He knew very well that he could practice for an hour in the training tower, and he had been there for so many days, which was enough to prove that this brat's talent was far higher than his.

Of course he didn't stand outside the cultivation tower and wait all the time, isn't that too strange? Recently, he has been here to get the news about the Demon Sword. In fact, he already knew the news about the Demon Sword. He was just pretending.

He happened to come back from the outside that day when Ye Qingxuan came out of the training tower. With a smile on his face, he walked towards Ye Qingxuan.

"It's you, remember me? Wuchen brought you here last time."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile on his face, "Remember, aren't you Lin Feng? That famous craftsman."

"Hahaha! Your talent is not bad, your master often praises you as a person with excellent talent, and I have been here for several days before I saw you come out of it."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I don't know why, I can stay in this training tower for many days without having to come out, maybe this is my special talent."

Ye Qingxuan said this to him on purpose, don't think that he is the only one with talent, and other people are no worse than him.

Ye Qingxuan continued to ask, "Why are you so free to come to our Chongwu Academy?"

"Oh, to be honest, I came here this time to look for the magic sword."

He specially emphasized the word "Magic Sword", because he knew very well that the "Magic Sword" was brought back by Ye Qingxuan, and it was in his ancient jade, so he deliberately said these two words so emphatically.

"What are you doing with the magic sword?"

"Master Wanhuangzong is coming back soon. He said that he found the magic sword this time, and the two of us will refine him together."

Ye Qingxuan heard Lin Feng talking nonsense here, his master had been killed by him a long time ago, and he was still talking nonsense here, but Lin Feng should know something, could it be that he knew that the sword was in the ancient jade, so did he know about him? Master 950's spiritual consciousness is also here?

He deliberately emphasized that the word "Devil Sword" was clearly meant for him. He thought about it, and tested him with words, "Wanhuangzong has been missing for so long, and I can't imagine that I can still contact you."

Lin Feng said, "Master, he just went on a wandering trip. Since he has sent me a message that he is coming back, I believe he will come back this time."

Ye Qingxuan really admired his ability to tell nonsense with his eyes open. It seemed that he didn't know about the Wanhuangzong. It should be that Mo Batian hadn't mentioned it to him, but this matter might not be hidden.

"If there is nothing else, I will go first."

Chapter 902 Lin Feng's Trick

"It's nothing. If you have something to do, go and get busy. I'm still looking for the whereabouts of the magic sword. If you know where he is, please let me know."

He purposely mentioned that his master was for Ye Qingxuan, he wanted to hear his master's name, if Ye Qingxuan could hand over the magic sword, it would be great, but unexpectedly he pretended not to know anything.

Ye Qingxuan strode away. At this moment, Lin Feng was looking at Ye Qingxuan's back, thinking about something in his heart. He didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to pretend not to know about the magic sword. If Mo Batian hadn't told him personally, he probably wouldn't have I believe that the magic sword is on Ye Qingxuan's body, and he didn't find the ancient jade on him.

It seems that things can't be made too obvious, after all, this is the boundary of Chongwu Academy, and now if he wants to know about the piece of ancient jade on Ye Qingxuan's body, he may have to think of another way.

Chongwu Academy's experience has ended, and these disciples have all returned. It may take a long time to wait for this opportunity, so Lin Feng is now thinking about what method he will use.

At this moment, he didn't stand here in a daze all the time, turned around and left this place, and returned to his room. He had stayed here for several days, but no artist would doubt him, because he came here this time I came here to find the magic sword.

Qingfeng said, "The Wanhuangzong has always been the master of the world. If it weren't for the magical weapon he came out of his wisdom to seal the Mobatian, the world might not be so peaceful. It is unexpected that he has such an excellent apprentice. , is really enviable``."

Wuchen said, "Dean, his master is coming back soon, and now he is looking for the whereabouts of the magic sword everywhere, should we help him."

"We will take action on this matter if we can. If we really know the whereabouts of the magic sword, then help him, but so far no one seems to know the whereabouts of the magic sword."

"This magic sword has been missing for a long time. It has never appeared since it was sealed. Who will know his whereabouts."

