Ye Wuxuan is also very clear about the responsibility that comes with great ability.

Ye Qingxuan could still see the dragon beast and Ye Qingxuan's contract beast Qingluan hovering in the ancient jade.

They were watching Ye Qingxuan quietly there at the moment, and they seemed to know that Ye Qingxuan was enduring great pain.

Ye Qingxuan was about to condense on the fifth level of Heavenly Burning Jue. He had gathered all the burning flames together and slowly pressed them slightly.

Ye Wuxuan said to Wanhuangzong, "Recently, the vampires have been very quiet, nothing happened."

"That Devil May Cry has given up, have you looked for it?"

"This guy can't see him at all, whether he's shooting in the night or how he's doing it, there's really nothing we can do about it."

Wan Huangzong smiled and said, "This is also normal, you must know that Devil May Cry is good at hiding himself."

"That guy looks neither human nor ghost, if Ye Qingxuan didn't get rid of it, it would be considered cheap for him."

There was only a loud roar in the room, the explosive power was really strong enough, and all the doors and windows were shaken open in an instant.

The two stood up instantly, what happened? Ye Qingxuan is in this room.

They quickly walked towards the room, the door had been shattered, and so was the window, so they could see everything inside clearly from the outside, only to see that the room was a mess.

I don't like to sit there, even the clothes on my body are shaken to pieces, looking at his angry look at this moment.

In the next second, Ye Qingxuan stood up and a look of joy appeared on his face. What's going on? This change is probably too big.

Ye Wuxuan said loudly, "What's wrong with you?"

Only then did Ye Qingxuan come back to his senses, seeing the mess in front of him, and the house had been shaken to such a state by himself, he laughed again at this moment.


Ye Wuxuan said to Wanhuangzong, "Is he crazy?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "You are crazy."

"Then what are you doing, you are angry and laugh at one moment, and you made this place like this."


"I have already cultivated to the fifth level of Heavenly Burning Jue. This is the explosive ability of the energy after the cultivation is successful. When it is emitted, I keep spreading my ability to the outside, so the expression is like that. Now The energy release has been completed, and I have recovered."

The Wanhuangzong was really shocked, this disciple of his was really a peerless genius, he had actually cultivated to the fifth level of the Heavenly Fen Jue, and he didn't have any tacit understanding.

He was very happy, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You brat will never disappoint my teacher. With you as my disciple, my life is enough."

Ye Wuxuan didn't know about the Heavenly Level Burn Jue, this was the first time he heard about it from Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 1052

Ye Qingxuan also saw his confusion, so he told him the whole thing.

Ye Wuxuan was shocked when he heard this, and then he started to laugh out loud, as if his stomach hurt a bit from laughing, he said, "Isn't that Mobatian so angry?"

"That guy wanted to use this thing to lure you, and then tried to find a way to include you into their demon clan, but he didn't expect him to be wrong this time."

Ye Qingxuan also said with a smile on his face, "I want to practice as soon as possible to become a Heavenly Fenjue, so as not to confront that Zhao Liang."

"You mean to say that it is very likely that Zhao Liang also practiced this kind of exercise."

"I'm just guessing, but no matter what, I will never let Mo Batian out. If he comes out in his own body, don't worry about it. I'm afraid this barren land will riot for a while."

Wan Huangzong said, "It's better not to say anything about this matter. After you hear it, just pretend you didn't hear it."

"Don't worry, my lord. I won't say anything. Knowing the importance of this matter, I will never reveal anything. I guarantee it with my life."

"I'm just telling you that I don't need any guarantee from you. I know you will never do that."

Since Ye Qingxuan was able to tell him, it means that he has great trust in him, otherwise he would not have told him about it, besides, they are all from the Ye family.

Ye Qingxuan immediately went to change his clothes. Of course, the doors and windows of this house also needed to be repaired.

Ye Wuxuan said, "Just leave this small matter to me."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Are you sure you can do this?"


"I don't know either."


When Ye Fengxuan and the others saw this scene when they came back, they were shocked instantly, and said, "What is this for? Could it be that the house needs to be demolished?"

"It was caused by Ye Qingxuan's practice."

"Brother, you are simply too powerful. How could you make the house look like this just sitting there practicing?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Ye Wuxuan told him to take a break and leave it to him."

Kutani said, "You know how to do this, I really admire you."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't hurry up and come over to help."

They ran away in a hurry, no one paid attention to Ye Wuxuan, Ye Wuxuan stood there watching them run faster than rabbits.

"It's really not righteous."

Ye Wuxuan turned his head and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I suggest you to build a stone room, so that every time there is an explosion, this house will not be blown up like this by you."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "¨¨Your suggestion, I will accept it, but I will leave the rest of the matter to you, I have to go out beforehand."

Just about to call Ye Qingxuan to come over and help him, Ye Qingxuan strode away from him, and looked at the Lord Wanhuangzong, but unexpectedly, Wanhuangzong turned his head and sat there.

He continued to sip his tea, and ignored Ye Wuxuan at all. Ye Wuxuan couldn't possibly drag the monarch with him, he had no choice but to bite the bullet himself.

He said while talking, these guys are not loyal enough at all.

Gui Qi was practicing his magic skills outside. Originally, he didn't want to practice here so soon, but he had no choice but to get revenge, so he found a wild cave and arrested two children.

Drinking the menstrual blood of children to practice their magic attack.

When Ye Qingxuan was walking on the street, he found someone looking for the child there, it seemed that the child had been lost for a long time.

Chapter 1053 Devil May Cry Training Demon Palace

What was going on, I saw the woman crying and looking around, and when she saw a child, she stepped forward to see if it was her child.

