After hearing Jiu Gu's words, Situ Haoran jumped up for a moment, and he said, "You are not kidding me, are you?"

"Of course I'm not joking with you. What I said is true. Maybe there is one under my feet."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Situ Haoran felt that there seemed to be something under his feet. After he moved his feet away, he found that it was indeed a drumstick.

"It turns out that what you said is really true. So there are many Xuanshen-level people who can't enter the Wilderness."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I think it's very likely that these people's cultivation base has not reached the level of Xuanshen at all. They also want to come to the barren land and join in the fun in this place. Unless you are a local, otherwise you want to enter here , unless the cultivation base reaches the Xuanshen level, and there is another point that even if the locals are not cultivated at the Xuanshen level, they will not be able to get out."

"Oh! What a strange place, but even if this place is like this, there are still many people trying to come here. I really don't know what is so special about this wild place..."

In fact, Ye Qingxuan could reach the wild land very quickly, but for the sake of them, so he could only follow their progress.

I probably followed them in the desert outside the wild land for two days and two nights. At this moment, I can see that the lips of each of them are a little chapped. Only Ye Qingxuan is different. Although they brought water, it didn't seem to have any effect.

Finally saw this oasis dragon, at this moment Ye Wuxuan took a breath and said, "Finally passed that desert area, it seems that I have to work harder and continue to practice hard, my cultivation base is really too weak 0.1 gone."

Jiu Gu and the others came to Xuanqing Gate under the leadership of Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan and the others had just entered. When the disciples saw Ye Qingxuan's figure, they were very respectful immediately. The scale and momentum were bigger than Ye's family.

All the disciples were very respectful, which shocked Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan had shocked expressions on their faces.

Chapter 1006 Introducing the Ten Thousand Emperors

After Ye Qingxuan led them in, there was a majestic person sitting on the stool. Ye Qingxuan saw that this person was very public, which made Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan inexplicably surprised, why would he be so respectful to this person in front of him?

But they are also very polite. After all, Ye Qingxuan is very respectful to him, which means that this person is by no means a simple person. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan turned around and said, this is a disciple of our Ye family.

"This is Jiu Gu from Jiutianmen, and the other is Situ 22 Haoran from the Situ family. We are all disciples of the same academy."

Ye Qingxuan said to these people again, "He is the Wanhuangzong and my master."

Ye Wuxuan stepped forward and said cautiously, "Isn't Wanhuangzong Lin Feng's master? Besides, he doesn't seem to be so young. Although he looks very similar, there are still some gaps."

Situ Haoran said, "It seems to be true, have you seen it?"

"I've only seen his portrait. There is still some gap with the portrait, but the appearance is very similar."

He didn't say that much, Wan Huangzong said, "Has everything been resolved this time?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Originally, I just went back to take a look this time, but I didn't expect to find that the Bai family was attacking the Ye family. So far, this matter has been completely resolved, and there is no possibility of the Bai family turning over again."

At this time, Ye Wuxuan said, "Ye Qingxuan, how you recognized Wanhuangzong as your master is simply too shocking."

"It must be a kind of fate in the dark."

Lei Hu and the others rushed back immediately when they heard the news of Ye Qingxuan's return. As soon as they walked in, they saw that the place was very lively, but they still respectfully participated in the construction of the Wanhuangzong. After all, Wenhuangzong was Ye Qingxuan's master, and Ye Qingxuan is now He is also the head of the Xuanqing Sect.

After all the greetings were over, Lei Hu immediately walked over and said happily, "You're back, I miss you so much."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "Why are you so disgusting, and besides, I'm back, too? It won't be long."

"By the way, let me introduce you, these are the children of our Ye family, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan."

"This is Leihu, and that is Feiying..."

After all the introductions, they naturally want to get acquainted with each other. In fact, Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others were on this road, and they heard Ye Qingxuan and the others mention the Flying Eagle Gang and the members of the Flying Eagle Gang.

Now I have entered this wild land again, a man with a big heart, this person is none other than Zhao Liang, a man of the blood clan, this man is young and promising, and his ability is also very powerful, because he has been very talented since he was a child, so he was received by others. The attention of the blood clan.

It was only after breaking through the cultivation base that he came to 123 to this wild land. Those who have experienced it will naturally raise their own power here. His speed is quite fast, much faster than Ye Qingxuan's. He has been here for about half a year Left and right, I have already established their blood clan door here.

It can also be said that they became powerful all of a sudden. This guy was wearing a dark red dress and his long hair was half tied up.

A pair of red phoenix eyes and a high nose bridge looks quite handsome, but it reveals the evil spirit of the vampire.

At this moment, a disciple reported that they had completely reported the matter of the blood clan to Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan didn't care too much about them.