Huaying said, "Yes, there is only one way to help him now, and that is to let these disciples go out to search, maybe ask around, so that someone will know the whereabouts of the magic sword."

"Well, that's a good idea. Letting these disciples go out to inquire about the whereabouts of the magic sword is not bad. It is also a good experience. Although their experience has just ended this time, the current strength is a greater test for them. , after all, they not only need to find the magic sword in this experience, but also experience all kinds of things outside."

Lin Feng's goal in Chongwu Academy has been achieved. He didn't expect the headmaster to have such a trick. He actually sent these disciples out to help him find the magic sword. When he heard the news, his eyes showed a smile. That cold smile reveals calculations.

Nuo Li's)¨¨huh! It is still the most useful value for the dean of Chongwu College."

Then other people can't see the sinister look, because he is in his room now.

When all the disciples showed up the next day, Wu Chen said, "Now I want to announce something to everyone. Our college has decided to prevent you disciples from going out to find the whereabouts of the Demon Sword. Of course, this is also to help the Wanhuangzong. Mainly for the common people in the world."

Chapter 903 Ready to Leave Chongwu Academy

"So you spread out to find the way out of the Demon Sword. Perhaps this is more effective than him looking for it alone. If you really have news about the Demon Sword, you can just notify him."

Ye Qingxuan listened to Wu Chen's words, and thought to himself, "This Lin Feng, what kind of conspiracy does he have? He actually instigated the entire Chongwu Academy to help him find the magic sword. He clearly knew that the magic sword was on him. Why are you still acting here?"

Ye Qingxuan said in his heart, "Master, master, look at what this apprentice of yours is doing, he clearly knows that the magic sword is on me, and he still does such a thing, it seems that he wants to get rid of it outside. me."

"His cultivation has now reached Haotian Realm, so if you really go out this time, you really have to be careful."

"Then I want to play with him. You have been killed by him, but you are looking for the magic sword under your banner. He really has a lot to do with this magic sword."

"Mobatian has already controlled him, so he can naturally contact him. Although he knows that the magic sword is in the ancient jade, he can't do anything, because only you can enter this ancient jade, and no one else can enter. .”

(ccaa) If it wasn't for the fact that the sword was just a spiritual weapon, he wouldn't have been able to get into the ancient jade.

Now that this matter has been announced, Ye Qingxuan and the others will leave here soon. At this time, Ye Wuxuan said, "This is just the end of the experience, and it is quite interesting to go out to find the magic sword."

Now that Ye Qingxuan and the others have decided to leave here, they will naturally disguise themselves. All the disciples of Chongwu Academy left Chongwu Academy, and the elder of the Bai family who was guarding outside, he finally saw Ye Qingxuan appear, he hid In the corner, the clothes wrapped him tightly, and no one saw his appearance. He had been waiting here for a long time, and finally he appeared.

Ye Qingxuan's coming out this time is really in crisis, because besides the elders of the Bai family, there is also a more difficult Lin Feng.

Naturally, Bai didn't know. How could he have thought that they would send an elder after he killed the person from the Bai family.

However, when he came out, he did find something strange, but he didn't think too much, so he left here. Wan Huangzhong also found a crisis. After all, he also has certain abilities. Maybe you didn't notice it?

Lin Feng is now a Haotian-level master, while Ye Qingxuan is a Xuanshen-level master.

This time, the master sent by their Bai family was a master of Xuankun level. He thought that this kind of strength was enough to deal with Ye Qingxuan, besides, being able to reach Xuankun level was already very powerful.

Among the elders of the Bai Family in the Xuanwu Continent, Xuan Kongji can also be said to dominate the entire Xuanwu Continent.

Of course, Xuankunji also has many levels, so the Xuankun guitar is of course different if it is a beginner, intermediate or advanced level. For example, although Ye Qingxuan is now at the Xuanshen level, he is only a beginner at the Xuanshen level. He has just entered this level. So if he confronts the peak of the Xuanshen level, his strength will be far behind.

It may take three to five years for ordinary people to advance from the attack of the mysterious **** level to the intermediate level, and some people can't even do it in ten or twenty years. Ye Qingxuan's promotion speed can be said to be in a short period of time. Within two or three years, the speed at which he was promoted from a samurai to a Xuanshen-level junior was simply astonishingly fast.

