The magic sword sensed the people of the demon clan, but he can sense the breath of the demon clan. Naturally, he knows who the people of the demon clan will enter? He said, "It seems that some acquaintances are coming, so go out and meet them."

Zhao Liang said, "Acquaintance, how do you know?"

"You will know when you go out, they are my old friends, help them.~"

"Understood, master apprentice - let's do it."

Ever since he practiced the Heavenly Level Burning Jue, he has become more confident in himself, and he has been in awe of the title of Mobatian.

When he came out, he saw two people. Other disciples were blocking them, but they didn't have any killing intent.

One of them shouted loudly, "Who are you, what are you doing breaking into my blood clan?"

Devil May Cry said, "We just want to avoid here, can you please make it easier?"

If these two people say that Zhao Liang and the others have taken them in, he is likely to kill them after he recovers. The two of them can do ungrateful things, but they are loyal to one person. This person is none other than the devil. Overlord.

Zhao Liang said, "Let them come in. If someone really chases here, they won't see anything."

"Also say that I am retreating, and no one will see me."


These two people followed Zhao Liang into the secret room. They looked at Zhao Liang in front of them. They were not familiar with him. Why did he save them? At this moment, both of them could see Zhao Liang It is a person in the blood family.

"What is your purpose in saving the two of us?"

Mo Batian has already seen that he has been poisoned, he can only talk to Zhao Liang now, he said to Zhao Liang, "Tell them I exist."

"I saved you not because of anything else, but because Mo Batian is also my master."

"Boy, are you kidding us? Mobatian has been sealed long ago, we are looking for him, and you actually said he is your master."

"Why would I be joking with you? Isn't that the magic sword you are looking for? He is here with me, and I have already worshiped him as my teacher."

The two of them glanced at each other, but there was really nowhere to go, but the Ye Qingxuan just now and the two of them will definitely find a way to get rid of it, so far, the only way to find a way is to unravel the poison.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Zhao Liang said, "This one seems to be poisoned."

"It was a man named Ye Qingxuan who poisoned me with seven flowers and seven insects."

"My blood can detoxify all kinds of poisons in the world."

As he said that, he directly cut his finger with a knife, and the blood dripped. Granny Wanmian swallowed it directly, and instantly felt that the venom in his body had been removed.


"This is really great. I didn't expect that we are a family. In this case, we have a way to unlock the four spirit weapons of Mo Ba Tian Feng Yin."

Zhao Liang said, "Do you have a solution?"

"If you want to unlock these four spiritual weapons, you must find the Wanhuangzong, because only he knows how to unlock the spiritual weapons."

"Why don't I know, but even if I find him, he won't tell. Besides, with my current level of cultivation, I am no match for Ye Qingxuan at all."

"Since the poison of the two of us has been unraveled, we will definitely find a way to get rid of that Ye Qingxuan. Even if we are not his opponent, we can still poison." 1.

Chapter 1030 Two people enter the blood gate

"Poisoning is probably not acceptable, after all, he is a high-level alchemist."

"What did you say that brat is a high-level alchemist, no wonder he can detoxify those people."

Zhao Liang didn't know what happened just now, he said, "What's going on?"

"The two of us came to this wild place this time to find the "180" and find the magic sword, so that Mo Batian can break the seal."

"When I was inquiring about the whereabouts of the magic sword, suddenly a large group of people besieged us. It may be because the two of us killed their people, which caused their dissatisfaction. I didn't expect this brat to kill us when he came. They played tricks and tricked us into taking this pill to have such symptoms."

Devil May Cry said, "So he is a senior alchemist, no wonder."

Grandma Wanmian was afraid that they were being deceived, so she asked where the magic sword was?

Zhao Liang naturally knew what the two of them meant, so he led the two of them towards the inner secret room. At this time, the outer secret room was inside and there was a magic sword floating there after he opened the secret room.

The devilish energy on the devil sword radiated, although they couldn't talk to the two of them, but the two of them knew that this Zhao Liang must have been approved by Mobatian.

Zhao Liang said, "The two of you are safe here, they will definitely not come after you, so let's avoid here for now, that guy is really not easy to mess with."

