"120" Ye family's disciples all stood behind Ye Qingxuan.

The head of the Bai family said, "Since the other two big families also want to join in the fun, let's deal with it together today. In fact, your Ye family can survive until now, which is already a big deal."

The patriarch of the Bai family spoke in a really loud tone, but he also said the same reason. Before the Bai family was the only one, he had the strength to destroy the Ye family, even other families would not pay attention.

Later, an extremely talented disciple like Ye Qingxuan appeared in the Ye family, which made them murderous. The extremely jealous Bai family had always planned to get rid of Ye Qingxuan, but they failed repeatedly. Son.

The people from Baicao Garden also came to this side and said, "I'm sorry, my lord, but the people on our side can't do anything."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I know you have tried your best."

Before Ye Qingxuan was a waste in the Ye family, it can also be said that everyone who saw him wanted to bully him, but now everyone saw him with that kind of admiration on his face.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have already told you Bai family that as long as you do your job well, don't think about those insignificant things, but you just don't listen, so don't blame my ruthless subordinates."

"You're not a little kid, so it depends on how good you are at escaping from these masters."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Why do you think that elder of yours is gone?"

After Ye Qingxuan finished saying this, all the people in the Bai family turned their attention to him. No, it's absolutely impossible. What kind of cultivation is the elder? What kind of cultivation is this brat? The elder definitely couldn't be killed by him.

"You can kill the elders of my Bai family based on your cultivation. It is absolutely impossible that you used some means or someone helped you, but we must avenge the elders of our Bai family. You will die today Here it is..."

I saw the high-ranking masters in front of me, and their weapons appeared in the palm of my hand in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan's spirit weapon Qiankun Sword also appeared in his hand in an instant, and he rushed forward at an extremely fast speed. The wings of the fire spirit spirit and blood spirit spirit behind him instantly displayed powerful energy, which also made everyone present shocked.

Jiugu said, "His ability has grown a lot, what kind of cultivation is he now?"

Ye Wuxuan said, "How do we know that he just came back, we just met, but your support is quite fast, it arrived so soon."

"How could our 0.1s not have noticed such a big movement in the Bai family? Before they arrived at the Ye family, our side had already set off, otherwise you thought it would be so fast."

Ye Fengxuan also stepped forward and said, "I didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to appear in this form. That Qingluan just now is really handsome."

"Qingluan, that's a high-level monster. Of course it's handsome. We can't even see it. How did he get it?".

Chapter 1001 Explosion of cultivation base

"I'm afraid I have to ask Ye Qingxuan about this. I was still worried when Ye Qingxuan didn't show up, but now I feel inexplicably confident. Even though those members of the Bai family are masters, I'm still full of confidence in our Ye Qingxuan." confidence."

Ye Wuxuan said, "This shouldn't be underestimated. Those guys have a high level of cultivation, otherwise the Bai family would not let them come, so no matter what happens later, we must fight to the death Guard Ye Qingxuan, only he is the hope of our Ye family."

And there is ** who came back here, ** also came out at this moment, he said, "I just went out for a while, what's the situation?"

"That's what you're seeing now. 22. Before that, you seldom came back from the academy. Their Bai family has long wanted to destroy our Ye family."

He saw that the one in front was Ye Qingxuan, he didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would come back, didn't he go to the wilderness?

** Ye Wuxuan saw the question marks all over his face, so he said, "He also just came back."

** Immediately stepped forward and said, "What are you doing here, why don't you go back to your wilderness, you have to know that these guys are all masters, and you are the hope of our Ye family."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I came here specially this time, don't worry, I'm fine."

Ye Qingxuan came back just to have a look. He didn't know that the Bai family would do this. If he knew, he would have come back long ago. Moreover, he intended to let the Bai family go. As long as they coexist peacefully like this, it would be good. She is small, and her nature will not change. Under such circumstances, I am afraid that the Bai family will be ruined.

I saw the patriarch of the Bai family waved his hand, and those masters rushed up immediately. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's Qiankun sword instantly emitted his own sword to cut Xinghe, such a powerful insight energy, they knew Ye Qingxuan's sword to cut Xinghe Before, the full-level skills were very powerful, but his cultivation base was not that high, but the sword that he exudes now is too powerful.

Ye Qingxuan's father and everyone in his family were shocked, "At this moment, his cultivation is at the Haotian level."

The elders of Zangshu Pavilion also saw clearly that he never showed up, only when the Bai family really attacked the Ye family and the Ye family was in crisis, he would appear, but facing so many masters besieging him together, there was nothing he could do Yes, just when he thought the Ye family would be in decline.

But he didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to appear, this brat, from the first time he saw him, knew that he was definitely not a simple person, but now he has reached the Haotian level, which also shocked him very much.

At this time, all 120 people from the Situ family in Jiutianmen also rushed up. Since they sent people to support, they must be experts. Naturally, they will help Ye Qingxuan share some of the strength. His cultivation base was the highest, but he couldn't resist facing this master. In the end, he was hit with the palm and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Qingxuan caught it directly, he said it's okay, casually threw him a bottle of elixir, and immediately rushed forward, at this moment, all the other capable elders of the Ye family also rushed forward.

