Chapter 896 Interference Failure

"Let me tell you, I wasn't taken away by that guy Wuchen at all, but the disciple next to him. You still have an impression of him, that genius."

Lin Feng said, "How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible."

"Hmph! What is impossible in this world? There are still many things you don't know."

"But I have already gone to Chongwu Academy, why didn't I sense a trace of demon energy?"

"I was hidden in a piece of ancient jade by him, and now I can't escape at all. It would be nice if I could talk to you a few words."

"Then what do I have to do to get you out?"

"You have no way to get in. The only possibility is to let that Ye Qingxuan bring me out in person. It depends on your ability."

This difficulty seems a bit too big, he threw this question to Lin Feng, so what can Lin Feng do to bring out the magic sword? The only way is to catch Ye Qingxuan and try his best to torture him, let him take out the magic sword from the ancient jade, it should be possible to deal with Ye Qingxuan with his current cultivation.

"Stupid, do you think I don't know what you're thinking? This method is absolutely unfeasible. You'd better choose a fair and honest method."

"An aboveboard method, what is in that ancient jade?"

"It's just a piece of ancient jade, but only Ye Qingxuan can enter it, so don't even think about it."

Mo Batian didn't say anything about his master Wan Huangzong. If he did, it might be more beneficial to Lin Feng.

He asked Lin Feng to find a way, the only way is to search for the magic sword everywhere, and then refine the magic sword. This magic sword was taken away from him, he didn't know why Ye Qingxuan took that magic sword away, why? He couldn't figure it out.

Mo Batian, although he knows everything in his heart, but he doesn't know everything in Mojian's heart. This is Mo Batian's efforts.

Ye Qingxuan is in the process of practicing Burning Jue, and now he has been in the cultivation tower for two full days, and this kind of thing happened again, but Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan are not surprised, because this is not the first time Ye Qingxuan has encountered such a thing. thing.

The dean of Chongwu College didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to stay in the cultivation tower again. Is he going to break through again? If this disciple can really break through to the Xuanshen level, that would be a miracle indeed.

However, if he breaks through to the Xuanshen level, it means that he can also leave the academy, but whether to leave or not, this is a good thing for 943 and their academy, because Ye Qingxuan is from Chongwu Academy no matter what. disciple.

The dean knew very well that only by leaving Chongwu Academy to practice outside would he have greater development for his future, so if Ye Qingxuan really reached the Xuanshen level, he would not keep him here.

Ye Qingxuan is now in the middle of the ancient jade, and the snacks are thrown right in front of him to practice this exercise. His eyes are closed tightly, he doesn't want to do anything at all, completely ignoring everything here, this is the real practice of instant burning method.

But he won't be able to cultivate for a while, the first level is so difficult to cultivate, no wonder it is called the Burning Jue.

Chapter 897

No wonder the mission of the True Spirit Pagoda this time is actually this heavenly burning formula!

But Ye Qingxuan has made a lot of progress today, he collected the exercises and today's practice is over, he thought he didn't stay here for long, but when he went out, it was already the morning of the third day.

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan sat outside and waited for him. They just came out of the training tower today, and they wanted to wait here for a while to see if Ye Qingxuan could get out of the training tower.

Not to mention that they really did not wait in vain today, they saw Ye Qingxuan's figure, Ye Wuxuan stepped forward and said, "Hey, you won't be promoted again, right? The clan has stayed here for more than two days .”

Ye Fengxuan said, "What's so strange about this? Didn't he stay for four days at most? This time it was only a little over two days."

It's not easy for Ye Qingxuan to come out, he naturally wants to go back to rest, but of course he has to have a full meal before the rest, so Ye Qingxuan went back to rest after several people came to the dining hall to eat and drink, and the two of them were just a foil , this guy lay on the bed and fell asleep, and the two had no choice but to leave on their own.

Next, he entered the cultivation tower, and continued to practice the Heavenly Level Burning Jue. Today, Mo Batian thought of a new method. He wanted to interfere with Ye Qingxuan's cultivation and make him go mad, so that this body might become His.

But this time Wanhuangzong intervened, he would never let Mo Batian succeed, a sealed guy, is he as good as him?

Mobatian really has no choice, after all, there are still people guarding here. He originally thought that he could possess Ye Qingxuan's body by practicing the heaven-level burning formula, but he didn't expect that he would get nothing after donating his precious skills. What about the black iron sword?

This made Mo Ba very angry, he could only count on one person now, and this person was Lin Feng, and he hoped that he would be able to complete this matter.

So now Lin Feng started to announce to the world that he is looking for the magic sword and wants to refine the magic sword. One more thing is that this is also a hope of the master. Together, he subdued the magic sword and refined it.

His lies are really endless, and he has never seen anyone like him.

And Ye Qingxuan was in the middle of cultivation, and now he didn't come out of the cultivation tower for several days, which made Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan speechless, but this time they didn't wait for Ye Qingxuan, they believed that Ye Qingxuan might show up sometime.

