In the next second, Ye Qingxuan jumped out of it suddenly. This action scared the people around him. Of course, the members of the Ye family were prepared.

Ye Qingxuan said, "You really want me to die sooner, but it's a pity that I can't follow your wish, my young master, I can live well. Our Ye family is definitely the strongest in Xuanwu City. What do you Bai family want?" Don't even think about it, either stay quiet, or wait until the genocide is exterminated."

The Patriarch of the Bai family came back with a look of disbelief, but he saw him jump into the Rongjiang River with his own eyes, and waited there for a while. He knew that when he entered the Rongjiang River, he would be turned into ashes, and Ye Qingxuan in front of him was still alive. , how is this possible? zero.

Chapter 880 Reminding the Patriarch of the Bai Family

The person in charge of Qingyun Baicao Garden in Xuanwu Continent was also shocked at the moment, he said, "What's going on?"

Ye Wuxuan said with a smile, "It's a long story."

Ye Qingxuan jumped out from the inside and said, "This is what you want to see the most, but it just doesn't meet your wish."

The Patriarch of the Bai family had a smile of "930" in his eyes. In fact, he was already very angry in his heart. He thought that Ye Qingxuan was dead. He, he said he saw him jump into the lava.

"What do you mean by this? I'm just passing by here, what do you have to do with me?"

Ye Qingxuan walked towards this side, and then got very close to him, and only the two of them could hear their voices, "You are the only one who knows whether it has anything to do with you. You should know that although I can't defeat you with my current strength, but It's easy to destroy your Bai family, but I'm an intermediate pharmacist."

"There are still many secrets that you don't know, so don't provoke me, and don't come to provoke our Ye family. Maybe your Bai family will live in peace, but if you continue, the Bai family will be destroyed sooner or later." Erase."

The Patriarch of the Bai family heard Ye Qingxuan's words, the smile on his face did not fade away, but in fact he still had various thoughts in his heart, he turned around and left without saying anything, while Ye Qingxuan just smiled and turned around. They also returned to the Ye family, how could the genius of the Ye family fall like this? At this time, Qingyun also followed them to Ye's house.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I made you laugh, actually I want to know whether the person who sent to kill me was done by the Patriarch of the Bai family, but judging by his performance, he must be, because he has already confirmed that I am dead , which means that they knew about it before our Ye family.”

"You mean that they sent a killer this time to hunt you down while you were out for the trial."

"That's right, if it wasn't for my great fortune and fate, I would have been killed by them long ago."

"Hahaha! As expected, it is Ye, who was born a hero, and his family's talents are extremely talented. Since I have nothing to do, I will leave first."

Through this incident, Ye Qingxuan can also see that Baicao Garden is absolutely sincere to their Ye family...

After the members of the Bai family returned home, he was very angry. He punched the table in front of him heavily on the steamed buns on the ground. All the cups fell and made a clanging sound, and all the cups below Everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to look up at the head of the Bai family.

"What the **** is going on here?"

The person who went also walked towards this side, and he said, "I did indeed see him jumping down, and I'm sure you need to know that you can jump out of the magma and come out safely, unless there is snow on his body Spirituality, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to do it.”

"Even with Xue Jing Po 0.0, it is impossible to last that long. Although with Xue Jing Po, it is indeed possible to go down. Didn't you say that you have been waiting outside for a long time?"

"That's right, I did wait outside for a long time and he didn't show up, so I left. I think he would have been turned into ashes long ago when he jumped in here. Who would have thought that he would come out safely. It seems that this hurt deeply. It is indeed carrying the spirit of snow essence."

Chapter 881 Assassinate Ye Qingxuan

"Hmph! This stinky brat never imagined that his life would be so big. Where did he get this snow essence soul?"

At this time, Bai Liang, a disciple of the Bai family, walked towards this side, "Could it be that the Xue Jing Po was not given to him during the mission of the academy, but it has been handed over to the academy, so why is he secretly hiding one?" ?”

"It seems that this must be the case, otherwise how could he jump in and come out alive, but how did he manage to get the snow essence in front of so many of you."

