They are walking the same road, and it is inevitable that they will meet.

Zhao Liang from the Blood Sect said, "This time, it's really up to each person's ability. Whoever can get that kind of thing depends on whose ability is stronger."

Ye Qingxuan just smiled faintly, without saying anything, they stepped forward quickly and "137" was triggered, and neither of them was to be outdone, and soon the two of them rushed to a town together, and it was natural to come to this town Take a break.

After all, it was getting dark, so I found an inn at random and lived in the same inn. It was a coincidence. After entering the town, they were originally separated, but I didn’t expect to live in the same inn again. into the same inn.

Zhao Liang snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards his room.

Coincidentally, they happened to live next door to Ye Qingxuan, but there was no expression on his face. He opened the door and walked in, but the other people around Ye Qingxuan were still facing Zhao Liang. Let who.

After entering the room, Feiying, who was sitting next to Ye Qingxuan, said, "Why is it such a coincidence?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, this continent is facing the sky, he can go wherever he likes, we don't need to pay attention to them."

And in the room next to them, Zhao Liang didn't think of such a coincidence at the moment, no matter where he went, he would meet Ye Qingxuan, they were really close friends.

He brought the magic sword by his side, of course not in his hands, he also has that kind of special space, so he can put the magic sword in the special space, what Mo Batian said at this moment, And only he can hear it.

The last time he practiced the Heavenly Level Fenjue, although he didn't succeed, he had already experienced the pain of the Heavenly Level Fenjue.

If it weren't for Mo Batian's help, he would definitely not be able to hold on. He was thinking that even Ye Qingxuan could hold him up, and he must also hold up to face up to this strong support force, so he let him hold on until the end , although he did not practice successfully, but this is enough, I know God that he will be able to successfully learn the Tianji Burning Jue in a short time.

Mo Batian is quite smart, when he met Ye Qingxuan, he didn't exude any trace of his devilish energy....

Very early the next day, Ye Qingxuan and the others left here, and then Zhao Liang and the others left here. They set off towards their destination one after the other. All forces are gathered in Longya Valley.

This valley is very big, it is not so easy for them to find the dragon beast here, besides, he will not rush out by himself, so he will naturally hide somewhere.

Ye Qingxuan said to Feiying and the others, "You must be careful when entering the valley. Besides the danger in this valley, other people may also be very dangerous."

Feiying nodded. Of course he knew 0.1. After all, the Xingyao Stone he was looking for this time is a treasure, and many people want to get it to improve their abilities.

They entered the valley directly. Just as these people entered the corner, Zhao Liang and the others also arrived here and walked directly into the valley.

This valley is so big, it is really not easy to find a monster here.

Chapter 1016 Changes in the Lake Water

There are not a few people who come here. Of course, all of them have extraordinary strength.

After some people encountered high-level monsters here, they started fighting with them, but Ye Qingxuan and the others were walking forward without encountering any strange things.

Zhao Liang and the others also came towards Ye Qingxuan and the others under the leadership of the Demon Sword, not because they followed Ye Qingxuan, but because the Demon Sword could sense the location of the dragon beast.

"This dragon beast is very powerful. Although I can sense his energy, you need to find out where it is. I can only sense that he emits his powerful energy in this direction. "

Zhao Liang smiled and said, "As long as we know its exact location, it's still very easy for us. It's much better than not even knowing its location and looking here randomly."

Ye Qingxuan and the others really walked in this direction indiscriminately, they didn't even know that the dragon beast was also in this direction. When they reached the end of the road, they were stunned by the scene in front of them, a waterfall flying straight down, which was very magnificent.

Due to the rapid decline of the waterfall, layers of water splashes have been built, and the scene here is like a fairyland on earth. It is really amazing to see the scene here.

Feiying looked at the scene in front of him and said, "This is really a fairyland on earth. Look here, look at this huge pool, there are still a few steps ahead, and there is no ripple on this side."

Ye Qingxuan also felt very strange, how could there be no ripples?