As long as he has reached a certain level of cultivation, he will definitely come to them by himself, Jiugu said, "This Ye Qingxuan is simply unbelievable. Why has he stayed in the cultivation tower one after another recently? Could it be that this time he made a breakthrough?" Higher level''?"

Situ Haoran smiled (Nuomahao) and said, "I think all of this is possible. After all, this guy is so perverted, and the speed of his promotion is so frightening. It is simply unprecedented."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Your words describe it quite aptly, that's what a perverted talent like him really looks like."

A few of them were talking and laughing outside, while Ye Qingxuan sat motionless in the training tower, in fact, his spiritual consciousness was being cultivated in the ancient jade.

Chapter 898 Lin Feng's Trick

Of course, the pain and other states caused by his practice will appear in the body, so even if his forehead is slightly wrinkled, or there is a painful expression on his face, leaving sweat on the fourth floor, these two Everyone can see it.

Ziwen said, "I'm afraid we won't have the chance to compete in the future."

Hong Yu said, "My thinking is exactly the same as yours, and I think so too. I'm afraid that after he goes out this time, his strength has far surpassed ours."

"Do you think he will leave here before us?"

"It's hard to talk about 943. As far as his perverted cultivation method is concerned, I think he will be able to surpass us in a short time. Maybe this time he will be able to break through to the Xuanshen level after his cultivation is over."

And the elder of the Bai family has been guarding here all the time, and has never found Ye Qingxuan's figure, but he has enough confidence. He is guarding here, and he does not believe that he will never leave the gate of Chongwu Academy.

Lin Feng came to Chongwu Academy, his mount landed on the ground, he jumped off the mount, at this moment Wuchen came to meet him, followed by Huaying.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I came here this time to tell you something, I am looking for the way out of the magic sword, as long as I can get it, my master and I will refine it together Take the magic sword, so as not to undo the seal and Mo Batian can break free from it."

Wuchen said, "So Wanhuangzong already has news."

"My family background just sent a message to me not long ago. He will come back soon, so I hope I can find the magic sword. He has found a way to refine the demon sword when he comes back this time, so from now on, no matter the demon sword Whether or not the seal can be undone, it will cease to exist.”

"It's a good thing. Well, we know. If there is any news about the magic sword, I will send it to you as soon as possible."

"The little disciple who was with you last time, long time no see, I really want to meet him, his (ccaa) is indeed a person with good talent."

Wuchen smiled and said, "He is the most proud disciple in our Chongwu Academy, but it may be difficult for you to see him now, because he is practicing in the cultivation tower."

"Ah, I just mentioned it casually. Since he is currently cultivating, then forget it."

"Since you're here, stay here for two days before leaving. I'll ask someone to arrange it for you."

"Okay! I just happened to be here to find out where the Demon Sword came from. There are mercenaries everywhere in front of Chongwu Academy. Maybe they will have clues."

Wu Chen immediately ordered someone to arrange a place for him to live, this is exactly what Lin Feng wanted to do, he just wanted to stay, and then he had a good look at that Ye Qingxuan, to see if there was any way to get that piece of ancient jade.

Although that Mo Batian said that even if he got the ancient jade, he would not be able to enter it, but he still wanted to see that piece of jade.

Now that Lin Feng has flowed down in a fair manner, and he can still search for the magic sword in a fair manner, I have to say that his scheme is indeed flawless, but unfortunately, one thing he doesn't know is that Ye Qingxuan has long known that his master is dead and was murdered by him.

He stayed behind, and intentionally or unintentionally went to inquire about the whereabouts of the magic sword. Everyone in Gao knew that he was going to refine the magic sword with his master, because the four magic weapons made by his master sealed the magic sword. sky.

Chapter 899 Completion of the first layer of Tianji Burning Jue

So everyone believed that his master definitely had such ability, and no one knew that Wanhuangzong was already dead.

Ye Qingxuan has never come out of the cultivation tower.

Lin Feng has been here for two days, and he has not seen him yet. He feels a little strange. Didn't it mean that he can stay in the cultivation tower for an hour at most?

Why haven't I seen that guy in the past two days? At this time, he saw Ye Wuxuan passing by, and he immediately stepped forward to greet him with a smile.

"This disciple, in your training tower, there is a disciple who can stay here for a long time."

"Senior Lin Feng, yes, this time you asked the right person, he is Ye Qingxuan from our Ye family, he has been in the cultivation tower for three days now, and he hasn't come out yet. .”

"No wonder, at first your instructor said I didn't believe it, but it seems to be true."

"To be honest, don't say you don't believe it. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it."

Lin Feng said with a smile on his face, "Yes, yes, such a talented disciple is indeed rare, but it is a pity that he is not a craftsman. If he is a craftsman, I will definitely accept him as a disciple."

"If Senior has nothing to do, then we will leave first."

"Go ahead, I just want to confirm whether what Wuchen said is true."

This guy is really talking nonsense with his eyes open, how could Wu Chen ever say such a thing, everything is made up by him, in order to find out what he wants to know, he really dares to say anything.