Ye Wuxuan and the others supported her and said, "You don't want to go, just wait here, our cultivation base is simply not up to par.".

Chapter 1002 Amazing talent

When the patriarch of the Bai family saw Ye Qingxuan's cultivation, he was also shocked. How could it be possible to reach the Haotian level at such an age? This made him never think of it.

At this moment, there was a ruthless look in his eyes, and his determination to kill Ye Qingxuan became even stronger. Even he wanted to rush forward. At this moment, the patriarch of the Ye family also rushed forward, and fought with the patriarch of the Bai family. .

And Ye Qingxuan's father was not idle either.

Ye Qingxuan began to erupt with his powerful energy, he didn't want the Bai family to be dragged here, a quick victory would be best, and then the ability of the Three Extremes Fenjue burst out instantly.

You must know that there are four or five masters besieging him together and they can't take advantage of it at all. They didn't expect that according to their cultivation base, even if this kid is at the Haotian level, he can't be their opponent.

But they couldn't get into Ye Qingxuan's body at all. This guy's skills were all at full level, which shocked these experts a little.

They are very clear that even top experts cannot guarantee that their skills are at the full level. Who is this guy in front of them?

Is it really just a disciple of the Ye family? It made them really doubt whether the patriarch of the Bai family had lied to them.

Ye Qingxuan's third-level burning formula is just a powerful energy fluctuation in an instant. How can it be dozens of meters away to bounce these people away in an instant?

The cultivation base of these masters is above Ye Qingxuan, and they were all ejected by him. This is simply unbelievable. When these guys stopped, they also suffered internal injuries. They immediately worked hard to adjust their breath. so powerful.

The head of the Bai family found that Siqing had turned around, and he immediately felt that something was wrong, but it was too late.

I saw Ye Qingxuan swiping Qiankun Sword again, and all the members of the Bai family were injured by him. This place is really a mess. The people of the Bai family were lying on the ground in disorder, and many of them were spitting blood. Injured, the patriarch of the Ye family came out at this moment.

"Even if my Ye family is the only one, I never thought of destroying your Bai family. I don't know why you invaded us again and again."."

"Stop talking nonsense, all this is ours, let you take it away abruptly."

Jiugu stepped forward and said, "This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Why is this yours?"

Situ Haoran said, "It is indeed possible that the capable can live in this place, but can your Bai family really reach such a level?"

On the mainland where martial arts are respected, it is natural that the higher the cultivation base, the greater his ability here, and Ye Qingxuan is now the person with the highest card making ability in the Xuanwu Continent.

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and said, "In terms of cultivation, even though I'm only at the Haotian level, I dare say you are no match for me. In terms of talent, I am both a pharmacist and a weapon refiner. How dare I ask you?" How does the Bai family compare with our Ye family?"

As soon as Ye Qingxuan's words came out, all the people present were shocked. They all knew that Ye Qingxuan was just a master of medicine refining, how could he become a master of weapon refining again?

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's Artifact Refining Master brand was instantly revealed, and he also had the medal of a senior alchemist. Leaving aside his cultivation, with these two things alone, he can walk sideways and is invincible in the Xuanwu Continent.

Chapter 1003 Reminiscing about the past

The few people who helped the Bai family stood up, and said to the patriarch of the Bai family angrily, "You are too scheming, you dare to let us kill a master craftsman and medicine master, I knew it was In this case, no matter how many crystals you produce, we will not appear."

Those few people walked to Ye Qingxuan's side in an instant, cupped their fists and said, "I really don't know."

Ye Qingxuan knew that they must not know, if they knew, they would not have appeared here, he just waved his hand and said, "You have nothing to do, you can leave."

Those few people were injured. They walked up to the head of the Bai family and snorted 120 times before walking away.

The Bai family is also suffering heavy losses now. At this moment, the members of the Ye family will directly clean up all the members of the Bai family. The entire Bai family may no longer exist, and there will be no more glory in the past.

Although their lives were spared, everything in the Bai family disappeared on the Xuanwu Continent. From then on, there is no Bai family on the Xuanwu Continent. They can go wherever they want. This is Ye Qingxuan's greatest tolerance. .

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan, Jiugu Situ Haoran and the others all surrounded him, and now ** was standing beside him.

Ye Qingxuan walked over, directly (ccab) handed him a elixir, and said, "Eat it, you will feel much better after you eat it."

** nodded, took the elixir, and swallowed it in one gulp. At this time, the head of the Ye family laughed and said, "Heaven will not kill me. The Ye family never thought that there would be such an outstanding child in our Ye family."

Hearty laughter spread throughout the Ye family's compound.

The head of the Ye family said, "Thank you to the Jiutianmen and the Situ family."

Jiugu said, "The Bai family's ambitions are too great, we will naturally help, maybe they will be the next to annex us, so they will definitely not stand idly by."

He immediately made people prepare to entertain these distinguished guests. Of course, it was also because of Ye Qingxuan's return. So far, the Ye family has a great reputation on the Xuanwu Continent.

