The people who were killed were not only members of the mercenary group. Anyone they asked and made them feel dissatisfied would be beheaded by them, so it was spread in the barren land for a while. , because they all died in the same way, obviously killed by one person, and everyone was black all over when they died.


When Ye Qingxuan, Feiying and the others were looking for these two people, they had already heard such rumors and saw the blackened corpse. Let them kill people directly.

Ye Qingxuan said, "No wonder the master insisted that I kill them."

Ye Wuxuan said, "People like this should die here. I think it's not just us who want to kill them now. I'm afraid other sects are also looking for these two guys."

"We must find these two guys, the people of the Demon Race are so ruthless, it's okay for the Demon Batian to come out." 1.

Chapter 1025 Causes Anger

Ye Qingxuan and the others are here to find the whereabouts of these two people, and they are looking for the magic sword. They have killed a lot of people along the way. At this time, he was stopped by other sects.

"Where did you two go? In this wild place, you actually killed so many of our disciples."

"Hahaha! In a world that respects martial arts, of course whoever has the ability, whoever says "150" is fine."

"The two of you are members of the demon clan. If you dare to ask who is capable, the sand people will use your indiscriminate methods. All of these people died of poisoning."

"So what? We are indeed members of the demon clan, but this is a wild land, anyone can be, don't forget."

"Sect master stop talking nonsense with them, let's take action directly."

It wasn't just this sect that found them all of a sudden, other sects also gathered here, surrounding these two people.

One of them said loudly, "That's the two of them."

"It turned out to be a member of the demon clan, why did you want to kill my disciples?"

Ghost Cry laughed and said, "This hand is on my body, I can kill whoever I want."

These people all looked at them with angry eyes, because these two people were so vicious, and the people they killed were not just one or two. They had already killed dozens of people in a short period of time.

The human mercenary group was also being persecuted by them, and those mercenary groups were no match for these two people at all, so they could only swallow their anger.

One of them, Granny Wanmian, said, "Since you guys still dare to block the flow of the two of us, I think you are impatient."

"Such an arrogant person actually speaks such big words in the wild, then we have to see whether you two are the best or all of us are the best."

"Let the horse come here if you have the ability."

Over there, Zhao Liang was practicing in closed doors. What he was cultivating was the burning pain of the Heavenly Fenjue, which made him a little unbearable, but in order to surpass Ye Qingxuan, he really persisted several times and almost passed out. It was all demons. Batian helped him.

He suddenly sensed a wave of devilish energy during his cultivation. After the devilish energy entered his body, he found that the pain seemed to have eased a lot, so he began to absorb the devilish energy here...

It doesn't matter if he absorbs the magic energy, the happiest person is naturally Mo Batian.

Fen Jue, who cultivated at the heavenly level, actually fell into the devil's way, which means that his cultivation method is exactly the same as that of the demon Batian.

Although Luo Batian was happy, he didn't show it, nor did he make any sound, he just guarded him silently, not the disciple in front of him, but his own body.

Due to the devil energy entering his body, he was about to fly into the air bit by bit. It is obvious that in this state, the Heavenly Fen Jue is about to succeed in cultivation. His cultivation method is far from Ye Qingxuan's. That's right, what Ye Qingxuan practiced is the real Tianji Burning Jue, and the one he cultivated can only be regarded as 0.1 magic attack.

Mo Batian was really happy, he was trapped in the magic sword, only the demon spirit could make a sound, otherwise he really wouldn't have the chance to find a way to escape from the magic sword.

And the people of the two demons on the other side didn't pay attention to the people surrounding them and relied on their strength to deal with the two of them, that was simply impossible.

Chapter 1026 Ye Qingxuan's Detoxification Method

Devil May Cry said, "I've already given you a chance, and you didn't want to retreat. Originally, I wanted to show kindness. Since you don't need my kindness, don't blame me for being rude."

One of them said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, he is a member of the demon clan, and he will definitely not be any better. Together, we will be able to eradicate the two of them."

All of a sudden the bold people rushed up, only to see that Devil May Cry was holding a strange powder in his hand, he flew up into the sky and sprinkled it down, and then landed firmly on the ground. The powder was blown by the wind and scattered on these people's bodies, and in the next second they rolled all over the ground in pain.

