Ye Qingxuan didn't tell the story of someone chasing and killing him, so he acted as if he didn't know anything, and he didn't say that he killed that master, he just said that he got rid of him, no one would believe him anyway, he killed him Even the Bai family didn't believe it, let alone someone else.

Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation base has been greatly improved, and the spirit of the fire spirit has been swallowed by it. His current meridians look particularly strong, and reveal the light of the spirit of fire and the spirit of snow.

After the fire spirit spirit was handed over to Wuchen, he would naturally bring it back to the academy. There are really a lot of this kind of fire spirit spirit in their academy. This is just a task for the disciples to practice every year. It occurred to me that some disciples were able to get it back, but this is not the first time, because other disciples have also brought back the fire spirit spirit from that place....

The running all the way is naturally for them to have a good rest. From tomorrow onwards, they will enter the cultivation tower and continue to practice.

Today, Ye Qingxuan and the others are free to move about. Of course, they haven't seen other disciples for a long time during this experience, so of course they will have a good time together.

They were chatting and laughing together about what happened during this period, and Ye Qingxuan and the others began to talk about how they obtained the fire spirit spirit.

Of course, this matter did not come from Ye Qingxuan's mouth, but from Ye Wuxuan's mouth. 0.0

Ye Wuxuan said, "You don't know how dangerous it was at that time. You must know that there is a master of Xuanshen level chasing and killing us, and Ye Qingxuan is his main target. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan said that you should go and wait for me there. I'll join you right away."

"How could we leave at that time, but Ye Qingxuan said that we were a burden, so we had to leave.".

Chapter 891 Small talk

"That's why we set off directly to the destination and waited for him over there. Guess what? Ye Qingxuan really got rid of that Xuanshen level master!"

The few of them were stunned when they heard it. This process is too legendary.

"That's how Ye Qingxuan, a mysterious god-level master, escaped. It really surprised us."

Ye Wuxuan said with a smile, "Of course, he is a genius of our Ye family. Let me tell you, when Ye Qingxuan found us, that guy chased us again, but when Ye Qingxuan led him in, only A person came out, and that person is a master of Xuanshen level."

"He walked up to us at 22 and said, that Ye Qingxuan jumped off by himself, but it has nothing to do with me, I didn't kill him."

"You don't know how nervous the few of us were at that time, but you didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to come out of it safely and bring out the spirit of the fire spirit."

"Wow, it's really thrilling."

Ye Fengxuan said, "What about you, it shouldn't be easy for you to bring back that high-level magic box?"

"Isn't that right? We also went to the black forest to practice in a thrilling way, and we didn't expect to encounter such a powerful high-level monster, but in the end the few of us accepted him reasonably."

They were chatting and laughing here, telling the stories of their going out to practice, and they didn't go back to their rooms to rest until it was dark. Now that they had returned to Chongwu College, they naturally had to rest earlier, after all, they were the second Tian still has to go to the cultivation tower to practice.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room, and he entered the ancient jade again. In fact, he was going to start practicing the Fen Jue in the past two days.

And in the cultivation tower is the best time. Of course, he has just fused the fire spirit spirit, and he can start practicing the Fen Jue in a few days. He knows that if he can find the Amethyst Sword again, he will You can leave here and go back to deliver the task of the True Spirit Pagoda.

But he knows that it is not so easy, he must become the ruler of this world, that is to say, the most powerful is on every continent, he is the supreme existence, so that he has the opportunity to leave here, I am afraid that the purple Jing Baojian will not appear for a while.

Mo Batian in the Demon Sword, did not expect that even the soul of the fire spirit would be swallowed by him. He had to admire that guy from Wanhuangzong for being perverted enough. The young man in front of him did it too.

It seems that the goal he found this time is really good. It would be even better if he can succeed. I don’t know when 940 will start practicing the magic formula. As long as he starts to practice, it will be fast for him.

The next day Ye Qingxuan practiced normally in the training tower. He was still on the fourth floor of the training tower, but he didn't spend too much time on the tower in the first few days, and every day was just a normal hour.