"Just because the two of you are members of the demon clan, if it is said that ordinary people drink my blood, they will definitely die."

Although Zhao Liang's blood can detoxify Granny Wanmian's body, not everyone can use his blood. If it weren't for the two of them being members of the demon clan, they would surely die if they used his blood.

Ye Qingxuan and the others couldn't find the whereabouts of those two people after searching for a long time. In this area, only this place was missing, and he was the Blood Race Sect.

Obviously, the disciples of the Blood Race Sect would not let them in easily, so they asked to see their Sect Master outside.

"Our sect master has been in seclusion for many days and hasn't come out for a long time. If that guy is so big and a living person came in, how could we not find it?"

Could it be that those two people have escaped from here and walked towards the depths of the wilderness?

Since they are not allowed to go in and look for them, they don't need to force them, so these people have no choice but to leave here, but once those two people are found by them, they will never stop there, and Ye Qingxuan knows that those two people have not been found and have been poisoned Yes, it can still...

Someone must have hidden them, otherwise it would have been impossible.

However, Ye Qingxuan suspected that the most likely people were members of the Blood Race, and Ye Qingxuan knew very well that the magic sword was in their hands.

Since they couldn't find him for the time being and didn't force their way in, Ye Qingxuan and the others turned around and left, returning to their own hit. Originally, they thought that they could eradicate 0.1 this time, but no one can cure his poison. Bar.

When he returned, his master Wan Huangzong said, "Did you find those two people?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "We found him. When we found him, many people were poisoned by him. I have cured the poison for those people. The two of them were poisoned by me.".

Chapter 1031 So They Are Saved

"I thought I could get rid of the two of them in this way, but I didn't expect the two of them to run away directly. It's obvious that Devil May Cry doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"It's the other one who seems to be unable to bear it. I don't know if they will have a way to interpret it after they leave. These people have been chasing them for a long time but have not found their whereabouts."

"There is only one place that has not been searched, and that is the people from Xue Zongmen who said that they have never seen the two of them. It is impossible for them to leave this place when they are poisoned."

Wan Huangzong turned his back to Ye Qingxuan and the others and said, "It seems that the two of them managed to escape 22."

"One thing you may not know is that Devil May Cry is a body of ten thousand poisons, so the poison will be diluted by him soon."

"One more thing is that Zhao Liang is a member of the blood clan. His blood can detoxify. Ordinary people can't drink it, but the demons can drink it."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then shall we go up to find them?"

"Since you let them hide, you won't be able to find it so easily. You'd better wait for them to come out by themselves."

"Are they going to come out and do something like this again?"

"Probably not for the time being, so don't worry about this matter. The two of them came here this time to find the Demon Sword. I'm afraid they will succeed this time, but it is not so easy to let Mo Batian out. "

Ye Qingxuan knew that without his master's method, they would never be able to release Mo Batian.

Ye Wuxuan said, "It's cheap for those two guys. The two of them kill people without blinking an eye. If they can still be saved like this, they should be eliminated at that time."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I don't want to think about the situation at that time. If I did it directly, the two of them would definitely poison me. Even if I could escape, someone would definitely die at the hands of the two of them. That's why I did it." Thinking of that way, although it is a bit rude, but it doesn't matter if you deal with people like them."

Ye Wuxuan smiled and said, "At that time, I thought you had convulsions. What happened to detoxification and poisoning? I thought you were possessed by something?"

Feiying said, "I told you not to let you go, but you really followed, not afraid of danger at all."

"Don't we also want to do our part? Let's see what those two murderous monsters look like?"

Of course, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan also knew that Feiying said this, not to complain, but for the sake of their safety.

So far they can only wait quietly, and now the happiest person is that Zhao Liang, because he has cultivated into the first level of the Instant Burning Jue, and he has cultivated by using the magic energy, so what else can he do? Something to brag about?

Ye Qingxuan's Heavenly Level Burning Jue has been practiced 180 to become the full level of the fourth level, and that guy is only the first level of the first level.

Besides, if a skill wants to be cultivated to the full level, it is still early, but since he has successfully cultivated the first level, it means that he can directly cultivate the second level.

