Two kinds of meridians, two kinds of energies are fighting non-stop. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's meridians emit two kinds of "nine three three" light, one is the light of ice, and the other is the light of fiery red. These two kinds of light merged Together, looking at the light emitted by his meridians is even more strange.

Wan Huangzong sat there anxiously waiting for him, not knowing whether Ye Qingxuan would succeed, so he was still very nervous.

At this moment, the magic sword exuded a black magic weapon, Wan Huangzong noticed it instantly, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Why are you nervous? I can't do anything, and it's not like you don't know. I just want to ask you, what is your purpose for doing this? What if you really hurt him?"

"If you don't endure hardships, you can be a master. Only in this way can you make him stronger. Of course, what I want to do is to make him stronger. What are you doing now? Do you still feel sorry for him? "

"He's the body I'm looking for, of course I will feel bad."

"To be honest, both of you and I need to find gas at the same time, but we are completely different, because you are taking someone else's body, and I am just resurrecting me."

"Stop talking about those useless nonsense, just talk about your apprentice. Although he has some talents, even his master kills such an apprentice. What do you leave him for? I originally wanted to occupy his body, but I found out that your An apprentice is more suitable for me, but let me tell you that guy Lin Feng has already been absorbed by my devilish energy, so he is not much better."

"I already know that he is not much better. What's the use of you saying this now, besides, whether you take his body or not has nothing to do with me."

"Being imprisoned here by the two of you now, even if I want to go out, I can't get out. Although I can communicate with him, it is impossible for him to find me."

Wan Huangzong smiled and said, "I just want to keep you in this ancient jade, wouldn't it be good to be my companion?"

"Be with you, don't dream, I will go out sooner or later, I want my demons to rule the whole world..."

"Originally, you already have the seals of the four great artifacts, plus this ancient jade tree, it's more difficult than climbing to the sky. You think you can really occupy Ye Qingxuan's body, don't dream."

"It's just that he hasn't practiced the Fenjue yet. Once he practices and infuses the magic energy, he will definitely be able to control him."

Ye Qingxuan has been in his room for two days, and people outside have been holding hands outside, because Ye Qingxuan has always been that you have not changed a single action, but the sweat is flowing non-stop, no one dares to touch him, just in case Be careful that it will be troublesome if you go crazy, so they can only stay there, 0.0 is delivered to eat every day, even so Ye Qingxuan never gets up.

In fact, everyone in the Ye family was very anxious. After all, it had been two days. Ye Qingxuan was still sitting there on the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, and the sixth day.

Ye Qingxuan felt that it took much longer than the last time to devour the snow spirit spirit, and now the fire spirit spirit has completely merged with the snow spirit spirit.

Chapter 886 Ye Qingxuan Wakes Up

Ye Qingxuan can feel his meridians, the two energies are fused together, so now he not only possesses the ability of snow spirit soul in his meridians, but also possesses the ability of fire spirit spirit at the same time.

The sweat on Ye Qingxuan's forehead has stopped, which is enough to prove that he is not in so much pain now, and seeing that he seems to be enjoying himself, Wanhuangzong knew that the meridians had been fused.

Ye Qingxuan gradually opened his eyes. He also saw that his clothes were soaked through, and his hair was also soaked. He said, "I finally succeeded."

"You have finally succeeded in the seven days of the brat clan."

"It's been seven days since 22. Didn't I starve to death?"

"How could it be, I can't die of hunger."

"No, no, I'm going back to fill my stomach now. I'll talk about anything later."

The delivery man had already arrived at the door, and at this moment these two people were still lying on the crack of the door watching, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and the two of them took another look, they did open their eyes and immediately opened the door and walked in, saying, "My lord you're awake."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the food brought by the two of them and said, "Is this for me?"

"Hurry up and bring it to me, I'm going to starve to death."

The two people guarding Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Master, I haven't eaten for seven days. Of course I will be hungry. Don't worry, the food will be brought to you on time every day. I know it's waiting for you to wake up. It seems that today's delivery is just in time."

