It's time for practice, so he went out. At this time, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan were waiting for him outside the cultivation tower. When Ye Wuxuan saw Ye Qingxuan coming out, he went up to him and said, "Hey, the fourth What does layer feel like?"

"I don't feel anything, it's just that there is a huge coercive force, and there is a lot of aura there, which is much more abundant than the first floor, so you can't go up, if you really go up Unbearable."

"Because of course we can't afford it now, but we will work hard and hope that before long, we can also enter the fourth floor."

Jiugu said, "Come on, how long has that **** been here, and he hasn't entered the fourth floor, so we are still early."

"I said, can you stop suppressing me? I'm even less confident when you say that."



Jiu Gu said, "What insights did you gain from the academy this time?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's the most advanced Phantom Sword Art."

"What are you talking about, the most advanced Phantom Sword Art, can you get it?"

Ye Wuxuan also said, "Yes, as far as I know, even the most talented disciples of the academy can't get this book down. How did you do it? I heard that the Phantom Sword Art contains quite a lot of energy."


"Maybe this exercise is very interesting to me, so I just stretched out my hand, and he followed me out."

"Hehehe, it seems that this is really the case. Otherwise, it would be impossible to obtain the Phantom Sword Art with your current ability."

The reason why they didn't believe it was not because even Wuchen couldn't take it down. With this opinion, when Ye Qingxuan took down the Phantom Sword Art, the person guarding Changshu Pavilion was also very shocked.

But they have regulations here, as long as the disciples or anyone from the Pet Academy can take away the insights here, they can practice. Since Ye Qingxuan can take it, he can of course practice.

Chapter 840 Think Lin Feng is Strange

Phantom Sword Jue is considered a relatively advanced exercise in Chongwu Academy, and almost no one can take it out of this exercise, let alone take it down within Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation ability. It is enough to prove his strength.

Now on the fourth floor of the training tower, all the disciples are very envious, because there are many old students here who have not been able to enter the fourth floor of the "903" training tower, but Ye Qingxuan entered it alone On the fourth floor, of course there are many disciples who have gone out to practice. Some of them can enter, but they are not in the academy now.

After their strength level reaches a certain level, they will leave Chongwu Academy and Xuanxin Continent to practice on other continents. This is an extremely powerful test for them. After all, going out is based on personal ability , is not within the protection scope of the academy, this can prove their strength.

After Ye Qingxuan got the Phantom Sword Art, although these people were shocked, they also knew that since they could get this book, it meant that Ye Qingxuan could practice it, otherwise he would never have the chance to take him away.

That guy Lin Feng has left here now, because he didn't find any trace of clues here, nor did he sense any trace of magic energy.

So he thought that the magic sword was not here at all, maybe he was thinking too much about Wuchen, he would not take the magic sword at first, if he really found the magic sword, I am afraid that this matter has already been said. Are you still pretending here?

Wuchen said to Huaying next to him, "I think it's very strange, this Lin Feng came at this time, and he didn't stay here for a long time, so he turned around and left him. What's the important thing?"

"Don't say you think it's weird, even I think it's weird. Usually he only comes once a year, but this year he comes many times. Every time he comes, he has his own reasons, but this time it's actually Come to inquire about the demon clan."

"I don't think it's strange that he inquired about the demon clan. After all, his master is Wanhuangzong, and he should have such a heart of integrity, so he wants to get rid of the demon clan, but he is just a A craftsman, his cultivation level is not high, though he is quite positive...."

Huaying thought for a while, "Maybe he wants to use his influence to attract more masters to deal with these demons."

They didn't talk about Lin Feng behind his back, but felt that it was really strange that he came here this time.

At night, Ye Qingxuan returned to his room. Before he entered the blood jade, he was in the same room as the other disciples. Now he is completely alone in the room.

Of course, all of these are dust-free arrangements, if you are afraid that other disciples will disturb Ye Qingxuan's cultivation, because after all, disciples like them are likely to enter the state of 5.6 to cultivation at night.

Ye Qingxuan's current position is in a room alone, which is indeed a good thing for him, and there is no one living next to him.

