He looked left and right, but he didn't find the magic dragon. At this moment, she looked at the ancient jade in her hand. Could it be that the sound came from it?

"Hahaha, you guessed it right, the sound is indeed coming from this piece of jade, as long as you drop a drop of your own blood on this piece of jade, I will show your speed, you must be fast, otherwise the piece of jade If the jade is taken back, you will not have such a chance.

Mo Batian knew very well that once Ye Qingxuan found out that the jade had fallen, Wan Huangzong would immediately use his ability to take the jade back. It could also be said that the jade would return to him in an instant, because Wan Huangzong would immediately use his ability to take the jade back. Huangzong is the master of this piece of jade.

At this moment, Zhao Liang didn't seem to be thinking about anything, he directly bit his finger, a drop of blood dripped in the feeding, and instantly a sword flew out and stuck on the ground.

He picked up the sword and left, and the piece of jade disappeared in an instant. It seemed that it was exactly what the magic sword said.

At this moment, after the magic sword got rid of the control of that ancient jade, although he can't be like before, at least he can still talk to the person in front of him.

"Have you thought about it clearly? Do you know why Ye Qingxuan is so powerful? It's because you practiced my skills. I don't think your talent is worse than him. As long as you are willing to do what I say, you are guaranteed to be better than him." Still great."

Zhao Liang thought for a while and said, "But why did you do this? What good does it do you for me to practice this exercise? Why do you come to help me for no reason? I don't believe there will be such a free and cheap person in the world. matter...."

"Hahaha, you are really smart, and you are very considerate. I can tell you that I just want to have an apprentice. I hope that my apprentice will be very talented. But I fell in love with you right away, and I think you are very talented. Suitable."

"Did that Ye Qingxuan not promise you?"

"You also know that any demons of the blood race are not welcome by them"

"Do I need to tell you this? You should also be able to sense that I am a member of the Demon Race."

Zhao Liang thought for 0.1 that he was defeated by that Ye Qingxuan, and he was indeed a little unconvinced. He said, "Well, then I will worship you as my teacher."

I saw that he immediately paid homage to Mo Batian in this magic sword, he was very excited, and another one was deceived by his rhetoric.

"Be good, good apprentice, I will never treat you badly."

Appeared in front of him in the next second, a book of exercises, this book of exercises is none other than Heavenly Level Fenjue.

Chapter 1011

Zhao Liang went up to pick up the exercise book, and saw the words above opened the content of the exercise, he was shocked instantly, this exercise is really strange, and he also saw that it said If you want to practice this skill, you must receive a powerful burning formula.

Zhao Liang looked at the magic sword in front of him and said, "What's the meaning of this?"

"This exercise is very powerful, but if you really want to achieve that ability, you will have to endure a lot of pain. You also know that power is hard-won."

"But I know that this kind of pain is often unbearable for 22 people. I can see that your meridians are very strong, but with my help, you will become even stronger. When the time comes to practice this exercise, I will help you You helped me."

Zhao Liang thought for a while and said, "Master, you have already practiced well, why are you still imprisoned here?"

"Hey! I was also murdered by a traitor. Although I have practiced to the fifth episode, I haven't practiced the rest. If I hadn't been murdered by a traitor, I wouldn't have been trapped here. But in the future, if you can practice well, you will definitely come out as a teacher."

This Demon Overlord, he didn't say that he is the Demon Lord of the Demon Race.

He didn't say that he was sealed here, and every word he said was deceiving his eyes. This person who doesn't know anything, although his intentions are not right.

He knows that Ye Qingxuan is actually his best carrier, there is no way, he really has no way to seduce that young man, not to mention he has worshiped Wanhuangzong as his teacher, so Wanhuangzong will never let him be harmed by him What's more, he was sealed here by the four magic weapons of Wanhuangzong.

When Ye Qingxuan discovered that the ancient jade had disappeared, Wanhuangzong recalled this piece of jade. This piece of jade appeared to his chief the next second, and Ye Qingxuan and his spiritual consciousness entered the ancient jade at the same time.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Too bad, the magic sword disappeared."

Wanhuangzong also saw that the magic sword had indeed disappeared. It seemed that someone had let him out, but he also knew very well that no one could release him except the blood clan, because the blood of the blood clan people has devil energy, so once dripped On top of this ancient jade, let Mo Batian fly out directly with this ability.

"It seems that the people of the blood clan let him out. They must have picked up your jade when they lost it, so he confuses the people of the blood clan and asked them to drip blood on this ancient jade. can get out of here."

Ye Qingxuan said, "The people of the blood clan must be that Zhao Liang. Only he has this ability. It seems that there are no people of the blood clan among his disciples here."