Ye Qingxuan started eating voraciously. At this moment, these two people went to report to the family that Ye Qingxuan had woken up, and everyone walked towards this side. Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan said as soon as he came in, "You are sober."

Ye Fengxuan sat down on the stool and said, "Hey, what are you doing? The clan has practiced for seven days and has not moved."

Ye Qingxuan's mouth was full of oil, he said, "Really? No wonder I feel so hungry."

The Patriarch, Ye Qingxuan's father, and other elders all rushed over to this side. When they saw Ye Qingxuan gobbling up food, they all laughed. It is true that he has no spar for seven days, so he will naturally be hungry, so wait for him Ask Ye Qingxuan after eating. After eating, he wiped his hands and mouth and said, "I made you worry."

Ye Zhuo stepped forward and said, "What's the situation? Why have you sat here without moving for seven days?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I have now broken through to the peak of a great fighter, and will soon reach the Xuanshen level."

"Is this true? Hahahaha, my Ye family has produced such a powerful genius."

Everyone was dumbfounded, the young master has already reached the peak of a great fighter at this age, how terrifying it is.

But the time they stayed here is almost 937, and now they have to return to Chongwu Academy, so Ye Qingxuan and the others packed up and prepared to leave the Ye family, but the people of the Ye family did not promote Ye Qingxuan to the peak of being a great fighter say it.

The Ye family was only excited by themselves, but now Ye Qingxuan is the peerless genius of the Ye family, and has been admired by all the descendants, and there are many children who adore Ye Qingxuan whenever they mention Ye Qingxuan.

Now these children of the Ye family all follow Ye Qingxuan as an example. Although there is not much difference in age between them, they are indeed like this, because Ye Qingxuan is a legendary existence in the Ye family.

Chapter 887 Ready to Return to the Academy

Ye Qingxuan and the others were about to leave here, and the Bai family was about to make a move, because the disciples of the Bai family were also planning to return to Chongwu Academy, so they knew that Ye Qingxuan would also act at this time.

This time, Ye Qingxuan was not only with the people from the Ye family, but also the people from the Jiutianmen, and Situ Haoran, and they set off for the Xuanxin Continent together.

Jiugu said, "After the Bai family failed to make a move, did they make another move?"

Ye Wuxuan said, "Is there any more? They all went to our Ye's house, almost hurting Ye Qingxuan."

"The Bai family must have been deceiving people too much. They even hit your Ye family."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I believe he won't have this chance in the future."

Ye Qingxuan's cultivation base has been promoted so much, and his sharpness has also been promoted a lot. Another point is that when he devoured the fire spirit spirit, he also grew the wings of the fire spirit spirit, so now it has four wings. Wings, some of which are snow spirit spirits, and some wings are fire spirit spirits.

At this time, the head of the Ye family said, "Will the Bai family make another move along the way? Originally, I didn't want to embarrass the Bai family, but they are a little too bullying. From now on, all the business of my Ye family will suppress the Bai family. home''."

Ye Zhuo said, "My son, Jiren, has had so many incidents with Tianxiang, and he is fine. I believe that even if the Bai family makes another move, he will naturally turn the bad into good luck."

"Hahaha! It's true that the sky is not in vain for my Ye family!"

"After so many years, you finally survived. Just such a child, when you were a waste at the beginning, I know you felt uncomfortable, but this is how it is in this world. There is no way to respect martial arts. Now it's okay. Yes, Ye Qingxuan has become the most talented disciple of our Ye family."

Ye Qingxuan's father nodded. Although they were a little worried about Ye Qingxuan, they knew very well that it was impossible to protect her all the time, so he had to face everything by himself.

Sure enough, the people from the Bai family appeared again, still wearing the masked clothes, and they didn't even bother to change the mask, but it was obviously not the same person before, because the voice of speaking had changed.

Situ Haoran stood there and said, "You think we won't know who you are if you wear a mask, but you are from the Bai family. Your Bai family is going too far."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but what I want is his life, you guys hurry up, or don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Wuxuan and the others were very angry, but Ye Qingxuan stopped them and said, "Let's go first and go directly to Chongwu Academy, don't worry, I'm fine."