Chapter 904 Ye Qingxuan's Abnormality

After Ye Qingxuan's experience this time is over, he can leave Chongwu Academy to find his own way out, so he settles Lin Feng's matter first, and logically speaking, with his current mysterious god-level ability, he doesn't have to stay Chongwu Academy, go out and break out a world by yourself.

These disciples have all left here, and of course they will not look for them on the Xuanxin Continent, because there is Lin Feng in the Xuanxin Continent, and they are already enough, so they will naturally go to other continents to search for them. The place I came from is Zhenwu Continent.

This time is indeed a good opportunity for experience, because these disciples can travel all over the world to find the magic sword, and know the news about the magic sword. Of course, if other people know the whereabouts of the magic sword, they will find a way Summoned to them.

Ye Wuxuan said, "Before the academy let us come out to practice for a certain period of time, at most no more than a month. This time, in order to find the magic sword, I am afraid that this time is unlimited. Do we still need to know until we find out?"

Jiu Gu said, "Lin Feng is a famous craftsman, not to mention his masters. They were born for the sake of the world. Our Chongwu Academy will naturally help us with such things."

Ye Qingxuan listened and didn't say anything, but he didn't have any expression on his face. His heart was different, this Lin Feng really had a human face and a beast heart.

Unexpectedly, in the minds of other people, he is really a respectable master craftsman.

The elder has been following him secretly, and found that Ye Qingxuan and the others have no high cultivation base here, which is more convenient for him to make a move. Of course, he can't make a move here. After all, this is Chongwu Academy. If the move is discovered, then Their Bai family will suffer. There are so many masters in Chongwu College, especially the ability of the dean~, which is unmatched by anyone.

If he killed their disciple here, wouldn't he be asking for trouble? His purpose is to wait here for Ye Qingxuan to get out of this range before he can make a move.

Ye Fengxuan said, "Why every time Ye Qingxuan mentions Lin Feng, you don't seem to have anything to say?"

Ye Qingxuan forced a smile and said, "I have nothing to say, I don't know anything about refining weapons, no matter how powerful he is, I don't want to learn."

····Ask for flowers 00

"We respect martial arts here, but as craftsmen and pharmacists, you are very respected as a pharmacist. Naturally, you can do this, but we can't."

Ye Qingxuan thought of him, if he is really an upright person, maybe he deserves their respect, but it's a pity that this guy has a face like a beast.


Ye Qingxuan didn't like him anyway, the main reason for this guy was that he had a lot to do with his master Wanhuangzong.

** walked towards this side and said, "I won't go with you this time. After all, we have to spread out, so that it will be easier to inquire."

Ye Qingxuan said yes, "I hope we can solve this matter within a short time this time."

"It's natural, and we'll see you at the academy when the time comes."

After saying that, she turned around and left them. Ye Qingxuan and the others were not particularly numerous, only a few of them had Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan, Ye Qingxuan Jiugu Situ Haoran, and the others were in groups of several people, which was more convenient and safer zero.

Chapter 905 Being Followed

Lin Feng said to Wuchen, "Since these disciples have already set off, I have already inquired about this area. I will go to other places to inquire about it, and I will leave here for the time being."

"Okay, let us know in time if there is anything."

Lin Feng was thinking, if he can't get the magic sword, he can think of a better way, that is, he can blame Ye Qingxuan, saying "Nine Eight Seven" he stole the magic sword and practiced the magic sword's magic skills, and the magic sword Wouldn't it be better to teach them to be in the same group? "

All of this is just his plan, no one knows what he will do next, because this guy might be able to do anything, he can even kill his master. Is there anything else he can't do?

They are now on their way to the Zhenwu Continent, and they have been inquiring about the Demon Sword along the way. Only Ye Qingxuan never said a word, and a few others went to inquire.

Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Fengxuan, "Do you think Ye Qingxuan is weird, as if he is not willing to look for the magic sword at all."

"If he really didn't want to, why did he come with us? Presumably he has other ideas, but he doesn't want to say it."

"Forget it, if he doesn't like to ask, then let's ask. Anyway, it's the same as long as he follows."

