"I will be able to do what he can do, so I can do it too."

When Mo Batian said that, he felt better.

After Ye Qingxuan and the others returned to their Qingxuanmen, his master Wanhuangzong said, "It succeeded."

"Although I didn't get the Xingyao Stone, this piece of ancient jade directly took it in, and there is still water from the Jingtan Waterfall."

"You subdued the Jingtan water with ancient jade."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, Wan Huangzong didn't even think about it, he never thought that this ancient jade had such ability.

"Although these two things belong to you, so far the dragon beast will not hand over his Star Shining Stone, and it will be up to you next time."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Do I have to get this Star Shining Stone?"

"Of course not all of this is up to you, you can take it if you want, and don't take it if you don't want to..."

Ye Qingxuan naturally has his own plans, and with his high talent, it doesn't matter whether he wants the Star Shining Stone or not.

As for Zhao Liang from Xuemen, he immediately retreated and practiced hard after returning to his own hit. He just wanted to practice to become a heaven-level burner. The more he was like this, the more excited Mo Batian was. Can use his body now.

Even the disciples of the blood race have rarely been seen recently, but they have calmed down a lot.

Feiying said to Ye Wuxuan, "Why do the disciples of the Blood Race seem to have disappeared all of a sudden? Is it because they know that their strength is not as good as ours?"

Ye Wuxuan said with a smile, "Never mind them, they can do whatever they like, as long as they don't interfere with us."

"0.1 is afraid that they are doing something behind the scenes, which will be bad for us."

A few of them were walking on the street, and Ye Qingxuan was practicing in seclusion, so they didn't bother Ye Qingxuan at all.

A person walked into a small shop, decided to eat something here, and found two disciples of the blood race, but they turned around and left, as if they were afraid of seeing them.

Chapter 1021

Ye Wuxuan said, "No way, even if they lose the contest, they don't need to do this, there must be some conspiracy."

Jiugu next to him also felt very strange, even if he lost to Ye Qingxuan, there was no need to do so.

Several people felt that something was wrong with them, and wanted to follow them to have a look, but after thinking about it, they decided to forget it.

After the two disciples of the Blood Sect left the place, one of them said, "I don't know why the sect master did this. Why did you tell us to avoid them when we saw them? I don't think it's necessary, even if the sect If the Lord loses, it shouldn’t be like this.”

"That's what the sect master ordered. Let's do as the sect master ordered. Maybe the sect master has plans."

The other person nodded, and the two of them disappeared here.

It is precisely because of the sect master's explanation that the disciples of the blood sect really seldom come out to move around.

In this wild land, two more people appeared, one named Devil May Cry, and the other was Wanmian Granny.

The two of them came here also to find the Demon Sword. They wanted to break the seal of the Demon Sword and let Mo Batian out. These two people were none other than Mo Batian's most loyal subordinates.

I saw the Wanmian Granny said, "We have searched all over the four continents, and there is no whereabouts of the magic sword. This time when we come to the wilderness, we must find the magic sword and release it. "

"Mozun, I have been trapped for a long time, and I blame that Wanhuangzong."

"Without the four spiritual artifacts made by Wanhuangzong, how could it be possible to seal them?"

"I think no one has that ability anymore, and our cultivation has improved a lot, so we can release it."

"Although our cultivation has improved a lot, only the Wanhuangzong knows the method to unlock the four great spiritual weapons. As long as he doesn't tell, no one will know."

"Mo Batian will not be willing to be imprisoned in a magic sword. He must have his own plans. Let's find this magic sword first and then talk about it."

These two people arrived in the wild land, they entered a small shop, they got very close to Ye Wuxuan and the others, and they sat next to Ye Wuxuan and the others.

The reason why Wanmian Granny is outside is because of his appearance, no one can recognize him, because he might transform into someone in the next second, and no one has seen what his real face looks like.

Devil May Cry said, "Send all the dishes that you are best at here, hurry up, and don't disturb my nature."

Watching him speak in a strange way, and he really looks like Devil May Cry.

Ye Wuxuan and the others just paid attention, the people at this table did not continue to look at them, after all, there are all kinds of people in this wild place 147.

They left soon after eating here.

