"Yes, yes, I will definitely do something for the Ye family."

It is said that no one in the Ye family has the ability to refine weapons, so this person can be said to be treated very high in the Ye family. The reason why he has not made any progress for so many years and still has not been kicked out of the Ye family. It's not because his talent is special. "

Those who have no ability will be kicked out of the inner courtyard of the Ye family and driven to work in the shops of their Ye family, so all the people here who have no cultivation base or those who have cultivation base but are not promoted are like this treatment.

Talented people may stay in the inner courtyard of the Ye family. Of course, all families are like this. After all, this is a world where martial arts are respected. If you want your family to be strong, you can only do so.

The Ye family is now stable, and the Situ family and Jiutianmen are very close to the Ye family. Now the only one who is isolated is the Bai family, and the virtue of the Bai family has not given up their refining skills, and now they are not as good as Ye home.

This is not enough in all aspects, the Patriarch of the Bai family is now thinking of using force to solve the Ye family, as long as the other two families of the Ye family are removed, it means nothing to him.

Some elders of the Bai family still objected, because they said that Baicaoyuan is the backing of the Ye family and is not easy to mess with, so we better not take it lightly.

But the Bai family doesn't seem to listen to it. He always wants to get rid of the Ye family quickly, so he finds fault intentionally or unintentionally. Cause conflict.

This day happened to be met by Qingyun from Baicao Garden, Qingyun knew that this person was from the Bai family, otherwise no one would have the guts to cause trouble here.

Chapter 834

Their superiors have already said that they are absolutely 100% flattering to a pharmacist like Ye Qingxuan, which is more important for them to make friends with Ye Qingxuan, and he doesn't know why, the owner of Baicao Garden is so impatient They want to find an extremely talented pharmacist, but since there are orders from above, they can only follow them.

"You actually dare to make trouble here."

Naturally, the disciples are also appointed, the people of Baicaoyuan, how could they dare to offend the people of Baicaoyuan? After all, Baicao Garden is very powerful, but they spread all over the continents, and it can be said that the whole world has their influence.

After a few people saw them, they turned around immediately and were ready to leave out of fear, but they were stopped directly by their people, and he said, "Go back and tell your family that this thing can only happen once, if there is another Next time, don't blame me on Baicaoyuan."

Those few people were scared to death. In fact, the Ye family can handle it with just these little guys, but they don't want to cause trouble.

When they hadn't gone far, at this time Qingyun said loudly again, "From now on, the affairs of the Ye family will be the affairs of my Baicaoyuan. Whoever wants to offend them should first consider whether they can offend my Baicaoyuan."

After they returned to the Bai family, they reported this matter to the head of the Bai family, but they didn't expect to help them out. Why? It really puzzled them.

So for a while, the Bai family stopped. At least they couldn't find a backer, and they couldn't deal with Baicao Garden, and at the same time, they couldn't touch the Ye family.

The Ye family is indeed much closer to Baicao Garden. Of course, he also knows that all of this is because of Ye Qingxuan. Without Ye Qingxuan, it would be impossible for the Ye family to have a relationship with Baicao Garden. , at most it is the relationship between buying and selling.

Wuchen and Huaying were sitting together, and the other disciples were doing their morning exercises. Wuchen said, "Did this matter just disappear like this? There was no trace of it, and the people of the demon clan actually have such extraordinary powers." ability."

Huaying said, "As long as they don't appear again, I think this big force will try its best to get rid of him no matter what the reason is, but now not only our other big forces are also looking for it. The traces of the demons, after all, their methods are too cruel, destroying other people's spiritual roots, let alone taking other people's spiritual power, and taking people's lives."


"This kind of thing can only be done by their demons."


Since Lin Feng's strength has been promoted, his ability to refine weapons has also improved a lot, but according to Ye Qingxuan's ability, there is still a big gap between them. After all, that guy has a bad mind. Although he has a certain talent, But compared with Ye Qingxuan, his talent is much worse.

He also knows that there is a new student in Chongwu Academy who is very talented, but he doesn't know Ye Qingxuan's ability. If he knows that he is also a craftsman, he doesn't know if he will be murderous. He knows Ye Qingxuan's ability It is to reach the spirit warrior, but he does not know that he has now broken through the spirit warrior and reached the big fighter.