"To deal with you disrespectful guys, it is to make you hurt first, and then let you die bit by bit from the pain. Killing you directly is simply cheap for you."

At this time, a disciple ran to Ye Qingxuan's side, panting, "Something happened in front of the sect master, it should be those two people."

After Ye Qingxuan and the others glanced at each other, they walked straight ahead. When they arrived here, they saw Devil May Cry and Grandma Wanmian standing in the middle, the two of them smiled heartily, and the people underground were all affected. Ye Qingxuan could tell that they were poisoned.

Ye Qingxuan also let out a hearty laugh, "Hahaha!"

This laughter attracted the two people, and they turned their heads in an instant, and found that the person in front of them was not very old.

"Stinky boy, why are you giggling here?"

"I'm laughing at the two of you. Is this also called poison?"

"What do you mean by that? Can you be more poisonous than the two of us?"

"Isn't it possible?"

"Hahaha! Brat, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Are you joking with the two of us?"

"Just kidding, do you think I'm joking?"

Ye Qingxuan continued, "As far as the poison you poisoned, I can easily undo it."

After hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, Devil May Cry and Grandma Wanmian immediately focused their eyes on Ye Qingxuan, and looked him up and down. He could really be joking. At his age, even a pharmacist is no better than him. It is impossible to prescribe the poison of the two of them.

"There is a price to be paid for what the brat says, and you are not afraid that you will lose your own life."

"What am I afraid of? People will die sooner or later? Unless they can reach the supreme level of cultivation."

"Hahaha! Then tell me, what do you want?"

Devil May Cry said with a smile, "This little guy is quite interesting, the two of us can play with him."

"Aren't you two unconvinced? I undo their poison, and then poison the two of you. You two are undoing it by yourself. If you can't undo it, you two lose."

As soon as Devil May Cry heard Ye Qingxuan say this, "The smile on his face became even brighter in an instant. He said that you said it yourself, so let's start. Let me see how you detoxify them."

Ye Qingxuan took out a few pills and held them in his hands. He didn't directly feed these people the pills, but turned them into powder with his own internal force.

Then sprinkle it forward, for a moment these people inhaled all the powder into their stomachs, and the next second, their state disappeared instantly, and everyone was alive and well.

Chapter 1027

These people immediately stood up. Some of them still knew Ye Qingxuan, but none of them revealed his identity. After all, these two people didn't know who Ye Qingxuan was, and it was even more impossible for them to know that he was a master of refining medicine.

Ye Qingxuan said, "How is it? I've already detoxified them, now it's my turn to poison you?"

Devil May Cry and Granny Wanmian glanced at each other.

Devil May Cry was a little unbelievable, he walked towards those people directly, the person was a little scared at first, afraid that he would poison himself again, but he just put his finger on his wrist , and then he was sure that the poison was cured, he looked at Granny Wanmian and nodded.

Grandma Wanmian said, "Stinky boy, do you have any talent? If you dare to ask where your teacher came from, you will definitely not have such achievements at your current age."

Ye Wuxuan interrupted and said, "That's because you are short-sighted."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile on his face, "Could it be that the two of you are afraid and dare not let me poison you, it seems that you are nothing more than that."

"Who said that, since what we said, we will definitely do it. Since you are so good, let's start."

These people are watching them here, they don't know what medicine is sold in Ye Qingxuan's gourd, but they know Ye Qingxuan's identity very well, he is definitely not a vicious person.

Ye Qingxuan took out two pills and said, "These two pills are very poisonous, as long as the two of you take them, it will definitely cause unbearable pain all over your body."

I saw Ye Qingxuan directly throwing two pills at these two people with his own internal force. The two of them were also very powerful. They caught the pills with **** and one of them caught one.

They looked at each other, and then swallowed Ye Qingxuan's pill in one gulp. The ghost knight didn't hesitate at all, because he was the body of ten thousand poisons.

Everyone is waiting, they really want to see what kind of power the pill will exert.