They didn't want to leave at first, but Ye Qingxuan insisted on letting them go. It seems that they are burdensome again, but in this case, they can only go back to Chongwu Academy first.

After several people left, Ye Qingxuan said, "Your Bai family is really endless. Do you really think I'm easy to bully again and again?"

"As long as you die, isn't it all right? Everything is settled."

Ye Qingxuan just said that casually, but what he said next made Ye Qingxuan understand immediately, it seems that he is really a member of the Bai family.

So this person didn't hide it, it was because he knew that Ye Qingxuan would definitely die, so what if he knew, wouldn't it be better for him to die clearly? .

Chapter 888 Chasing Ye Qingxuan

At this moment, he is ready to make a move. His cultivation base is definitely greater than Ye Qingxuan's, so it can be said that it is easy for him to kill Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan is not what he used to be, he has two kinds of meridians .

The Wanhuangzong wants to see Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation, how he will deal with this person who is so much taller than him. If necessary, he will definitely take action to keep Ye Qingxuan, even if he sacrifices his own spiritual knowledge.

This guy sold very quickly, but he didn't expect Ye Qingxuan's speed to be even faster. Ye Qingxuan's kung fu was at the full level, and the Qiankun Sword in his hand instantly appeared at 937 to cut Xinghe. This speed is very fast. He vaguely saw that Ye Qingxuan's deep injury seemed to have two colors, "What is that? Could it be the four wings?"

Because those two energies seem to be somewhat translucent, but Ye Qingxuan moves so fast that he can't see clearly. It is a brand new and powerful skill with full-level energy. It is about to reach the Xuanshen level.

So his ability to erupt is much stronger than before. These two moves are also quite violent, and the positions of each attack are different. The person in front of him is indeed a master, but it also makes him a little overwhelmed.

"It's impossible what kind of cultivation you are."

Ye Qingxuan said, "You will know when you die."

"Speak wildly, you crazy kid, let's see how the tiger kills you."

Then Ye Qingxuan was enraged by Ye Qingxuan, and the attack became even more fierce. Ye Qingxuan's three swords pierced the sky and broke out in an instant. It is impossible to have such a fast speed.

He knew that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation must not be low, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a fast speed, but even so, it is impossible for him to beat himself like this, since he is many levels higher than him.

Ye Qingxuan's energy hit him, although it caused a certain amount of damage (ccaa), but it couldn't seriously injure him, because his opponent was also a master of Xuankun level.

Ye Qingxuan had to kill him today, and let him come and go, what should he do if he looks at the Bai family?

The Yuanshen-level master instantly summoned his own monster, and this monster motioned to the swift and fierce wolf Ye Qingxuan and smiled, isn't it just a monster? As if no one had it, his monster appeared instantly.

Xuanniao flew out, and his monster instantly felt the powerful coercion, but it was obvious that he was still not convinced by this monster, and he was struggling to resist this monster. He has a contract, but even so, he can't be stronger than Xuanniao's coercion.

It will be useless, he immediately pulled out his sword, 10,000 sword spirits feed on it, the sword rank is high in the realm of sword art, Ye Qingxuan knows his sword art when he sees it, this guy has also practiced ten thousand sword art .

Compared with his Wanjian Jue, his Wanjian Jue is far from his own. After all, he is also at full level, while he is only at level six or seven.

"Since you like to use Wanjian Jue so much, then I will show you what the real Wanjian Jue is."

Ye Qingxuan's swordsmanship instantly shocked him, he did not expect that the Wanjian Jue used at such a young age would be at the full level.

When the sword edge pierced his chest, the energy of the snow essence poured in instantly.

Chapter 889

Ye Qingxuan didn't think that there would be such an effect, and the benefits it brought would be too great.

It felt wrong in an instant. Originally, I was evacuating backwards, and I could completely avoid the sword move, but I felt a cold air entering my body.

At this moment, he knew it was not good, and the cold air entering his body meant that he had been poisoned~, and it was cold poison.