Because this is Devil May Cry's first practice of magic skills, only two children are lost.

Seeing two people looking for the child again, Ye Qingxuan felt very strange, how could someone steal the child, or these two children went to play outside the city.

Because this place is very close to the city gate, Ye Qingxuan strode out of the city at this moment, thinking that he might be able to find those two naughty children.

He has searched here for a long time but still can't find any trace, how is this possible? Ye Qingxuan didn't ask the two women, but just searched here silently.

Just as he was walking forward, he found a cave here. After entering the cave for 200 meters, he saw the dead bodies of two children lying there, their menstrual blood had been sucked dry.

He looked around again, but found no trace. It seemed that the perpetrator had already fled.

Ye Qingxuan originally wanted to bring back the two children, but in order not to cause necessary trouble, he did not do so for the time being, he turned around and left.

Just after Bai Cai left here, Devil May Cry appeared in the cave again. He knew that someone was approaching, so he deliberately avoided it just now, but he didn't expect that the person who approached was Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan also found the bodies of these two children (ccab )body.

Thinking about this matter, Ye Qingxuan will never let it go, can he blame him.

Ye Qingxuan would never let it go, he naturally wanted to find out who the murderer was, so when he turned around and left just now, he was just pretending.

When he saw Devil May Cry, he was instantly shocked. It turned out that this guy was a member of the demon clan. Who could cultivate such a demon skill.

"It really is you."

After Devil May Cry heard the sound, he immediately turned his head and saw that Ye Qingxuan hadn't left his own track, which he saw through.

I looked at his devil-crying face, with that sinister look, and saw Ye Qingxuan say, "Smart people usually die early."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Just because you are no match for me, I never thought you would be so cruel and use children to practice."

"In my heart, there is no such thing as cruelty. My demon race has always been like this."

"Then don't blame me for doing justice for the sky."

Ye Qingxuan was wearing white clothes, his hair was half tied up, and a white ribbon was tied behind him.

His handsome face looks so resolute, full of righteousness.

The Qiankun sword appeared in his hand, and Devil May Cry was not polite at this moment.

I saw that the weapons he used were actually two maces, which were also spiritual weapons, and they appeared in his hands instantly when he summoned them.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual weapons he used were so magical.

A sword pierced the sky, and Ye Qingxuan's Qiankun sword exploded forward in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan said loudly, "You will never leave here today."

Ye Qingxuan used the Qiankun sword in his hand, not the water sword that he used that time, so the person in front of him hadn't recognized Ye Qingxuan yet. When he saw Ye Qingxuan's sword moves one after another, he suddenly discovered the familiar sword move. I remembered the masked man from that night.

"That person is actually you."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Why did you recognize me?"

See Devil May Cry standing there, dressed in brown clothes, fluttering with the energy emanating from his body, it can be seen that he is now very angry and the devilish energy around him is getting stronger and stronger.

Chapter 1054 White Lies

At this moment, he was already extremely angry, and Ye Qingxuan could see that his eyes were filled with black devilish energy, and it was obvious that he was about to lose his mind.

"I want to avenge Wan Mian."

Now that Ye Qingxuan is using the first level of Heavenly Burning Jue, he will definitely not let this Devil May Cry rely on his practice.

The last time I wanted to kill him, because his poison was so powerful that many people died because of him, and these people had no fault at all.

Ye Qingxuan roared loudly, "You big devil who kills without blinking an eye, I will take you in today."

Thinking of the painful appearance of those two innocent children and their mother just now, Ye Qingxuan felt even more uncomfortable. The Heavenly Level Fenjue was instantly exposed, and burning flames appeared on his Qiankun Sword instantly.

The Devil May Cry in front of him was instantly shocked, isn't this the devil's technique?

"This is the Heavenly Burning Jue!"

Ye Qingxuan said, "That's right, this is the Heavenly Fen Jue~."

Originally, Devil May Cry was still sure to fight Ye Qingxuan, but when he saw the Heavenly Fen Jue, he was instantly shocked. This is the devil lord's skill, how could he do it.

Seeing his doubts, Ye Qingxuan said, since you are sure to die today, then I will let you understand that this Heavenly Level Burn Jue was given to me by your demon lord, that is, Demon Batian.

"It is absolutely impossible that this is given to you by the devil, and it is impossible for you to reach such a level in a short period of time."

"Impossible. The facts are right in front of you. Now that you know it, let me show you the true power of the Heavenly Fenjue."

This kind of magic attack is not an opponent of Heavenly Fenjue at all, he knows it very well, but now he has no chance to escape.

He took his own weapon to face the blade, and the moment the two weapons were exchanged, the burning energy instantly spread throughout his body.

Devil May Cry felt a burning pain, and his inner strength couldn't resist it.

He pushed hard in an instant and separated from Ye Qingxuan. It was impossible to escape. Before he took two steps, this guy stood there, and finally turned into ashes.

Ye Qingxuan also found a place to bury the two children. He didn't intend to take them back. First, he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. Second, if the two mothers could not find the children, there might be some possibility of birth.

If they knew that the child was dead, he might not even have the courage to live. After doing all this, he turned around and left this place, returning to the city.

····Ask for flowers 0·

When the child's mother came running up and said, "Did you see a child that big?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and decided to tell a lie, "I didn't see it, but I heard that there are people with high cultivation outside, who will take children with better talents out, leave the barren land, and enter their sect. nourish."


At this time, the mother fell into thinking, could it really be like this?

Otherwise, why would his child be gone? Even if he died, he would have to have a corpse.

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