This Ye Qingxuan has been in the cultivation tower, he couldn't see the ancient jade, so he still went out to inquire about the whereabouts of the magic sword.

This Lin Feng is a decent person, and his master Wan Huangzong is even more amazing, and Lin Feng also inherited his mantle, because his refining skills can be said to be very good.

So everyone here knows that he is looking for the magic sword, and it is passed around.

The news about finding the magic sword has spread. The most important thing is that they all know that Wanhuangzong will come back to refine the magic sword with him, so if other people really have the magic sword, they will definitely notify Lin Feng as soon as possible. of.

····Ask for flowers 00

Lin Feng's goal has been achieved, but in fact he already knew that the magic sword is not outside, it is in the ancient jade of Ye Qingxuan, this is what the magic sword told him personally.

Ye Qingxuan is now about to break through the first floor, and he has a joyful expression on his face. It is this slight smile that makes Wan Huangzong's face also show a bright smile. He knows very well that this guy Ye Qingxuan is probably going to succeed. .


Mobatian knows best that his natural points are extinct. It is because he did not die, but his skill after becoming a demon is also very good. Unexpectedly, he has gone to another realm, and his kind of enchantment has also become a sky-level burner. part of the trick.

But he has only practiced the third level of the Heaven-level Burning Jue, and he has already reached this state. If he has completed all the Tian-level Burning Jue, and his cultivation has reached the highest level, wouldn't he be invincible? ? However, Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation base is only at the Xuanshen level, and even if this technique reaches the full level, he will not be able to display his strength.

The first layer of Ye Qingxuan's burning formula has been completed, his eyes opened, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Chapter 900 Practicing the First Level of Burning Jue

Although he has already practiced the first level, there is one thing that makes him speechless. The first level of Fen Jue can be refined to a full level because he has a one-click full level system.

But what he never expected was that the full level of this Fen Jue is also divided into several levels, so after he learned the first level of the first level, he reached the full level effect, which means that the first level of the Fen Jue reached the level. However, there are ten levels in the "September 47" burning formula, and he only learned the first level.

I originally thought that after finishing the practice here, I can directly complete the level with one click, and this burning formula will be considered successful, but I didn't expect it to be too early. The first level has been practiced so strenuously, so there is no need to talk about the others.

However, he has already practiced the first level of the first level, so now the first level has reached the full level.

Ye Qingxuan thought, "This True Spirit Pagoda, this time the task is quite arduous, I said how can I get the Heavenly Level Burning Jue so easily, how many years might it take to complete all the Heavenly Level Burning Jue? I still have the ability to reach full level with one click, if I don't have this ability, wouldn't I have been practicing the Heavenly Level Burning Art all my life?"

Wan Huangzong walked towards Ye Qingxuan, "How is it? Do you still have the pain from before?"

Ye Qingxuan stood up, cupped his fists and bowed to his master, "I thank you, master, for your guidance. If it hadn't been for the master's guidance, I'm afraid I would have no way out today."

"Stinky boy, you're still being polite to me."

"Although I have endured a lot of pain before, that kind of pain is much worse than practicing the Heavenly Level Burning Art."

"The meridians you have now are enough for you to bear a lot. In the future, you will be able to experience the benefits of this meridian in the process of cultivation, but it is a pity that although I also have this kind of meridian, it is not as strong as yours. , besides, I am not a martial artist, so the strength of the meridians is enough."

Ye Qingxuan said, "In any case, I still have to thank the master. If the master didn't teach me such a method, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the ability."

"To be honest, I am also worried. Although this kind of meridian is very special, you must know that he is also at a great risk. Maybe you will lose your life because of him..."

"If you want to become the top person in the world, you must suffer some hardships. I can understand all these. It is the best to be able to do things that ordinary people cannot do."

"En! I'm very pleased that you can think of me as a teacher in this way. Let me tell you about the results of your cultivation."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to his master, "I've already practiced the first level, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Well, as long as it's not like that guy Mobatian."

The magic sword instantly emitted a black light, and in the next second, the demon spirit there said, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have such an opportunity, so the person you should be most grateful to should be me."

0.0 Ye Qingxuan turned around and smiled and said, "If you don't speak, I will forget you. To be honest, I really have to thank you, because you gave me this day of Burning Judgment."

"So, in return for you, I will cultivate this Heavenly Level Burning Art to the very top, you just need to sit here quietly and watch it get better, and I will let you know what the real Heavenly Level Burning Art is. ".

Chapter 901 Exploration

After hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, Mo Batian became even angrier. He gave this brat his secret with his own hands, but he has already finished the first level of cultivation. How is this possible? This speed is too fast, you have to know how troublesome it was to practice the first level of the first level at that time.

He still doesn't know that Ye Qingxuan has not only cultivated the first level of the first level, but he has already cultivated the entire level.

Ye Qingxuan had already left in the next second, and Gu Yu's clan stayed in the cultivation tower for so many days.

Lin Feng had been waiting for him outside for a long time. He knew that Ye Qingxuan was practicing in the cultivation tower, but he never thought that he would not come out after practicing for so many days.

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