Over there, Zhao Liang felt a powerful energy in his body about to explode, and his whole body became red and red.

He felt that he was like a volcano, almost unable to bear it, and was about to erupt.

A powerful energy erupted from his body, and all of his deeply wounded clothes were blown to pieces.

His eyes were filled with black aura, which was obviously possessed by demons.

His state after being enchanted is stronger than Mo Batian's before. After all, he is a member of the blood clan, and he is also an extremely talented person.

Mo Batian let out a hearty laugh, and soon Zhao Liang stood up, and he said to Mo Batian, "¨¨Successful, am I successful?"

"That's right, you have now cultivated to the first level of the first level of the Heavenly Level Burning Jue."

"This means that it won't be long before I can defeat that guy Ye Qingxuan."

"Don't worry, I guarantee you can beat (get Li Zhao) him."

Zhao Liang's face was filled with a joyful smile, not to mention how happy he was, but he didn't realize that he had been possessed.

Since the blood of the people of their blood race does have devilish energy, but the suppressed devilish energy has been suppressed by their blood for a long time, so it cannot erupt at all.

When Devil May Cry and Grandma Wanmian swallowed Ye Qingxuan's elixir, they instantly felt as if there were countless worms on their bodies, as if biting them.

Chapter 1028

The two of them don't know what kind of poison Ye Qingxuan gave them, and there is no way to undo Devil May Cry, which is better, because he will absorb the poison after suffering for a period of time.

But Granny Wanmian can't do it, he must need an antidote, obviously he doesn't have the ability to undo this poison himself.

"Stinky boy, what did you feed the two of us?"

"This is my unique and secret seven-flower and seven-worm poison, how about it?"

"Even if you still have some ability to give us an antidote, we lost."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Give you the antidote, then will you give the antidote when you read others?"

Ye Qingxuan had just finished this sentence, and the others said in line, "Yeah, do you give others the antidote when you poison it?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Untie it if you have the ability, if you don't have the ability, you can only endure it, this poison will not be so fast, even if it kills both of you, just like them, you will be slowly eaten by this bug. "

At this moment, a sect master walked towards this side and said, "Thank you, if it weren't for you, we people might be finished."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I came here to find them. They are members of the demon clan. There are simply too many people killed here, even though this is a wild place."

"You brat, who are you?"

"Ye Qingxuan, the master of Xuanqing Sect."

"Devil May Cry, the two of us were fooled."

At this moment, Devil May Cry took out two ball-shaped objects from his waist, and threw them forward vigorously. For a moment, black smoke lingered here. It was obvious that the black smoke was poisonous. Everyone held their breath immediately. By the time the black smoke dissipated, the two men had long since disappeared without a trace.

Ye Wuxuan said, "They ran away."

Another sect master said, "The two of them have been poisoned, so I can't run very far to chase them, and I have to get rid of them no matter what."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "When you find their whereabouts, send out a signal (ccab) immediately. After all, these two people are dangerous people. They are masters of poisoning. If they use deadly poison, no one will be able to recover." sky."

"Okay, we'll signal."

All the people searched forward in a carpet-like way in this area. These two people were poisoned in the first place, how could they escape with such a great ability?

Devil May Cry took Granny Wanmian and two people to escape desperately forward, he had improved, and he said to Granny Wanmian, "How are you?"

"I never thought that brat just now dared to play tricks on me. It's best not to let me see him again, or I will definitely peel his skin and cram his tendons."

"I've eased up a lot."

"Are you a 10,000-poison physique? Naturally, you can handle it, but I'm different."

"Or let me drink a sip of your blood, maybe I can undo the poison."

Devil May Cry said, "Are you crazy? It's not that I won't give you a drink, but that if you drink my blood, you will surely die. What else is there to detoxify?"

"I really can't bear it anymore. The bite of ten thousand insects makes me want to tear my flesh and blood apart."

The people behind were still looking for them, Devil May Cry had no choice but to carry him on his back, and then fled forward quickly. At this time, he saw the word "blood race" written on the front, so he directly went in without any thinking.

Chapter 1029 Zhao Liang Saves Devil May Cry and Granny Wanmian

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