Chapter 1007 Blood Gate's Greeting Note

I feel that there are many forces in the wilderness, and they are all busy with their own affairs, no one interferes with each other, and this wilderness is so big, even if major forces gather here, there is enough space for them to sing and fight.

But Ye Qingxuan is indeed a very ordinary existence here, after all, he is a master of refining equipment and refining medicine.

So not only did they receive top-level assistance from the alchemist union, but even the master craftsmen's union did the same.

This time Ye Qingxuan brought people from his own family here. When he saw Wanhuangzong for the first time, he directly called him Master, and admitted that he was Wanhuangzong.

This made Wan Huangzong even more moved. He never thought that he would receive such an apprentice, and thought that he would never accept another apprentice in his life except Lin Feng.

I didn't expect that I was still blind at the beginning. Now it seems that not everyone is like Lin Feng. Ye Qingxuan is a thousand miles away from him. .

For a period of time, they lived in peace here, and the rising blood clan was indeed quite powerful, Ye Qingxuan also felt it, the moment they appeared in uniform, walking back and forth on the street, Ye Qingxuan could sense it .

It is true that martial arts are respected here, but the people of their blood clan seem to be going too far, relying on their own power here, they are rampant everywhere.

At this moment, Lei Hu returned to the yard angrily and said, "I'm so mad, this vampire is too bullying, and he is so overbearing."

Qiao Ye Qingxuan and Ye Wuxuan walked towards this side, Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "What's wrong? Who made you so angry?"

Who else is a member of the blood clan? They deceived others too much, "They actually said that we are nothing."

Ye Qingxuan didn't pay much attention to it at first, but at this time, the defeated iron of the blood clan unexpectedly came up.

At this time, a disciple came in and said, "After the blood clan sent this post in, they left here very proudly."

Ye Qingxuan took this post, and there was actually a challenge letter on it, where is the main body, it was actually the person who founded the blood clan who wanted to challenge him.

"I heard that you are very talented, but I am very unconvinced, so I want to compete with you. If you are willing to accept us, we will compete openly. If you refuse to accept, it means that you are a shrinking turtle." , It’s all fake, the rumors are all fake.”

The person who wrote this letter is none other than Zhao Liang. He sent a letter of challenge in the form of a letter of invitation. This guy is quite smart, but Ye Qingxuan also feels that it is time to poke their spirits. If that is the case, then it is so decided , he said to the person next to him, "¨Go send them a reply and tell them I accept."

"What's written on the door master's post?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Don't write anything, just give them an empty post."

"Yes! Sect Master." (Get Zhao)

Lei Hu said, "You have accepted his challenge."

"Don't you all think his arrogance is too arrogant? Then let's put out the fire for them, wouldn't that be great?"

"Okay! It's really good."

The magic sword in Ye Qingxuan's ancient jade has sensed it. After all, Wan Huangzhong is no longer here, so no one knows his movements. He knows that the blood of the blood clan guy can be opened, and this ancient jade may have a chance to go out.

Chapter 1008 Arrived as promised

In fact, he had a way to release the magic sword, but he couldn't get in, because only Ye Qingxuan and Wanhuangzong could get in this ancient jade.

This opportunity depends on Mo Batian, he grasps his current carrier Lin Feng has already been eliminated by Ye Qingxuan, so he seizes this opportunity, if he can get Zhao Liang's carrier, it will be quite good, besides That guy's talent is much better than that of Lin Feng.

Now that the time has been agreed upon, then Ye Qingxuan just waits for the time to change.

When Zhao Liang received the reply, he was also shocked. There was not a single word on the 127 words in this post, which meant that the person on the other side was mocking him.

Very angrily, he rolled this post into a ball and threw it on the ground. He didn't say anything. Only his own strength can prove everything, so no matter how angry he is now, it will have no effect.

Soon Ye Qingxuan and their people were already waiting at the place they agreed on.

And this person finally met Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan has never met him, of course he has never met Ye Qingxuan, but he knows that there is a very talented person here, and the sect he created is Xuanqingmen .

Ye Qingxuan watched him walk towards him with a smirk on his face, and said, "You are Ye Qingxuan."

"That's right, you are the rumored head of the Blood Sect."

I saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the evil smile on his face at this moment, he knew that this guy was not a good guy. Looking at Ye Wuxuan Ye Fengxuan's expression, his eyes were like seeing an enemy.

Both Lei Hu and Fei Ying had the same expressions, and looking at the expressions of their people, they were full of arrogance, as if they were superior to others.

Ye Qingxuan and he walked to the open space in front at the same time, since they want to fight against themselves, let's start, the two of them will compete on martial arts ability.