"The head of the family doesn't know that he got the snow essence soul alone, so no one sees how much he got. Although the blood essence soul is rare, it was indeed found by him alone. The situation at that time All of us are gone."

"This guy actually dares to threaten me. If you don't kill him before he grows up, our Bai family will be destroyed by him sooner or later. I'm afraid the whole Bai family will cease to exist."

The Patriarch of the Bai family didn't stop thinking, and even called Ye Qingxuan's attention. He didn't take Ye Qingxuan's warning to heart at all. In fact, Ye Qingxuan had already given them a clear path for the Bai family, but he refused to listen.

Ye Qingxuan and the others had already obtained the spirit of the fire spirit, and came back here soon, seeing that there were still more than ten days before the deadline to arrive at the academy, so he decided to stay at Ye's house within a few days.

That night, Ye Qingxuan was sitting in his courtyard, looking at the bright moonlight and the stars in the sky, when suddenly a man in black sneaked in, and the master of the Bai family who was guarding the library was already there. Noticed it.

Ye Qingxuan also saw a figure walking towards that side, so he chased after him. When Ye Qingxuan arrived here, he didn't find any trace of that person, and then he slapped him on the back. Ye Qingxuan didn't This person's ability is strong, so he was hit by the palm, and a mouthful of blood was spit out instantly.

Wan Huangzong said, "It's from the Bai family again."

This person hit with one palm, followed by another one. Ye Qingxuan could clearly feel that this guy's cultivation was definitely higher than that of the person who chased and killed him before. Luckily, Ye Qingxuan dodged this one in time. He was hit by a little bit.

Wan Huangzong is also a little worried, he must possess a body when necessary, although Ye Qingxuan is very unfavorable to him, it is possible that his spiritual consciousness will fade in an instant.

But he can help Ye Qingxuan resist a move, at least so that he will not be killed by him directly. At the moment Ye Qingxuan made the move with both hands, a force behind him exploded in an instant, directly killing the person in front of him. Guy top flies out.

After hearing the movement, people from the Ye family had already surrounded them. A man in black was repelled. He was injured in 930 now. He didn't stop, turned around and was about to slip away. All his children chased after him.

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and saw that the person behind him was an old man, this is the one on the Library Pavilion, "Thank you, elder, for saving me."

"Brat, you are a genius of our Ye family, I will naturally keep you."

After saying this, he returned to the Library Pavilion. The Patriarch of the Ye family knew that the master of the Changshu Pavilion never cared about the affairs of the Ye family. This is of course very important to him.

Chapter 882 Cold Poison

Ye Zhuo immediately stepped forward and said, "Are you okay? Why didn't you yell when you knew someone came in?"

Ye Yu said, "Who actually dared to come to my Ye family? It can be seen from his skill that he is a top master, and he even covered his face. It seems that it was the work of the Bai family again." .”

"Come here, prepare the healing medicine."

Although Ye Qingxuan was injured, he was fine, he said, "No need, I have it myself, don't worry, I'm fine."

Ye Yu said, "Come here to increase the Ye family's handles, and get four mysterious god-level masters to guard."

Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart, "Since the Bai family wants to die so much, then let him be fulfilled."

With the patriarch of the Bai family, with his personality, he will definitely kill Ye Qingxuan. It is absolutely impossible for Ye Qingxuan to be as honest as Ye Qingxuan said. Since the opportunity has been given to him, he himself does not want it, so Ye Qingxuan will be like this next time. He made a plan, he must destroy the Bai family.

Back in his room, Ye Qingxuan swallowed two bullets, and then adjusted his internal injuries with luck. His recovery speed was simply too fast, and it was also because of his very special meridians.

Don't think that just that one palm can kill him, that is simply impossible, relying on his current strong meridians to diagnose his meridians, it is simply impossible.

After this person went back, he also found that the cold air in his palm began to spread into his body. He began to adjust his breath hard to force the cold air back, but this was only temporary, and it was not so easy to completely remove it. Every once in a while he needs to clear himself of the cold air, why on earth is this?

