys.

Every day he hides in his room to practice, but he has been enduring such pain while he is practicing there.

How could Mo Batian here not sense it, he was still very happy, although that guy's 0.1 ability is not as high as Ye Qingxuan, but he is still a good carrier.

It would be a good thing for him to be resurrected with the help of his carrier, as long as there is no need to untie the seal after resurrection.

The only reason he wants the body in this sentence is because his ability is stronger.

As long as that Zhao Liang works harder, he will be happier, and if he reaches a certain level, he can enter the carrier.

Chapter 1056 Strange Disease

Ye Qingxuan went into the ancient jade and continued to practice his qi refining technique. He hoped that the qi refining technique would reach its peak soon, so that he could refine the magic sword.

Every time Ye Qingxuan was practicing Qi training, Mo Batian was anxious, and he could see the devilish energy on the magic sword constantly spreading outward.

But he has nothing to do with Ye Qingxuan, no matter how hard he hits, he can't hit the seal.

Ye Qingxuan found that he was about to reach the top level of the refining master, and he was only short of an opportunity. After this opportunity, he could reach the highest level of Qi training at 22. At this moment, a smile appeared on his face. This time he We must redouble our efforts, one day sooner, we must get rid of this evil spirit.

Today's achievement is considered pretty good, Ye Qingxuan didn't practice the sixth level of Heavenly Burning Jue, but was just waiting for this opportunity.

Get out of the ancient jade and return to your own body.

After the guy who competed with him last time went back, he started to fidget, and he couldn't even sleep well. He didn't expect that a person who looked about his age would be so much better at alchemy than himself, and he was an intermediate alchemist. The pharmacist already thought that he was very talented, but he didn't expect that the opponent was actually a high-level pharmacist.

Thinking about it, he suddenly sat up, because he was very unconvinced, so he actually ran to refine medicine in the middle of the night.

The more restless he was, the more difficult it was for him to calm down, so the refined elixir was not as pure as before. He was very angry and overturned everything in front of him.

At this moment, his eyes were red, his hands were clenched into fists, and he seemed to have entered a state of obsession. This guy was so desperate that he couldn't figure it out, so he became what he is now.

Fortunately, a person broke in suddenly. If he hadn't seen the light in the room, he wouldn't have come in. Then he found out that the young master had become like this and knocked him unconscious with his palm. Otherwise, he was really possessed, then trouble.

He immediately carried the young master to the bed, took out a pill from his arms, and put it in his mouth.

Obviously, this person has had seizures more than once, otherwise he wouldn't be so proficient in taking out the pill from his arms.

After everything was done, he ordered someone to clean it up and restore it to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

The man went out and sat on the roof. The salary is good everywhere, and the talent is also high. It's just that he still can't figure it out in his heart. If something happens to him, he will become what he is now. This time it must be because of that person. Ye Qingxuan is gone.

As soon as the next day dawned, he came to Xuanqing Gate, swayed in front of the gate for several times, stopped when he wanted to go in, and finally made up his mind and walked 200 meters in big strides.

At this time, two people in front of the door stopped him, and he said, "Who are you?"

"I want to ask to see the head of your Xuanqing Sect."

"Wait, I'll go in and report."

That person came back soon, although Ye Qingxuan didn't know who the person who asked to see him was, since he could tell his name, it meant he knew him, so he ordered someone to invite him in.

This also made this person a little surprised, he thought he would be kicked out by Ye Qingxuan, but he didn't expect that he would be invited in, he followed the guard and walked in, and Ye Qingxuan was sitting next to his master Wanhuangzong.

Chapter 1057 Ye Qingxuan's decision

The guard retreated directly, only to see this person kneeling on the ground with a plop, which shocked Ye Qingxuan, even his master Wanhuangzong didn't know what was going on, the two of them were confused .

Ye Qingxuan immediately stepped forward to help him up and said, "What are you doing? Why do you kneel down to us? It seems that I don't know you?"

"I know your Excellency doesn't know me, but I think you should know our young master. He is the intermediate pharmacist who challenged you a while ago."

Ye Qingxuan still had an impression of that person, he said, "I still have an impression of him, does it have anything to do with this matter?"

"I was also forced to beg. The young master suffers from a strange disease. He has been like this since he was a child. Once he can't figure out something, he immediately enters a state of madness. If he didn't stop it in time, I'm afraid he would have already gone mad. .”

Ye Qingxuan looked at Wanhuangzong and said, "Then why did you come to find me?"

"I know that your Excellency is a high-level pharmacist, and there must be a way to suppress this strange disease of the young master. I beg you to save our young master. Even if you risk my life, I am willing to repay you."