It is because Ye Qingxuan did not reveal his own strength (ccab), he just used his other cultivation bases. It can be seen that this guy is really not a vegetarian, no wonder he was able to establish it here in a short period of time. own blood door.

He also thought that he was sure of defeating Ye Qingxuan, even if he couldn't be defeated, at least the strength of the two should be comparable.

But he didn't know that Ye Qingxuan was just warming up, although he didn't know that Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan knew it very well, let alone Leihu Feiying and the others, there was no worry on their faces, which made this person called Zhao Liang The people are a little strange, the strange thing is, why don't these people have any worry on their faces?

To say that they are very confident in their sect master, just like the disciples on their side, they have always had a haughty expression without any change. So far, the two of them are still in a tie.

Just when he thought he was sure to win, he used his nirvana, and Ye Qingxuan could naturally sense that its powerful energy was erupting, and the next second Ye Qingxuan waved the Qiankun Sword in his hand.

The first level of Tianji Fenjue broke out in an instant, and the powerful energy shocked his opponent instantly. The sect master of the blood sect did not expect Ye Qingxuan's energy to be so powerful. What kind of skill is this? It can be felt that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation has reached Haotian level.

Chapter 1009 The Demon Spirit of Mobatian Appears Again

But it is obvious that Ye Qingxuan's opponent has not reached this level at all, but his level is about to reach the Haotian level, which is enough to prove that this guy's cultivation talent is really high enough.

If he hadn't been so talented and powerful, he wouldn't have established his own power in such a short period of time.

The first episode of Ye Qingxuan's Heavenly Burning Jue erupted, and the powerful energy made him a little bit overwhelmed. He also used his own Misha, but he didn't expect to be injured, so he took a few steps back~.

Although he stopped his footsteps, a mouthful of blood almost spewed out. Fortunately, he held back himself. He stood there and said, "Your ability is really strong. No wonder people say you are talented. Now I It’s really interesting to believe-.”

Immediately afterwards, he said, "That's all for today's duel. It can be seen that you are slightly better, but we will fight again in another day."

After saying this, he walked away, and the people behind followed immediately.

At this time, Lei Hu walked in front and said, "That's the end of the matter, let him go."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "This matter will never stop here, let's go, let's go back first."

The head of the blood sect didn't go far, and a mouthful of blood spewed out directly. He was already injured, and if he hadn't held back just now, he would have spurted out a long time ago.

The people around him could assist him and quickly evacuated the place. They returned to the Blood Gate together, and he was lying on his bed.

Then he said, "I thought I was very talented, but I didn't expect his talent to be stronger than mine. I thought it was an opportunity for me to break through the Haotian level, but I didn't expect him to have already broken through."

"The sect master beat you seriously."

"I don't know what kind of power he is. It's so powerful that even my secret skills can't resist it."

At this moment, she was already injured, and a person took a pill and fed it to him. After a while, his face became much rosier, and the internal injury seemed to have almost recovered, but he still hadn't healed. He was not convinced at all. At this moment, all the people in the room retreated.

A voice entered his ears, "Hahahaha! Do you know why you are not his opponent?"

····Ask for flowers 0·

He looked around, there was no one in the room, why did he hear someone talking to him?

"You don't need to look for me, you can't see me. It took me a lot of effort to let you hear what I said. If you hadn't been in contact with that brat, you wouldn't have such a chance at all."


"Who are you?"

"I'm someone you can't see, as long as you listen to me, I can let you beat him."

"Hmph! I don't care who you are, just get out of here. How could I listen to you? I, Zhao Liang, have always been like this. I never listen to other people's orders."

"Hahaha! Sure enough, you are a person with backbone, but I really like your personality. I don't want to tell you what to do. I just want you to listen to me and follow my steps. Become a better person."

"Of course, you can think about it carefully and answer me after you have thought about it."

"There is one more chance. When I show up next time, if you don't think well, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find me again." 1.

Chapter 1010

Zhao Liang still hesitated when he heard that, but that guy has disappeared, he said that there is another chance, if he disagrees, he will not appear again, what is he?

The reason why Mobatian chose Zhao Liang was not because the demonic energy in their blood clan was more suitable as a carrier.

And this Zhao Liang's ability is no better than that one, Lin Feng didn't believe "one three zero", if he could take him away, wouldn't it be better?

Zhao Liang accidentally saw Ye Qingxuan walking towards that side, he wanted to catch up, but found a piece of jade falling from Ye Qingxuan's body.

He walked forward quickly to pick up the jade, thinking that when he was going to give it to him next time, a strange change occurred in the jade, and the next second, the familiar voice was in his ear again. The edge rang.

"Why did you think it through so quickly?"

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