For the time being, he has no plans to retreat. After all, it may be very turbulent outside during this period of time. It is because of these two people, so he must settle this matter and continue to retreat. He believes that as long as he works hard, sooner or later he will be able to Defeat that Ye Qingxuan.

This Zhao Liang was almost going crazy, he just wanted to defeat Ye Qingxuan no matter what price he paid, anyway, there was devilish energy in his blood.

Chapter 1032 Surprised talent

After so many days, he found that there were people talking about their vampires all the time, obviously they didn't believe them.

He walked out swaggeringly, and it was like this every day. After making those people look and look, he finally gave up. After all, he didn't find any trace of it for so many days. It seems that this blood gate is really not lying.

It lasted for about a month, and these people finally stopped appearing in front of the Blood Gate.

They had already given up. This was a happy thing for Zhao Liang. When he returned to the secret room, the two people said, "How is it? Are those people still watching?"

"They have already given up, but I advise you not to leave here. After all, that Ye Qingxuan is not easy to mess with. He is not only a master of medicine refining, but also a master of weapon refining, and his cultivation is above Haotian level."

Devil May Cry said with a smile, "Stop joking, there are no such talented people in the world."

"You look like I'm joking..."

"So what you said is true."

"To be honest, I thought my own talent was already great, but I didn't expect that this Ye Qingxuan was so much higher than me. If it weren't for the master, I'm afraid I would have no chance at all. Since the master has already given his heavenly level The Fen Jue was passed on to me, and I will definitely defeat that guy."

"What Demon Lord has already taught you the Heavenly Extreme Burning Jue."


"It seems that you are the heir of the Demon Lord."

Zhao Liang just smiled faintly. What he wanted to do was to defeat that Ye Qingxuan. At this moment, Devil May Cry said, "That Ye Qingxuan's talent is so great. Because he hasn't grown up yet, just kill him directly."

"It's not that easy to kill him just by the poison you put in."

"Hahaha! Leave this matter to us. You don't have to worry that I will definitely do it. Don't underestimate my poisonous body."

"I'm just thinking about your safety."

"You may not know, once he swallows my body of ten thousand poisons, he will die without a doubt, so just find a way to make him swallow my blood."

Zhao Liang knew that at this time Devil May Cry was handed over to him, and a bottle was filled with his blood, saying that maybe you will use it in the future.

Zhao Liang put this thing away unceremoniously.

"The two of us will stay here for the time being, and we will find a way to get out after a while, and then get rid of that brat."

Zhao Liangliang nodded and said, "Okay, then it's up to you, but I'm going to practice the Heavenly Burning Jue next."

"You practice yours, we will never interfere with you."

Zhao Liangliang nodded, he walked into the secret room, and then only cultivated the second level according to the Tianji Fen Jue.

The burning ability of the second level of Heavenly Fenjue is more severe than that of the first level, no matter whether you start from the magic path or the real Tianji Fenjue.

This kind of pain has to be experienced, and people who do not practice (get money) from the magic way will suffer even more severe pain. This person refers to Ye Qingxuan, but he has the spirit of blood spirit and firepower These two spirits, in his body, made his meridians very powerful.

As long as it can support pain, its meridians can support Wei.

Ye Qingxuan didn't choose to continue to practice for the time being, because he knew that he had to solve this matter. If those two guys came out during the process of his cultivation, it would be troublesome.

Chapter 1033 Going to a Mercenary Mission

In this part of the wild land, no one should be able to cure their poison.

So Ye Qingxuan didn't practice for the time being, and he was not in a hurry for a while, since the Zijin sword hadn't fallen yet.

He knows that only if these two things can meet the requirements of the mission, can he leave here. Now there is only one Heavenly Burning Judgment, and the purple gold sword has not yet appeared, and there is no clue at all. Even if he has a tracking system, he can The whereabouts of the internal sword have not been traced.

Ye Qingxuan swung his Qiankun Sword and was practicing swordsmanship in his courtyard. At this moment, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan walked in 180.

Ye Wuxuan said, "You are already at the Haotian level, and you still work so hard, how can you let us people live?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "You are different from me. I have my own sect, so I have to support it. If I don't have a certain ability, how can I support it?"

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