Ye Qingxuan entered the ancient jade and continued to practice the Heavenly Level Burning Jue. After practicing for so long, he finally got a clue. This is really hard enough. He hasn't even learned the first level yet.

Chapter 841 The Benefits of Ancient Jade

Mo Batian in Demon Sword knows very well that in a short period of time, no matter how talented you are, it is impossible to practice Burning Heaven Art. It is difficult for old people to practice at the first level, but he is very interested in Ye Qingxuan in front of him. He is very confident that with his talent, there will be absolutely no problem in practicing Fen Jue.

But Ye Qingxuan had a breakthrough and did not continue to practice in a hurry, but took out the Phantom Sword Jue that he got in Chang Suge today. It is much simpler than literature, there is no harm without comparison, and it seems to be true.

After Wu Chen returned to his room and thought about Lin Feng, he remembered the sword, so he went to look for the sword, but he couldn't find him. He put it in this place, but it was empty here , how is this possible? Will the sword disappear out of thin air, or that naughty disciple took it for fun.

Let him do whatever he wants, anyway, he doesn't plan to make a contract with that weapon, so he doesn't care where the weapon goes, whoever likes it can take it.

Ye Qingxuan began to practice Phantom Sword Art. For this insight, he had to practice from the basics first. Of course, he had to master the basic insights. After mastering the basic insights, he could formally step into the practice of insights.

Ye Qingxuan is really a busy person now, besides cultivating in the cultivation tower during the day, he also has to do other things, and at night he has to practice in the blood jade.

In addition to refining weapons and refining medicine, there are also these sword art exercises and so on, so he can be said to be the most tiring one. Even so, he didn't feel that his body had any meaning, but felt that his body was full of energy. Refreshing, that's why he was in the blood jade.

Ye Qingxuan found that his practice in the blood jade seemed to be the same as resting, so it didn't affect anything the next day. Ye Qingxuan asked, "Master, why do I feel this way? I'm obviously in the state of practicing day and night. There is no trace of matching, but I feel that my body is particularly refreshing."

Wan Huangzhong took a sip of water leisurely. In fact, he has a touch of spiritual consciousness, so he doesn't need to drink water at all. Ye Qingxuan knew that this was his hobby during his lifetime, so he did this kind of behavior, so he never mentioned it. this matter.

"It's the same as having a dream when you are here. If you think about it, you are sleeping normally. Would you not have a dream? And the benefit of the blood jade is that your body is resting outside, and the spiritual consciousness is in the Practicing inside is completely like dreaming."

"It turned out to be like this, I said, no matter how long I stayed here, I felt very relaxed all over my body, so I was sleeping.

Ye Qingxuan's cultivation is constantly improving, and the problem of 903 Ye family has been solved, the most important thing for him now is to complete the task of the True Spirit Pagoda.

He has already found the Tianji Fenjue, and the only thing missing is the purple gold sword. Ye Qingxuan used his own one-key tracking, but he has never found this sword. He is wondering where this sword will appear.

After finishing everything in the blood jade, he returned to his room, and it was already late at night, Ye Qingxuan lay down on his head, closed his eyes and opened them again, it was already the next morning, Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and Jiugu all came, and there was a knock on the door.

Chapter 842 The first is to go out to try

Ye Qingxuan got up from the bed and opened the door, "What are you doing? So many people came to see me early in the morning."

Ye Wuxuan said with a smile, "You are so tall, come out quickly, the morning exercise is about to start."

Ye Qingxuan simply wiped his face and walked with them. Every morning when he went out, he would do morning exercises. The knight Ye Qingxuan was not interested in morning exercises at all. He didn't think morning exercises would do him any good?

However, he still came here with Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others, and the disciples did not leave after the morning practice.

Wuchen and Huaying stood in front and said, "It's been a long time since you came to Chongwu Academy, and it's time for you to practice for the first time."

All the disciples are listening, this time they are going to go out to practice, so they naturally want to know where to go to practice.

Wuchen continued, "The location of this experience is the Snow Valley of the Xuanxin Continent, where there is a thing called the Snow Essence Soul, which is very difficult to form, and it is difficult to find a task for you after ten thousand years of formation. It is to find the snow essence in the snow valley, and then bring it back〃."