Wan Huangzong said, "He is a loyal servant, why don't you go and have a look."

Although Ye Qingxuan is a pharmacist, he is not a doctor, but thinking about his illness, maybe it has something to do with something in his body, so he went to have a look.

This made this guy very happy. He didn't expect that he could invite this senior alchemist. He brought Ye Qingxuan Jike to the son's room and said, "He just took the calming medicine, and he hasn't woken up yet. .”

Ye Qingxuan walked over to exercise his internal energy, and gradually input it into his body.

He sensed the meridians in his body bit by bit, everything was normal, but there was a trace of devilish energy in the dantian, it seemed that the devilish energy really entered the body.

"What's going on? Why is there a tacit understanding in his body?"

"We don't know much about this. It may have something to do with his mother, because his mother is of the vampire, and the blood of the vampire has demonic energy."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "I see, I will give you news after I go back and think about it."

"Thank you very much."

Ye Qingxuan turned to leave him, but stayed in this room, seeing that the sleeping young master hadn't woken up yet, so he stood guard beside him.

When Ye Qingxuan came back, he told his master Wan Huangzong about this matter.

Wan Huangzong said, "¨¨It is indeed a matter of blood, but his blood does not inherit the demonic energy of the blood."

"But there is a trace of demon energy in his dantian, and the magic weapon is not chaotic at all, it is all gathered together."

"There is a way to expel it, and that is to inject all your aura into his dantian, draw that devilish energy out (of it), and use its culture, that is, use your fire spirit spirit .”

"Since there is a solution, let me help him."

"You have to think carefully, if he resists, the devilish energy may enter your body."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "I've thought it over, and I decided to save him."

"Since you have made a decision, then bring him, and I will help you then.".

Chapter 1058 Here Comes the Opportunity

Ye Qingxuan ordered someone to pass the information to him. At this moment, this person said to his young master, "Your illness has finally been cured. Let's go and I will take you there."

This person was still confused because he didn't know what was going on, when his own men brought him to Ye Qingxuan's Xuanqing Gate, he was a little shocked, "What did you bring me here for? "

"Wait until you find out."

Now he saw Ye Qingxuan again, Ye Qingxuan said, "I will help you get rid of the evil energy in your body, you don't have to worry."

"You will help me."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "You should thank your subordinate, he is a good subordinate of the center."

At this moment, he looked at the person next to him in 203. He had watched him grow up, and he was very clear about his goodness.

Ye Qingxuan said to him, "Your talent is indeed good, it can be said that you are one in a million, but later it will depend on whether you have such a strong willpower, it depends entirely on yourself, only you The stronger you are, the better for yourself."

The person next to him said, "My lord, I believe you can do it."

He nodded and said, "I will definitely hold on."

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan brought him into his room, and the two of them sat on the bed. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan injected all his spiritual power into his body, and then entered his dantian, which was indeed very painful one thing.

But this guy's willpower is quite strong. Big drops of sweat fell on his forehead, but he still didn't cry out.

Ye Qingxuan was leading that devilish energy to swim outwards, pulling it out of his body bit by bit.

This made him feel a heart-piercing pain, although it was indeed unbearable.

But he still clenched his teeth, and kept standing stiffly until the devilish energy was drawn out of his body, and he let out a violent scream, and fainted there.

His subordinates were a little worried, and wanted to go in to have a look. At this moment, Wanhuangzong stopped him, and he said, "You can't go in. If you go in, you will kill the two of them." (ccab)

I saw him wandering back and forth here, as if he couldn't wait, but there was no way, he really couldn't go in now.

Ye Qingxuan used his fire spirit spirit to refine this group of demon energy. To Ye Qingxuan, this group of magic weapons was nothing at all, and it was much more difficult than that of Mo Batian.

I saw that the color of this group of black demonic energy gradually changed, from the initial black gradually faded until it disappeared without a trace.

Ye Qingxuan withdrew his kung fu, he also consumed a lot of spiritual power, and at this moment his forehead was dripping with sweat, but there was one thing that shocked him when this opportunity came.

His Qi Refining Technique actually reached the top level, and he instantly felt that the spiritual power in his body was unimpeded.

The corners of Ye Qingxuan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a faint smile, he never thought that this opportunity was here.

Gradually, the guy lying on the bed also woke up. When he came over, the heart-piercing pain just now was indeed unbearable for him, but now he found that there was nothing wrong with him.

Da Zha got up and looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Am I ready?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, that's right, this thing will never happen to you again, and there will be no such devilish energy in your body from now on.

Chapter 1059 Worshiping Ye Qingxuan as a teacher

At this moment, he had a feeling of admiration for Ye Qingxuan again, and he immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have to suffer like this forever."

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