"I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to handle. Then Mobatian finally found a carrier and was destroyed by the two of us. Then this carrier will be more beneficial to him, and he has already left Guyu 130 , It’s not that easy to bring him in again.”

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "But didn't I bring him in easily last time?"

"Last time it was because he was willing to come with you. Think about it, the carrier he wanted was you, so he came here willingly with you. Now he has given up on you as the carrier and chose the blood race Zhao Liang wants to come and you want to bring him back, it's not that easy."

"Then how proud can we be, can we find a way to stop that guy?"

"You can give it a try, but I don't know if it will succeed.".

Chapter 1012 Inducing Zhao Liang

Ye Qingxuan felt that he had to do his best, even though that guy had asked him to come over to discuss, but he didn't do much, even though he was a member of the blood clan, in this barren land, no matter where you are, as long as you have Ability is enough, the only thing is not to be bloodthirsty.

He could tell that the guy named Zhao Liang was indeed not a bloodthirsty person.

So he went directly to the door to visit him. When he came to the Blood Gate, a disciple walked up and worshiped with both hands, "I would like to report that the door master, Ye Qingxuan, came to visit."

"What is he doing here? Please come in, I want to see what kind of medicine he sells in the restaurant."

Ye Qingxuan came in with a smile on his face, and he still has the courtesy to welcome guests.

At this moment Ye Qingxuan said, "Since I'm here, I'll get straight to the point."

"Oh, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"I know that my ancient jade fell to the ground, you picked it up, and used your blood to release the magic sword in the ancient jade, but you don't know that this magic sword can be bewitching, so don't use it When the time comes, it becomes his carrier'. "

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know about ancient jade or blood. I think you made a mistake."

Ye Qingxuan smiled faintly, "I have already brought the words, as for whether this day will be up to you, I will take my leave."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and strode away, the voice of the magic sword came into his ears again, "He has tasted the sweetness and wants you to give up, once you don't practice, this kind of skill will never surpass him, Don't you realize the powerful energy of his exercises?"

"I just want to know if he really devoured the soul of the fire spirit and the soul of the snow spirit?"

"That's right, since you've seen that it's all real, but don't think about it, the simultaneous swallowing of the snow spirit spirit and fire spirit soul will definitely kill you."

"Can't I do what he can do?"

"Of course not, it's just that you don't know it. His master is the famous Wanhuangzong. I think you must have heard of this. Wanhuangzong once devoured the soul of the fire spirit. Think about his Can the apprentice not do it?"

"But isn't his apprentice Lin Feng? Why did he become him again?"

"There are still many things you don't know. The current Lin Feng is long gone, and he has long been eliminated by him for deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors."

"¨¨Killing one's own apprentice with one's own hands is a bit too ruthless."

"Hahaha! I was helpless at the time, I was trapped here, I couldn't get out, but he refused to listen to me and killed him, maybe because he had a bigger That Lin Feng's better apprentice."

I have to admire this Mobatian, he can really tell the truth, obviously such a thing completely changed him, in his mouth, both Ye Qingxuan and Wanhuang (good) Zong have changed. Become a heinous villain.

"Since you have accepted me as your teacher, you can start practicing Heavenly Fenjue. I will help you when the time comes."

This Mobatian is quite anxious, but his attitude towards Lin Feng is completely different. Lin Feng has to absorb other people's spiritual power for his own cultivation, but he seems to like this guy in front of him very much. Second to Ye Qingxuan, he is also very satisfied.

Chapter 1013 No way

After Ye Qingxuan came back, there was no expression on his face. At this moment, Wanhuangzong said, "I told you that you went for nothing. Now you should believe it."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at his master, and said, "At least, I have tried my best."

Ye Qingxuan actually wanted to bring back the magic sword blatantly, but if that guy hid it intentionally, he would have no choice but to wait for him to reveal himself.

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others are developing quite well here. They are practicing the exercises Ye Qingxuan gave them every day, and they are also very handy in this Qingxuan sect.

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others walked in and saw Ye Qingxuan and Ye Qingxuan's master. The two were discussing at 130. At this moment, Ye Wuxuan said, "Did we come at a bad time?"

Wan Huangzong said, "What's the wrong time? Aren't we all a family? Come in, it's nothing to do, it's just a matter of discussing the Blood Sect."

A few of them sat down, and at this moment Jiugu said, "The Blood Gate has suddenly become quieter, and they have rarely seen each other recently, and their behavior on the street seems to have restrained a lot, it seems that Ye Qingxuan still has a lot of opportunities to defeat him." effective."

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "Perhaps the peace during this period of time will usher in a crazy (ccab) storm."

"Could it be that they can make waves?"

"It's hard to say, you also know the long-lost magic sword, and now he has appeared."