Not to mention how talented Ye Qingxuan is, let's first talk about how they got rid of the Bai family all at once. Just because of this incident, they have already gained a great reputation.

And Ye Qingxuan is a disciple of the Ye family. He is now a master of crafts and medicine. It is simply impossible for anyone who dares to touch their Ye family based on these two points.

When Ye Qingxuan came back here, they naturally wanted to get together, especially Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan. They were originally with Ye Qingxuan, he was a student of the same academy and the same family, so naturally they had a deep relationship.

They were talking while eating, and at this moment Ye Wuxuan said, "What did you do after you went to the wilderness? Why did your cultivation level reach such a high level? It really shocked us."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's nothing, but it's not much different from here, it's just that we have established our own forces."

Situ Haoran said, "He has always been very talented. I am not surprised that he can have such a little bit."

Jiu Gu smiled and said, "It's not a surprise, it's just a shock. Although we can imagine that Ye Qingxuan's future is limitless, we are still shocked after hearing about your cultivation."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Now that our cultivation has reached the Xuanshen level, can we go to the wilderness with you?".

Chapter 1004 Returning to the Wild

"Anyway, the Ye family is also on the Black Tortoise Continent now. No one is invincible and there is no need to worry about other people coming to trouble the Ye family."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Since you have already made up your mind, go and have a look. Anyway, the wild land is quite different from here, and you will know when you get there."

They were chatting and laughing here, and Ye Qingxuan was surrounded by many disciples early the next morning. To know how high Ye Qingxuan's cultivation level was, they all wanted Ye Qingxuan's advice.

Of course, Ye Qingxuan himself knew very well that he was indeed highly talented, but if he practiced normally, he would not be able to reach such a state, obviously because of his special ability.

Possesses the ability to track the full level with one key, so to practice all the exercises, you only need to practice the first level, and you can reach the full level state in an instant, saving a lot of training time.

Now he has found the Heavenly Level Burning Jue, and he has reached the third level. If he reaches the full state, and then finds the Zijin Sword, he can return to Zhenlinka to give him the task. So far, he is far away from reaching the peak. The time is getting closer.

It's just that the Zijin sword hasn't appeared yet. He has been thinking that he can't find the whereabouts of the Zijin sword by using the ability of one-key tracking. Why?

It seems that I can only wait, maybe when I reach a certain level, the purple gold sword will appear by itself~.

However, he still has some advice from these disciples. He left the pills he refined in the family, and there are all kinds of talent pills with a purity of tenth level, but not everyone can take them. It is necessary to have strong meridians that can withstand them. Live, such suffering people can take talent-dan.

They don't have to worry about the Ye family's affairs at all. After arranging everything here, Ye Qingxuan and the others decided to set off and rush to the wild land again.

On the way, Situ Haoran said, "Since you left, that fellow Lin Feng has never appeared again."

Ye Wuxuan said, "That's right, Lin Feng hasn't been here once since Ye Qingxuan left, and I don't know if he's busy, or went somewhere, or went to find his master."

Ye Qingxuan said, "He also went to the wilderness, but it's a long story, let's talk slowly along the way."

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qingxuan narrated to them what happened in the wilderness along the way, focusing on Lin Feng. They knew that when Lin Feng killed his master, they were shocked. They all thought that Wanhuangzong just went out to travel, but they didn't expect to die at the hands of his apprentice.


Ye Wuxuan said, "How can there be such a person? He even killed his own master."

Situ Haoran said, "This is simply unbelievable. I never thought that he is such a person."

Of course Ye Qingxuan also told how he saved his master.

They were stunned when they heard that, they never thought that there is such a method in the world, Ye Qingxuan can use other people's body to save Wanhuangzong.

They are still very safe along the way. When they reach the realm of the wild land, they have to cross this hot desert. You must know that Ye Qingxuan can easily cross it, but they have just arrived at Tianxuanji. For them It takes a long time to go through this desert.

Chapter 1005 Crossing the Wild Desert

Ye Qingxuan said, "How about it, can you bear it?"

Ye Wuxuan said, "Fortunately, no wonder it is said that the wild land is not easy to enter, it seems to be true."

The desert area is very hot, and there are also some special energies here, and those whose cultivation base is less than the Xuanshen level cannot sustain it at all.

Ye Qingxuan's cultivation base can quickly enter the wilderness, but they can't, because their "one, two, three" cultivation base is at the level of Xuanshen, so it is indeed a bit troublesome to enter the wilderness from here, so they left Halfway through the journey, Ye Qingxuan could see that these people were already sweating profusely, and they couldn't hold on anymore. Ye Qingxuan immediately took out two pills and handed them to them. After drinking them, they instantly became much more comfortable.

Ye Wuxuan said, "If it weren't for you, it would be really not easy for us to reach the wild land."

Ye Fengxuan said, "After eating the elixir here, I really feel much better, but this desert leading to the wild land is really special. Besides the heat, there seems to be another kind of energy appearing."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's indeed like what you said, because if you don't reach the Xuanshen level, you won't be able to hold it at all."

Jiu Gu said, "I finally understand why so many people have entered the wilderness, and all of them are left in this place with a pile of bones. I think this pile of bones is right under our feet."

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