The guy is already very jealous, even if Ye Qingxuan has nothing to do with refining art, he probably has this kind of jealousy.

Chapter 835 Lin Feng Comes Again

In fact, he didn't care about that day when he was refining the weapon. He knew that Wu Chen brought that brat with him. With his little ability, it is impossible to take away the magic sword, and it is even more impossible for him to think about Wuchen.

He was thinking, where did the magic sword go? No one else could come here that day except "Nine Zero Zero" Wuchen, and it is impossible for his subordinates to do such a thing. Now that I think about it, there is only one thing he can do, and that is to go to Chongwu Take a trip to the academy.

Having prepared the mount, which was prepared for him by his disciple, he turned his head and said, "You guys practice hard and I will go to Chongwu Academy, and I will be back in a short time."

"Yes, master."

After Lin Feng left here, his disciple said, "What happened to Master recently? Why does he always go out, and every time he goes out, he seems to go to Chongwu Academy."

"There must be something wrong. Although the master usually goes once a year, he takes us to compete with each other every time. He did go alone several times this year, but we'd better not talk about it. , if he hears about it, we may have a hard time."

It is precisely because Lin Feng is cruel and ruthless that he is such a person in the eyes of his disciples. As long as he is in a bad mood, he may take someone's knife, but he didn't take their lives.

The reason why these disciples were willing to be defeated by Lin Feng's sect was mainly because their master was none other than Wanhuangzong. If it wasn't Wanhuangzong, how could they have stayed here for such a long time? The originator of the instrument master.

Although this master was kind to others, he hadn't been seen for a long time, and he never came back after Si Dayun wandered out.

Even so, they followed Lin Feng to learn the art of refining, and indeed they mastered a lot of skills. At least they couldn't learn such abilities in other places. Although Lin Feng is indeed ruthless, he is not Being stingy, teaching these disciples what should be taught is nothing to him, because all of them are dull in talent, much worse than him.

He really thought that he had no selfishness, of course he had selfishness, so what if he handed it over to them, they still couldn't reach his own level, so he didn't care at all, if there were really disciples whose abilities surpassed his own, I'm afraid he would have moved kill heart....

This guy is so vicious that he doesn't even let his master go. One can imagine what kind of person he is.

Lin Feng came to Chongwu Academy to fight guys. He has been here several times this year. This time he was greeted by Wuchen. He was looking for Wuchen. He wanted to see if his magic sword was the go.

Lin Feng said, "I just came to see the spirit weapon that you forged last time. How is it?"

Wuchen smiled and said, "Speaking of the 5.6 spirit weapon last time, I really appreciate you, but you also know that I don't have a contract spirit weapon until now, the reason is because I always feel that these spirit weapons It’s not suitable for me, although your ability is very strong, which is recognized, but I still don’t feel that way, I think it’s better not to force it.”

"Haha, it's all up to you, anyway, it's your spiritual weapon, so it's up to you to make the decision.".

Chapter 836 Entering the Fourth Floor of the Training Tower

If Lin Feng hadn't appeared, Wuchen would have forgotten all about it long ago. He didn't even know where his spiritual weapon went, and he hadn't noticed that spiritual weapon for a long time. Knowing what Lin Feng is here for, it's not just to ask him if this spirit weapon fits his hand, right?

Ye Qingxuan and his disciples were doing morning exercises over there, Ye Qingxuan knew this guy would come, his purpose of coming here must be to know where the magic sword went, the person he should suspect would be Wuchen, definitely not him , because he knew that he could not take away the magic sword with his power.

Wan Huangzong in the blood jade said, "This guy has always been suspicious by nature, I think he should be suspicious of Wuchen."

Although Lin Feng is suspicious of Wuchen, he also knows that the person who gets the magic sword may absorb other people's spiritual power as he did before. Seeing that Wuchen has not changed in the slightest, his This idea was dispelled.

It seems that this person is indeed not him, and I haven't heard of anyone absorbing other people's spiritual weapons recently, so where did his sword go?

Wu Chen said to him, "Isn't this what you came here for? Just say what you have, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

"There's nothing to do, just take a look, and I heard about that incident recently, so I'm still a little worried. I just came to see if you have any news."

"Come and sit down first."

They sat down, Wuchen looked at the disciples in front of him and said, "The disciples of Chongwu Academy are really getting better and better. The little disciple you brought last time is also the most talented among all the disciples I saw." one of."