Ye Qingxuan doesn't like to ask, he is too lazy to talk nonsense, because he knows that the magic sword is with him, so why ask?

The one behind them has been following them all the time. Because of his relatively high ability, they followed Ye Qingxuan without realizing it, but there is one person who knows, that is Wanhuangzong among the ancient jades.

The demon spirit in the magic sword said, "This brat is really a treasure. I didn't expect that there are still people staring at him, but this person is full of murderous intent, and he should want to kill him."

"I want to see how he does it."

Even if the Wanhuangzong didn't make a move, this Demon Batian would do it, and he still had Ye Qingxuan's idea in mind, because he was only practicing the first level now, and later in the practice, if he got mad, it would be a big deal for him. good thing.

If Mo Batian's demon spirit really makes a move, the devil's energy will appear in an instant. Wouldn't it be easier for Ye Qingxuan to be misunderstood? The current Mo Batian doesn't have such ability, so he really can't save Ye Qingxuan , he just thought about it casually, if he could, he would definitely save it, because how could he not want such a body?

At this time, Mo Batian said to the Wanhuangzong next to him, "Don't you also lack a body? If this apprentice's body belongs to you, then you will be invincible..."

"Will I be like you? Even if I lack a body, I won't take his body."

"Hahahaha! This is really a big temptation."

Wanhuangzong really didn't bother to pay attention to him, how could he want Ye Qingxuan's body? He would never do it.

This Mobatian is trapped here and wants to control his mind to 0.0, but it's a pity that he is just a touch of spiritual consciousness. If he is a person, he may still be controlled by him, but unfortunately he is not.

"You don't need to waste your time. I'm not alone now. Do you think you just want to persuade me by inciting a few words? Even if I'm still alive, you don't have this ability. Otherwise, how can I practice the four great artifacts to seal you?" .”

Chapter 906 Entering the Zhenwu Continent

"If you hadn't sealed me, why would I stay here and not see the light of day, maybe I would have become the only overlord in this world long ago, with my cultivation of the Heavenly Level Burning Jue, I am definitely the only one in the world. The supreme man."

"It's your responsibility to kill the common people in the world, and you still want to become the overlord of the world. Don't dream about it and seal you. It's not so easy for you to break the seal."

Mo Batian is very clear that this seal cannot be broken, the only way is to find a new body for 22's own demon spirit, remove the magic sword, and abandon himself.

It was originally sealed here, so he has been looking for a suitable body. If the gas is not good, it may not be able to withstand the Heavenly Burning Art for him. It is obvious that Ye Qingxuan is the most suitable one, and Lin Feng is only the second time. the choice you want.

Mo Batian knew that the Wanhuangzong in front of him was just a touch of spiritual knowledge, maybe it would be useless to say anything, so he closed his mouth.

But Wan Huangzong was still sitting there leisurely, he was thinking too much at the moment, he didn't know what the road ahead would be like, and he didn't know whether he could be resurrected with the help of his body.

But he accepted Ye Qingxuan as his apprentice, not because of his body, he just wanted to find someone to help him resurrect, and Ye Qingxuan was indeed the best candidate, he had already told Ye Qingxuan his purpose from the beginning, so Ye Qingxuan also know.

A few of them went all the way to inquire about the news of Demon Sword, but there was no news at all, and then they entered the world of Zhenwu Continent.

There is only one portal between Zhenwu Continent and here, but it is not easy to enter here, because everyone who enters here needs to register, and they also need to register when they come in and register.

So where did Ye Qingxuan and the others come from? Remember where you come from. After entering, each person will get a plaque, representing their identity in Zhenwu Continent.

Several people got the brand of Zhenwu Continent, and walked in cautiously. After all, this is a strange place, and they were afraid that if they did something wrong, they would be kicked out.

Finally out of this range and into the boundary of Zhenwu Continent, Ye Wuxuan took a deep breath and said, "This is really tense, why is Zhenwu Continent so strict, everyone who enters and exits must register, and also Take such a brand."

Situ Haoran said, "As far as I know, they have more spiritual power in Zhenwu Continent, and the cultivation base of the people here is much higher than those on other continents."

"Does it have a lot to do with the abundance of spiritual power in their place?"

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