As for Devil May Cry and the Wanmian Granny, they sat here and ate quite well, "I never thought the food in this wild place is not bad."

After eating and drinking, the two also left here. On the way, they met the disciples of the Blood Sect. They could sense the magic energy from these people, so they knew that they were the Blood Sect.

Blood races are born with demonic energy within a blood moon, but they are not controlled by this demonic energy, they are very clear about this.

Devil May Cry said, "There are people from the Blood Race here."

Chapter 1022 Poisoning

"What's so strange about this? The most urgent thing is, let's find out the whereabouts of the magic sword as soon as possible."

After Ye Wuxuan and the others returned to the courtyard, Ye Fengxuan said, "Don't you think the two people sitting next to us are very strange? Their looks are too shocking."

"What's so shocking about this, what kind of people are there in this wild place?"

Wan Huangzong came out and said, "How strange is it? You can still discuss it here."

Ye Fengxuan stood up and said, "One looks like Devil May Cry, and the other is very strange. I don't think any mother-in-law has eyes like his."

As soon as Wanhuangzong heard him, he knew who these two people were, and he said, "It's actually them, how could they appear in the wilderness."

"Do you know those two people?"

"They are people from the demon clan, one is Devil May Cry from the demon clan, and the other is Grandma Wanmian who came here. I think they must have come here to find the magic sword."

"So they thought Mo Batian came out, but Mo Batian was sealed, even if he found the magic sword, he might not be able to rescue him."

"These two people are very dangerous missions. I think it's better for you to stay away from them."

"We know it, but we don't do it deliberately, because it's too obvious to make them react."

Situ Haoran said, "Shouldn't these two people be eliminated?"

Wan Huangzong thought for a while and said, "Since they were able to come to the barren land and look for the magic sword, it means that their cultivation base has made a breakthrough. Ordinary people may not be their opponents, and the demons are always ruthless."

In this barren land, no one could recognize the identities of the two of them, except the Wanhuangzong in front of them.

The two of them actually went to those mercenary groups to inquire about the story of Demon Sword, and they didn't know which one they asked, and these people didn't know who these two people were, so their tone was very harsh on them. not good.

This made the devil cry, a little angry, and saw that he beat the man to the ground with one palm, and the man was completely black.

He swallowed his breath in an instant, this shot was too ruthless, and the people next to him stood up a little unconvinced, and he said, "Just because you still want to attack me, I will make you become like him in minutes." Same people."

A master walked towards this side, obviously he was the head of a mercenary regiment, he said, "¨what did he do wrong, let you beat him to death with one blow."

"In this world that respects martial arts, of course whoever is the most powerful is the king."

After saying this, the head of the mercenary group directly attacked him, but he was injured within a few moves after the two confronted each other.

That palm hit his chest, and his skin instantly turned black. Fortunately, he used his spiritual power to seal his meridians in time, but he couldn't last much longer now.

(Get it Zhao)

These people backed away instantly in fright, they didn't expect this person to be so powerful.

"I just want to know the whereabouts of the magic sword, do you know?"

"We have never heard of the magic sword, and the magic sword has never appeared in the wild land."

They thought about what these people said, maybe it was true. The two of them didn't say anything, they turned around and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chapter 1023 Cultivation of the Fourth Level of Heavenly Burning Jue

They immediately assisted the head of the mercenary group. In this situation, they had to go to the senior pharmacist Ye Qingxuan to see if he could do anything, so they carried him to Xuanqingmen immediately.

When they entered the courtyard, Ye Wuxuan was taken aback. What's going on, how did the skin turn into this color? Apparently it was poisoned?

"We want to find Ye Qingxuan and see if he can save his life."

"But Ye Qingxuan is currently practicing in closed doors."

The regiment leader said, "Forget it, there is no way to get out of the retreat, I think this is also my fate."

Wan Huangzong walked over, and he saw at a glance that the poison was the poison of Devil May Cry.

He 147 took out a bottle of elixir from his bosom, handed it to him and said, "One pill a day for three consecutive days can completely remove the poison on the body."

Ye Wuxuan and the others thought about how to forget him. His alchemy skills are also quite brilliant.