Part of the time is used to practice his own sword skills, and the other part of the time is to go to Haotian in the academy to practice alchemy. Ye Qingxuan's alchemy is very powerful, which shocked Haotian, because he himself also used some pills It can't reach the tenth level of purity, and Ye Qingxuan in front of him has already reached that level in refining the pills.

Chapter 892

It seems that his alchemy skills are limitless, and he might surpass himself one day. How could he know that Ye Qingxuan's current ability has already surpassed him, but he is only a little short of cultivation.

Haotian didn't know that Ye Qingxuan had such ability, but he still liked Ye Qingxuan very much, because there are really few disciples like him.

Ye Qingxuan's cultivation during this period was very stable, and after Ye Qingxuan came to Chongwu Academy, the Bai family also stopped a lot.

They can no longer beat Ye Qingxuan's attention now, and the Patriarch of the Bai family is also pacing back and forth, thinking about how to solve this matter every day, because they know that with Ye Qingxuan's strength, they will come to deal with the Bai family sooner or later.

In fact, the Bai family is treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Ye Qingxuan has clearly warned him that as long as they don't provoke the Ye family, then they will live in peace, but he just doesn't believe what Ye Qingxuan said, always thinking that they are in vain. The house will be cleaned up by Ye Qingxuan sooner or later.

The reason for such worries is not because their Bai family is too bullying, always thinking of ruling the entire Xuanwu Continent, and if they want to rule, they can also be the first family of the Xuanwu Continent.

It is completely enough for someone with such strength to lead the other three major families, but what he wants is to devour the three major families. This is completely different from the thoughts of other family members. Is it necessary to think about devouring other families? That is to make them their vassal families, and these three families no longer exist.

The Patriarch of the Bai family thought about it, and he finally came up with a good idea. If they get rid of the Patriarch of the Ye family, although it is not an easy task, as long as they believe in it, they will succeed.

Their most important main force now is the one from Baicao Garden, thinking that even if the person from Baicao Garden protects the Ye family, it is impossible for him to be by his side all the time.

So they have a chance to attack, and the master of the Ye family is not low in cultivation, if he wants to find someone who can get rid of him, unless they invite the elders of the Bai family.

With such a plan, he immediately left here and came to the backyard of their Bai family. This is the place where the elders clean up. It stands to reason that they have long since ignored the affairs of the Bai family. The cultivation of these elders It has reached the Qiankun level.

The Patriarch suddenly came here, and the Patriarch of the Bai Family immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the elders, "The 109th successor of the Bai Family, elders, bows down to you``."

The elders in these families are also very clear. If there is no important event in the Bai family, this family will never appear here. It seems that something must happen.

"¨Is something going to happen? You just showed up here."

"I don't want the Bai family to end in my hands, so I'm here to ask the elders to help me."

"Hmph! Then tell me what it is."

"My Bai family has always been the largest family in the Xuanwu Continent, so it will be a matter of time before we want to rule the Xuanwu Continent (Nuoma's), but recently the Ye family seems to be very rampant, except for a very talented disciple of the Ye family. , at such a young age, his cultivation has already reached the level of a great fighter."

The elders heard that it was indeed a talent, and they glanced at each other, never expecting that there is such a talent in this world.

The Patriarch of the Bai family continued, "This Ye Qingxuan is so talented that he doesn't pay attention to my Bai family and uttered wild words several times that he would destroy my Bai family.".

Chapter 893

"Such an arrogant kid, he is too crazy, so I sent people to assassinate him, but I didn't expect that all the people I sent were poisoned by the cold poison, and one of them had already been killed by him."

"I don't know what's wrong with the Ye family. The other three major families are all inclined to them. I don't know if it's because of Ye Qingxuan, because he is still an intermediate alchemist, his cultivation base is so high, and his talent is so different Innate, possesses two levels of cultivation."

The Patriarch of the Bai family added fuel and vinegar, but there are some truths in what he said, and the elders were so shocked, especially when he told Ye Qingxuan, they never thought that there would be such a disciple in the Ye family.

One of the elders said, "It seems that this son must be killed. Killing him 940 before he is full-fledged is still very beneficial to our Bai family."