"The snow spirit soul is extremely cold, so it needs a special carrier. It is absolutely impossible for you to bring it back empty-handed. This thing is specially carried in the snow spirit soul."

"All disciples are ready to set off immediately, and today is the best time to set off."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Teacher, will you go with us?"

"We will not follow you in the future experience. With your current ability, you should be able to stand alone, so this time to choose stocks depends on your unity and coping ability."

It seems that this time it is entirely up to them to go to the snow valley to find the snow spirit soul. Ye Qingxuan heard that it is extremely cold, and it seems to be very useful for him to practice literature.

They are going to organize their things now, because everyone has their own storage ring. Although the space is not large, it is still possible to accommodate the items they need on the road.

Ye Qingxuan's interspatial ring is different. His interspatial ring is very large. Even if he doesn't have such a space, the ring can definitely obtain such a interspatial ring with his own refining skills.

Now his identity as a weapon refiner has not been reported at all. Everyone only knows that he is a pharmacist and a martial artist, and no one knows that he still has the identity of a weapon refiner.

They were ready and set off immediately. Since there was no mentor accompanying them this time, these disciples traveled together, and they all wore casual clothes for this trip, and no one would wear the clothes of Chongwu Academy.

Leaving here happily, Wu Chen said, "¨¨We still have to follow up quietly, after all, this is their first time going out to experience, we still need to see how strong their abilities (Nuo's good) are. "

They were not in a hurry, after all, they were using the flying technique, which was very fast, while Ye Qingxuan and his disciples were walking forward, so they could wait until these places were far away before setting off in time.

I talked and laughed along the way, but it didn't delay their journey at all. After passing through a series of mountains, Jiugu pointed forward, "According to what is shown on the map, the front of this mountain range will reach the location of the snow region. ".

Chapter 843 Entering the Snow Region

Ye Qingxuan also glanced at the map, it was indeed exactly as Jiugu said, they would be able to reach the snowy area in a short time.

Ye Wuxuan said, "This is really great. We will arrive at the Snow Valley soon after arriving in the snow region. This is a good thing for us, but it's very cold here. We all brought clothes, how about you?"

The disciples over there said that they had brought all of them, who would dare not bring clothes when they came to Snow Valley, after all, it was extremely cold here.

One side is hot summer, and the other side is ice and snow. They were really shocked when they saw the scene of 903. Ye Qingxuan thought that even if there was a difference in temperature, the difference would not be so big. It seems that this has a lot to do with the snow essence big relationship.

When they arrived here, everyone had already changed their clothes, and they walked in here. In this snowy area, the white snow was everywhere, and there was no other color in sight. There were rows of footprints on it.

Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, this place is so big and everywhere is white, where can I find a snow essence soul? Besides, we haven't seen (ccfg) Snow Spirit, what does it look like?

Jiu Gu said, "Should we search separately? After all, most of these people are together, and the places they are looking for are all the same. It is a waste of time."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "But I don't know what danger will be here. After all, the mentor didn't come with us this time, so we must be careful."

Ye Fengxuan said, "I think what Ye Qingxuan said is right. After all, we have just entered here, and we don't know what dangers will arise here. I think it's better to wait."

They walked forward cautiously, there was no snow here, because today is a sunny day, they walked forward and climbed up the snow mountain, and there were trees one by one, obviously this place was before It is also green, but these trees are also covered by the snow.

At this moment, they heard a roar, the sound roared, and the sound vibrated the entire valley, Kutani looked at the valley below and said, "This is the legendary Snow Valley, and the snowy area is here, which means we still have to From here."

Ye Qingxuan and the others walked downhill slowly. After all, it was downhill, and the snow was very difficult. It was the roar just now, and the sound was definitely a beast. They didn't know where the beast would be. Clearly, it's just that it doesn't appear in front of them now.

Ye Qingxuan said, "It seems that there are not only monsters in the forest outside, but also monsters in this snow area, but I don't know what level the monsters here will be."

They slid down slowly, and then felt the ground tremble, and large flakes of snow slid down, all of them could not stand still, and all of them were slid down.