Ye Fengxuan stepped forward and said, "Didn't you say that the senior Wanhuangzong wants to refine the magic sword?"

Ye Qingxuan stood up and said, "That's just Lin Feng's one-sided opinion. You must know that the master, the old man, had already been beheaded by his apprentice Lin Feng at that time. How could he come out to refine it?"

"What, he can do such a thing as bullying the master and destroying the ancestors, this Lin Feng really deserves to die."

"He is dead, but it is not so easy to refine this magic sword. First, the level of the refining master must reach the top level. If you have not reached this strength, it is not so easy to refine that magic sword , you must know that the carrier in that sword is Mobatian."

All of them know that Mo Batian is sealed in the magic sword. Even if it is sealed, the magic sword still exudes a powerful demonic energy, and he can still come out to make trouble, which is enough to prove how powerful this Mo Batian is. powerful.

"Then what should I do?"

Wan Huangzong thought for a while and said, "So far there is no better way, but to wait."

"Although we know that the magic sword is at the Blood Gate, we don't have any evidence."

"Why don't we just rush up and **** it back?"

Situ Haoran said, "You think too simply. If it was possible to do this, Ye Qingxuan would have done it a long time ago. It is obviously impossible. Since the magic sword is in their hands, how could he put it in the open."

The wild land is so vast, Ye Qingxuan is not the only sect established, there are many of them and the Blood sect, and there are also many powerful sects.

Even they knew that Mo Batian in the Demon Sword should be eliminated, but with Ye Qingxuan and the others talking in plain language, who would believe it? So far, all they can do is wait.

Of course, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan will never tell this matter, so far this is still an extremely hidden matter, after all, no one knows that the magic sword will appear in the wild.

Chapter 1014 Looking for the Star Shining Stone

The fact that Ye Qingxuan established this sect is so famous, one is because of its cultivation, and the other is because it is both a master of refining equipment and a master of refining medicine. It can be said that anyone who knows his identity in the whole wilderness respects him. Very respectful, his current status is exactly the same as that of his master back then.

Of course, there will be people coming to visit one after another, bringing some congratulatory gifts, and naturally there will be people begging him to do something.

Recently, there have been rumors of Xingyao in the wild land and it has appeared again.

The news had already spread throughout the barren land, all the forces were ready to move, and they all set out for Longya Valley in the barren land.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan and the others are also preparing to leave here, and the Blood Gate who is in the same place as them, they are also such a treasure, no one wants to get it.

He is on the body of a dragon beast, and the body of the dragon beast has a powerful star shining stone.

It is said that swallowing this Star Shining Stone can instantly advance a person's cultivation to a higher stage.

Who wouldn't want such a treasure? Ye Wuxuan said, "Unexpectedly, there are such monsters in the wild land, this can be regarded as one of his magic cores~"

Ye Qingxuan said, "As far as I know, this monster is very rare, and it can be said that it only appears once in a hundred years."

No wonder these guys are all heading for that place like crazy, just look at so many people along the way.

His master Wan Huangzong stayed in the gate, and Ye Qingxuan took these people to look for Xingyaoshi directly.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking, in fact, what would be the use of this star if he wanted it, because his cultivation speed is very fast.

But it's not a bad thing to get him, maybe I can't use it, but other people can use it.

Besides, this is also the entrustment of the master, the master asked him to bring back this star shining stone, maybe the old man really has some use for the master.

Ye Qingxuan only brought a few able-bodied people with him and went with him. Of course, his life was in danger this time. After all, with so many people vying for it, there must be casualties.

Besides, as far as Ye Qingxuan knows, the ability of this monster is very powerful, not to mention competing with other people, even if you want to take that stone off his body, it will not be so easy. First of all, you have to Beheading this monster, otherwise, if you want to take out that piece of Xingyao, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

····Ask for flowers 0·

He was originally a very special monster, so Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan naturally didn't follow him this time, because they knew very well that their cultivation was very weak. This time, Ye Shengtian and several other masters followed Ye Qingxuan.

Since he established his own sect, many masters have joined. They are all aimed at Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan is a master of refining weapons and medicine, so naturally many people are willing to serve him willingly.


The current Ye Shengtian is not the same as before, he has almost broken away from the form of a beast.

And he also speaks a fluent language, no one can tell that he is the previous orc.

Along the way, he followed Ye Qingxuan closely, without saying a word of nonsense, he was a guy who seldom likes to talk, and he would only answer when others asked him.

The people around them have already gotten used to it. Although he doesn't like to talk, he is very capable, especially his speed and his sense of hearing.

Chapter 1015 Reaching Longya Valley

Zhao Liang from Blood Sect also left here with Ye Qingxuan and the others.

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