The Patriarch of the Bai family said with a pitiful look, "I have already sent a Xuankun-level master, but what I never expected is that this person went alive and well, and when he came back, he turned into a cold Corpse."

"How is this possible? No matter how talented he is, it is impossible to kill a Xuankun-level master with his strength. This is absolutely impossible. Could it be that someone behind him is helping him?"

"I think so too, but the closest (ccaa) to them is Baicaoyuan Baicaoyuan, we can't afford to offend them, and we don't know whether it is Baicaoyuan's help now."

"This is indeed a tricky matter. There are two choices at the top of the list, that is to kill the Ye family's patriarch while destroying the Ye family now, and the other is to chase after Chongwu Academy to find the right time to kill that Ye Qingxuan. "

"The disciple naturally knows, but there is indeed no such person in the family who can deal with him, otherwise I would not be able to disturb the elders' Qingxiu today."

"Let's go. I already know about this matter. I sent someone to send the portrait of that young man. As for the Ye Family Patriarch? Let's see and talk. If there is a chance, then go for it."

The patriarch of the Bai family turned around and left. The moment he turned his head, there was a sinister expression on his face. This guy even cheated his own family.

The Ye family is not that easy to deal with. Although his cultivation is not very high, the Ye family also has senior figures. Once the Ye family is endangered, they will definitely protect it. Wu Academy to kill that Ye Qingxuan, this is the only best way to change the fate of the Ye family.

When they saw Ye Qingxuan's portrait, they could also see that he was indeed young. They never expected such talent at such a young age, and he was also an intermediate alchemist. It would be great if this disciple belonged to their Bai family. .

One of the elders was ready to go, and the others stayed where they were. He should be sure to make a move, as his cultivation had already reached the Qiankun level.

The speed of promotion is very fast all the way to the Xuanshen level, but after passing the Xuanshen level, it is very difficult to level up every season, so it can reach the Qiankun level, which is enough to prove his strength.

He was wearing a black robe, no one could see his face clearly, they only knew that he was an old man, and he set off for Xuanxin Continent on a flying mount.

Chapter 894

Such a master is ambushing here, he has already seen Ye Qingxuan's appearance, so he will wait outside the gate of Chongwu Academy every day, naturally he will not stand in such an obvious position.

Ye Qingxuan hasn't left Chongwu Academy for a while, because he wants to practice the Heavenly Level Burning Jue.

Ye Qingxuan hadn't practiced the Heavenly Level Burning Jue for several days in a row, and he walked out of the cultivation tower normally. Today he entered the fourth floor of the cultivation tower and entered the ancient jade.

Now his meridians are completely different, possessing these two energies, and these two energies have been fused together.

Ye Qingxuan is the most proud disciple of the Wanhuangzong. He is very happy every time he sees Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan's current alchemy is also advancing by leaps and bounds. With his current ability, he will soon reach the first level of senior alchemist .

Although he does have such abilities, he has mastered too few weapons, because Ye Qingxuan has been really busy recently, and has no time to learn new ammunition at all, and the weapons he learned in Chongwu Academy are all very simple. , Ye Qingxuan has already mastered these.

He has been hiding his strength all the time, so no one knows Ye Qingxuan's true ability, except his master Wanhuangzong.

In this academy, if the disciple breaks through to the Xuanshen level, they can leave here, that is to say, they no longer need to continue their studies in Chongwu Academy, and there is no tutor who can teach them.

And they will always be the disciples of Chongwu Academy. If Chongwu Academy is in trouble, they will immediately return to support.

Ye Qingxuan has now reached the peak of a great fighter, and with his strength, it won't be long before he can break through to the Xuanshen level.

When he came to Chongwu Academy, this cultivation tower helped Ye Qingxuan the most. It not only helped Ye Qingxuan improve continuously, but most importantly, his master Wanhuangzong also absorbed the abundant spiritual power here.

Ye Qingxuan was in the cultivation tower on the fourth floor, no one could enter here with him except those two people who could enter with him, and those two people could only stay here for an hour.