After careful observation, the water of the waterfall flows forward. First, there are huge waves in the front area, but the calmness in the pool behind makes people feel particularly strange.

How is it possible that such a large stream of water flowing down is actually a soaking pond? Is it possible that this tatada can hold so much water? Unless there is any special existence under this pool of water.

Lai's eyes stared there motionless, and still didn't see the slightest movement on the water.

It was Zhao Liang who arrived here last. They, Ye Qingxuan, did not expect that they would also come in this direction. It was obvious that they did not come with Ye Qingxuan and the others.

At this moment, Feiying said loudly, "I really don't understand that some dogs have been following us all the time, and they can't get rid of them no matter how we shake them."

Chen Ziyang, who was standing beside Zhao Liang, said, "Who knows that you are in front, you don't go any way, but you block the way of the uncle, I really admire you."

Mo Batian doesn't say anything now, since they have come here, how to find the dragon beast next is entirely up to them.

Chen Ziyang looked at all the scenes here and said, "The 140 miles is indeed beautiful, but where can I see that dragon beast?"

The closest location to Ye Qingxuan and the others is the place where the waterfall flows downward, and the location where Zhao Liang and the others are now is the location of the quiet pool.

Chen Ziyang said, "You are really strange, there is turmoil over there, but this side is so quiet."

As he spoke, he picked up a stone and threw it into the pool with a plop.

The stone fell, causing ripples in the calm pool of water. They looked here for a long time and found nothing abnormal, but Ye Qingxuan and the others didn't even know that the dragon beast was here.

Chapter 1017 The Power of Dragon Beasts

This is already a dead end, there is no way to go, but at this moment, the originally calm pool water began to roll upwards non-stop.

All eyes were on the rolling waves in the pool, which were getting bigger and higher, which made them a little afraid. At this moment, Zhao Liang and his men quickly retreated, while Ye Qingxuan and the others were already away from that The location is far away, just staring at it.

Feiying said with a frightened expression on his face, "What's going on?"

In the next second, a huge dragon beast came out from the bottom of the water, with its huge body and sharp claws on its limbs.

It seems to be disturbed by something, usually it is obviously the stone that Chen Ziyang threw down. Originally, he was sleeping soundly at the bottom of the pool, and there was no living thing in the whole pool, only himself below but was caught by this stone. Hitting his head, he woke up very angry, and he walked out of the pool in an instant.

After he came to the shore of the pool, the water was still flowing down from his body. At this moment, he opened his **** mouth and let out a long dragon cry.

Someone dared to disturb his rest. At this moment, the dragon beast was very angry, and in an instant, he attacked the person in front of him.

The spiritual energy in their hands flew forward instantly. This is the dragon beast they were looking for. They didn't expect it to appear so soon.

Fei Ying said, "There's nowhere to go if you walk through the iron shoes. It's not a waste of effort. We found this guy so easily."."

The roar of this dragon beast spread throughout the entire valley, and all the forces here heard his roar, startling the birds and beasts in the entire valley.

All powerful people rushed towards this side quickly. When they arrived here, they saw this huge dragon beast chasing Zhao Liang. They Zhao Liang and their sect master belonged to the blood clan.

They all seemed to be watching a joke, and no Yiren stepped forward to help.

This made Zhao Liang very angry, but he also knew very well that if they did not have the strength to obtain the Star Shining Stone, how could they fight against other people.

Zhao Liang is also very smart. He used his blood sword to lure this guy to rush to where those people were, forcing them to help if they didn't help. thrown forward

Dozens of people were thrown away by him at the same time. At this moment, Feiying saw how powerful this guy is. No wonder he is a high-level monster. It seems that it is not so easy for these people to take him down.

Ye Qingxuan and the others have been watching from the sidelines all the time, and they didn't make a move, but the huge dragon beast in front of them is really powerful. Although all of them have high cultivation bases, it is so strenuous to deal with the dragon beast in front of them.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly thought (got it?), if this pool of water enters his ancient jade, and this dragon beast is also taken in by him, is it feasible? Of course, this is just his idea, he doesn't want to kill this dragon beast, after all, it's not easy for him to reach this level of cultivation.