At this time, the Patriarch of the Bai family came towards him, he looked at his situation and said, "Is it a mistake?"

"I hit him on the back with a palm, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. He should have suffered a serious internal injury, but my hand seemed to be cold, and the flesh usually needs to be forced out, but it still can't be cleared. Clean, why is this?"

"I'm afraid this has a lot to do with the snow spirit in his body. At first, it was only because he had the snow spirit in his body. It seems that he swallowed the snow spirit."

"So I've been poisoned by the cold."

"I will find the best alchemist to help you refine the elixir to solve this poison."

"Thank you, Patriarch."

"Well! Go down and rest first."

At this moment, his hands were still trembling a little, and when he returned to his room, the cold had been forced out and he still looked like this, and he would even break out in cold sweat outside.

Ye Qingxuan knew that he would be like that, he didn't believe that anyone could get rid of this poison, the snow spirit soul in his body was completely different, did he think it was the small snow spirit soul they saw? That is Snow Emperor Essence.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room now, and he entered the ancient jade again. At this moment, Wanhuangzong saw Ye Qingxuan and said to him, "¨Stinky little (Nuo Hao) is all right?"

"It's okay, thanks to my strong meridians, otherwise his palm would definitely shatter all the meridians in my body."

Wan Huangzong smiled and said, "He would never want to know that you have the Snow Emperor's soul in your body. In fact, if it wasn't for that master just now, I would have planned to help you, although after helping you, I would change my mind." It is very weak, but it will recover after a while, I didn't expect that master from Cangshu Pavilion to make a move.".

Chapter 883 Decided to devour the soul of the fire spirit

There are many masters in every family, and the patriarch may not necessarily be the most powerful one.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I never thought that the elder from the Ye family who never left the library would appear and save me."

Ye Qingxuan is fine, but that guy is not going anywhere. The Ye family also came to the library, and he said, "Thank you for your help, otherwise the genius of my Ye family might be destroyed by their Bai family." injured."

"Although my duty is to guard Chang Suge of the Ye family, the children of the Ye family are also relevant to me, especially this Ye Qingxuan, he has such a high talent, I like him very much this time, 933 Although I I violated the precepts, but this is also a last resort.”

The Patriarch smiled and said, "Whether there is a commandment or not, it is all determined by the Patriarch. If you hadn't acted, the future of my Ye Family would have been ruined by the Bai Family."

"Although I will not change this rule, there are special circumstances. I don't think it is not a violation of the rules in this case."

Although this elder's seniority is higher than that of the family, and his ability is also very high, but the rule of their Ye family is that no matter how high your ability is, you must obey the orders of the Patriarch.

This is the rule of a family. If it is not like this (ccaa), wouldn't the family be over?

Obviously, the owner of the Ye family is not stupid. The Ye family he presides over is not bad. Since Ye Qingxuan was born, the Ye family has become even more powerful, and its current status has been rising.

Ye Qingxuan had already got the Fire Spirit Soul, he opened the box, saw the Fire Spirit Spirit and said, "This is the biggest one in there, I don't think it is the Fire Emperor Spirit Soul?"

"You brat is really smart, yes, he is indeed the soul of the Fire Emperor."

Ye Qingxuan didn't count in this way, he didn't follow the rules of the academy teacher, what he took was the soul of the fire spirit, and what the academy wanted was the soul of the fire spirit, and his own was the soul of the fire emperor.

Ye Qingxuan said, "What is the function of the Fire Emperor's soul?"

Wan Huangzong said, "It's the same as the Snow Spirit you used."

"You don't want me to devour him, and then cultivate your own meridians?"

"Stinky boy, you are really getting smarter and smarter, that's what I mean, let you devour him."

"I said, Master, are you crazy? Please forgive me. I just swallowed the spirit of snow. How can snow and fire be compatible?"

"Hahaha! If this matter is revealed, no one in this world will believe that the fire spirit spirit and snow spirit spirit can be fused together."

"Master, have you tried?"

"You think I have such a high talent, but what do you rely on? It's because of these two meridians, and I can be a master without suffering. The pain I suffered at that time was also great."