After the group leader took the bottle of elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, it really eased up a lot, at least the black aura on his body disappeared.

"Thank you for saving me."

"The person who shot it was Devil May Cry, that guy looks just like Devil May Cry."

"That's right, it's him. He killed another person with this shot. He was inquiring about the whereabouts of the magic sword (ccab), but there has never been a magic sword in the barren land."

"I knew they came here for the Demon Sword. You should stay away from them and try not to offend them. After all, these two people are very poisonous."

"As for the rest of the interpretation, you can stay with you, maybe it will save your life then."

They turned around and left the place, Ye Wuxuan said, "These two people are too vicious, they just killed them."

"People of the Demon Race have always been like this. This is still a trivial matter. You haven't seen their more vicious side."

"Otherwise, why do you think I have to practice the four major spiritual weapons to seal him?"

Jiugu said, "Ye Qingxuan has been in retreat for three days, and there is still no news, but we are used to it, after all, when he was in the academy, he stayed in the cultivation tower for three to four days. "

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan was sitting in the room, his spiritual consciousness was cultivating among the ancient jades, and he had attained the fourth level of Heavenly Burning Jue.

The burning pain became more and more intense. After all, he had already cultivated to the fourth level, and of course the fourth level would be even more intense.

If it weren't for his meridians possessing a powerful snow spirit, he wouldn't be able to withstand the burning pain. It was also because the meridians were strengthened with medicinal baths before, so his meridians were very powerful. Although it was painful, but His meridian can bear it.

Ye Qingxuan's clothes were still soaked, and sweat was dripping from all over his body.

Tianji Fen Jue completed the first level of the fourth level of training, and at this moment he activated one of his own full-level four, the sky will burn, and Jue will be in the full-level state in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan put away his kung fu, and instantly felt that his body was full of energy. It seems that the energy of Burning Jue this day really cannot be underestimated.

In the quiet pool, there was a surge at this moment, Ye Qingxuan knew it was the dragon beast, he walked out from it, when he saw Ye Qingxuan in front of him, he was neither surprised nor startled, just slowly moved towards this side come over.

Ye Qingxuan stood there without moving, and this guy had no intention of hurting Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 1024 Looking for Devil May Cry

Ye Qingxuan said, "I won't hurt you, and I won't do anything to you for your Star Shining Stone, so you don't have to be afraid, it's safe here, no one will bother you."

Longsheng seemed to understand what Ye Qingxuan said, blinked his eyes twice, and slowly squatted down. This huge body, if not for the space of this piece of ancient jade is big enough, it would not be able to accommodate this guy.

He lay there, Ye Qingxuan looked so small in front of his eyes, but he didn't have any intention of hurting Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Do you like this place? If you like it, you can stay here, if you don't like it, I will Send you back to where you came from."

I saw it bent its head on the ground, obviously he likes it here, because it is quieter here, no one will come to him for Xingyaoshi, and he will not fight with those people.

This dragon beast seemed very docile, Ye Qingxuan stroked his nose with his own hand, and said, "Then I'll go out first, and come to see you when I have time."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and left, the dragon beast stood up and got back into the water.

Ye Qingxuan came out of the room, he opened the door and saw that those people sitting in the gazebo were all gathered here, he walked over there, Ye Wuxuan said, "Oh, what are you doing?" It's out."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, "Did anything special happen these days? Why are you all gathered here, even the master is here.~"

Ye Wuxuan said, "If you want to talk about something special, it's nothing and it's not a big deal. First, people from the blood sect rarely come out and walk around. Second, there are two people from the demon clan who appeared in the wilderness, and they are still there. Here - kill people."

"Why do people from the Demon Race appear here?"

"They came to look for the magic sword. They have been inquiring about the way out of the magic sword. A mercenary has died in his hands. The head of a mercenary group came here to ask for help. It was Wan Huangzong who came to save him. , or that guy is not far from death."

Wan Huangzong said, "One of these two people is Devil May Cry from the Demon Race, and the other is Grandma Wanmian. The two of them must be eliminated, so since you have already passed the customs, then find them and eradicate them. , the people of their Demon Race are too harmful."

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qingxuan said, "Okay, leave this matter to me."

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