The people in front of me were beaten to pieces by this guy, even Zhao Liang, the head of the Blood Sect, was helpless. Although he started to practice the Heavenly Level Burning Art, he hadn't succeeded in refining it yet.

Chapter 1018 The Function of Ancient Jade

So against such a high-level monster, he is no match at all, and his cultivation is not as high as Ye Qingxuan's.

Ye Qingxuan is almost the same age as him, but Ye Qingxuan's cultivation is higher than his. He is already a very talented person to have such a cultivation at this age.

If I had known that so many people only had one Star Shining Stone, who would get it? Of course, it depends on who has the higher cultivation base and whose strength is stronger. If there is no certain cultivation base, it is not so easy to take this new gem from here, let alone how difficult this dragon beast is to deal with. , the entanglement of other sects is enough for them to deal with.

Ye Qingxuan had such an idea, but he didn't know if he could succeed 143, and at this moment Zhao Liang showed his nirvana. Since he was able to come here, it shows that he still has a certain degree of certainty, and his certainty is the blood race. The panacea brought to him by the people is specially designed to deal with high-level monsters. Once they are blown up on their bodies, they will definitely suffer superficial injuries.

He saw a few ball-like things appearing in his hand instantly, and he threw it forward vigorously, and all these **** exploded on the body of the dragon beast in front of him.

The pain seems to have improved. Although it was only a skin trauma, it was also very painful. The guy threw his tail forward again with all his strength. This time even Zhao Liang was not spared, and he was thrown flying out instantly With a mouthful of blood, it was obvious that he had been injured.

The rest of them are all uncomfortable. You must know that some people's cultivation has reached the Qiankun level above the Haotian level.

It can also be seen that some people's cultivation bases are about to enter the Shenzong level. Although their cultivation bases are indeed very high, they are considered to be the lowest in ability at the same level of cultivation bases, which means that their talents are very weak.

Even after reaching the Shenzong level, it still cannot destroy the dragon beast in front of it.

Feiying said to Ye Qingxuan, "Should we make a move? It seems that guy is going to be unable to hold on. I thought he was so powerful."

In the next second, this dragon beast seems to be going back to the bottom of the pool. After all, he just suffered a skin injury. Obviously, this pool of water can help him heal. Ye Qingxuan has already discovered the clue, and he will never (ccab) let him go back. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's Qiankun sword appeared.

The powerful energy of the snow spirit erupted in an instant, cutting the galaxy with a sword, and falling towards the pool in front of him.

The water surface of the entire pond turned into ice, and the dragon beast couldn't get into the water. At this moment, he looked angrily at Ye Qingxuan and the others behind him.

Ye Qingxuan pulled out his ancient jade in an instant, would it be feasible if he tried it?

The moment the ancient jade was thrown from his hand, it was suspended in the sky above, emitting a strong light, and the entire pool of water disappeared in the next second.

Even the dragon beast in front of him disappeared without a trace, Ye Qingxuan didn't expect his idea to be successful, the pool of water entered his ancient jade, and even the dragon beast disappeared.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan quickly took back his ancient jade. Others didn't know what happened, but he knew that Zhao Liang, his mouth was still stained with blood, and he walked towards this side.

"You just took him in. So many people worked hard together, and you actually want to take it all by yourself."

Before Ye Qingxuan could speak, Feiying said to him at this moment, "Did we hear wrongly? Your efforts are all in vain. That guy will return to the pool soon. If we didn't take action in time, we would have to rely on you." You have already been cleaned up by that guy.".

Chapter 1019 Get the Dragon Beast

What disappeared was not only this pool of water, but even the waterfall that flew straight down disappeared without a trace. At this moment, there were only two huge pits and the cliff wall in front of them.