"Hehehe, you're really right, that Ye Qingxuan is indeed the most talented among the new disciples of our Chongwu Academy."

"Okay, don't be humble anymore, how could it be that among the new disciples, I think this is a genius that is rare in ten thousand years."

"As far as his talent is concerned, this is indeed the case, but no one can tell clearly how he will develop afterwards. Is it hard to say whether it is a rare event in a million years?"

"As for his talent, it is already rare in ten thousand years. Let's not talk about anything else. Looking at that brat, it seems that he has improved again."

"Your disciples are not bad either. All of them are craftsmen, but they are extremely precious in this world."

"Actually, I have nothing else to come here, just for this matter. If you have any news, don't forget to let me know in time. I must solve this matter. If it's not for anything else, it's just for my teacher. I want to do the same."

"Your master Wanhuangzong is indeed a remarkable figure, but it's a pity that he hasn't come back since wandering in the clouds, and he is at ease."

Lin Feng smiled at 900 and said, "Family teachers have always been like this!"

He chatted a few words here again about Wu Chen, and he didn't stay even if he wanted him to stay. He can conclude that the magic sword is not here, because he has magic energy on him, and he has not sensed a trace of magic energy.

How did he know that the magic sword was trapped in the blood jade and could not get out at all, but Ye Qingxuan could enter the fourth floor of the training tower today, and he is now the first-level strength of a great fighter.

** Said to Ye Qingxuan, "We have been in this academy for so long, and no one can enter the fourth floor. You are the first person, and you are the only one in the entire fourth floor.".

Chapter 837 Realization of Spiritual Consciousness

Ye Wuxuan said, "That's right, we didn't move at the same place, you're going straight up, the speed is simply too fast."

Ye Qingxuan said, "You guys have to work harder."

Ye Qingxuan took big strides and walked directly towards the fourth-floor tower. The others were helpless. There was no way. Who would let him be a genius? Jiugu said to Ye Fengxuan, "We can't compare with him, but we can't compare You have to work hard, so as not to pull too much away from him."

"I think that even if we stay up all day and night and practice it for ten or eight years, we can't catch up with this guy."

"Hahaha! Although these words are a bit exaggerated, they are telling the truth, let's go, let's go in."

All of them have entered the training tower to practice. The reason why Ye Qingxuan is so powerful is not because he has a full-level one. Now he is only allowed to use the skills of the Pet Academy in Chongwu Academy.

But when he walked out of the Pet Academy, he had a lot of skills. In addition to the Ye family's peerless skills, he also had the skills in Chongwu Academy. When he entered the library, his skills have reached the top level. When reading those books, this shocked the guards, but as long as the disciples can take them away, they can practice. This is the rule, no matter how high the level of the exercise is.

As for Ye Qingxuan's every move, the dean of Chongwu Academy knew very well, and he let him take it, after all, he was the most talented disciple in Chongwu Academy.

Leaving aside whether Ye Qingxuan's cultivation has reached the level of a great fighter, just relying on his status as a pharmacist is enough to prove how strong his ability is, and his current ability has reached it, and even a great fighter has surpassed ** , and more than a lot, that's why Ye Qingxuan is the most talented one here.

After entering the fourth floor, the spiritual power here is very strong. Wanhuangzong said, "Follow my feeling, and go wherever I tell you to go〃."

Under the guidance of his master, Ye Qingxuan came to this corner. He took a look and said, "Hey, are you sure this is the place? This is the most remote corner. here."

"Don't worry, although this place is remote, it is the most abundant place for Ling Li, so you can sit here firmly."

Ye Qingxuan sat down and entered the state of cultivation. The next second he entered the blood jade, but at this moment he found that Wanhuangzong became much clearer, as if a real person appeared in front of him.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Wan Huang in front of him and said, "¨¨What's the situation, why have you changed?"

"It's not because the spiritual power here is relatively abundant, which is a good thing for me, so my spiritual knowledge has materialized."

"That's not bad. It seems that cultivating here is a great thing for you, but there is one thing I want to ask you, what level do I have to go to (Nuo's) to let you Have a body of your own."

"Boy, you still have a conscience. Remember your master, I am not in a hurry for you. If you want to have such strength, you must at least break through the third level of a senior alchemist."