Ye Qingxuan sat down among the ancient jades, and said to his master Wan Huangzong, "I will start to practice now, Heavenly Level Burning Jue."

"Okay, since you have made a decision, let's start. I hope you can bear it. If there is a change along the way, I will definitely help you, even if you risk my life."

····Ask for flowers 00

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "I won't let you go out no matter what, you're dead."

"Stinky boy, I knew you had a conscience."

"Hey, don't be smug, I just want to learn your skills."


The Wanhuangzong knew Ye Qingxuan, and it was just to make him happy. Now that Ye Qingxuan had already appeared in front of him, he started to practice according to the method in Fen Jue.

After entering the first floor of Fen Jue, he found that his whole body was like a raging fire, and the whole space was full of red flames.

And the meridians formed by his snow spirit spirit can resist part of the pain. After all, the duel between blood and fire naturally has his meridians to counteract.

The spirit of the fire spirit flew out of his body in an instant, facing the raging fire, it seemed much easier for Ye Qingxuan to practice the burning formula, because he had also started to practice before, but the pain was unbearable for him of zero.

Chapter 895 Mo Batian Did Not Succeed

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that he would be in such a state after fusing the spirit of snow and fire. For him, he had to practice the celestial burning formula, wouldn't it be much easier?

In the next second, a wisp of his own spiritual consciousness flew out of his body in an instant. Standing in this space, he could see that wisp of spiritual consciousness dancing the moves of this exercise.

He was practicing well there, but suddenly a figure of Ye Qingxuan appeared in "940". This figure was obviously completely different from the previous one. What is that gloomy look in his eyes?

When Ye Qingxuan was thinking, a voice came into his ears, but the person who spoke was none other than Mo Batian in Demon Sword, he smiled and said that he is the demon energy in your heart.

The master's voice came to his ears, "Calm down, don't believe everything that guy said, no matter who this thing is in front of you, as long as he doesn't exist, you can practice yourself not to be influenced by the outside world."

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes instantly after hearing what his master said, only the form of this exercise book was in front of him, and nothing else was in his eyes, so he couldn't hear Mo Batian's voice, no matter what Mo Batian said He didn't respond to anything.

There was black devilish energy exuding from the devil sword, and in the next second he said to Wanhuangzong, "It must be your fault."

"That's right, what the **** did I do? You come out, can't you come out? You also want to get my apprentice's idea, there is no way."


At this time, Wanhuangzong found that the magic sword became more and more angry and kept shaking. Even so, he couldn't do anything about it. Was it so easy to break free by holding on to the air? It's impossible to do it even with all your strength.

While Ye Qingxuan was performing steadily there, this Heavenly Level Burning Art was really good, and the pain it caused was also very small, but he also suffered a lot of pain before to practice such a meridian.

Ye Qingxuan's techniques are getting more and more proficient, and the Tianji Fenjue seems no longer so difficult in his eyes. You must know that he was not successful in practicing at the beginning.

Because its body and meridians couldn't bear the damage brought by the sky-level branch at all, and now the meridians are completely different, and earth-shaking changes have taken place.

His ability has also been greatly improved. He has now broken through to the Mysterious God level. When he was just training, he was still at the peak of a great fighter. In the process of training, he was instantly promoted to a Mysterious God level master...

Wan Huangzong sat there with a smile all over his face, "This disciple is really good, it's a pity that you won't be able to get him."

Demon Sword now knows that he has no way to get Ye Qingxuan's body. The only way is to contact Lin Feng. Although he is in the ancient jade, he is integrated with Lin Feng, so it can communicate with Lin Feng completely.

Immediately after, Lin Feng sensed someone talking to him, and he immediately returned to his room, closed the door and sat on the bed, when the demon spirit in the magic sword appeared in his mind.

Lin Feng immediately said to him, "Where did the magic sword go? Why did it disappear without a trace with 0.0 you?"

"I have been taken away by someone, and you have seen that person before."

Lin Feng immediately recalled, and then said, "In my impression, there is only one person who came here, Wuchen, but with his strength, he can't take away the magic sword at all."

"What's more, I have been to Chongwu Academy in person, and I can't feel any devil energy at all.".

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