And the others didn't dare to say anything at all. After all, Ye Qingxuan was a high-level pharmacist and a high-level weapon refiner, who would dare to offend such a person.

What's more, they got it by their own strength. When they thought they could get this Xingyao, they didn't expect that the power of the dragon and beast was so strong that they couldn't even get close. If Ye Qingxuan hadn't made a timely move, these people would have already My life hangs by a thread~.

So except for Zhao Liang who said that Ye Qingxuan swallowed it alone, no one else said this. They also knew that such a thing had no chance for them at this moment, so everyone was going to leave here, and some people even said respectfully to Ye Qingxuan , "Thank you for your life-saving grace."

Knowing that Ye Qingxuan didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, it was this dragon beast that beat them, and he was powerless to fight back. Just look at Zhao Liang's miserable state, the blood stains on the corner of his mouth are still there, he was actually injured internally, but At such a critical juncture, Demon Sword did not appear, because Demon Sword knew that once he appeared here, his new carrier might also be in trouble.

Demon Sword neither made a move to help nor said a word, and he just kept silent now.

Zhao Liang didn't expect other people to have such an attitude, their booing had no effect at all, and now that he was injured, he was not injured and was not Ye Qingxuan's opponent, let alone injured.

He was also very angry. Although the people around him wanted to take it back, what exactly was that piece of ancient jade in his hand? Why was it all sucked in?

Ye Qingxuan and the others left here swaggeringly, Zhao Liang was also very helpless, not long after Ye Qingxuan and the others left here, they were also about to leave, at this moment Zhao Liang said, "Why didn't you take action?"

"Of course I can't make a move. Besides, if I make a move, I have to pay for it on your body. When the time comes, the devilish energy in your body will explode instantly. Think about it, can you still gain a foothold in this wild place?"

He knew that if the demon energy on his body erupted, he really couldn't gain a foothold here, and the other major sects would definitely find a way to get rid of him, so he didn't say anything, and they had no choice but to leave here.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Speaking of the dragon beast in the ancient jade, he has no way to take out the things there, and his blood can only release the magic sword, and it has no other effect at all.

The reason why his blood is very useful for sharpening swords is also because the blood of blood clansmen also has devilish energy, which is inherent in them.


Feiying laughed loudly and said, "I just saw that guy Zhao Liang's face, and I couldn't help but want to laugh for a moment."

At this moment, Ye Shengtian said, "What is this thing? Why did he **** all those things in? It's a waterfall and a pool of water."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and said to him, "Master gave it to me. He is a piece of ancient jade with powerful energy."

Ye Shengtian could understand what Ye Qingxuan said, so he nodded.

They were very calm along the way, and no one dared to rob them. It's not like they don't know Ye Qingxuan's strength. Action one.

Chapter 1020 The Silent Blood Gate

Zhao Liang from the Blood Sect was very angry, "He actually got the upper hand."

Mo Batian said to him, "Why are you panicking? He just sucked that thing into his ancient jade. As for whether he can get Xingyao, that's another matter. I really think that dragon beast is so easy to deal with." Is it?"

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that he took away the pool of Jingtan water and the "one four three" dragon beast, can't he still get it?"

"The waterfalls and pools in Longya Valley are still and moving, they are extraordinary treasures. Otherwise, what do you think the dragon beast is doing there?"

"But so what if Ye Qingxuan gets it, it's not necessarily that he will subdue that dragon beast, and maybe he will be attacked by that guy, so this is not something to be happy about. What do you have to be angry about? "

Mo Batian continued, "If it weren't for my inability to reveal my devilish energy, I would have helped you a long time ago. There is no way, because now you are too weak and I am too weak."

"As long as you can practice Burning Jue as I said, then you can fight against him. It's not that you haven't seen how strong his talent is. Most of it is because of practicing my natural enemies and bracken. degree."

"Although it is indeed very painful, as long as you can persist, there is absolutely no problem. You must know that he will also endure such pain when he is practicing Tianyan Jue, so unless you admit that you are not as strong as him."

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