Ye Qingxuan said, "The third floor of the senior alchemist, it won't be long before I can reach this period, I will definitely work hard, and then I will find a more handsome corpse for you, what do you think?".

Chapter 838 The Alchemist's Special Ability

"It's good, but I don't want to do this kind of murder."

"I think it's better to forget it. Why don't you just go to the random graveyard and find a corpse, some beggar's, or one with pus all over the face, and just use it to deal with it."

"You brat."

"I'm just kidding you, don't worry, I will definitely find someone you like better."

"Even if you are a brat, you still have some conscience, but you don't have to worry about one thing, as long as the figure of that person is similar to my original figure, as for this appearance, it will gradually become what I am now. appearance."

Ye Qingxuan was shocked, there is such a change in operation, which is too powerful, "Based on my ability of refining medicine, I definitely have this ability, but I believe you will also have such ability."

This incident really made Ye Qingxuan unbelievable. He never thought that he could turn others into his own appearance. This is simply too powerful. He really wanted to know how it was done.

Wan Huangzong said to Ye Qingxuan, "In fact, to do this, you must have the spiritual consciousness of the original person, so that you will have the appearance in his memory, otherwise it will not be possible."

Ye Qingxuan understood the meaning of the master, what he meant was that it would be impossible for another person to change into another person's appearance, only if the spiritual consciousness in the corpse belonged to the previous person, would it be possible to change into the appearance of the previous person. The person's appearance.

How could he be so smart and fail to figure it out? So he can figure it out as soon as he thinks about it. Now here he continues to practice and practice his spiritual power. His weapon refining technique can reach a certain level, and his alchemy technique is now being promoted.

In addition to cultivating these two abilities of his own, he is also preparing to practice Fenjue. As long as he has mastered the first level of Fenjue, he can complete it with one click to reach the full level, and he will not go crazy at all.

But he found that the first level of the Tianji Burning Jue is very difficult to practice (ccfg), so it seems to him that it will take a long time to practice, but he is not in a hurry. Even if it is picked up by others on the ground, it is useless.

Because not everyone can practice, some people can practice but are prone to madness, some people can't practice at all, what a talent he is, he can't succeed in the first level of cultivation like this, only the basic skill of one sword How difficult the law is.

Wan Huangzhong knew that Ye Qingxuan had the idea of ​​cultivating this heaven-level divine art, and he didn't stop it. Wasn't this exercise a magical exercise? It just depends on the ability of the cultivator, so he trusts his disciple very much. He believes that there will be absolutely no problem in practicing with his ability, and he will never go crazy, even if he goes crazy, he will still be there.

He knew that the Demon Batian in the magic sword might be defeated, so his purpose was to use Ye Qingxuan's body to let him break through the seal? It's a pity, pay attention to the wrong type, if he hits someone else, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope for hitting Ye Qingxuan, I'm afraid there is no hope at all.

Mo Batian saw Ye Qingxuan started to practice Fenjue, so he was very happy, because at least this person's physique and talent were much better than that of Lin Feng, so he felt that this Ye Qingxuan was more useful. I'm happy, if I can't use it back, I still have to use Lin Feng.

Chapter 839 Phantom Sword Art

That is to say, he would choose Lin Feng if he took the second place. That guy Lin Feng couldn't practice the Fenjue at all, so he didn't give him this exercise at that time, but let him rely on the spiritual power of those people to improve his ability That's all.

However, if Ye Qingxuan can cultivate successfully and possess magic energy, it will undoubtedly be a great thing for him. Isn't it easy to break through the divine weapon? It was simply a breeze.

When Ye Qingxuan was practicing the Fenjue, he felt that his whole body was covered with flames, except for himself, and the area he was in was also covered with burning flames, even in the sky above~ a big scorching fireball .

He retreated after entering several times, precisely because of the scorching heat that he couldn't bear, it seems that it is really not an easy task to become the number one.

But he wasn't in a hurry, he was thinking that since this guy is extremely hot, wouldn't it be easier to find extremely cold things?

He really didn't understand how Mo Batian could bear it at that time, he could bear such an ability, to be honest, he still admired this guy from the bottom of his heart, after all, he couldn't bear it himself, so He hasn't entered the first floor until now, and he was thinking that if he could find something extremely cold, he might be able to do it.

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