Yun Gong was about to force out the cold air, but at this moment Ye Qingxuan used his phantom sword art, and the moment he saw it, he flew back through the Qiankun sword from his body. With a confident expression, his eyes widened, he wanted to say something but couldn't, and finally he fell down.

The moment he fell down, he would never have thought that he would be killed by a brat whose cultivation level was so much lower than his own, so there was a terrified expression on his face.

And Ye Qingxuan ran away quickly after beheading him, disappeared without a trace and headed directly towards Chongwu College. This person fell on the ground and the disciples of the Bai family also found him when they walked towards this side.

They didn't know that they were from the Bai family at first, but they were stunned when they took off the mask. Who was the master of their Bai family who did it, and why did this master dress up like this?

Bai Liang was puzzled, he wondered if this person was sent by his family to chase and kill Ye Qingxuan, but with Ye Qingxuan's strength, it is absolutely impossible to kill him, could it be that there is a series of thoughts to help him with masters? Can't figure it out, but he can only pass the news back to the Bai family. He has no time now and must return to Chongwu College.

After he finished sending the news, he left this place by himself, so it didn't take long for the people of the Bai family to carry the corpse back. When they saw that he was poisoned by cold and was pierced by a sword.

The Patriarch of the family said, "Who exactly did this? It's absolutely impossible for that brat Ye Qingxuan to do it. Even if his talent is excellent, he still can't defeat a Xuankun-level master."

"Who will help? Could it be someone from Baicaoyuan?"

"I'm afraid this will be a disaster for my Bai family. Let him be buried."

The Patriarch of the Bai family was too restless. Ye Qingxuan originally wanted to keep them, but this guy sent people to chase and kill Ye Qingxuan again and again. The killer was directly beheaded by Ye Qingxuan, and he beheaded a master of Xuankun level at the peak of a great fighter.

····Ask for flowers 00

Ye Qingxuan then set off towards Xuanxin Continent, and the others had already arrived, because they set off before Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan was not in a hurry along the way, nor did he use his four wings, he knew that only the dead could see , so when that person sees his four wings, so he must die.


The main reason is that Ye Qingxuan doesn't want to show his strength now. He doesn't want others to know that he has devoured the blood essence and fire spirit. Of course, even if he succeeds, he may not be able to use the four wings Come.

Not only can he control the appearance of separate wings, but he can also control these two kinds of energy. At first Ye Qingxuan didn't know that his icy meridians could produce cold energy, and even his fire spirit spirit could produce quite a bit of energy. Intense flame burns to zero.

Chapter 890 Returning to Chongwu Academy

What makes Ye Qingxuan most unconfident is that this ice and fire can be fused together, which really surprised him, not to mention he doesn't believe it, I'm afraid no one in this world can believe it, but his talent is excellent, It's better to say that his master is also a pervert, which can be imagined.

Ye Qingxuan soon returned to Chongwu Academy. When Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others saw Ye Qingxuan, they knew from "940" that he was safe. It seemed that the guy still failed. The two of them really admired Ye Qingxuan's ability, Even such a powerful master can be thrown away by him.

At this time, Jiu Gu also stepped forward and said, "You have thrown that guy away."

"Well, I've shaken it off."

At this time, their master Wuchen appeared in front of them and said, "This time the experience is over, where have you all gone to practice? What kind of gains have you gained from this experience?"

Ye Qingxuan and the others directly took out the fire spirit spirit, and they went to the magma field according to Wuchen's suggestion, Wuchen smiled with satisfaction, he knew that the fire spirit spirit was very difficult to get.

I don't know how these people did it. Anyway, the fire spirit spirit has been taken from Ye Qingxuan's hand. Even if it doesn't fall into the magma, it can be obtained, but Ye Qingxuan is under the magma. I just got the Fire Emperor Essence.

"Everyone's experience this time has been very successful. It can be seen that some people have brought back high-level magic cores, and some have brought back all kinds of rare and rare herbs. This is enough to prove that you have gone out to experience this time. It's all good."

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