Even if they use the flying technique in this place, they may not be able to stabilize it, because there is nothing here, and if they cannot continue to fly, they cannot enter the snow valley smoothly.

In this chaotic scene, these disciples scattered, some shot and slid in that direction, and some slid in that direction, even if they pulled out their spiritual weapons, they couldn't control them from sliding forward speed.

Chapter 844 Can't Find Ye Qingxuan

When it fell to the bottom of the valley, it was buried by the thick snow, Ye Qingxuan arched out from the bottom, looked around and saw nothing, and the place he entered was actually a snow cave.

Looking around, the other disciples had disappeared. He walked towards the entrance of the cave, but he didn't find any other disciples. He didn't know where they were and what happened to them. But the roaring beast just now, he went to where?

Ye Qingxuan could see clearly that the violent vibration just now was caused by a big white bear. It was so huge that it trembled as it walked, causing the entire snow **** to slide down.

For this experience, Ye Qingxuan just hoped that he could quickly find that snow spirit spirit. This is not only the task of the academy, but also very useful to him. His mentor Ji De Wu Chen said that this thing is very difficult. It takes thousands of years to form, and I don't know where he will appear.

He was looking for this cave in this cave. It can be seen from the huge footprints above that this should be the hiding place of the bear beast, but how could the bear beast run up there? And he seemed very excited. Could it be that there is something here that he wants to protect?

Ye Qingxuan cautiously searched forward. The hole is very big and wide, and the inside is all white. The sunlight coming in from the hole makes it crystal clear. Originally, snowflakes would reflect light under the sunlight, but now It seems that this cave is really beautiful.

And there is another thing that he is very worried about, that is, the other disciples don't know where they are, whether they are in danger, and whether the huge bear beast has sent out to them, whether any of them can attack those disciples All this was his worry.

But he doesn't know exactly where they are now. When he rolled down, he moved in from a hole above the blood hole and buried himself in snow.

Chen and Huaying were watching all this from above the snowy area. Although the two of them were relatively far away, these disciples were in danger. The huge bear beast that they would definitely appear, watched these people slide down, and all of them were shocked. After being buried in the snow, it disappeared without a trace.

····Ask for flowers·····-······

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others all came out from the snow, and all the other disciples here also came out, all covered in snow, looking like snowmen one by one.

Jiugu said, "Are they all here? Why didn't you see Ye Qingxuan? Where did Ye Qingxuan go? Could it be that he was buried below?"

......... 0.......

Ye Wuxuan said, "That's right, where did Ye Qingxuan go? Why is there no sign of him?"

Situ Haoran said, "Shall we see if there is any figure of him under the snow?"

Just as Ye Fengxuan was about to yell loudly, Jiu Gu covered his mouth, and he said, "Don't yell here, but if your yelling in Snow Valley doesn't cause blood collapse, all the blood on it will fall to the ground. Then we'll all be buried here."

The immortal started looking for Ye Qingxuan to dig in these snowdrifts one by one, but if he didn't find any trace of Ye Qingxuan, it meant that Ye Qingxuan was not buried below, and they all came out, even if they were buried below, Ye Qingxuan himself would dig out , why? Where did Ye Qingxuan go? Door.

Chapter 845 Finding the Snow Spirit Soul

They thought that if they walked forward, they might be able to find Ye Qingxuan. Even if they rolled down from above, the distance between them would not be too far, so these people walked forward.

Wuchen said, "Ye Qingxuan also rolled towards that side, but I believe he will be fine."

They didn't make a move at this time, but waited and watched. Although it was high above, "Nine Zero Seven" would be fine if it rolled down. The bottom was covered with thick snow, and they couldn't fall to their death.

Even when encountering a monster, with Ye Qingxuan's ability, he can completely get out of trouble. Even the huge white bear Ye Qingxuan just now, his current cultivation level is like fighting, and his level is much stronger than these disciples. These disciples can't handle it Ye Qingxuan can definitely handle it, so the two of them sat on it steadily, not in a hurry.

These people walked towards the front of the snow valley, and shouted softly, hoping to get a response from Ye Qingxuan.

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