"Let me tell you, even Lin Feng doesn't know that I have such a talent. Actually, it's because I devoured these two kinds of spirits."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then master, you are really lucky to be able to find these two spirits."

Wan Huangzong said, "I'm not as lucky as you kid. The two types of spirits I got are actually the smallest ones, but the pain I endured is also great."

Ye Qingxuan knew very well, if he hadn't been able to bear such pain, how could the master know that he was in pain? So he knew that Wan Huangzong was not lying.

Chapter 884 Devouring Fire Spirit Essence

"Okay, I'll listen to you, I'll devour the spirit of the fire spirit, anyway, I'm going to stay at home these days, so let's do it for a while.

Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged, he decided to devour the spirit of the fire spirit immediately, and his body was also cross-legged on the bed.

The pain of devouring the spirit of fire is the same as that of devouring the spirit of snow. Ye Qingxuan has taken a medicinal bath before and also suffered the pain of devouring the soul of blood. Take it easy, he thought.

When he swallowed the spirit of the fire spirit, the spirit of the fire spirit entered his body in an instant, and entered the meridians in his body from his mouth. Ye Qingxuan felt a powerful energy emanating from his whole body. The heat, at this moment he felt as if he was being baked on the stove.

This kind of pain is completely different from the tingling pain of the blood flowing out of the soul. At that moment, there were big drops of sweat on the forehead, and the clothes on his body were instantly soaked.

Seeing that the place where his real body was sitting was already soaked with his sweat, Wan Huangzong was actually very worried about the sweat caused by the pain at this time, he knew that devouring the spirit of the fire spirit was still dangerous.

What's more, the soul of the fire spirit in Ye Qingxuan's body is the soul of the Fire Emperor, so his strength is even more ferocious, constantly wandering and burning in his meridians, because Ye Qingxuan's meridians have now merged with the blood essence, so in front of him The burning of the spirit of the fire spirit will not cause any harm to the meridians.

The spirit of the fire spirit was conquered by Ye Qingxuan's meridians, and gradually he became more stable. He was not so manic. At first, he ran back and forth in his body, and kept burning his meridians. Now it seems~ Much better.

Ye Qingxuan had been in his room for a whole day without coming out. At this time, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan felt very curious, worried that something would happen to Ye Qingxuan. The two knocked on the door but there was no response, so they had to forcefully open the door, and found Ye Qingxuan sitting there. It seems that he has entered the state of cultivation, and the two of them are guessing that he may be practicing.

At this time, they reported this matter to the Patriarch and Ye Qingxuan's father. When they saw this situation, it seemed that they were indeed cultivating, so they immediately ordered someone to guard the place and not allow anyone to approach it.

····Ask for flowers 00

Ye Qingxuan's father said, "This state will only appear when you enter the bottleneck. Could it be that Ye Qingxuan is going to be promoted again?"

Of course the people of the Ye family are happy, so this place must be well guarded, and the so-called Ye family has begun to be strict. Now that the Bai family wants to start, it is simply impossible. The Bai family also knows that the first One time, the Lion and Beast Ye family will definitely be vigilant, and they also know that the master of the Ye family, Su Ge, has already appeared.


It was the people he sent who ran fast, and they might lose their lives there. He knew very well how powerful the one in the library was.

The reason why the Patriarch of the Bai family sent someone there was because he knew that the master of the Ye family would not walk out of the Library Pavilion easily, but he didn't expect to alarm him this time. It seems that this Ye Qingxuan is very important to the Ye family.

Ye Qingxuan was still practicing in the house. At this moment, there were big drops of sweat on his forehead. Of course, this was his real forehead. Now his whole body was soaked. Even so, no one dared to disturb him. They didn't know that Ye Qingxuan was Devouring the soul of the fire spirit, I only know that he may have encountered a bottleneck during his cultivation.

Chapter 885 Anxiously Waiting

The spirit of the fire spirit in his body, although much gentler, still wanders over his meridians, you must know that he has swallowed the spirit of blood, blood and fire are naturally incompatible . So these two energies were fighting in his body, causing Ye Qingxuan even more pain.

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